Why can't Public Assistance increase?

And let's not even talk about the amnesty he gave to 3 million immigrants.

And why is it you people are so obsessed with granting amnesty? I mean - liberals are the party of unions. Job protection - right? Why would you want 20 million people with the potential to take jobs away from American's at a time when there aren't many jobs thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats job-killing policies? And why would you liberals want to reward criminals with the highest reward imaginable?

Could it be that libtard realize they can't win clean elections and that they need people from other countries to win? :dunno:
But...but...Reagan created a Utopia! So, you must be okay with amnesty. After all, the guy who creates Utopia created it with amnesty.

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He should have been shot for treason for doing it.
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?

Make it impossible for them to live here. Make it a felony with mandatory prison time to conceal, employ, shelter, or aid an illegal alien in any way, shape, or form beyond emergency medical care.
Minimum wage laws make it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.
NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?

When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Remember what Al penned?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

A jacket is not a job.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Price fixing is illegal and prosecuted.

Is Walmart prosecuted when they artificially lowers prices to undercut and eniliate competitors?

"Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class"
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Dude...OTR driving pays peanuts. You would probably make more at McDonalds, unless you run two log books and work 80+ hours a week, 52 weeks a year.

Obviously you know nothing about that field of work.

There are good jobs and bad jobs. The bad jobs usually go to beginners who don't have the driving record to get a good job because of insurance rates. Or they go to bad drivers that have points, accidents or CSA points against them.

The beginning usually pays in the 30K a year bracket. Experienced drivers are well over the 50K bracket, and have a generous amount of home time.

If you don't want to be over the road anymore, local jobs with major companies pay pretty well, and you usually have a lot of overtime. On average about the $22.00 an hour range for straight time, you can earn decent money with good benefits and be home every night. And......you will always be in demand.

Because Americans won't take these jobs, companies are bringing in foreigners. Some don't speak or read a word of English. They are terrible drivers to boot. But what else is industry supposed to do? Americans today don't want to work or make sacrifices.
Dude...I don't even drive tractor trailers (drive a straight truck, local work), and I make more than $50K. I'm not sure any of our class A drivers make less than $65K. Work for peanuts for ten years and hope I don't keel over to make what I make now? Hell fuckin' no. (Off the top of my head, you'd need 2000+ miles a week, 52 weeks a year, to gross $35K with CR England!)
Dude...I don't even drive tractor trailers (drive a straight truck, local work), and I make more than $50K. I'm not sure any of our class A drivers make less than $65K. Work for peanuts for ten years and hope I don't keel over to make what I make now? Hell fuckin' no. (Off the top of my head, you'd need 2000+ miles a week, 52 weeks a year, to gross $35K with CR England!)

CR England Company Driver Pay
What will be my starting pay after training?
Starting pay varies by route, state, and solo or team. Generally it varies from $.24/team split to $.35 cpm solo.

Average driver pay for 1 year experience is $986/wk, trainer average is $1,377. Top 10% pay is $1,449/week ($75,348/year). Pay results will vary depending on many factors, including tenure-based pay rates, your fleet, how hard you work, and how much you drive.

Once you obtain your CDL you can begin earning trainer pay in as little as 6 months of driving.

When will I receive pay increases?
It depends on the lane and how much you are willing to drive.

CR England CDL Training Program | CR England Paid CDL Training | Company-Sponsored CDL Training
Yes, and it's simple math: 35 cents/mile, 2000 miles a week...if you average 2000 miles a week, EVERY WEEK and take NO time off, you gross $36,400.
Yes, and it's simple math: 35 cents/mile, 2000 miles a week...if you average 2000 miles a week, EVERY WEEK and take NO time off, you gross $36,400.

Yes, that's starting pay. When you get experience and a good driving record, you make much more as the site I posted points out. All companies work that way because insurance is almost impossible to afford for companies that have rookies. So when insurance rates drop for a driver, the company can pay more to that driver.

Like I said earlier: nobody wants to make any sacrifices to work. But after you make that sacrifice, the future is yours. You will never have to worry about working again no matter what the economy, because there are always companies looking for drivers no matter what.
Yes, and it's simple math: 35 cents/mile, 2000 miles a week...if you average 2000 miles a week, EVERY WEEK and take NO time off, you gross $36,400.

Yes, that's starting pay. When you get experience and a good driving record, you make much more as the site I posted points out. All companies work that way because insurance is almost impossible to afford for companies that have rookies. So when insurance rates drop for a driver, the company can pay more to that driver.

Like I said earlier: nobody wants to make any sacrifices to work. But after you make that sacrifice, the future is yours. You will never have to worry about working again no matter what the economy, because there are always companies looking for drivers no matter what.
And here is the thing - if you don't like the take home pay of a truck driver, be an IT analyst. If you don't like the take home pay of an IT analyst - be a CEO. The beauty of freedom is the choice to decide for yourself what career suits you. What kind of work you want to do, what kind of money you want to bring home, etc.

The left believes that any job should pay six-figures. It's absurd. If you love driving trucks - don't cry about the money. If you live teaching - don't cry about the money. Of the money means that much to you, leave those careers and choose one that makes more money.
That must be why CRE has annual turnover of 205%? (That's not a typo.) I have talked to their drivers, they're horrible...training is a joke (one guy's "trainer" had 6 months OTR experience!), they basically demand you run illegally (like SLC to Phoenix in one day, 650+ miles), and if you get home 2 days a month, you're doing well.

