Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Who cares? The question wasn't about who is more obstructionist? It was a dispelling of the lie that Obama had free reign to do whatever he wanted during his first two years in office, as Ray, incorrectly, suggested.

He did actually. Filibuster proof? No, but he couldn't get much closer. The last time the Senate had 60 seats or more was back in the early 80's which was well over 30 years ago. Yet Presidents (from both sides) were able to negotiate and pass legislation left and right. But DumBama didn't have that ability, did he?
Fucking morons like Mitch McConnell didn't have that ability. And then there was that absurd pledge to Grover Norquist...

Obozo had both houses of congress his first two years-------------and what did he pass?

The worst piece of legislation in the history of our nation, obozocare.

Passed on dem only votes using reconciliation tactics which had never before been used for anything as significant. Now, thanks to that attempt to take over 1/6 of the economy, premiums have doubled, deductibles have doubled, and coverages have been reduced.

but, yeah, now some poor people are getting free medical care-------------but they always were. ACA was a fix for a non problem.

Now, what else has your Kenyan messiah done?
Back then, I was an apologist for Obama. I thought he was trying to avoid republican backlash by trying to be inclusive - we all know that republicans can be vindictive toddlers when they're not paid attention. But this was a big let down. I think he lost me for good when he let the tax increases for the rich slide.
Where do you get that they were paying out more than they were taking in? The best insurers have had razor thin margins for decades, but I don't see how financially that would work to take in less than they pay out.

On a per policy-holder, it's totally viable - as long as there are more people signing up every year. It's the classic Ponzi scheme dynamic. It's essentially what we've been doing with Social Security. But just as SS becomes less viable as our nation ages, and our birth rate declines, health insurance became less viable as the influx of new customers began to dry up.

Begging the question. I asked how you know that, you didn't answer the question.

And healthcare isn't like life insurance, people start using it right away. I don't see how what you are saying would work. But repeating that you know it doesn't answer how you know that.

The industry is screwed up, that's for sure.

I don't have any insider info, if that's what you're asking for. I'm just making an observation on something obvious. It's just math.

Math based on what? You have the right dynamic, but the wrong wealth transfer. It's not existing policyholders versus new policy holders. It's a transfer from young and healthy to elderly and pre-existing conditions. Government has been saddling health care companies with the cost of the elderly and pre-existing conditions, so insurance companies have to get the young and healthy to overpay. More and more they are refusing to do that.

Healthcare like most industry is a government created crisis. Insurance companies should be able to charge all customers profitably on an ex-ante basis and they can't

It was all part of the plan to destroy health insurance companies and implement socialized medicine. If we allow the hildebitch to become president, she will finish the job and destroy the best medical system in the history of the world.
The Bugatti Veyron is the greatest car in the history of the world. Why don't you own one?
Who cares? The question wasn't about who is more obstructionist? It was a dispelling of the lie that Obama had free reign to do whatever he wanted during his first two years in office, as Ray, incorrectly, suggested.

He did actually. Filibuster proof? No, but he couldn't get much closer. The last time the Senate had 60 seats or more was back in the early 80's which was well over 30 years ago. Yet Presidents (from both sides) were able to negotiate and pass legislation left and right. But DumBama didn't have that ability, did he?
Fucking morons like Mitch McConnell didn't have that ability. And then there was that absurd pledge to Grover Norquist...

Obozo had both houses of congress his first two years-------------and what did he pass?
Really? You're going to tell the exact same lie that I just exposed for the lie that it is less than 10 posts after the lie was exposed?

Do feel free to piss up a rope.

then tell us, other than ACA, what has Obama passed? EO's don't count. out of 8 years, how many budget bills has he passed?

Or we can talk about the national debt. 10T when he started, over 20T when he leaves. do you consider doubling the national debt as an accomplishment?
Who cares? The question wasn't about who is more obstructionist? It was a dispelling of the lie that Obama had free reign to do whatever he wanted during his first two years in office, as Ray, incorrectly, suggested.

