Why can't Public Assistance increase?

That's just unrealistic. If you went to all of the trouble getting here, you have had children, found employment, built a career, a home, a life. You have blended in. You're going to uproot all of that, and return to poverty, and the clusterfuck of a country that caused you to leave in the first place, because of some silly threat of jail? Why would you? They have to catch you first. Since you are doing nothing wrong, and there is no need for anyone to suspect you of anything, why on Earth would you leave?

You seem to think enacting this law would magically make "illegals" stand out from the rest, so they would have no choice but to leave, or get arrested. It wouldn't.

Then, of course, there's the problem of the kids. These kids grew up here. They went to school. Some even to college. They joined the military. Started careers. They didn't choose to break any laws. They were just kids, or even babies, when their parents chose to cross that border. But, we should ignore the fact that they have assimilated into our society, and are just as American as any other kid growing up in the US, hunt them down, throw them in jail, then toss them out into a country they have never known, and never called home, right? Because, you know, that's the kind of country America is. Those are the ideals that we stand for. That is how we want the rest of the world to see us.

Yes, that's the way the rest of the world would see us, instead of seeing us as the push-overs that we are now.

You should turn on the HGTV channel sometime. Look for the episodes of House Hunters International. Americans pick up and uproot all the time to other countries. Some of them not very wealthy countries either, and some of them to countries where their people are trying to come here. Yes, they take their kids with them. The kids don't know a word of the language the people in those other countries speak. They eventually learn.

Every time you on the left want to draw sympathy to get your way, it's always with The Children, isn't it? Oh, but the children are not responsible for what their parents did when they moved here. Okay, so how did it become our problem for what they did?

Yes, the threat of prison time would work. It's how we control crime in this country. A strong enough deterrent works overtime it's tried, and right now, there is absolutely no deterrent for people that just want to walk across the desert or swim to our shores to live here.
You libs hold Reagan and Bush responsible for what happened during their time, so Obama is responsible for what happens during his time. It has to go both ways.

Obozo had both houses of congress for his first 2 years and did absolutely nothing-----------except pass a dems only bill that is destroying the best medical system in the history of the world. "if you like your plan you can keep it" lie. "average premiums will go down by $2500/year" lie. If you like your doctor, you can keep him" lie. "ACA will reduce the debt" lie. "it was caused by a video" lie. "this will be the most transparent administration in history" lie.
Well, I can only speak for myself there, but under Obama, I went, for the first time in over a decade, from having to rely on public support for medical care (ACCCSS) to finally being able to purchase private insurance, through the market exchange. So, the market exchange, and the ACA was certainly an improvement for me, and my family over the old system.

so paying for it is better for you than getting it free? Is your obozocare premium subsidized by the people paying full premiums? What are your deductibles? when you got it free you had zero deductibles.

I don't think you have thought this through.
Well, no. But, since universal healthcare is not an option here, as conservatives shit them selves over that ebul socialized medicine, I do prefer to have my own insurance, so those same conservatives can't bitch that I'm freeloading off of them.

you just don't get it. You had access to free medical care before ACA, now you (or someone else) is paying a premium for partial insurance, and you are faced with paying deductibles-------------and you think that's better?
Uh...okay. So you're saying that I should have continued to let you pay for my medical care? That's a rather strange position for a conservative..

Ask Canadians or Brits about socialized medicine. Ask them how long they have to wait for an MRI or Xray. Ask them why they come to the USA if they have a serious illness.
On the other hand, ask the Norwegians, the Australians, or the Israelis how they feel about socialized medicine. You see, there are some models that work well, and some not so much. Why do you nay sayers always choose the worst models, and presume that those are the only models that can be employed?

What we had before was better and cheaper than obozocare. Yes, I paid for your medical care through my insurance premiums and payments into medicare. That is still the case. Except now my payments have to also cover a huge unnecessary government beaurocracy that contributes nothing to the quality of medical care.

The countries you cite as having "good" socialized medicine all have small homogeneous populations totally unlike the US. so that analogy is a loser too.
That's just unrealistic. If you went to all of the trouble getting here, you have had children, found employment, built a career, a home, a life. You have blended in. You're going to uproot all of that, and return to poverty, and the clusterfuck of a country that caused you to leave in the first place, because of some silly threat of jail? Why would you? They have to catch you first. Since you are doing nothing wrong, and there is no need for anyone to suspect you of anything, why on Earth would you leave?

You seem to think enacting this law would magically make "illegals" stand out from the rest, so they would have no choice but to leave, or get arrested. It wouldn't.

