Why can't Public Assistance increase?

The left believes that CEO's in real life are like the CEO's portrayed in movies and television. You know, they hang in their office all day practicing their putts on astroturf set up in their office. When they get bored, they summons their limo to take them to one of their many yachts. On the way out, they tell their hot secretary to take all their calls. The secretary can't type ten words a minute, but because they are hot and dress like a slut, they have a six figure job. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I've said before, I happen to have a lot of left-wing liberal personal friends. We get along because I make it a rule not to discuss politics with them. But every now and then, one will catch me on a bad day... One day, one of them was going on and on with the left-wing drone about the "rich greedy bastard CEOs who get all these bonuses and salaries they don't deserve..." you know the drill... so, I casually asked him... Can you tell me what a CEO actually does?

He sits there a second, then asks "what do you mean?" So I clarify... Just tell me what you think a CEO typically does in a given day at the office? Well... he acted like I had asked him to give me the formula for nuclear fission. He stammered and hem-hawed around and finally said... they make a few phone calls and have a few meetings, then go play golf. And THAT was his whole answer!

So then I asked him.... okay, so that makes sense to you? A capitalist enterprise existing solely for the purpose of making as much profit as they can.... are spending millions of dollars for someone to make phone calls, attend meetings and play golf? Does that not seem like a terrible waste of their resources and enormous burden to their bottom line? ...OF course, that's when he starts to change subjects and run away from the argument.... like they always do.

These people don't have the first clue what a CEO does. All they know... All they care about... is this seething rage and anger they have which stems from extreme jealousy and envy...so fierce they can't even think rationally anymore.... over some people having more than they have. GREED? ...THEY are the Greedy!
$30K Retrofit Turns Dumb Semis Into Self-Driving Robots

It'll be interesting to see whether or not you continue to be a defender of all of the cost cutting measures corporations are trying to use when your livelihood is lost.

Oh please. A test pilot for a Google car just ran off of a cliff and killed the driver of one of these vehicles.

Even if this were to happen, I'll be long retired or off of this earth. Nobody is going to pay the outrageous insurance rates for these vehicles because there will be a hell of a lot of accidents.

By then, they may have some that will be on the highway, but they will never be able to make one that can drive city in our lifetime. And driving in dangerous weather is out. You need an experienced operator to make it through snowstorms and windy conditions.
Autonomous vehicles have driven 500,000 miles without an accident (now there's been one). Humans on average have an accident once in something like 120,000 miles. And unless you plan on retiring in less than 10 years, you've got something to worry about.
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...
The left believes that CEO's in real life are like the CEO's portrayed in movies and television. You know, they hang in their office all day practicing their putts on astroturf set up in their office. When they get bored, they summons their limo to take them to one of their many yachts. On the way out, they tell their hot secretary to take all their calls. The secretary can't type ten words a minute, but because they are hot and dress like a slut, they have a six figure job. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I've said before, I happen to have a lot of left-wing liberal personal friends. We get along because I make it a rule not to discuss politics with them. But every now and then, one will catch me on a bad day... One day, one of them was going on and on with the left-wing drone about the "rich greedy bastard CEOs who get all these bonuses and salaries they don't deserve..." you know the drill... so, I casually asked him... Can you tell me what a CEO actually does?

He sits there a second, then asks "what do you mean?" So I clarify... Just tell me what you think a CEO typically does in a given day at the office? Well... he acted like I had asked him to give me the formula for nuclear fission. He stammered and hem-hawed around and finally said... they make a few phone calls and have a few meetings, then go play golf. And THAT was his whole answer!

So then I asked him.... okay, so that makes sense to you? A capitalist enterprise existing solely for the purpose of making as much profit as they can.... are spending millions of dollars for someone to make phone calls, attend meetings and play golf? Does that not seem like a terrible waste of their resources and enormous burden to their bottom line? ...OF course, that's when he starts to change subjects and run away from the argument.... like they always do.

These people don't have the first clue what a CEO does. All they know... All they care about... is this seething rage and anger they have which stems from extreme jealousy and envy...so fierce they can't even think rationally anymore.... over some people having more than they have. GREED? ...THEY are the Greedy!
Yeah, it's wonderful that CEOs make 300x the worker today. You suq, and who wants to argue with a brainwashed, rude, ugly American idiot/a-hole....Everyone IN THE WORLD outside your moronic GOP bubble knows who the greedy a-holes are, and the ignorant dupes are. YOU.
REGULATED, dingbat. Like here.

