Why can't Public Assistance increase?

You've done it wrong for 40 years. You NEVER use your own monies to open a business, you use OPM, in that way you have sufficient capital to cause great harm to your competition and keep the opening week momentum going. You also have enough monies to significantly reduce you food bill by making year/multi-year deals with your vendors.

Let's see how good of a restaurateur you are.

What is the main goal of Olive Garden Restaurants?

No, I'm pretty confident I've done it the RIGHT way. The fact that I am currently financially independent and don't need to work another day in my life is pretty much a testament to my success. I'm sure that others have done it a different way but they have also failed often. I never fail. I've never borrowed more than $1,000 to start any business and I've never lost money on a business venture. I know how to work deals, make barter trades with others, and start a business on virtually nothing. And I can tell you that 99% of this is confidence and balls to believe in yourself and having the ambition to follow through.

I personally don't care what Olive Garden's main goals are or anyone else for that matter. MY goal is to create a successful business and sell it for a profit. I've done that repeatedly through the years and now I am wealthy. I've also seen people fail miserably by doing all the wrong things... like going into debt to start their business.

As for competition... I have none. I am the big fish in the small pond. I intentionally opened my bistro in a small town where there was literally nothing else happening. People said that was insane, it would never work... no traffic... no customer base... but I am drawing people from three counties, from up to an hour away each week. I'm offering something different that people can't find anywhere else and it's paying off. I offer live music on the weekends... you can't find that anywhere around because it's a dry county... no alcohol. Again, people said that was crazy... how can you do a live music venue and not sell beer and wine? Well, turns out, people who live in a dry county don't care. They enjoy having a family-friendly place to go where they can enjoy live entertainment.... they've never had that before.

My music room is small and intimate, seats about 60-80 people max. I've had noted country singers out of Nashville come down and perform... I was afraid they might be turned off by the modest setting but to the contrary, every single one of them LOVE the place... LOVE the atmosphere... LOVE the acoustics of the room and literally beg me to bring them back again. I've had Bryan White, Ayla Brown and Marty Brown there twice already. These are people who perform on the Grand Ole Opry stage and for crowds of 20k or more, but they absolutely adore my place because of the intimacy. Now, granted, most people could never afford to book this kind of talent in such a small venue. I get them for virtually nothing because they know me and I've helped them out in the past. This kind of thing has helped me to establish myself and generate a buzz... now I can book someone totally unknown and obscure but we pack the place out. We recently held a street festival where we booked 15 acts to perform over three days... it cost me about $5k to pay the artists and put on the event, and I cleared a profit of a couple thousand dollars when all was said and done. Not a lot of money, but I did it for the publicity. All I had hoped for was to break even. Oh... and we had severe thunderstorms and all our vendors bailed at the last minute. Such are the risks on something like that, but we still managed to turn it into a success and will probably do it again next year if I don't sell the place before then.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
Because we desperately need to increase our military budget and decrease our bloated, insane, and unconstitutional social welfare budget.

Look - here is the bottom line for all of you selfish, anti-American's. If Finland is so great - go live there. If Norway is so great - go live there. I don't understand why all of you idiots point to how wonderful other nations are but you stay here in the U.S. It screams that you realize this is the greatest nation in the world and that you're getting a fat deal mooching off of the rest of us.
As for competition... I have none. I am the big fish in the small pond. I intentionally opened my bistro in a small town where there was literally nothing else happening. People said that was insane, it would never work... no traffic... no customer base... but I am drawing people from three counties, from up to an hour away each week. I'm offering something different that people can't find anywhere else and it's paying off.

That's the secret to success that most people don't realize. All of the great business minds in U.S. history will tell you - don't follow the crowd. Go in the opposite direction of the crowd. The crowd has too much competition already.

You were brilliant to go where nobody else was. There may not be a lot of people in that small town, but if there were no other restaurants, then they were dying for something.
the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.

Why do you keep crowing about that? Do you think it causes readers to take you more seriously, or less?
Here's another opportunity to learn some basic economics. It's impossible to sell anything for more (or less) than it's worth. In fact, every single voluntary transaction is an agreement between two parties on what something is worth

More bloviating

What? Too many big words?

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.
Sooo...you're proud of the fact that you, and your compatriots are trying to turn the United States into an oligarchy? REALLY?????
As for competition... I have none. I am the big fish in the small pond. I intentionally opened my bistro in a small town where there was literally nothing else happening. People said that was insane, it would never work... no traffic... no customer base... but I am drawing people from three counties, from up to an hour away each week. I'm offering something different that people can't find anywhere else and it's paying off.

That's the secret to success that most people don't realize. All of the great business minds in U.S. history will tell you - don't follow the crowd. Go in the opposite direction of the crowd. The crowd has too much competition already.

You were brilliant to go where nobody else was. There may not be a lot of people in that small town, but if there were no other restaurants, then they were dying for something.

Thanks, and you're right... the town absolutely loves us!

Let me return to the "strategy" suggested by "1% of his brain" above... There was another restaurant who opened about a month before us. His location was right off the Interstate exit, ours is about a mile off the Interstate in the "downtown" area where literally nothing is going on. He used the strategy of dim wit and rented a trendy high-traffic place for $6,000 a month... because it's right off the Interstate. Borrowed no telling how much money to start up... he just closed his doors this month. We knew he was in trouble when his employees started poor mouthing our establishment on social media. He was our only competition as far as sit-down restaurants go.

So, knowing we had him on the ropes, we stepped up our game. Hooked up with a fresh seafood distributor from the gulf coast and started offering world-class seafood dishes you couldn't find anywhere else around. An inside source (mole) told us that was the final nail in the coffin, his business dropped to nothing almost overnight. One of the great advantages to a bistro is, you can change your menu up and serve anything. He was tied to his specialty, Cajun and Creole cuisine. We're fucking knocking it out of the park... averaging a 4.7 out of 5 stars in our reviews. Almost zero customer complaints.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

WHY can't YOUR motivation to be gainfully employed increase?

