Why can't Public Assistance increase?

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Never happen in a million years. This conspiracy nonsense is a straw man. Companies don't get together and drive down wages. They compete against each other and try to make their own company more successful than the others.

Hey Koch whore. you ever hear of Walmart? Walmart manipulates prices on all sides.
When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Learn a trade and start your own business.

Learn a trade

Do tradesmen make a living wage?

They do just fine with no complaints.

and start your own business.

Good luck! All facets of service and retail are monopolized by big corporations. Your only hope is a niche business or some type that the big guys aren't filling.

Yes, like the construction trade. You can work for yourself with less than a thousand dollars startup money. I have several relatives that work for themselves. You can learn to be an electrician, a carpenter, a remodeler, a bricklayer, you can buy lawn equipment and start your own lawn company, learn HVAC, a number of things.

But will you make any money?
the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.

Why do you keep crowing about that? Do you think it causes readers to take you more seriously, or less?

I'm setting the record straight.

Is it because you think it gives your arguments more credibility? Are we supposed to take your claims as 'insider knowledge' or something?
Olive garden's main goal is to turn a profit. Their mission statement is about giving back to the community, and if they turn a profit, they do give to the community. If they dont turn a profit, they close the restaursant and give nothing back to the community. It is clear which is the higher priority.

Nope, try again.
But will you make any money?

If you can't, then that explains why companies can't pay you this so-called living wage.

After all, if you can't make a living wage doing X taking on all the responsibilities that an employer would take, how would you expect an employer to make money after paying you this wage you couldn't create for yourself?
Olive garden's main goal is to turn a profit. Their mission statement is about giving back to the community, and if they turn a profit, they do give to the community. If they dont turn a profit, they close the restaursant and give nothing back to the community. It is clear which is the higher priority.

Nope, try again.

Please enlighten me. I checked their website for their mission statement. There was nothing about their main goal, though. Google also failed to find their main goal. I'm stumped
the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.
Sooo...you're proud of the fact that you, and your compatriots are trying to turn the United States into an oligarchy? REALLY?????

I've NEVER voted for a Republican, so NO.
"I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class". You chose OnePercenter as your name, and you are proud of being a member of the "ruling rich". That is an oligarchy - government ruled by the rich elite, and that has nothing to do with Republican, Democrat, or any other party label you would like to use.

You're an oligarch, and proud of it.

Except for the fact that I'm pro middle class.

Republicans (since 1970) are the ones that made the rich richer and are the cause of wage disparity. I've explained this many times.
Olive garden's main goal is to turn a profit. Their mission statement is about giving back to the community, and if they turn a profit, they do give to the community. If they dont turn a profit, they close the restaursant and give nothing back to the community. It is clear which is the higher priority.

Nope, try again.

Please enlighten me. I checked their website for their mission statement. There was nothing about their main goal, though. Google also failed to find their main goal. I'm stumped

Selling wine!
Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

When you have to quote one of the most infamous sociopathic murderous criminals in U.S. history - you've lost the argument.

Just look at the people you align yourself with. I stand with the like of Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson, and Milton Friedman. You stand with the likes of Al "Scarface" Capone. Enough said.
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

Well - since conservatives are appalled by anyone interfering with the free market, we fully support ending any and all "corporate welfare". Now, liberals claim to be appalled by "corporate welfare" but then demand bailouts for "too big to fail" corporations and still celebrate to this day how Obama threw billions of dollars and Solyndra, GM, and Chrysler (we won't even get into Wall Street and others).

If you people would stop lying and actually back up your words - then all of America would oppose "corporate welfare" and it would end over night.
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

There is no Corporate Welfare. It's a term invented by the left to demonize tax breaks. Taking less money from people or companies is not welfare in any sense of the word.

You ARE a Koch whore.......
Says the idiot who forms their economic philosophies from the deranged quotes of murderous sociopath Al Capone... :eusa_doh:
Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

When you have to quote one of the most infamous sociopathic murderous criminals in U.S. history - you've lost the argument.

Just look at the people you align yourself with. I stand with the like of Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson, and Milton Friedman. You stand with the likes of Al "Scarface" Capone. Enough said.

He actually wrote that in the 40's, and it's truer today than ever.

Today's mob = Google
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

Well - since conservatives are appalled by anyone interfering with the free market, we fully support ending any and all "corporate welfare". Now, liberals claim to be appalled by "corporate welfare" but then demand bailouts for "too big to fail" corporations and still celebrate to this day how Obama threw billions of dollars and Solyndra, GM, and Chrysler (we won't even get into Wall Street and others).

If you people would stop lying and actually back up your words - then all of America would oppose "corporate welfare" and it would end over night.

Bloviating. There is no free market.
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

Well - since conservatives are appalled by anyone interfering with the free market, we fully support ending any and all "corporate welfare". Now, liberals claim to be appalled by "corporate welfare" but then demand bailouts for "too big to fail" corporations and still celebrate to this day how Obama threw billions of dollars and Solyndra, GM, and Chrysler (we won't even get into Wall Street and others).

If you people would stop lying and actually back up your words - then all of America would oppose "corporate welfare" and it would end over night.

Bloviating. There is no free market.
Thanks to you socialists - there is some tragic truth to that.
Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

When you have to quote one of the most infamous sociopathic murderous criminals in U.S. history - you've lost the argument.

Just look at the people you align yourself with. I stand with the like of Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson, and Milton Friedman. You stand with the likes of Al "Scarface" Capone. Enough said.

He actually wrote that in the 40's, and it's truer today than ever.

Today's mob = Google
Really? How many people has Google muredered? How many people has Google horribly beaten? How many people has Google extorted?

Basically what you're saying is that you are insanely envious of successful people. What a shame.
That's what seems nuts to me. Minimum wages laws make these jobs illegal. If both employer and employee can agree on a wage why does it need to be illegal?

Minimum wage laws make it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.
NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?

When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Remember what Al penned?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

A jacket is not a job.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Price fixing is illegal and prosecuted.
the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.
Sooo...you're proud of the fact that you, and your compatriots are trying to turn the United States into an oligarchy? REALLY?????

I've NEVER voted for a Republican, so NO.

So if there isn't a "D" or an "R" after the name on the ballot, you have no clue as to who you are going to cast your vote? I am shocked...SHOCKED I SAY!
What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Never happen in a million years. This conspiracy nonsense is a straw man. Companies don't get together and drive down wages. They compete against each other and try to make their own company more successful than the others.

Hey Koch whore. you ever hear of Walmart? Walmart manipulates prices on all sides.

So that's why consumer prices DROP when a Walmart enters a new area. Got it!

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