Why can't Public Assistance increase?

But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No,moron. Reagan never promised nor claimed to create a Utopia. That unrealistic nonsense comes from you loons on the Left. What Reagan did promote and prove is that in an imperfect world, individual freedom and limited government provide the best environment for people to improve their own lives.
Hey, fucknozzle. I never said that Reagan claimed to have created a Utopia. Go back and read the threads. P@triot said, "It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen." I was mocking his characterisation of the Reagan years.

You said it in your post, weasel.
You have to remember - libtards can't even remember what they've said (much less what anybody else has said).
Oh, fuck you. I quoted your retarded Utopia comment.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Actually - you didn't. At all. I said "the closest thing". You conveniently managed to miss that part.
and when you do "qualify" your premiums and deductibles will be higher. What a deal.

Yes indeed. I've been warned about that. For any reasonable coverage, the cost to me would be about the same as a small house payment or very fancy SUV.

My life was so much better before DumBama. I didn't have all these costly problems. But hey! The french fry maker at my McDonald's now has health insurance, so I guess that makes me feel all better. I'll just have to quit putting money into circulation in our economy, not make any investments, and continue paying minimum on my debts. And if I complain, the liberals will tell me it's all because of Ronald Reagan.

Isn't liberalism wonderful?
Out of control, idiotic Reaganism, not Reagan. At this point, he'd probably be a Dem again...
Next time, tell your boss you want health care. He's ANOTHER GOP fear mongered dupe.
and when you do "qualify" your premiums and deductibles will be higher. What a deal.

Yes indeed. I've been warned about that. For any reasonable coverage, the cost to me would be about the same as a small house payment or very fancy SUV.

My life was so much better before DumBama. I didn't have all these costly problems. But hey! The french fry maker at my McDonald's now has health insurance, so I guess that makes me feel all better. I'll just have to quit putting money into circulation in our economy, not make any investments, and continue paying minimum on my debts. And if I complain, the liberals will tell me it's all because of Ronald Reagan.

Isn't liberalism wonderful?
Out of control, idiotic Reaganism, not Reagan. At this point, he'd probably be a Dem again...
Next time, tell your boss you want health care. He's ANOTHER GOP fear mongered dupe.

But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No,moron. Reagan never promised nor claimed to create a Utopia. That unrealistic nonsense comes from you loons on the Left. What Reagan did promote and prove is that in an imperfect world, individual freedom and limited government provide the best environment for people to improve their own lives.
Hey, fucknozzle. I never said that Reagan claimed to have created a Utopia. Go back and read the threads. P@triot said, "It was the closest to utopia the world has ever seen." I was mocking his characterisation of the Reagan years.

You said it in your post, weasel.
You have to remember - libtards can't even remember what they've said (much less what anybody else has said).
Oh, fuck you. I quoted your retarded Utopia comment.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Uh. No, you didn't. Moron.
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
No he didn't. Ray just said the President has nothing to do with that. That is Congress. You knows...that Republican congress that we have. So, you, and Ray might wanna get your stories straight. Either it is the President's responsibility, or it isn't. You two seem to disagree on that...

You libs hold Reagan and Bush responsible for what happened during their time, so Obama is responsible for what happens during his time. It has to go both ways.

Obozo had both houses of congress for his first 2 years and did absolutely nothing-----------except pass a dems only bill that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world. "if you like your plan you can keep it" lie. "average premiums will go down by $2500/year" lie. If you like your doctor, you can keep him" lie. "ACA will reduce the debt" lie. "it was caused by a video" lie. "this will be the most transparent administration in history" lie.
Well, I can only speak for myself there, but under Obama, I went, for the first time in over a decade, from having to rely on public support for medical care (ACCCSS) to finally being able to purchase private insurance, through the market exchange. So, the market exchange, and the ACA was certainly an improvement for me, and my family over the old system.

so paying for it is better for you than getting it free? Is your obozocare premium subsidized by the people paying full premiums? What are your deductibles? when you got it free you had zero deductibles.

I don't think you have thought this through.
Well, no. But, since universal healthcare is not an option here, as conservatives shit them selves over that ebul socialized medicine, I do prefer to have my own insurance, so those same conservatives can't bitch that I'm freeloading off of them.

you just don't get it. You had access to free medical care before ACA, now you (or someone else) is paying a premium for partial insurance, and you are faced with paying deductibles-------------and you think that's better?
Uh...okay. So you're saying that I should have continued to let you pay for my medical care? That's a rather strange position for a conservative..