He did actually. Filibuster proof? No, but he couldn't get much closer. The last time the Senate had 60 seats or more was back in the early 80's which was well over 30 years ago. Yet Presidents (from both sides) were able to negotiate and pass legislation left and right. But DumBama didn't have that ability, did he?
Fucking morons like Mitch McConnell didn't have that ability. And then there was that absurd pledge to Grover Norquist...

Obozo had both houses of congress his first two years-------------and what did he pass?
Really? You're going to tell the exact same lie that I just exposed for the lie that it is less than 10 posts after the lie was exposed?

Do feel free to piss up a rope.
Give him a break, he's senile.
On a per policy-holder, it's totally viable - as long as there are more people signing up every year. It's the classic Ponzi scheme dynamic. It's essentially what we've been doing with Social Security. But just as SS becomes less viable as our nation ages, and our birth rate declines, health insurance became less viable as the influx of new customers began to dry up.

Begging the question. I asked how you know that, you didn't answer the question.

And healthcare isn't like life insurance, people start using it right away. I don't see how what you are saying would work. But repeating that you know it doesn't answer how you know that.

The industry is screwed up, that's for sure.

I don't have any insider info, if that's what you're asking for. I'm just making an observation on something obvious. It's just math.

Math based on what? You have the right dynamic, but the wrong wealth transfer. It's not existing policyholders versus new policy holders. It's a transfer from young and healthy to elderly and pre-existing conditions. Government has been saddling health care companies with the cost of the elderly and pre-existing conditions, so insurance companies have to get the young and healthy to overpay. More and more they are refusing to do that.

Healthcare like most industry is a government created crisis. Insurance companies should be able to charge all customers profitably on an ex-ante basis and they can't

It was all part of the plan to destroy health insurance companies and implement socialized medicine. If we allow the hildebitch to become president, she will finish the job and destroy the best medical system in the history of the world.
The Bugatti Veyron is the greatest car in the history of the world. Why don't you own one?

if I had that kind of money I wouldn't waste it on a car. For the record, its far from the greatest car in history. An S class Mercedes is a much better car.
Who cares? The question wasn't about who is more obstructionist? It was a dispelling of the lie that Obama had free reign to do whatever he wanted during his first two years in office, as Ray, incorrectly, suggested.

He did actually. Filibuster proof? No, but he couldn't get much closer. The last time the Senate had 60 seats or more was back in the early 80's which was well over 30 years ago. Yet Presidents (from both sides) were able to negotiate and pass legislation left and right. But DumBama didn't have that ability, did he?
Fucking morons like Mitch McConnell didn't have that ability. And then there was that absurd pledge to Grover Norquist...

Obozo had both houses of congress his first two years-------------and what did he pass?
Really? You're going to tell the exact same lie that I just exposed for the lie that it is less than 10 posts after the lie was exposed?

Do feel free to piss up a rope.
Give him a break, he's senile.

while you and your lib buddy piss into the wind and complain that your shoes are getting wet.
Who cares? The question wasn't about who is more obstructionist? It was a dispelling of the lie that Obama had free reign to do whatever he wanted during his first two years in office, as Ray, incorrectly, suggested.

He did actually. Filibuster proof? No, but he couldn't get much closer. The last time the Senate had 60 seats or more was back in the early 80's which was well over 30 years ago. Yet Presidents (from both sides) were able to negotiate and pass legislation left and right. But DumBama didn't have that ability, did he?
Fucking morons like Mitch McConnell didn't have that ability. And then there was that absurd pledge to Grover Norquist...

Obozo had both houses of congress his first two years-------------and what did he pass?
Really? You're going to tell the exact same lie that I just exposed for the lie that it is less than 10 posts after the lie was exposed?

Do feel free to piss up a rope.

then tell us, other than ACA, what has Obama passed? EO's don't count. out of 8 years, how many budget bills has he passed?

Or we can talk about the national debt. 10T when he started, over 20T when he leaves. do you consider doubling the national debt as an accomplishment?
The lie wasn't Obama got legislation passed. The lie was he had control of Congress for two years. He had a majority for two years, but a majority in the Senate is not synonymous with control; particularly with a Republican minority willing to filibuster even a resolution to say that water is wet, just because the guy in the White House supported it.

