Why can't Public Assistance increase?

You weren't TALKING about anything, just spamming hate bs propaganda. All Trump cares about is cutting his own taxes and starting his new propaganda channel...lol

Regardless what thread is about, your answer is the same. But no, that's not propaganda.

What, you didn't get new talking points, so you're recycling the old ones?
Facts don't change, dupe.

Leftist lies never change, shitstain.
Me, Masters in History- You masters in GOP brainwash. Example of "leftist" lie? lol

Every single agenda pushed by the left is based on a lie.

Example? Let's see...

War on poverty.
War on women.
War on blacks.
Gun control.
Global warming.
Wage inequality stats.
Rape stats.
White privilege.
Homo rights.
Trans rights.

Pick a topic. It begin with a liberal lies.

Every. Single. One.
One lie, dupe. lol
That's why CEOs earn 300x the worker now, 23x in the 50's.

Yes... likely due to the 71% top marginal tax rates in 1950. Smart people don't care about earning a high income if it's going to be taxed to death... they'd rather have stock or perks other than earned income.

And CEOs are paid by the Capitalist. There is no logical or purposeful reason for the Capitalist to pay a CEO more than they are worth. The Capitalist's goal is to make the most profit... wasting money you don't need to on a CEO is counter-intuitive to that objective... so it doesn't even make rational sense... except in the mind of a complete dummy.
The fifties was the golden age. Now we've got greedy idiot megarich GOP a-holes and a wrecked middle class.
That's why CEOs earn 300x the worker now, 23x in the 50's.

Yes... likely due to the 71% top marginal tax rates in 1950. Smart people don't care about earning a high income if it's going to be taxed to death... they'd rather have stock or perks other than earned income.

And CEOs are paid by the Capitalist. There is no logical or purposeful reason for the Capitalist to pay a CEO more than they are worth. The Capitalist's goal is to make the most profit... wasting money you don't need to on a CEO is counter-intuitive to that objective... so it doesn't even make rational sense... except in the mind of a complete dummy.
The fifties was the golden age. Now we've got greedy idiot megarich GOP a-holes and a wrecked middle class.
Your graph is crap. lol. Who's it really from?

Sorry you feel like it's "crap" ...you'll need to take that up with the Census Bureau.
Nope, it's the GOP screwing with it. Seen it discredited before.

Bwack, Bwack, Bwack... :blahblah:
You don't. The fact is, we just need to keep doing what needs to be done to get living wage legislation passed. Let them bitch. Their bitching is irrelevant. You're never going to "convince" them. They'll just have to put up with the reality that they don't get to pay slave wages.

Translation: We're going to wave the old tried and true "living wage" carrot on the stick once again, like we've been doing for 82 years. Studies show that works well on low-information voters. When we gain enough political power from this, we will rule with an iron fist and cram whatever we want down the throat of America.

Exactly. Lefties care about entitlements, wage, equal rights, gun control, etc. only when they have no voting power. They could have solved all these issues at the same time they forced ACA on us, but they didn't.
Nobody expected Scott Brown, and the middle of a GOP world depression is no time for tax hikes on the bloated rich etc, dupe. ACA took the whole 2 months of control. And more...Thanks to GOP stalling/hypocrisy.

Right, Massachusetts elected Scott Brown and fucked you up. Otherwise we would see more of leftists shameless tricks and lies and shoving laws down out throats. ACA was just enough to see right thru you, imagine if there was more...
Spoken like a perfect hater dupe. So you lov mindless obstruction, bad gov't and giving away everything to the rich? Idiot.

Yes, I hate liars.

Do you feel offended?
Regardless what thread is about, your answer is the same. But no, that's not propaganda.

What, you didn't get new talking points, so you're recycling the old ones?
Facts don't change, dupe.

Leftist lies never change, shitstain.
Me, Masters in History- You masters in GOP brainwash. Example of "leftist" lie? lol

Every single agenda pushed by the left is based on a lie.

Example? Let's see...

War on poverty.
War on women.
War on blacks.
Gun control.
Global warming.
Wage inequality stats.
Rape stats.
White privilege.
Homo rights.
Trans rights.

Pick a topic. It begin with a liberal lies.

Every. Single. One.
One lie, dupe. lol

All of them.

