Why can't Public Assistance increase?

There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

There is a difference between a place that has snipers and a sniper shooting at you. If your city has a fire department, does that mean your house is on fire?
utonomous vehicles have driven 500,000 miles without an accident (now there's been one). Humans on average have an accident once in something like 120,000 miles. And unless you plan on retiring in less than 10 years, you've got something to worry about.

Long before they put any kind of truck like that on the road, they will first hit the passenger industry. That means cab drivers and Uber people will be the first to go before me. And I don't even think we will see that in our lifetime. Next of course would be busses......again, not going to happen for many years.

And who do you think adjusts the tandems on a trailer, a computer? Who do you think backs into a dock door? Who do you think will hitch and unhitch a trailer, the computer? Think the federal government will just allow a truck on the road that they can't stop for a spot check? How will the truck read the OPEN or CLOSED signs at a weight station on the highway?

I'm sure it's a fun experiment, but certainly not practical. And I'm sure most (if not all) of those experimental miles were on a highway only. Again, a computer is not going to be able to navigate through cities that often don't have streets wide enough to make turns and calculate where the utility polls, fire hydrants, and pedestrians are.
I've said before, I happen to have a lot of left-wing liberal personal friends. We get along because I make it a rule not to discuss politics with them. But every now and then, one will catch me on a bad day... One day, one of them was going on and on with the left-wing drone about the "rich greedy bastard CEOs who get all these bonuses and salaries they don't deserve..." you know the drill... so, I casually asked him... Can you tell me what a CEO actually does?

He sits there a second, then asks "what do you mean?" So I clarify... Just tell me what you think a CEO typically does in a given day at the office? Well... he acted like I had asked him to give me the formula for nuclear fission. He stammered and hem-hawed around and finally said... they make a few phone calls and have a few meetings, then go play golf. And THAT was his whole answer!

So then I asked him.... okay, so that makes sense to you? A capitalist enterprise existing solely for the purpose of making as much profit as they can.... are spending millions of dollars for someone to make phone calls, attend meetings and play golf? Does that not seem like a terrible waste of their resources and enormous burden to their bottom line? ...OF course, that's when he starts to change subjects and run away from the argument.... like they always do.

These people don't have the first clue what a CEO does. All they know... All they care about... is this seething rage and anger they have which stems from extreme jealousy and envy...so fierce they can't even think rationally anymore.... over some people having more than they have. GREED? ...THEY are the Greedy!

I love the ones who say "A CEO's job isn't hard." LOL!

So I always suggest if that's what they believe, why don''t they become a CEO themselves?

Liberals are so easy to fool. Again, they think a CEO is what they see in the movies. They also think all CEO"s make multi-millions of dollars every year, when most CEO's make low six figures at best. Plus if they would bother to pick up a Crain's business newspaper, they would see CEO's get fired and find new jobs all the time.

About a year ago I started watching the show Big Bang Theory. I started getting into it after a while, so I looked up the cast.

Each actor gets paid over one million dollars for each episode, plus they have takes on the reruns as well. Liberals never complain about that for some reason. Those actors don't have to pick up and move all the time with their family, they don't have to get more education to continue their career, they don't have to worry about losing their job and finding another one that pays the same, they don't have to worry about returning favors either.

Wealth disparity? I wonder how much more those actors make than the makeup people, the people that have to erect and tear down the set, the people that actually write the jokes or scripts, the hair stylists, the people that have to run around and find the clothing for the show........

Liberals are such hypocrites.
utonomous vehicles have driven 500,000 miles without an accident (now there's been one). Humans on average have an accident once in something like 120,000 miles. And unless you plan on retiring in less than 10 years, you've got something to worry about.

Long before they put any kind of truck like that on the road, they will first hit the passenger industry. That means cab drivers and Uber people will be the first to go before me. And I don't even think we will see that in our lifetime. Next of course would be busses......again, not going to happen for many years.

And who do you think adjusts the tandems on a trailer, a computer? Who do you think backs into a dock door? Who do you think will hitch and unhitch a trailer, the computer? Think the federal government will just allow a truck on the road that they can't stop for a spot check? How will the truck read the OPEN or CLOSED signs at a weight station on the highway?

I'm sure it's a fun experiment, but certainly not practical. And I'm sure most (if not all) of those experimental miles were on a highway only. Again, a computer is not going to be able to navigate through cities that often don't have streets wide enough to make turns and calculate where the utility polls, fire hydrants, and pedestrians are.
Considering Moore's Law, in 10 years computers will be 100 times as smart as the are today. And the industry will adjust to what the computer can't do just as fast food restaurants have reduced the skill sets needed to churn out food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing for any of this but that's the direction that our wonderful captains of industry are leading us. I think you should recognize that they're gunning for you.
I've said before, I happen to have a lot of left-wing liberal personal friends. We get along because I make it a rule not to discuss politics with them. But every now and then, one will catch me on a bad day... One day, one of them was going on and on with the left-wing drone about the "rich greedy bastard CEOs who get all these bonuses and salaries they don't deserve..." you know the drill... so, I casually asked him... Can you tell me what a CEO actually does?

