Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Or they just keep living their lives, working their jobs, not breaking any laws, and say, "Come find me, biotch,"

No, not really, because they know there would be some effort into finding them unlike today.

It worked in Arizona, it will work for the entire country. You are making predictions, and I'm showing you the proof. It would work.
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?

What the fuck IS your deal, man? :dunno:

You sit here and drone on and on about how greedy successful people need to increase handouts to the needy and poor... and at the same time, you don't seem to give two shits about millions and millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country. Everybody just pile on in, the rich folk gonna take care of us ALL! ...Is that your thinking?
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?
How do we "round up" rapists? How do we "round up" murderers? How do we "round up" drug dealers? Dude - this really isn't some baffling problem. You simply instruct law enforcement (in this case - predominantly ICE with the help of other agencies such as local law enforcement, US Marshals, etc.) to track these people down. Then you deport them.

And here is the best part! Guess who pays for it? Mexico! We send over a quarter of billion dollars to Mexico every year. We tell Mexico - sorry! You failed to secure your borders. Now we have to pay to round up your people. You don't see a dime until the entire bill for (as you say) "rounding up" these people is paid in full using the aid we've traditionally sent to you. You'll probably see another check from us in about a decade or so. Might want to start building a wall on your side immediately to ensure no further loss of aid from the U.S.

See how easy that is? Simply plan. The criminals are "rounded up" and it's paid for with no further burden to the American tax payer. Like I said - this is no baffling problem. In fact, it's one of the easier one's the U.S. will ever need to solve.
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?
How do we "round up" rapists? How do we "round up" murderers? How do we "round up" drug dealers? Dude - this really isn't some baffling problem. You simply instruct law enforcement (in this case - predominantly ICE with the help of other agencies such as local law enforcement, US Marshals, etc.) to track these people down. Then you deport them.

And here is the best part! Guess who pays for it? Mexico! We send over a quarter of billion dollars to Mexico every year. We tell Mexico - sorry! You failed to secure your borders. Now we have to pay to round up your people. You don't see a dime until the entire bill for (as you say) "rounding up" these people is paid in full using the aid we've traditionally sent to you. You'll probably see another check from us in about a decade or so. Might want to start building a wall on your side immediately to ensure no further loss of aid from the U.S.

See how easy that is? Simply plan. The criminals are "rounded up" and it's paid for with no further burden to the American tax payer. Like I said - this is no baffling problem. In fact, it's one of the easier one's the U.S. will ever need to solve.
That's why Obama has been doing that for years, deporting more illegal criminals than ever before, dupe.
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?

What the fuck IS your deal, man? :dunno:

You sit here and drone on and on about how greedy successful people need to increase handouts to the needy and poor... and at the same time, you don't seem to give two shits about millions and millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country. Everybody just pile on in, the rich folk gonna take care of us ALL! ...Is that your thinking?
In a nutshell Boss? Liberals are liberals because they suffer from an awful disease - envy. Envy is an ugly syndrome. Really ugly. And it's one I can't understand. I truly respect and admire successful people. I don't have an ounce of envy for them. I love reading stories about people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. What they did to achieve success, what the results of that success was, etc. Just the other day I read about Bill Gates home and I marveled at it (he has pressure sensors in the floor so that security knows who is in which room in the house at all times based just on weight). I think stuff like that is awesome. Sadly though, a person like C-bog reads something like that and their eyes turn red with anger and envy.

They aren't willing to put in the 16 hour per days that people like Bill Gates did (currently - Elon Musk puts in so many hours at Tesla that he literally sleeps just a few hours of nigh in a sleeping bag on the factor floor), but they want all of the success that those people achieve.

Frankly, I think Gates and Musk are insane. I think life is too short for that shit (Gates himself admitted that at his peak - he would often spend 4 days in a row at Microsoft sleeping in the office before going home for a night). But that's why they have the success they do. They choose to relentlessly pursue business success - so they deserve every penny they earn and the type of lifestyle that comes with wealth. I personally choose to work as little as possible because my daughters and my family mean the world to me - not wealth. So I don't deserve to be wealthy, but I do deserve to have the incredible family life that I have because I put all of my focus and efforts into (incidentally - in a book called "Win" Dr. Frank Luntz noted that the biggest regret of these highly successful people like Bill Gates is that they never saw their children grow up because they were working 18 hour days and sleeping at the office - and that is the trade off for their success).

Liberals are immature idealists. They can't grasp that nothing is perfect, utopia doesn't exist, and that life is nothing but one big trade off. You want to watch your children grow up - be prepared to not own your own private jet. You want to own a private jet and mansion with pressure sensors in the floor - be prepared to wake up one day and realize you never saw your children grow up. You can't have it both ways. People like C-borg here believe they should be able to sit at home doing absolutely nothing and still have millions of dollars thrown their way from people working their tails off.
I don't support blanket amnesty. But providing a pathway to citizenship makes a duck ton more sense, is more realistic and certainly less expensive than trying to round up 11 million people to ship out. Especially considering that the vast majority of those people have made a life for themselves, are gainfully employed, and have broken no laws other than coming here undocumented...