Then, of course, there's the problem of the kids. These kids grew up here. They went to school. Some even to college. They joined the military. Started careers. They didn't choose to break any laws. They were just kids, or even babies, when their parents chose to cross that border. But, we should ignore the fact that they have assimilated into our society, and are just as American as any other kid growing up in the US, hunt them down, throw them in jail, then toss them out into a country they have never known, and never called home, right? Because, you know, that's the kind of country America is. Those are the ideals that we stand for. That is how we want the rest of the world to see us.

Yes, that's the way the rest of the world would see us, instead of seeing us as the push-overs that we are now.

You should turn on the HGTV channel sometime. Look for the episodes of House Hunters International. Americans pick up and uproot all the time to other countries. Some of them not very wealthy countries either, and some of them to countries where their people are trying to come here. Yes, they take their kids with them. The kids don't know a word of the language the people in those other countries speak. They eventually learn.

Every time you on the left want to draw sympathy to get your way, it's always with The Children, isn't it? Oh, but the children are not responsible for what their parents did when they moved here. Okay, so how did it become our problem for what they did?

Yes, the threat of prison time would work. It's how we control crime in this country. A strong enough deterrent works overtime it's tried, and right now, there is absolutely no deterrent for people that just want to walk across the desert or swim to our shores to live here.

Liberals do not understand the meaning of the word "illegal". But they might if they tried to enter Mexico illegally and apply for benefits.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?

You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....

Let me explain your deception to the good readers here... You don't care about the needy or who is getting public assistance, nor do you care about illegal immigrants or what their problems are. You are a Marxist Socialist who hopes to bring down the beast... Capitalism. The diabolical plan you have is to undermine every foundation you can exploit in our system. Overwhelm the welfare system, over-burden the taxpayers, flood the infrastructure with more problems than it can ever deal with and watch the whole thing come crashing down.

We make the mistake of sitting here arguing with you as if you are objective and simply don't understand things. You know why we can't throw open the doors and welcome everyone into the country... You understand how that can't be supported by the working class. You fucking don't care! What we need to do is expose you as the dirty little Socialist scumbucket you are. We need to reject everything you say or suggest and marginalize you politically. En masse, we should categorically oppose everything you favor.... because NONE of it is good for America.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Cash bounties.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?

You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?

You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means?

If you "illegally" break the speed limit should the government give you amnesty? We have laws regarding immigration and entry into this country. People who break those laws should be held accountable, otherwise we no longer have a country.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I've already explained this 10 posts ago. Your argument is absurd. Can you imagine if we said to the victims of rape "how do we go about finding your rapist, and rounding them up. We can't justify the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up."? :eusa_doh:

It's an astoundingly absurd argument used by the left who is desperate to allow criminal activity for their own politicla advantage.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't.
There are far more than 11 million people in prison as we speak.
And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses.
So what? So do rapists. So do murders. Ted Bundy also held a job, had a license, and paid his taxes. Should we have allowed him to keep brutally raping and murdering women?
You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?
Neither do rapists or serial killers. But somehow....we manage to find them. Neither to fugitives. But somehow....the US Marshals manage to track them down. You're position on this is completely nonsensical.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I've already explained this 10 posts ago. Your argument is absurd. Can you imagine if we said to the victims of rape "how do we go about finding your rapist, and rounding them up. We can't justify the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up."? :eusa_doh:

It's an astoundingly absurd argument used by the left who is desperate to allow criminal activity for their own politicla advantage.

you hit the nail on the head. liberals don't give a shit about illegals, all they want is a way to create more dem voters.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?

You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means?

If you "illegally" break the speed limit should the government give you amnesty? We have laws regarding immigration and entry into this country. People who break those laws should be held accountable, otherwise we no longer have a country.
How? How do you find them, round them up, and ship them out?

And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.
Riiight. Because, you know, the law would be so terrifying.

That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I've already explained this 10 posts ago. Your argument is absurd. Can you imagine if we said to the victims of rape "how do we go about finding your rapist, and rounding them up. We can't justify the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up."? :eusa_doh:

It's an astoundingly absurd argument used by the left who is desperate to allow criminal activity for their own politicla advantage.
A rapist has someone giving authorities a detailed description of exactly who they are looking for. And, if they don't, then the reality is they probably won't get caught, unless the police just happen to get lucky. So, we have a detailed description of every one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country? Really? That's news to me. Then you're right. It's easy. Why didn't you say so. Just go get them.
We "round up" people all the time... you don't pay your taxes, you get "rounded up!" Fail to pay your traffic ticket or appear in court... we "round you up!" Steal credit cards or write bad checks... we "round you up!" ...this idea that "rounding up people" isn't something we do, is just stupid. We do it all the time. It may be tedious or troublesome, we still do it. It may take resources... we still do it.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?