Ask Canadians or Brits about socialized medicine. Ask them how long they have to wait for an MRI or Xray. Ask them why they come to the USA if they have a serious illness.
On the other hand, ask the Norwegians, the Australians, or the Israelis how they feel about socialized medicine. You see, there are some models that work well, and some not so much. Why do you nay sayers always choose the worst models, and presume that those are the only models that can be employed?
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?

That would be pretty easy if our legislatures had some guts. Just create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a 5 year prison term and deportation afterwards. Similar to Kate's Law (that the Democrats stopped) but only it would apply to all illegals instead of just the criminal ones.

If they did that, the illegals would be running to the border to get the hell out of here. They wouldn't keep coming back either.
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?

That would be pretty easy if our legislatures had some guts. Just create a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a 5 year prison term and deportation afterwards. Similar to Kate's Law (that the Democrats stopped) but only it would apply to all illegals instead of just the criminal ones.

If they did that, the illegals would be running to the border to get the hell out of here. They wouldn't keep coming back either.
That still requires hunting them down. I mean, what, you think your gonna pass this law, and suddenly all of the "illegals" are just gonna raise their hand, and say, "Hi. Here we are. Please come arrest us,"?

You're talking about how to deal with them, after you have rounded them up. I'm still waiting to hear how you plan to find, and round up some 10 million people?
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
So just give them working papers like all Dems want now...and pass the Immigration bill with a good SS ID card and end illegals forever, dupe.
That still requires hunting them down. I mean, what, you think your gonna pass this law, and suddenly all of the "illegals" are just gonna raise their hand, and say, "Hi. Here we are. Please come arrest us,"?

You're talking about how to deal with them, after you have rounded them up. I'm still waiting to hear how you plan to find, and round up some 10 million people?

That's the point, you won't have to round up anybody. They will self deport once the law is passed.

It would have the same effect that it did in Arizona when they passed their new criteria for immigrants before DumBama put it to a stop. They scattered like rats. Schools were darn near empty, companies reporting that only half of their crew showed up. Houses and apartments were left vacant as if the people moved out over night. It worked quite well.

So we pass a law that says anybody caught here illegally after October 1, 2016 will face a five year minimum prison sentence. That's plenty of time for people to make plans and get out of Dodge.
So just give them working papers like all Dems want now...and pass the Immigration bill with a good SS ID card and end illegals forever, dupe.

That's what Reagan figured before the next batch started to move in--it would end the illegal problem.
That still requires hunting them down. I mean, what, you think your gonna pass this law, and suddenly all of the "illegals" are just gonna raise their hand, and say, "Hi. Here we are. Please come arrest us,"?

You're talking about how to deal with them, after you have rounded them up. I'm still waiting to hear how you plan to find, and round up some 10 million people?

That's the point, you won't have to round up anybody. They will self deport once the law is passed.

It would have the same effect that it did in Arizona when they passed their new criteria for immigrants before DumBama put it to a stop. They scattered like rats. Schools were darn near empty, companies reporting that only half of their crew showed up. Houses and apartments were left vacant as if the people moved out over night. It worked quite well.

So we pass a law that says anybody caught here illegally after October 1, 2016 will face a five year minimum prison sentence. That's plenty of time for people to make plans and get out of Dodge.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.
and when you do "qualify" your premiums and deductibles will be higher. What a deal.

Yes indeed. I've been warned about that. For any reasonable coverage, the cost to me would be about the same as a small house payment or very fancy SUV.

My life was so much better before DumBama. I didn't have all these costly problems. But hey! The french fry maker at my McDonald's now has health insurance, so I guess that makes me feel all better. I'll just have to quit putting money into circulation in our economy, not make any investments, and continue paying minimum on my debts. And if I complain, the liberals will tell me it's all because of Ronald Reagan.

Isn't liberalism wonderful?
Out of control, idiotic Reaganism, not Reagan. At this point, he'd probably be a Dem again...
Next time, tell your boss you want health care. He's ANOTHER GOP fear mongered dupe.
So you don't want to discuss you and your bosses duping today, and your party's total bs? Happy 4th.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

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