"Undocumented". What a cute narrative. If I broke into your home, am I an "undocumented visitor" or am I a home invader? It's like calling the murder of innocent babies "pro-choice". These are not "undocumented" people. They are illegal aliens. They broke into our nation.

I love your other false narrative as well - "a pathway to citizenship". We have a "pathway to citizenship". It's called legal citizenship. There is a solid, fair, and legal process. These people made a conscious choice to ignore that process. They should not be rewarded for committing a crime when what they desired was completely available to them legally. But....liberals know they can't win clean elections, right?
Okay. So how do you suggest rounding up 11 million people? Trump's idea of deporting the criminals accounts for about 2.8%. That's a little over 300,000. Now, how are you gonna find, and round up the other 10 million plus?

What the fuck IS your deal, man? :dunno:

You sit here and drone on and on about how greedy successful people need to increase handouts to the needy and poor... and at the same time, you don't seem to give two shits about millions and millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country. Everybody just pile on in, the rich folk gonna take care of us ALL! ...Is that your thinking?
In a nutshell Boss? Liberals are liberals because they suffer from an awful disease - envy. Envy is an ugly syndrome. Really ugly. And it's one I can't understand. I truly respect and admire successful people. I don't have an ounce of envy for them. I love reading stories about people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. What they did to achieve success, what the results of that success was, etc. Just the other day I read about Bill Gates home and I marveled at it (he has pressure sensors in the floor so that security knows who is in which room in the house at all times based just on weight). I think stuff like that is awesome. Sadly though, a person like C-bog reads something like that and their eyes turn red with anger and envy.

They aren't willing to put in the 16 hour per days that people like Bill Gates did (currently - Elon Musk puts in so many hours at Tesla that he literally sleeps just a few hours of nigh in a sleeping bag on the factor floor), but they want all of the success that those people achieve.

Frankly, I think Gates and Musk are insane. I think life is too short for that shit (Gates himself admitted that at his peak - he would often spend 4 days in a row at Microsoft sleeping in the office before going home for a night). But that's why they have the success they do. They choose to relentlessly pursue business success - so they deserve every penny they earn and the type of lifestyle that comes with wealth. I personally choose to work as little as possible because my daughters and my family mean the world to me - not wealth. So I don't deserve to be wealthy, but I do deserve to have the incredible family life that I have because I put all of my focus and efforts into (incidentally - in a book called "Win" Dr. Frank Luntz noted that the biggest regret of these highly successful people like Bill Gates is that they never saw their children grow up because they were working 18 hour days and sleeping at the office - and that is the trade off for their success).

Liberals are immature idealists. They can't grasp that nothing is perfect, utopia doesn't exist, and that life is nothing but one big trade off. You want to watch your children grow up - be prepared to not own your own private jet. You want to own a private jet and mansion with pressure sensors in the floor - be prepared to wake up one day and realize you never saw your children grow up. You can't have it both ways. People like C-borg here believe they should be able to sit at home doing absolutely nothing and still have millions of dollars thrown their way from people working their tails off.
ACTUALLY, they just care about the unfortunate and try to help their peers, hater dupe of the greedy idiot rich...
I was not referring to GDP. I was, specifically, referring to percentage of budget. Further more, social security is not public assistance, so any analysis that includes Social Security as an "entitlement" program, is flawed.
Regarding social security, if you get back more than you paid, it is an entitlement.

Also, do not forget to count the trillions in Obamacare costs. So far $2 trillion.

ObamaCare: $2 Trillion In Spending, $643M In Taxes, Insurance For $50k a Head - Breitbart

Regarding social security, if you get back more than you paid, it is an entitlement.

Isn't social security included in the 0.7%?
I don't believe so. Social security is retirement insurance. It is not public assistance. Everyone wants to act like it is. I recieve public assistance, because I am poor, not because I made any sort of contribution.

If I didn't make any contribution to Social Security, I don't receive any social security, when I retire. You can call it an "Entitlement", or a public assistance program, all you like. It's just not.

Social Security is welfare. There is no "trust fund." Government is simply taxing taxpayers and giving the money to people who didn't earn it just like every other welfare program

Social Security is part of FICA, Federal INSURANCE Contribution Act. What is it that you don't understand about insurance? You pay the premiums and collect the benefits according to the terms of the law.
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

Well - since conservatives are appalled by anyone interfering with the free market, we fully support ending any and all "corporate welfare". Now, liberals claim to be appalled by "corporate welfare" but then demand bailouts for "too big to fail" corporations and still celebrate to this day how Obama threw billions of dollars and Solyndra, GM, and Chrysler (we won't even get into Wall Street and others).

If you people would stop lying and actually back up your words - then all of America would oppose "corporate welfare" and it would end over night.

