Why can't Public Assistance increase?

If you would have done it right you'd have a Coyote Ugly on your hands.

Any successful restaurateur understands the main goal of Olive Garden. So tell us, what is it?

Well, since there is no alcohol sold or served in our county, I don't think we could ever be a Coyote Ugly. Although, due to our presence, the town is looking at possibly allowing beer and wine sales in eateries. A couple of other cities nearby have done this recently.

And again... I thought I told you before... I couldn't care less about Olive Garden's goals. I assume, like most free market capitalists, it is to make maximum profits... that's my goal. Since they mainly serve pasta dishes and I happen to know through my bistro that pasta is relatively cheap, I'll guess the "mystery answer" you seek is to provide the cheapest food at lowest cost?

But again... It really makes NO difference to me. I don't ever worry about other people's goals. I'm not trying to build an Olive Garden. My bistro is something completely different. And guess what else? Before this venture, I have absolutely zero experience with restaurants. I've opened all kinds of stores and companies but never a restaurant. That's why I wanted to do it. I have to be challenged in life, it's really boring otherwise.

You see... I learned a long time ago... there are all kinds of people out there who have always dreamed of owning/operating their own restaurant. They'll never do it because they are afraid of failure. They make all kinds of excuses to never follow through on their own dream. That's kind of sad to me.... YOLO... Right?

So here I am, I don't have this life-long dream to own/operate my own restaurant... I'm just an entrepreneur who likes a challenge. I've never done it, I have thought about it and wanted to learn more about it. I guess you could say it was on my bucket list? So now, I am ass deep in the restaurant business and my venture is doing well.

I'll probably end up selling it to someone who's life-long dream is to own/operate a restaurant.
Except for the fact that I'm pro middle class.

Republicans (since 1970) are the ones that made the rich richer and are the cause of wage disparity. I've explained this many times.

Right, because wage disparity should be eliminated or greatly reduced by government taking money from those who made it in the first place.

But liberals have absolutely nothing to do with companies moving out of the country.
To the OP:

Why not put all americans on public assistance? Why not have the government confiscate all income from all citizens and then dole it back out as the rulers see fit?

That is the end game of your foolish rant. You want Marxist collectivism (look it up).

The problem is that when you take away the incentive to improve ones station in life, the society collapses because no one bothers to work, and if they do work they do a shitty job.
Really? There was a time in our nation where poverty was zero? When was that?

The St Reagan years of course, when everything was abso-fucking-lutely perfect.
Amen to that! The Reagan years really were perfect. We had the most powerful military in the world. The strongest economy. A real leader in the White House. And actual Constitutional rights. It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen.
To this point, this country has essentially ignored the ramifications of the technology-driven increases in productivity, and how it will take millions of people out of the work force.

Technology is meant to decrease work load. Well, here we are.

We can continue to ignore this if we want. We do love to put stuff off and then act in hysterical crisis mode.
That's what seems nuts to me. Minimum wages laws make these jobs illegal. If both employer and employee can agree on a wage why does it need to be illegal?

Minimum wage laws make it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.
NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?
When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Remember what Al penned?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Why don't you try answering my question instead of dodging it with counter question. Don't expact me to answer it, not yet. I'll gladly answer your question, only after you answer mine.

Also, you keep talking about "living wage", while at the same time avoiding the questions about it. See post #406.

And third, your reply format sucks. If you quote someone, don't copy it, put it properly in the quote, because the way you're doing it sometimes makes it look like you said it. If you don't know how, I'm sure there are plenty of us who will help you.
Really? There was a time in our nation where poverty was zero? When was that?

The St Reagan years of course, when everything was abso-fucking-lutely perfect.
Amen to that! The Reagan years really were perfect. We had the most powerful military in the world. The strongest economy. A real leader in the White House. And actual Constitutional rights. It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen.
Actually, I agree to some point. We should have a President who will raise taxes during 7 of their 8 years in office. On the other hand, you know the guy did triple the Federal budget deficit. Ya know why he raised taxes 7 times? Because after the one tax cut he enacted, unemployment soared to 10.8%, and income inequality exploded. So, he used the rest of his time in office to clean up the clusterfuck he created.