AS A WHOLE... DINGBAT... Like you WANT it to be here!
"We're all socialists now!!- Finland PM when ACA passed. You think it's communism, ignoramus. It's well regulated capitalism with a good safety net, outside your ignorant, brainwashed GOP bubble. It's just that US socialism is the worst because of greedy idiot GOP billionaires and their ignorant chumps like YOU.
Spoken like a perfect hater dupe. So you lov mindless obstruction, bad gov't and giving away everything to the rich? Idiot.

You don't give anything away to the rich Idiot. All government can do is take less from them. Don't you know that the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes?
Just federal income taxes.And they make more than 70% of the income lol, dupe. Payroll taxes are now as big an amount as income taxes. Who pays them? Cut the stupid propaganda, dupe.
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

Oh, that was just one little obvious example of how this woman lies incessantly... even when she doesn't have to. You can just about count on her lying every time her mouth opens. She repeatedly lied about this email thing and we know that for a fact now. You could melt the USMB servers trying to chronicle her lies. I doubt they have enough database to hold them all.

Now, it's really cute that you want to play little games with words here but I have better things to do today. When I want to play word games, I prefer Scrabble.

And she IS horrible... a horrible person with horrible character and ethics. The ONLY reason you are supporting her is because she is going to carry the banner for your little Marxist-Socialist march. This woman should be perma-banned from inside the beltway or doing time at Leavenworth... not running for president.
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

Oh, that was just one little obvious example of how this woman lies incessantly... even when she doesn't have to. You can just about count on her lying every time her mouth opens. She repeatedly lied about this email thing and we know that for a fact now. You could melt the USMB servers trying to chronicle her lies. I doubt they have enough database to hold them all.

Now, it's really cute that you want to play little games with words here but I have better things to do today. When I want to play word games, I prefer Scrabble.

And she IS horrible... a horrible person with horrible character and ethics. The ONLY reason you are supporting her is because she is going to carry the banner for your little Marxist-Socialist march. This woman should be perma-banned from inside the beltway or doing time at Leavenworth... not running for president.
SURE, hater dupe. I have yet to see a Hillary lie that isn't bs or highly debateable . While you believe an encyclopedia of GOP lies just about her and in general. see sig, add Obama had control for 2 years or his policies cause ANYTHING bad. The New BS GOP is a disgrace, ditto the ignorant hater dupes like you.
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

Oh, that was just one little obvious example of how this woman lies incessantly... even when she doesn't have to. You can just about count on her lying every time her mouth opens. She repeatedly lied about this email thing and we know that for a fact now. You could melt the USMB servers trying to chronicle her lies. I doubt they have enough database to hold them all.

Now, it's really cute that you want to play little games with words here but I have better things to do today. When I want to play word games, I prefer Scrabble.

And she IS horrible... a horrible person with horrible character and ethics. The ONLY reason you are supporting her is because she is going to carry the banner for your little Marxist-Socialist march. This woman should be perma-banned from inside the beltway or doing time at Leavenworth... not running for president.
SURE, hater dupe. I have yet to see a Hillary lie that isn't bs or highly debateable . While you believe an encyclopedia of GOP lies just about her and in general. see sig, add Obama had control for 2 years or his policies cause ANYTHING bad. The New BS GOP is a disgrace, ditto the ignorant hater dupes like you.

If "hater dupe" means that I reject you and everything you stand for... then I'm guilty as charged. I want you marginalized and relegated to the nutball status you deserve... FAR away from political power in America.

And btw, I have sigs turned off in prefs... can't read it.
Sorry... I'm sure I missed a lot.
No one filibustered you... Democrats passed everything they wanted.
This is why rational discussion is impossible with the "New Right". Because they don't just have their own opinions. They have their own definitions for heretofore commonly understood terms. They have their own version of facts. They have their own version of history. They, literally, exist in a completely separate reality from the rest of us. So, it is impossible to have rational discourse, as we exist in different realities.

This is a perfect example. In the reality of the "New Right" apparently, Obama, and the Democrats had only two things that they wanted to accomplish in two years. And the rest of the time they...I don't know...sat around diddling each other? Because all that got done in two years was the stimulus package, and ACA. But, in the reality of the "New Right", there was no obstruction. Obama, and the Democrats had complete, iron-fisted control of the entire Congress. And with that control, they passed a whopping two pieces of legislation.

On average, 86% of legislation passed. Sounds pretty good to me.