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Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
So your saying you want an increase in your welfare ?? go get a job and leave everyone elses money alone
The lie wasn't Obama got legislation passed. The lie was he had control of Congress for two years. He had a majority for two years, but a majority in the Senate is not synonymous with control; particularly with a Republican minority willing to filibuster even a resolution to say that water is wet, just because the guy in the White House supported it.

Yes, majority is control... the only thing that requires super-majority is increasing taxes... which the Democrats also did with Obamacare by calling it a penalty. I don't know who you are trying to convince with your bullshit. You know it's bullshit, all your fellow libtards know it's bullshit and those of us on the right certainly know it's bullshit.

No one filibustered you... Democrats passed everything they wanted. Even after losing the majority, Boehner and McConnell promised not to shut down the government and rubber stamped everything Obama wanted. So you've really had EIGHT years of authoritarian rule. Your stimulus failed to stimulate, you paid off a bunch of cronies with a trillion taxpayer dollars in green energy... nothing to show for it. Now... you want to blame your unmitigated failure on Republicans.

Fuck you!
Who cares? The question wasn't about who is more obstructionist? It was a dispelling of the lie that Obama had free reign to do whatever he wanted during his first two years in office, as Ray, incorrectly, suggested.

He did actually. Filibuster proof? No, but he couldn't get much closer. The last time the Senate had 60 seats or more was back in the early 80's which was well over 30 years ago. Yet Presidents (from both sides) were able to negotiate and pass legislation left and right. But DumBama didn't have that ability, did he?
Fucking morons like Mitch McConnell didn't have that ability. And then there was that absurd pledge to Grover Norquist...

Obozo had both houses of congress his first two years-------------and what did he pass?

The worst piece of legislation in the history of our nation, obozocare.

Passed on dem only votes using reconciliation tactics which had never before been used for anything as significant. Now, thanks to that attempt to take over 1/6 of the economy, premiums have doubled, deductibles have doubled, and coverages have been reduced.

but, yeah, now some poor people are getting free medical care-------------but they always were. ACA was a fix for a non problem.

Now, what else has your Kenyan messiah done?
He had control for less than 2 months, dupe. 200 plus GOP filibusters. The old GOP health scam was a ridiculously overpriced disaster/scam. Health cost curve is already bending down tho ACA is not yet fully implemented. It's called transparent competition and regulation of insurer profits and non-medical spending.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
So your saying you want an increase in your welfare ?? go get a job and leave everyone elses money alone
Jeeebus what a brainwashed function moron hater dupe...
The lie wasn't Obama got legislation passed. The lie was he had control of Congress for two years. He had a majority for two years, but a majority in the Senate is not synonymous with control; particularly with a Republican minority willing to filibuster even a resolution to say that water is wet, just because the guy in the White House supported it.

Yes, majority is control... the only thing that requires super-majority is increasing taxes... which the Democrats also did with Obamacare by calling it a penalty. I don't know who you are trying to convince with your bullshit. You know it's bullshit, all your fellow libtards know it's bullshit and those of us on the right certainly know it's bullshit.

No one filibustered you... Democrats passed everything they wanted. Even after losing the majority, Boehner and McConnell promised not to shut down the government and rubber stamped everything Obama wanted. So you've really had EIGHT years of authoritarian rule. Your stimulus failed to stimulate, you paid off a bunch of cronies with a trillion taxpayer dollars in green energy... nothing to show for it. Now... you want to blame your unmitigated failure on Republicans.

Fuck you!
200+ GOP filibusters 2009-11, ignoramus. Nothing of import has passed in 8 years BUT the ACA and stimulus. The New BS GOP and you dupes/functional idiots are a disgrace.
If those kids (now adults) were born here then they are citizens. So they are not at issue in this discussion. We can debate whether its right that kids born here of illegals should be granted citizenship, but for now that's the law.

My second comment is merely taking your stated position to its ridiculous conclusion, which is something you libs never do because it reveals the flaws in your ideology.

The New BS GOP and the big racist orange idiot are a ridiculous disgrace.

Triggered yet?

You don't get it. Every single thing that drives leftist crazy has my support.