I said, pick any topic, shitstain.
Translation: We're going to wave the old tried and true "living wage" carrot on the stick once again, like we've been doing for 82 years. Studies show that works well on low-information voters. When we gain enough political power from this, we will rule with an iron fist and cram whatever we want down the throat of America.

Exactly. Lefties care about entitlements, wage, equal rights, gun control, etc. only when they have no voting power. They could have solved all these issues at the same time they forced ACA on us, but they didn't.
Nobody expected Scott Brown, and the middle of a GOP world depression is no time for tax hikes on the bloated rich etc, dupe. ACA took the whole 2 months of control. And more...Thanks to GOP stalling/hypocrisy.

Right, Massachusetts elected Scott Brown and fucked you up. Otherwise we would see more of leftists shameless tricks and lies and shoving laws down out throats. ACA was just enough to see right thru you, imagine if there was more...
Spoken like a perfect hater dupe. So you lov mindless obstruction, bad gov't and giving away everything to the rich? Idiot.

Yes, I hate liars.

Do you feel offended?
No. Actually, you support them, dupe.
Facts don't change, dupe.

Leftist lies never change, shitstain.
Me, Masters in History- You masters in GOP brainwash. Example of "leftist" lie? lol

Every single agenda pushed by the left is based on a lie.

Example? Let's see...

War on poverty.
War on women.
War on blacks.
Gun control.
Global warming.
Wage inequality stats.
Rape stats.
White privilege.
Homo rights.
Trans rights.

Pick a topic. It begin with a liberal lies.

Every. Single. One.
One lie, dupe. lol

All of them.

I said, pick any topic, shitstain.
Hillary. Incredible number of GOP lies. Foster "fishy"?
You don't. The fact is, we just need to keep doing what needs to be done to get living wage legislation passed. Let them bitch. Their bitching is irrelevant. You're never going to "convince" them. They'll just have to put up with the reality that they don't get to pay slave wages.

And you'll have to put up with the reality they will either increase price of product or service, layoff employees, or otherwise move their business out of the country where they don't have to put up with this crap.

When will you people on the left ever learn that when you forcibly take something away from somebody, they will pass their loss onto you? They are not going to take the loss--we are.
That's okay. When we get legislation that adds a tax burden to anyone who moves their business out of the country, while rewarding companies that do business in the US, and hires in the US, let them go. Just more revenue for the federal budget, and the business owners who are so short-sighted in their business practices still pay for their attitudes. As for the price increases. There is no historical evidence that wage increases have ever had a direct effect on the cost of goods, so I have no reason to believe it will now.

What a foolish statement. "There is no historical evidence that wage increases have ever had a direct effect on the cost of goods.

The poverty rate in the mid 1960's is little if any different than today. What you're saying is that over the past 50 years, the price of goods would have remained the same in spite of the fact that wages have increased many, many times.

In the very early 1960's I bagged groceries for the minimum wage of $0.85 per hour. I could buy a gallon of gas for about $0.25 per gallon or a bit more than three gallons. Today, the Federal Minimum Wage I believe is $7.25 per hour. Today I can buy a gallon of gas for $2.15 per gallon or a bit more than three gallons. So while it APPEARS that we're making more money, our buying power is nearly identical.
Leftist lies never change, shitstain.
Me, Masters in History- You masters in GOP brainwash. Example of "leftist" lie? lol

Every single agenda pushed by the left is based on a lie.

Example? Let's see...

War on poverty.
War on women.
War on blacks.
Gun control.
Global warming.
Wage inequality stats.
Rape stats.
White privilege.
Homo rights.
Trans rights.

Pick a topic. It begin with a liberal lies.

Every. Single. One.
One lie, dupe. lol

All of them.

I said, pick any topic, shitstain.
Hillary. Incredible number of GOP lies. Foster "fishy"?

Hillary is now leftist agenda?

Fine, are you saying Hillary is not a liar?
Statistically speaking, it's a no-brainer to say that there will always be a 1%. It's what that 1% controls in terms of wealth that is the issue.

Apparently, you don't understand what percentages mean. The Top 1% refers to the people who control the top 1% of wealth. The top 1% of wealth is the same regardless of how much wealth there is... it's a percentage of the total.

Here's where there is a difference... In a Communist style system, the Top 1% are the ruling class who also control all political power, all the weapons, all the press, etc. In OUR system, anyone is free to become part of the 1% and anyone can control political power, weapons or access the press.