Bloviating. There is no free market.
Thanks to you socialists - there is some tragic truth to that.

Wrong. A free market is free of business regulation. If there wasn't regulation AND a government to enforce regulation we'd have a 2007-2008 economic collapse.
Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

When you have to quote one of the most infamous sociopathic murderous criminals in U.S. history - you've lost the argument.

Just look at the people you align yourself with. I stand with the like of Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson, and Milton Friedman. You stand with the likes of Al "Scarface" Capone. Enough said.

He actually wrote that in the 40's, and it's truer today than ever.

Today's mob = Google
Really? How many people has Google muredered? How many people has Google horribly beaten? How many people has Google extorted?

Basically what you're saying is that you are insanely envious of successful people. What a shame.

Thus, a legitimate racket.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

I believe we discussed this before. Didn't you state that you were grossly overweight? If so, right there is a starting point.

Next is to get into a line of work that's always in demand. That's what I did. At one point, I had employers looking up my phone number and contacting me about jobs I never applied for or even heard of.

Even today, my industry is starving with over 60,000 jobs that Americans won't work. They don't like the hours, the time away from home, the sacrifice, getting the training and so on.

What the heck do you do?
But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?

Well - since conservatives are appalled by anyone interfering with the free market, we fully support ending any and all "corporate welfare". Now, liberals claim to be appalled by "corporate welfare" but then demand bailouts for "too big to fail" corporations and still celebrate to this day how Obama threw billions of dollars and Solyndra, GM, and Chrysler (we won't even get into Wall Street and others).

If you people would stop lying and actually back up your words - then all of America would oppose "corporate welfare" and it would end over night.

Bloviating. There is no free market.
Thanks to you socialists - there is some tragic truth to that.

Wrong. A free market is free of business regulation. If there wasn't regulation AND a government to enforce regulation we'd have a 2007-2008 economic collapse.
Complete and total bullshit. The housing collapse is what caused the economic crisis and government socialism caused the housing collapse. It was Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to give loans to people who they would previously deny (because in the mind of liberal - everyone should own a home even if they couldn't afford it) and then incentivized them to make reckless loans by ensuring the loans through Freddie and Fannie. That is a fact.

The reality is - that's what government intervention does. It causes collapse and economic crisis. Before the intervention - banks were really strict about loaning money because it was their ass on the line for the loans. Once government got involved - the banks were no longer on the hook. It was the tax payer. So they were incentivized to just make loans, no matter how risky they were.

In a true free market - you would never see a single economic crisis like that because people would be extremely careful with their transactions. With idiot socialism, government takes away all risk and people just get reckless and stupid.
Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

When you have to quote one of the most infamous sociopathic murderous criminals in U.S. history - you've lost the argument.

Just look at the people you align yourself with. I stand with the like of Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson, and Milton Friedman. You stand with the likes of Al "Scarface" Capone. Enough said.

He actually wrote that in the 40's, and it's truer today than ever.

Today's mob = Google
Really? How many people has Google muredered? How many people has Google horribly beaten? How many people has Google extorted?

Basically what you're saying is that you are insanely envious of successful people. What a shame.

Thus, a legitimate racket.
Thus, no racket.
Quite a lot when you place your order at a push button kiosk, swipe your card to pay, have a machine grind the beef, cook your burger, assemble it, bag it and put it in the window for you to take and a roomba comes out after hours to sweep and mop the floor. IOW, there's little actual need for human interaction at tomorrow's McDonalds, and within 20 years you likely won't see a whole lot of employees working there. The biggest job will be for the guy who keeps the machines running and calls tech support. Of course, most machines can call tech support themselves, so not much need for that either.

And when one machine breaks, you close.

LMFAO.... As opposed to now, when the absolute geniuses at Mickey D's jump right in there and fix the broken shake machine instead of telling the customer... "our machine broke, sorry!"

LMFAO.... As opposed to now, when the absolute geniuses at Mickey D's jump right in there and fix the broken shake machine instead of telling the customer... "our machine broke, sorry!"

LMFAO......McDonalds stores have more than one shake machine. See how little you know?

Some do, some do not.
If you don't know they've blocked a good SS card since Reagan and before, you are ignorant on the whole subject...

If they are not here legally, they don't get one.

Nobody outside of our country should be working here until our people have plenty of work first.
If you don't know they've blocked a good SS card since Reagan and before, you are ignorant on the whole subject...

If they are not here legally, they don't get one.

Nobody outside of our country should be working here until our people have plenty of work first.

How dare you, are you a racist or something? Are you an illegal-a-phobe? These are just poor disease ridden illegals who want to traffic meth into our country and make a few bucks have a heart man. So illegals kill 3,000 Americans a year we have over 300 million Americans we can spare a few. So they rape American women they can get an abortion. Come on man give these illegal law breaking Mexican flag waving boil ridden people a break okay. /SARCASM

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