You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means?

If you "illegally" break the speed limit should the government give you amnesty? We have laws regarding immigration and entry into this country. People who break those laws should be held accountable, otherwise we no longer have a country.
How? How do you find them, round them up, and ship them out?

And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.

its true that the kids did not enter the country illegally, but their parents did. Sorry about that. The parents are responsible for taking care of their children. The parents broke the law and should be deported with their children. We are not running a charity home here in the USA. It is not our job to take care of every needy person on earth.

but if you feel that way you should take everything you own, all of your clothes, food, money, furniture, cars, etc and give it to some homeless person. That's exactly what you are asking this country to do-----------------practice what you preach or STFU.
That's exactly it. People would sooner go back home and live in freedom instead of a prison cell here in the United States.

This is a great country, but not that great of a country to live like that.
Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

My wife has a suggestion that would end that nicely: illegal aliens should be rounded up en masse and shot.
Okay. And how do you go about finding, and rounding up 10 million people. You morons keep talking about what to with them, once you have them while ignoring the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I've already explained this 10 posts ago. Your argument is absurd. Can you imagine if we said to the victims of rape "how do we go about finding your rapist, and rounding them up. We can't justify the massive resources that would need to be spent finding them, and rounding them up."? :eusa_doh:

It's an astoundingly absurd argument used by the left who is desperate to allow criminal activity for their own politicla advantage.
A rapist has someone giving authorities a detailed description of exactly who they are looking for. And, if they don't, then the reality is they probably won't get caught, unless the police just happen to get lucky. So, we have a detailed description of every one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country? Really? That's news to me. Then you're right. It's easy. Why didn't you say so. Just go get them.
You think rapists leave their face for their victims?!? Most wear ski-masks or blind their victims with something. In addition - just because a person gives a description (brown hair, 200lbs, etc.) you think that's what makes it possible to find these people ? :eusa_doh:

Dude....do you know how many millions and millions fit that description? Finding illegal aliens isn't that hard. We do it every single day in this country. You just don't understand law enforcement.
And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.

Guess what? Bernie Madoff's wife and children didn't choose to break the law either. But they had to pay the price. All of Bernie's assets were seized and sold off. You and your fellow liberals would have had a fuck'n aneurysm had the Madoff's been allowed to keep everything he stole and Bernie simply gone to prison.

Yes - it is not the children's fault that they were brought here by their parents. But it sure as hell isn't my fault either. The reality of life is that children pay the price for their parents actions. When a child's dad is a drug dealer and he goes to prison for 10 years - guess what? That child pays the price. They have no father for a decade and they have no income from that parent. But society doesn't care. We cannot allow criminal activities because people have children.
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't. And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses. You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?

You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means?

If you "illegally" break the speed limit should the government give you amnesty? We have laws regarding immigration and entry into this country. People who break those laws should be held accountable, otherwise we no longer have a country.
How? How do you find them, round them up, and ship them out?

And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.

its true that the kids did not enter the country illegally, but their parents did. Sorry about that. The parents are responsible for taking care of their children. The parents broke the law and should be deported with their children. We are not running a charity home here in the USA. It is not our job to take care of every needy person on earth.

but if you feel that way you should take everything you own, all of your clothes, food, money, furniture, cars, etc and give it to some homeless person. That's exactly what you are asking this country to do-----------------practice what you preach or STFU.
Oh, my ass. First of all, I'm not talking about kid kids. I'm talking about the kids who were brought here a decade, two decades ago. For all intents, and purposes, the grew up American. They went to school, got educations, for careers, and contribute to the revenue of this nation. What do you propose we do with them?

Your second ignorant comment I'm not even going to dignify with a response.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You're still not addressing my question about what is up with your convoluted positions. You're advocating more resources to be devoted for public assistance at the same time you are advocating open borders. I've asked you to explain this several times and you ignore me... so....
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means?

If you "illegally" break the speed limit should the government give you amnesty? We have laws regarding immigration and entry into this country. People who break those laws should be held accountable, otherwise we no longer have a country.
How? How do you find them, round them up, and ship them out?

And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.

its true that the kids did not enter the country illegally, but their parents did. Sorry about that. The parents are responsible for taking care of their children. The parents broke the law and should be deported with their children. We are not running a charity home here in the USA. It is not our job to take care of every needy person on earth.

but if you feel that way you should take everything you own, all of your clothes, food, money, furniture, cars, etc and give it to some homeless person. That's exactly what you are asking this country to do-----------------practice what you preach or STFU.
Oh, my ass. First of all, I'm not talking about kid kids. I'm talking about the kids who were brought here a decade, two decades ago. For all intents, and purposes, the grew up American. They went to school, got educations, for careers, and contribute to the revenue of this nation. What do you propose we do with them?