Bonus: if you train with them, you are basically indentured.

The entire OTR trucking industry probably needs an overhaul.
That must be why CRE has annual turnover of 205%? (That's not a typo.) I have talked to their drivers, they're horrible...training is a joke (one guy's "trainer" had 6 months OTR experience!), they basically demand you run illegally (like SLC to Phoenix in one day, 650+ miles), and if you get home 2 days a month, you're doing well.

Bonus: if you train with them, you are basically indentured.

The entire OTR trucking industry probably needs an overhaul.

You can't work too many hours because most companies have electronic log books. You can only work so many hours a week.

Sure England has a high turnover rate. That's because once experienced, you can work anywhere anytime you desire. You can even pick what parts of the country you wish to drive in.

Years ago when we first started tractor-trailer operations (we were strictly a straight truck company) one of our drivers left because Fed-Ex was bugging him to come in for an interview. After the interview, he left and accepted a job with them.

He never left the state. He worked (and still works) 60 hours a week. His base pay back then was $22.00 an hour. So his starting pay was over $80,000 a year plus fantastic benefits. I'm sure he makes much more today.

Yes, he works a hell of a lot of hours, but he makes a hell of a good living. And I know people that work nearly the same amount of hours in different lines of work and don't make half of what he's earning.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

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Wrong. A free market is free of business regulation. If there wasn't regulation AND a government to enforce regulation we'd have a 2007-2008 economic collapse.

Wrong. You are conflating free market principle with free market system. Government regulations inhibit free market principles but they are a necessary component of a free market (or any) system.

The economic collapse of 07-08 happened for the same reason the one in 29 did... Government regulations impeding free market capitalist principle too much. This always creates artificial bubbles in the market. If the principles of free market are allowed to work on their own, there are no bubbles. Winners and losers are determined by the market, not picked by the government.

Does it all mean we shouldn't have any government regulation? No... that would be great if it worked, but it doesn't work. There are some things free market principles can't resolve because the incentives are all wrong. Like keeping the environment clean... there is no incentive to do this in a free market. So your system has to allow some amount of government regulation in order to address specific things the free market can't. But these things should be fiercely limited.

Socialists don't want to limit government regulations because they ultimately want government regulation of everything. They oppose free market capitalism and need it to fail. This is why, even when their own Socialist anti-free-market policies cause economic crisis, they blame free market capitalism.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.

If you were President Czernobog (a frightening thought)... and 10 million taxpayers who make over $250k a year decided... you know what, I am not going to pay anymore taxes! ...Would you support "rounding them up" or would you dismiss it as something impossible to do? I suppose you'd demand they be rounded up... but... but... it is going to cost us so much in resources! We'll never be able to find them all... It's preposterous to even think we could do such a thing!

And why haven't you answered my question from earlier? What is your deal? Why are you starting a thread to whine about lack of public assistance funding then switching to this open-arms benevolence toward the poor of the world flooding over our borders? Do you not comprehend how they are soaking up resources that could be used for more public assistance to actual American citizens? How they are taking jobs in construction that "poor people" would love to have?
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Rounding them up is only part of the problem. The much larger problem is keeping them out.

If you have a stray cat on your property all the time, you have to kill the cat or move it many miles away to keep it from coming back. If you take the cat and drop him off a couple of streets down the road, that cat will be back on your property the next day. The best way to get rid of that cat is to get a dog....a very mean dog, and you'll never see that cat again.

That's why my suggesting about a five year minimum prison sentence for illegals would work. It would scare foreigners out of the country, and make them even more scared to come back in. We wouldn't even need billion dollar walls.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Rounding them up is only part of the problem. The much larger problem is keeping them out.

If you have a stray cat on your property all the time, you have to kill the cat or move it many miles away to keep it from coming back. If you take the cat and drop him off a couple of streets down the road, that cat will be back on your property the next day. The best way to get rid of that cat is to get a dog....a very mean dog, and you'll never see that cat again.

That's why my suggesting about a five year minimum prison sentence for illegals would work. It would scare foreigners out of the country, and make them even more scared to come back in. We wouldn't even need billion dollar walls.
That's just unrealistic. If you went to all of the trouble getting here, you have had children, found employment, built a career, a home, a life. You have blended in. You're going to uproot all of that, and return to poverty, and the clusterfuck of a country that caused you to leave in the first place, because of some silly threat of jail? Why would you? They have to catch you first. Since you are doing nothing wrong, and there is no need for anyone to suspect you of anything, why on Earth would you leave?

You seem to think enacting this law would magically make "illegals" stand out from the rest, so they would have no choice but to leave, or get arrested. It wouldn't.

Then, of course, there's the problem of the kids. These kids grew up here. They went to school. Some even to college. They joined the military. Started careers. They didn't choose to break any laws. They were just kids, or even babies, when their parents chose to cross that border. But, we should ignore the fact that they have assimilated into our society, and are just as American as any other kid growing up in the US, hunt them down, throw them in jail, then toss them out into a country they have never known, and never called home, right? Because, you know, that's the kind of country America is. Those are the ideals that we stand for. That is how we want the rest of the world to see us.
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