You just made my morning. Keep whining.
Too bad about the wrecked middle class
If those kids (now adults) were born here then they are citizens. So they are not at issue in this discussion. We can debate whether its right that kids born here of illegals should be granted citizenship, but for now that's the law.

My second comment is merely taking your stated position to its ridiculous conclusion, which is something you libs never do because it reveals the flaws in your ideology.

The New BS GOP and the big racist orange idiot are a ridiculous disgrace.

Triggered yet?

You don't get it. Every single thing that drives leftist crazy has my support.

You just made my morning. Keep whining.
Yup, too bad about the wrecked middle class and the country, party first dupe. Walmart is a horrible place to work, with most workers in poverty. ANOTHER Reaganist RW nightmare.
If those kids (now adults) were born here then they are citizens. So they are not at issue in this discussion. We can debate whether its right that kids born here of illegals should be granted citizenship, but for now that's the law.

My second comment is merely taking your stated position to its ridiculous conclusion, which is something you libs never do because it reveals the flaws in your ideology.

The New BS GOP and the big racist orange idiot are a ridiculous disgrace.

Triggered yet?

You don't get it. Every single thing that drives leftist crazy has my support.

You just made my morning. Keep whining.
Too bad about the wrecked middle class

Who wrecked it?
If those kids (now adults) were born here then they are citizens. So they are not at issue in this discussion. We can debate whether its right that kids born here of illegals should be granted citizenship, but for now that's the law.

My second comment is merely taking your stated position to its ridiculous conclusion, which is something you libs never do because it reveals the flaws in your ideology.

The New BS GOP and the big racist orange idiot are a ridiculous disgrace.

Triggered yet?

You don't get it. Every single thing that drives leftist crazy has my support.

You just made my morning. Keep whining.
Yup, too bad about the wrecked middle class and the country, party first dupe. Walmart is a horrible place to work, with most workers in poverty. ANOTHER Reaganist RW nightmare.

What are you smoking dude?

In my post I am clearly talking about illegals, and in your reply you're talking about Walmart and Reagan.
As little as you have to pay him.

Then we need stronger laws.

Our laws are just fine. Nobody is forced to take any job they don't want to.
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

Nobody will hire you... why?
COBOL programmer, nobody does COBOL anymore. old, outdated, worn out. Also Bi-polar.
Some still do COBOL, just not very many, and not much new development.
Yup, too bad about the wrecked middle class and the country, party first dupe. Walmart is a horrible place to work, with most workers in poverty. ANOTHER Reaganist RW nightmare.

Really? And how long have you worked at Walmart to know?

I've known several people that work at Walmart and they are quite happy. I talk to their truck drives all the time. They are very pleased. I have talked to their warehouse workers. Again, no complaints. I've even known a guy that used to work for one of our customers. He used to unload my truck. He took a part-time job with Walmart, and eventually they offered him a management position. He finally accepted it because they had better medical coverage than the job he worked at driving a tow motor.
He had control for less than 2 months, dupe. 200 plus GOP filibusters. The old GOP health scam was a ridiculously overpriced disaster/scam. Health cost curve is already bending down tho ACA is not yet fully implemented. It's called transparent competition and regulation of insurer profits and non-medical spending.

And thanks to that, now those insurance companies are losing money.

What insurance companies do is use the money we pay them in premiums for investments. The profits from those investments help offset the claims by customers.

With only 15% to work with outside of paying medical bills, now the insurance companies don't make as much money because they can no longer invest. Now they work more like Social Security where the money sits under a mattress until needed earning no interest at all.

This is why people who know nothing about business like you and Obama should stay the hell out of business.
They had two years to get things done, and what did they do? Ruin healthcare for many of us. Put us further and further into debt with these Socialist programs while at the same time, creating record government dependents. Attack our banks so that credit worthy customers have to pay more for services so that the lowlifes who generally vote Democrat don't get charged late fees on their loans and credit cards. Even cigarette smokers seen huge increases in the cost of their tobacco.
Where are these credit cards that have no late fees? I've never seen them and I hate republicans as much as the next guy.

Obama signs credit card reforms into law

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