Your second ignorant comment I'm not even going to dignify with a response.

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If those kids (now adults) were born here then they are citizens. So they are not at issue in this discussion. We can debate whether its right that kids born here of illegals should be granted citizenship, but for now that's the law.

My second comment is merely taking your stated position to its ridiculous conclusion, which is something you libs never do because it reveals the flaws in your ideology.
How? How do you find them, round them up, and ship them out?

And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.

Now you are repeating yourself.

Okay, so lets say we allow people to stay who have been here since the age of 2 or younger, but we deport everybody else. Would you then support that?
Yes, but not 11 million people we don't.
There are far more than 11 million people in prison as we speak.
And we didn't track them all down at once, and put them in jail. Further, the vast majority of them were not caught because of some active manhunt. They were caught, either in the act, or through the commission of some other crime. We can't catch these 11 million "illegals" "in the act", as they are already here - the act is a fait accompli. As I have pointed out, repeatedly, the majority of them aren't committing other crimes, so we're not gonna get them that way. So, a manhunt is rather the only way to catch them. So? From whence do we get the resources to do that?
And these people work. They pay their taxes. They have licenses.
So what? So do rapists. So do murders. Ted Bundy also held a job, had a license, and paid his taxes. Should we have allowed him to keep brutally raping and murdering women?
Again, you're talking about a single person. Also, Ted Bundy wasn't an active case when he was caught. He was caught because he had a taillight out. Not because some manhunt tracked him down, and brought him to justice. Now, how do you do that with illegal immigrants?

You seem to think these "illegals" walk around carrying big neon signs saying, "Hello. I am an illegal alien," They don't. They do nothing to stand out. So, again. How do you propose finding them?
Neither do rapists or serial killers. But somehow....we manage to find them. Neither to fugitives. But somehow....the US Marshals manage to track them down. You're position on this is completely nonsensical.
Again, it is the difference between the occasional single manhunt, and 11 million people. You don't seem to get the it is the scope that makes what you're suggesting unrealistic.
No, I'm not. That's what you right wingers don't seem to understand. You seem to think that, because we advocate taking the simplest, least expensive option for dealing with the immigrants already here, that we, somehow, also oppose any measures, or proposals to tighten the borders, and make it more difficult for new immigrants to come in, without following the proper procedures. I don't. Now, I don't support Trump's stupid wall, because it is stupidly expensive, and unrealistic. And the idea that the Mexican government will pay for it, is just dumb. Especially considering the fact that the current President of Mexico has already told Trump that he can happily feel free to shove that idea straight up his ass (yes, he was more diplomatic than that; that is not a direct quote. But that was the general gist of his response). However, I absolutely support taking whatever realistic measures we can to make illegal border crossings more difficult, and, at least stemming (realistically we're never going to stop it entirely, but we can at least make it harder than it currently is) the illegal crossings.

Do you understand what the word "illegal" means?

If you "illegally" break the speed limit should the government give you amnesty? We have laws regarding immigration and entry into this country. People who break those laws should be held accountable, otherwise we no longer have a country.
How? How do you find them, round them up, and ship them out?

And what about the children they brought, who are now adults, living lives, having gone to school, joined the military, and started careers. They didn't choose to break the law. When I choose to break the speed limit I get a ticket. But you don't give a ticket to my five-year-old sitting in the back seat.

its true that the kids did not enter the country illegally, but their parents did. Sorry about that. The parents are responsible for taking care of their children. The parents broke the law and should be deported with their children. We are not running a charity home here in the USA. It is not our job to take care of every needy person on earth.

but if you feel that way you should take everything you own, all of your clothes, food, money, furniture, cars, etc and give it to some homeless person. That's exactly what you are asking this country to do-----------------practice what you preach or STFU.
Oh, my ass. First of all, I'm not talking about kid kids. I'm talking about the kids who were brought here a decade, two decades ago. For all intents, and purposes, the grew up American. They went to school, got educations, for careers, and contribute to the revenue of this nation. What do you propose we do with them?

Your second ignorant comment I'm not even going to dignify with a response.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

If those kids (now adults) were born here then they are citizens. So they are not at issue in this discussion. We can debate whether its right that kids born here of illegals should be granted citizenship, but for now that's the law.

My second comment is merely taking your stated position to its ridiculous conclusion, which is something you libs never do because it reveals the flaws in your ideology.
Again, not talking about the ones born here. I'm talking about the one's who were babies, or toddlers, now grown, and living their lives.

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