He sits there a second, then asks "what do you mean?" So I clarify... Just tell me what you think a CEO typically does in a given day at the office? Well... he acted like I had asked him to give me the formula for nuclear fission. He stammered and hem-hawed around and finally said... they make a few phone calls and have a few meetings, then go play golf. And THAT was his whole answer!

So then I asked him.... okay, so that makes sense to you? A capitalist enterprise existing solely for the purpose of making as much profit as they can.... are spending millions of dollars for someone to make phone calls, attend meetings and play golf? Does that not seem like a terrible waste of their resources and enormous burden to their bottom line? ...OF course, that's when he starts to change subjects and run away from the argument.... like they always do.

These people don't have the first clue what a CEO does. All they know... All they care about... is this seething rage and anger they have which stems from extreme jealousy and envy...so fierce they can't even think rationally anymore.... over some people having more than they have. GREED? ...THEY are the Greedy!

I love the ones who say "A CEO's job isn't hard." LOL!

So I always suggest if that's what they believe, why don''t they become a CEO themselves?

Liberals are so easy to fool. Again, they think a CEO is what they see in the movies. They also think all CEO"s make multi-millions of dollars every year, when most CEO's make low six figures at best. Plus if they would bother to pick up a Crain's business newspaper, they would see CEO's get fired and find new jobs all the time.

About a year ago I started watching the show Big Bang Theory. I started getting into it after a while, so I looked up the cast.

Each actor gets paid over one million dollars for each episode, plus they have takes on the reruns as well. Liberals never complain about that for some reason. Those actors don't have to pick up and move all the time with their family, they don't have to get more education to continue their career, they don't have to worry about losing their job and finding another one that pays the same, they don't have to worry about returning favors either.

Wealth disparity? I wonder how much more those actors make than the makeup people, the people that have to erect and tear down the set, the people that actually write the jokes or scripts, the hair stylists, the people that have to run around and find the clothing for the show........

Liberals are such hypocrites.

A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?
That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

Well, if Democrats were in control of Congress for 2 years, then the committees were majority Democrat... and if bills couldn't make it out of committee, that gives you an idea of how out-of-touch and loopy they must've been! Not even the damn Democrats could muster support!

This is like the "single payer" meme you keep moaning about... blaming THAT on Republicans! It wasn't Republicans who killed "single payer" it was DEMOCRATS! Republicans didn't support ANY of it... single payer or otherwise... they opposed nationalized health care! The reason you didn't get "single payer" was because not enough DEMOCRATS supported it... not Republicans!
You guys are fucking hilarious. Soggy posts utter bullshit trying to prove that Democrats weren't filibustered. So, when that is demonstrated to by bullshit, you chime in doing a complete 180, and claim that nothing getting done in Congress is actually Democrats fault, because they're soooo out of touch. You fuckers don't even care what bullshit you sling, just to long as you're able to, somehow, spin your narrative against Democrats, and progressives do you?

For the record, I have never once stated, suggested, implied, or hinted that the failure of single payer was the fault of Republicans. I have always maintained that it was entirely Obama's ball-less caving in before there was even any opposition that killed single payer. So, I don't know who this mythical "you" you are referring to, but it sure the fuck wasn't me!
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This is why rational discussion is impossible with the "New Right". Because they don't just have their own opinions. They have their own definitions for heretofore commonly understood terms. They have their own version of facts. They have their own version of history. They, literally, exist in a completely separate reality from the rest of us. So, it is impossible to have rational discourse, as we exist in different realities.

This is a perfect example. In the reality of the "New Right" apparently, Obama, and the Democrats had only two things that they wanted to accomplish in two years. And the rest of the time they...I don't know...sat around diddling each other? Because all that got done in two years was the stimulus package, and ACA. But, in the reality of the "New Right", there was no obstruction. Obama, and the Democrats had complete, iron-fisted control of the entire Congress. And with that control, they passed a whopping two pieces of legislation.

On average, 86% of legislation passed. Sounds pretty good to me.

Historical Statistics about Legislation in the U.S. Congress -- GovTrack.us
Oh. My. God! You really should follow the links in those sources you provide. It was 82%. For the 11th - the congress in question. That 82%? Or 86%, if you wanna use the 113th... That was under "Other legislation". Follow the link to that "Other legislation", and you'll find that it was legislation that never made it out of committee, not legislation that was passed, and enacted. You really are a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

I averaged it.... for the congress' since 2009. Now go back to sleep ya little twat.
That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

I don't know if you're retarded, or just that blatantly dishonest.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Even if so, so what? You do realize Congress is under no obligation to pass legislation?
Who said they were. But, you're original bullshit claim was that Democrats "weren't filibustered", when the reality demonstrates they were. Republican spent two years obstructing every piece of legislation that went through the Senate, all while simultaneously crafting the entirely fabricated narrative, that Republicans needed to take the Senate because Obama was drowning us in "socialist legislation".

And, here you are, eight years later, flat out lying, and claiming that Re;ublicans didn't spend the first two years of Obama's administration filibustering the Senate to ensure that nothing got done..
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

You're a little slow on the uptake here so let's try this again.... How can you explain a capitalist enterprise who's main objective is to make as much profit as possible, expending precious profits on an elaborate salary for their CEO if the job of the CEO is not that difficult?