Then there was his cutting of federal spending. Oh, wait...he didn't do that. Actually, Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan. He bailed out Social Security in 1983 after attempting to privatize it, and set up a progressive taxation system to keep it funded into the future. He promised to cut government agencies like the Department of Energy and Education but ended up adding one of the largest — the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, which today has a budget of nearly $90 billion and close to 300,000 employees. He also hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to a level not seen since the height of the Vietnam war.

And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

Yeah...I think we really do need another President like Reagan, Don't you, P@triot?
Really? There was a time in our nation where poverty was zero? When was that?

The St Reagan years of course, when everything was abso-fucking-lutely perfect.
Amen to that! The Reagan years really were perfect. We had the most powerful military in the world. The strongest economy. A real leader in the White House. And actual Constitutional rights. It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen.
Actually, I agree to some point. We should have a President who will raise taxes during 7 of their 8 years in office. On the other hand, you know the guy did triple the Federal budget deficit. Ya know why he raised taxes 7 times? Because after the one tax cut he enacted, unemployment soared to 10.8%, and income inequality exploded. So, he used the rest of his time in office to clean up the clusterfuck he created.

Then there was his cutting of federal spending. Oh, wait...he didn't do that. Actually, Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan. He bailed out Social Security in 1983 after attempting to privatize it, and set up a progressive taxation system to keep it funded into the future. He promised to cut government agencies like the Department of Energy and Education but ended up adding one of the largest — the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, which today has a budget of nearly $90 billion and close to 300,000 employees. He also hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to a level not seen since the height of the Vietnam war.

And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

Yeah...I think we really do need another President like Reagan, Don't you, P@triot?
Except that everything you just said was a lie. Taxes were lower when he left office than when started, junior. Sorry. He slashed taxes deeply immediately (which is what lead to the economic boom) then raised them slightly to help rebuild the military that Jimmy Carter had devasted.
And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

And why is it you people are so obsessed with granting amnesty? I mean - liberals are the party of unions. Job protection - right? Why would you want 20 million people with the potential to take jobs away from American's at a time when there aren't many jobs thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats job-killing policies? And why would you liberals want to reward criminals with the highest reward imaginable?

Could it be that libtard realize they can't win clean elections and that they need people from other countries to win? :dunno:
And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

And why is it you people are so obsessed with granting amnesty? I mean - liberals are the party of unions. Job protection - right? Why would you want 20 million people with the potential to take jobs away from American's at a time when there aren't many jobs thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats job-killing policies? And why would you liberals want to reward criminals with the highest reward imaginable?

Could it be that libtard realize they can't win clean elections and that they need people from other countries to win? :dunno:
But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Really? There was a time in our nation where poverty was zero? When was that?

The St Reagan years of course, when everything was abso-fucking-lutely perfect.
Amen to that! The Reagan years really were perfect. We had the most powerful military in the world. The strongest economy. A real leader in the White House. And actual Constitutional rights. It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen.
Actually, I agree to some point. We should have a President who will raise taxes during 7 of their 8 years in office. On the other hand, you know the guy did triple the Federal budget deficit. Ya know why he raised taxes 7 times? Because after the one tax cut he enacted, unemployment soared to 10.8%, and income inequality exploded. So, he used the rest of his time in office to clean up the clusterfuck he created.

Then there was his cutting of federal spending. Oh, wait...he didn't do that. Actually, Reagan promised “to move boldly, decisively, and quickly to control the runaway growth of federal spending,” but federal spending “ballooned” under Reagan. He bailed out Social Security in 1983 after attempting to privatize it, and set up a progressive taxation system to keep it funded into the future. He promised to cut government agencies like the Department of Energy and Education but ended up adding one of the largest — the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, which today has a budget of nearly $90 billion and close to 300,000 employees. He also hiked defense spending by over $100 billion a year to a level not seen since the height of the Vietnam war.

And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

Yeah...I think we really do need another President like Reagan, Don't you, P@triot?
Except that everything you just said was a lie. Taxes were lower when he left office than when started, junior. Sorry. He slashed taxes deeply immediately (which is what lead to the economic boom) then raised them slightly to help rebuild the military that Jimmy Carter had devasted.
Except it's not a lie, Sparky. It is a matter of record.