Why can't parasitism decrease?
A jacket is not a job.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone
When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Learn a trade and start your own business.

Learn a trade

Do tradesmen make a living wage?

and start your own business.

Good luck! All facets of service and retail are monopolized by big corporations. Your only hope is a niche business or some type that the big guys aren't filling.
You've done it wrong for 40 years. You NEVER use your own monies to open a business, you use OPM, in that way you have sufficient capital to cause great harm to your competition and keep the opening week momentum going. You also have enough monies to significantly reduce you food bill by making year/multi-year deals with your vendors.

Let's see how good of a restaurateur you are.

What is the main goal of Olive Garden Restaurants?

No, I'm pretty confident I've done it the RIGHT way. The fact that I am currently financially independent and don't need to work another day in my life is pretty much a testament to my success. I'm sure that others have done it a different way but they have also failed often. I never fail. I've never borrowed more than $1,000 to start any business and I've never lost money on a business venture. I know how to work deals, make barter trades with others, and start a business on virtually nothing. And I can tell you that 99% of this is confidence and balls to believe in yourself and having the ambition to follow through.

I personally don't care what Olive Garden's main goals are or anyone else for that matter. MY goal is to create a successful business and sell it for a profit. I've done that repeatedly through the years and now I am wealthy. I've also seen people fail miserably by doing all the wrong things... like going into debt to start their business.

As for competition... I have none. I am the big fish in the small pond. I intentionally opened my bistro in a small town where there was literally nothing else happening. People said that was insane, it would never work... no traffic... no customer base... but I am drawing people from three counties, from up to an hour away each week. I'm offering something different that people can't find anywhere else and it's paying off. I offer live music on the weekends... you can't find that anywhere around because it's a dry county... no alcohol. Again, people said that was crazy... how can you do a live music venue and not sell beer and wine? Well, turns out, people who live in a dry county don't care. They enjoy having a family-friendly place to go where they can enjoy live entertainment.... they've never had that before.

My music room is small and intimate, seats about 60-80 people max. I've had noted country singers out of Nashville come down and perform... I was afraid they might be turned off by the modest setting but to the contrary, every single one of them LOVE the place... LOVE the atmosphere... LOVE the acoustics of the room and literally beg me to bring them back again. I've had Bryan White, Ayla Brown and Marty Brown there twice already. These are people who perform on the Grand Ole Opry stage and for crowds of 20k or more, but they absolutely adore my place because of the intimacy. Now, granted, most people could never afford to book this kind of talent in such a small venue. I get them for virtually nothing because they know me and I've helped them out in the past. This kind of thing has helped me to establish myself and generate a buzz... now I can book someone totally unknown and obscure but we pack the place out. We recently held a street festival where we booked 15 acts to perform over three days... it cost me about $5k to pay the artists and put on the event, and I cleared a profit of a couple thousand dollars when all was said and done. Not a lot of money, but I did it for the publicity. All I had hoped for was to break even. Oh... and we had severe thunderstorms and all our vendors bailed at the last minute. Such are the risks on something like that, but we still managed to turn it into a success and will probably do it again next year if I don't sell the place before then.

If you would have done it right you'd have a Coyote Ugly on your hands.

Any successful restaurateur understands the main goal of Olive Garden. So tell us, what is it?
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
Because we desperately need to increase our military budget and decrease our bloated, insane, and unconstitutional social welfare budget.

Look - here is the bottom line for all of you selfish, anti-American's. If Finland is so great - go live there. If Norway is so great - go live there. I don't understand why all of you idiots point to how wonderful other nations are but you stay here in the U.S. It screams that you realize this is the greatest nation in the world and that you're getting a fat deal mooching off of the rest of us.

But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?
the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.

Why do you keep crowing about that? Do you think it causes readers to take you more seriously, or less?

I'm setting the record straight.
What? Too many big words?

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.
Sooo...you're proud of the fact that you, and your compatriots are trying to turn the United States into an oligarchy? REALLY?????

I've NEVER voted for a Republican, so NO.
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

There is no Corporate Welfare. It's a term invented by the left to demonize tax breaks. Taking less money from people or companies is not welfare in any sense of the word.
When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Learn a trade and start your own business.

Learn a trade

Do tradesmen make a living wage?

They do just fine with no complaints.

and start your own business.

Good luck! All facets of service and retail are monopolized by big corporations. Your only hope is a niche business or some type that the big guys aren't filling.

Yes, like the construction trade. You can work for yourself with less than a thousand dollars startup money. I have several relatives that work for themselves. You can learn to be an electrician, a carpenter, a remodeler, a bricklayer, you can buy lawn equipment and start your own lawn company, learn HVAC, a number of things.
What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Never happen in a million years. This conspiracy nonsense is a straw man. Companies don't get together and drive down wages. They compete against each other and try to make their own company more successful than the others.
Olive garden's main goal is to turn a profit. Their mission statement is about giving back to the community, and if they turn a profit, they do give to the community. If they dont turn a profit, they close the restaursant and give nothing back to the community. It is clear which is the higher priority.
the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.
Sooo...you're proud of the fact that you, and your compatriots are trying to turn the United States into an oligarchy? REALLY?????

I've NEVER voted for a Republican, so NO.
"I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class". You chose OnePercenter as your name, and you are proud of being a member of the "ruling rich". That is an oligarchy - government ruled by the rich elite, and that has nothing to do with Republican, Democrat, or any other party label you would like to use.

You're an oligarch, and proud of it.

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