The "issue" is... you've been brainwashed by socialists trying to promote Marxism. That's the precursor to Communism. The reason is, because they want to be the ruling class or 1%. And they want you to submit your liberty and power to them. You've bought into their rhetoric because you're selfish and think that people who have more than you don't deserve it. You think that somehow, if you support this War on the 1%, you will eventually see some kind of windfall of all that wealth.... the socialists who are feeding you this crap have a name for you.... Useful Idiots.
No, I promote a mix of capitalism and socialism that you find in other first-world countries whose populations haven't been stupefied by the constant barrage of bullshit like you espouse.

As you know, or should, the countries you point to as being Socialist, are not. They are, however, highly taxed and regulated capitalist democracies.

Do you actually teach? Really?
I did, Socialism is not communism DUHHHHHHHHHHH. "We're all socialists now"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

You don't know the definition Socialism. If what you claim is true, you actually taught school, it explains a lot about the disaster we now call our government schools.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Me, Masters in History- You masters in GOP brainwash. Example of "leftist" lie? lol

Every single agenda pushed by the left is based on a lie.

Example? Let's see...

War on poverty.
War on women.
War on blacks.
Gun control.
Global warming.
Wage inequality stats.
Rape stats.
White privilege.
Homo rights.
Trans rights.

Pick a topic. It begin with a liberal lies.

Every. Single. One.
One lie, dupe. lol

All of them.

I said, pick any topic, shitstain.
Hillary. Incredible number of GOP lies. Foster "fishy"?

Hillary is now leftist agenda?

Fine, are you saying Hillary is not a liar?
Tell me a lie of hers, fer chrissake...
Statistically speaking, it's a no-brainer to say that there will always be a 1%. It's what that 1% controls in terms of wealth that is the issue.

Apparently, you don't understand what percentages mean. The Top 1% refers to the people who control the top 1% of wealth. The top 1% of wealth is the same regardless of how much wealth there is... it's a percentage of the total.

Here's where there is a difference... In a Communist style system, the Top 1% are the ruling class who also control all political power, all the weapons, all the press, etc. In OUR system, anyone is free to become part of the 1% and anyone can control political power, weapons or access the press.

The "issue" is... you've been brainwashed by socialists trying to promote Marxism. That's the precursor to Communism. The reason is, because they want to be the ruling class or 1%. And they want you to submit your liberty and power to them. You've bought into their rhetoric because you're selfish and think that people who have more than you don't deserve it. You think that somehow, if you support this War on the 1%, you will eventually see some kind of windfall of all that wealth.... the socialists who are feeding you this crap have a name for you.... Useful Idiots.
No, I promote a mix of capitalism and socialism that you find in other first-world countries whose populations haven't been stupefied by the constant barrage of bullshit like you espouse.

As you know, or should, the countries you point to as being Socialist, are not. They are, however, highly taxed and regulated capitalist democracies.

Do you actually teach? Really?
I did, Socialism is not communism DUHHHHHHHHHHH. "We're all socialists now"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

You don't know the definition Socialism. If what you claim is true, you actually taught school, it explains a lot about the disaster we now call our government schools.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
REGULATED, dingbat. Like here.
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You don't know the definition Socialism. If what you claim is true, you actually taught school, it explains a lot about the disaster we now call our government schools.

Yeah, taught school.......dog school. He trained dogs to bark at the back door when they needed to go out
Spoken like a perfect hater dupe. So you lov mindless obstruction, bad gov't and giving away everything to the rich? Idiot.

You don't give anything away to the rich Idiot. All government can do is take less from them. Don't you know that the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes?
es... likely due to the 71% top marginal tax rates in 1950. Smart people don't care about earning a high income if it's going to be taxed to death... they'd rather have stock or perks other than earned income.

And CEOs are paid by the Capitalist. There is no logical or purposeful reason for the Capitalist to pay a CEO more than they are worth. The Capitalist's goal is to make the most profit... wasting money you don't need to on a CEO is counter-intuitive to that objective... so it doesn't even make rational sense... except in the mind of a complete dummy.

The left believes that CEO's in real life are like the CEO's portrayed in movies and television. You know, they hang in their office all day practicing their putts on astroturf set up in their office. When they get bored, they summons their limo to take them to one of their many yachts. On the way out, they tell their hot secretary to take all their calls. The secretary can't type ten words a minute, but because they are hot and dress like a slut, they have a six figure job. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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