Historical Statistics about Legislation in the U.S. Congress -- GovTrack.us
Oh. My. God! You really should follow the links in those sources you provide. It was 82%. For the 11th - the congress in question. That 82%? Or 86%, if you wanna use the 113th... That was under "Other legislation". Follow the link to that "Other legislation", and you'll find that it was legislation that never made it out of committee, not legislation that was passed, and enacted. You really are a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

I averaged it.... for the congress' since 2009. Now go back to sleep ya little twat.
No one filibustered you... Democrats passed everything they wanted.
This is why rational discussion is impossible with the "New Right". Because they don't just have their own opinions. They have their own definitions for heretofore commonly understood terms. They have their own version of facts. They have their own version of history. They, literally, exist in a completely separate reality from the rest of us. So, it is impossible to have rational discourse, as we exist in different realities.

This is a perfect example. In the reality of the "New Right" apparently, Obama, and the Democrats had only two things that they wanted to accomplish in two years. And the rest of the time they...I don't know...sat around diddling each other? Because all that got done in two years was the stimulus package, and ACA. But, in the reality of the "New Right", there was no obstruction. Obama, and the Democrats had complete, iron-fisted control of the entire Congress. And with that control, they passed a whopping two pieces of legislation.

On average, 86% of legislation passed. Sounds pretty good to me.

Historical Statistics about Legislation in the U.S. Congress -- GovTrack.us
Oh. My. God! You really should follow the links in those sources you provide. It was 82%. For the 11th - the congress in question. That 82%? Or 86%, if you wanna use the 113th... That was under "Other legislation". Follow the link to that "Other legislation", and you'll find that it was legislation that never made it out of committee, not legislation that was passed, and enacted. You really are a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

I averaged it.... for the congress' since 2009. Now go back to sleep ya little twat.
That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

I don't know if you're retarded, or just that blatantly dishonest.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady.
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

Oh, that was just one little obvious example of how this woman lies incessantly... even when she doesn't have to. You can just about count on her lying every time her mouth opens. She repeatedly lied about this email thing and we know that for a fact now. You could melt the USMB servers trying to chronicle her lies. I doubt they have enough database to hold them all.

Now, it's really cute that you want to play little games with words here but I have better things to do today. When I want to play word games, I prefer Scrabble.

And she IS horrible... a horrible person with horrible character and ethics. The ONLY reason you are supporting her is because she is going to carry the banner for your little Marxist-Socialist march. This woman should be perma-banned from inside the beltway or doing time at Leavenworth... not running for president.
SURE, hater dupe. I have yet to see a Hillary lie that isn't bs or highly debateable . While you believe an encyclopedia of GOP lies just about her and in general. see sig, add Obama had control for 2 years or his policies cause ANYTHING bad. The New BS GOP is a disgrace, ditto the ignorant hater dupes like you.

If "hater dupe" means that I reject you and everything you stand for... then I'm guilty as charged. I want you marginalized and relegated to the nutball status you deserve... FAR away from political power in America.

And btw, I have sigs turned off in prefs... can't read it.
Sorry... I'm sure I missed a lot.
No, it means you're a brainwashed twit and thus hate reality...

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: ALL Pure lies.
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry.
First paragraph from 2007.
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...

OMG... You're kidding, right?

How about... "We were under sniper fire....."

This woman lies more before breakfast than most people do in a lifetime.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

Oh, that was just one little obvious example of how this woman lies incessantly... even when she doesn't have to. You can just about count on her lying every time her mouth opens. She repeatedly lied about this email thing and we know that for a fact now. You could melt the USMB servers trying to chronicle her lies. I doubt they have enough database to hold them all.

Now, it's really cute that you want to play little games with words here but I have better things to do today. When I want to play word games, I prefer Scrabble.

And she IS horrible... a horrible person with horrible character and ethics. The ONLY reason you are supporting her is because she is going to carry the banner for your little Marxist-Socialist march. This woman should be perma-banned from inside the beltway or doing time at Leavenworth... not running for president.
SURE, hater dupe. I have yet to see a Hillary lie that isn't bs or highly debateable . While you believe an encyclopedia of GOP lies just about her and in general. see sig, add Obama had control for 2 years or his policies cause ANYTHING bad. The New BS GOP is a disgrace, ditto the ignorant hater dupes like you.

If "hater dupe" means that I reject you and everything you stand for... then I'm guilty as charged. I want you marginalized and relegated to the nutball status you deserve... FAR away from political power in America.

And btw, I have sigs turned off in prefs... can't read it.
Sorry... I'm sure I missed a lot.
No, it means you're a brainwashed twit and thus hate reality...

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: ALL Pure lies.
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry.
First paragraph from 2007.
Statistically speaking, it's a no-brainer to say that there will always be a 1%. It's what that 1% controls in terms of wealth that is the issue.