It's like you somehow think that CEOs are like warlords who invade a corporation and demand to be paid millions of dollars against the corporation's will. You're simply not explaining why these capitalist entities would completely contradict capitalist principles this way. Do you not have any explanation for this? :dunno:
This is why rational discussion is impossible with the "New Right". Because they don't just have their own opinions. They have their own definitions for heretofore commonly understood terms. They have their own version of facts. They have their own version of history. They, literally, exist in a completely separate reality from the rest of us. So, it is impossible to have rational discourse, as we exist in different realities.

This is a perfect example. In the reality of the "New Right" apparently, Obama, and the Democrats had only two things that they wanted to accomplish in two years. And the rest of the time they...I don't know...sat around diddling each other? Because all that got done in two years was the stimulus package, and ACA. But, in the reality of the "New Right", there was no obstruction. Obama, and the Democrats had complete, iron-fisted control of the entire Congress. And with that control, they passed a whopping two pieces of legislation.

On average, 86% of legislation passed. Sounds pretty good to me.

Historical Statistics about Legislation in the U.S. Congress -- GovTrack.us
Oh. My. God! You really should follow the links in those sources you provide. It was 82%. For the 11th - the congress in question. That 82%? Or 86%, if you wanna use the 113th... That was under "Other legislation". Follow the link to that "Other legislation", and you'll find that it was legislation that never made it out of committee, not legislation that was passed, and enacted. You really are a special kind of retarded, aren't you?

I averaged it.... for the congress' since 2009. Now go back to sleep ya little twat.
That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

I don't know if you're retarded, or just that blatantly dishonest.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Even if so, so what? You do realize Congress is under no obligation to pass legislation?
Yup, bad gov't is great. Thanks GOP! "The no compromise, un-Ameriacan TP GOP"- TIME and its proud, brainwashed loudmouth bigots and racists...a disgrace.
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

You're a little slow on the uptake here so let's try this again.... How can you explain a capitalist enterprise who's main objective is to make as much profit as possible, expending precious profits on an elaborate salary for their CEO if the job of the CEO is not that difficult?

It's like you somehow think that CEOs are like warlords who invade a corporation and demand to be paid millions of dollars against the corporation's will. You're simply not explaining why these capitalist entities would completely contradict capitalist principles this way. Do you not have any explanation for this? :dunno:
Greedy stupid GOP stockholders?
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

You're talking like you know your shit, but you forgot we know your bullshit.

The nearest front lines from Tuzla airport was 25 kilometers away.

You see these hills and mountains? The front lines were somewhere behind it.

That doesn't change the fact that what you averaged was bills that never made it out of committee, and claimed they were pieces of legislation passed ya loopy twat!!!

Well, if Democrats were in control of Congress for 2 years, then the committees were majority Democrat... and if bills couldn't make it out of committee, that gives you an idea of how out-of-touch and loopy they must've been! Not even the damn Democrats could muster support!

This is like the "single payer" meme you keep moaning about... blaming THAT on Republicans! It wasn't Republicans who killed "single payer" it was DEMOCRATS! Republicans didn't support ANY of it... single payer or otherwise... they opposed nationalized health care! The reason you didn't get "single payer" was because not enough DEMOCRATS supported it... not Republicans!
Over 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 duh.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

You're talking like you know your shit, but you forgot we know your bullshit.

The nearest front lines from Tuzla airport was 25 kilometers away.

You see these hills and mountains? The front lines were somewhere behind it.

And this proves she's a huge LIAR!!! You jackasses have nothing else, while your heroes lie FACTUALLY nonstop about things that matter. You believe a huge pile of crap. Foster, all that Obama policy passed lol, see sig, it never ends while your heroes rob you blind and wreck the world. Hater dupes. BTW, snipers can be anywhere, and WHO CARES- she was first lady and telling an irrelevant story, like any mother. Try policy, not gossip propaganda and maybe the country wouldn't be a mess because of GOP policy and corruption.
Greedy stupid GOP stockholders?

Again..... makes absolutely NO sense.... why are they frittering their money away on a worthless CEO? Seems like greedy stockholders would want to keep as much money in their pockets as they could and not spend it wastefully on a CEO's salary.. can you explain this?
The point is, CEOS make over 300x the average salary now, 23x in the 50's, and you brainwashed morons think raping the country is just great if you're rich and GOP enough lol.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

There is a difference between a place that has snipers and a sniper shooting at you. If your city has a fire department, does that mean your house is on fire?
She never said they were shooting at her. You a/hole dupes have a lie that isn't debatable and is relevant? LOL. The world's biggest liar lol. Just the GOP has tens of millions who are MUCH WORSE...
Greedy stupid GOP stockholders?

Again..... makes absolutely NO sense.... why are they frittering their money away on a worthless CEO? Seems like greedy stockholders would want to keep as much money in their pockets as they could and not spend it wastefully on a CEO's salary.. can you explain this?
Stupid, greedy, and gullible- just like you duh.

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