Unemployment exploded in `82, and it took him three tax hikes, and the entirety of the rest of his term to fix it.
Actually, I agree to some point. We should have a President who will raise taxes during 7 of their 8 years in office. On the other hand, you know the guy did triple the Federal budget deficit. Ya know why he raised taxes 7 times? Because after the one tax cut he enacted, unemployment soared to 10.8%, and income inequality exploded. So, he used the rest of his time in office to clean up the clusterfuck he created.

Care to explain the dynamic of that? Unemployment rose because of tax cuts? Just how does giving people more money to spend end up with soaring unemployment?
But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

And later on admitted it was one of his biggest mistakes.
Well, of course he did. His own party figuratively tarred, and feathered him over it. Then there was his unemployment that you guys want to ignore. His massive increases in government spending. His tripling of the budget deficit. Then, of course, there's the Iran/Contra deal you guys want everyone to forget about. Oh, and shall we discuss the economic sanctions against South African Apartheid that only happened in spite of a Reagan veto? And, finally, let's not forget about Reagan's arming, funding, and training a Mahujaden warrior name osama bin Laden, because he was a convenient tool to use against Russia. You guys want to insist that 9/11 only happened because Clinton didn't take out bin Laden during his administration, but the reality is bin Laden would never have had the training, or the equipment to even be a threat, had it not been for Saint Ronnie.
Actually, I agree to some point. We should have a President who will raise taxes during 7 of their 8 years in office. On the other hand, you know the guy did triple the Federal budget deficit. Ya know why he raised taxes 7 times? Because after the one tax cut he enacted, unemployment soared to 10.8%, and income inequality exploded. So, he used the rest of his time in office to clean up the clusterfuck he created.

Care to explain the dynamic of that? Unemployment rose because of tax cuts? Just how does giving people more money to spend end up with soaring unemployment?
Well, the tax cuts certainly didn't boost employment like Saint Ronnie's vaunted "Trickle Down" theory promised, now did it? But it did explode income inequality in the nation, didn't it?
And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

And why is it you people are so obsessed with granting amnesty? I mean - liberals are the party of unions. Job protection - right? Why would you want 20 million people with the potential to take jobs away from American's at a time when there aren't many jobs thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats job-killing policies? And why would you liberals want to reward criminals with the highest reward imaginable?

Could it be that libtard realize they can't win clean elections and that they need people from other countries to win? :dunno:
But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No,moron. Reagan never promised nor claimed to create a Utopia. That unrealistic nonsense comes from you loons on the Left. What Reagan did promote and prove is that in an imperfect world, individual freedom and limited government provide the best environment for people to improve their own lives.
And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

And why is it you people are so obsessed with granting amnesty? I mean - liberals are the party of unions. Job protection - right? Why would you want 20 million people with the potential to take jobs away from American's at a time when there aren't many jobs thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats job-killing policies? And why would you liberals want to reward criminals with the highest reward imaginable?

Could it be that libtard realize they can't win clean elections and that they need people from other countries to win? :dunno:
But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No,moron. Reagan never promised nor claimed to create a Utopia. That unrealistic nonsense comes from you loons on the Left. What Reagan did promote and prove is that in an imperfect world, individual freedom and limited government provide the best environment for people to improve their own lives.
Hey, fucknozzle. I never said that Reagan claimed to have created a Utopia. Go back and read the threads. P@triot said, "It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen." I was mocking his characterisation of the Reagan years.
And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

And why is it you people are so obsessed with granting amnesty? I mean - liberals are the party of unions. Job protection - right? Why would you want 20 million people with the potential to take jobs away from American's at a time when there aren't many jobs thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats job-killing policies? And why would you liberals want to reward criminals with the highest reward imaginable?

Could it be that libtard realize they can't win clean elections and that they need people from other countries to win? :dunno:
But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No,moron. Reagan never promised nor claimed to create a Utopia. That unrealistic nonsense comes from you loons on the Left. What Reagan did promote and prove is that in an imperfect world, individual freedom and limited government provide the best environment for people to improve their own lives.
Hey, fucknozzle. I never said that Reagan claimed to have created a Utopia. Go back and read the threads. P@triot said, "It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen." I was mocking his characterisation of the Reagan years.

You said it in your post, weasel.

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