Apparently, you don't understand what percentages mean. The Top 1% refers to the people who control the top 1% of wealth. The top 1% of wealth is the same regardless of how much wealth there is... it's a percentage of the total.

Here's where there is a difference... In a Communist style system, the Top 1% are the ruling class who also control all political power, all the weapons, all the press, etc. In OUR system, anyone is free to become part of the 1% and anyone can control political power, weapons or access the press.

The "issue" is... you've been brainwashed by socialists trying to promote Marxism. That's the precursor to Communism. The reason is, because they want to be the ruling class or 1%. And they want you to submit your liberty and power to them. You've bought into their rhetoric because you're selfish and think that people who have more than you don't deserve it. You think that somehow, if you support this War on the 1%, you will eventually see some kind of windfall of all that wealth.... the socialists who are feeding you this crap have a name for you.... Useful Idiots.
No, I promote a mix of capitalism and socialism that you find in other first-world countries whose populations haven't been stupefied by the constant barrage of bullshit like you espouse.

As you know, or should, the countries you point to as being Socialist, are not. They are, however, highly taxed and regulated capitalist democracies.

Do you actually teach? Really?
Where did I ever say that I was a teacher?
No one filibustered you... Democrats passed everything they wanted.
This is why rational discussion is impossible with the "New Right". Because they don't just have their own opinions. They have their own definitions for heretofore commonly understood terms. They have their own version of facts. They have their own version of history. They, literally, exist in a completely separate reality from the rest of us. So, it is impossible to have rational discourse, as we exist in different realities.

This is a perfect example. In the reality of the "New Right" apparently, Obama, and the Democrats had only two things that they wanted to accomplish in two years. And the rest of the time they...I don't know...sat around diddling each other? Because all that got done in two years was the stimulus package, and ACA. But, in the reality of the "New Right", there was no obstruction. Obama, and the Democrats had complete, iron-fisted control of the entire Congress. And with that control, they passed a whopping two pieces of legislation.

On average, 86% of legislation passed. Sounds pretty good to me.

Historical Statistics about Legislation in the U.S. Congress -- GovTrack.us
Oh. My. God! You really should follow the links in those sources you provide. It was 82%. For the 11th - the congress in question. That 82%? Or 86%, if you wanna use the 113th... That was under "Other legislation". Follow the link to that "Other legislation", and you'll find that it was legislation that never made it out of committee, not legislation that was passed, and enacted. You really are a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

I averaged it.... for the congress' since 2009. Now go back to sleep ya little twat.
That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

I don't know if you're retarded, or just that blatantly dishonest.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Even if so, so what? You do realize Congress is under no obligation to pass legislation?
That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

Well, if Democrats were in control of Congress for 2 years, then the committees were majority Democrat... and if bills couldn't make it out of committee, that gives you an idea of how out-of-touch and loopy they must've been! Not even the damn Democrats could muster support!

This is like the "single payer" meme you keep moaning about... blaming THAT on Republicans! It wasn't Republicans who killed "single payer" it was DEMOCRATS! Republicans didn't support ANY of it... single payer or otherwise... they opposed nationalized health care! The reason you didn't get "single payer" was because not enough DEMOCRATS supported it... not Republicans!
SURE, hater dupe. I have yet to see a Hillary lie that isn't bs or highly debateable . While you believe an encyclopedia of GOP lies just about her and in general.

Doesn't your mother ever let you out of the basement?

Here we are, with an FBI report to the country on Hillary's lies, and you ask what lies.

She testified that she never erased any emails related to work--only personal ones. Guess what? The FBI found them.

She testified that she never sent nor received any classified documents. Guess what? The FBI found several of them.

She said she only used one cell phone for email. Guess what? The FBI found several.

Much like you, she's a walking talking lying machine.
Just federal income taxes.And they make more than 70% of the income lol, dupe. Payroll taxes are now as big an amount as income taxes. Who pays them? Cut the stupid propaganda, dupe.

What a fool. Payroll taxes are little savings account for your behalf. Payroll taxes don't fund our military. Payroll taxes don't pave our roads. Payroll taxes don't pay for NASA. Payroll taxes don't pay for all your precious social programs outside of SS and Medicare.

If you live the average lifespan in this country, you get all those payroll taxes back and more. The only exception to that is state and local taxes, and I'm sure you get back some of that as well.

What you need to do is find somebody that works for a living, and ask them if you can look at their pay stub. A pay stub is a little piece of paper attached to a paycheck that shows all the deductions in case you didn't know.

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