Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Anything in the last 20 years, dupe? CBS has suqed for years btw. Anything for controversy and ratings. They psychic now? Know what she was thinking like you hater dupes? I don't think so.

Right, it all has to do with what she was thinking now.

Bush went into Iraq with a clear history of support from Dems in Congress, and all you can say is Bush lied although it's been proven he lied to nobody. And now that we point out Hillary's lies, it's now based on what she was thinking.

Let me tell you what she was thinking: she was thinking "I need to lie about this to make it look like I risked my life for this mission." Oh, and BTW, I posted three lies she made in the last "20 years" about her emails that the FBI clearly pointed out just yesterday. So get busy, try to think up excuses for those lies as well.
We told you, stupid. They're greedy gullible GOP idiots/a-holes like you.

Who is? The board of directors who approve his salary? Doesn't appear they are greedy at all if they are shoveling their profits out to him by the wheelbarrow load, does it? What you're saying isn't comporting with basic logic and common sense.

I'm still waiting to hear a reasonable explanation for why a capitalist enterprise, who's objective is to make as much profit as possible, is wasting their potential profits paying an undeserved salary to someone? That's just not making any sense to me and you're not explaining it.
Who is? The board of directors who approve his salary? Doesn't appear they are greedy at all if they are shoveling their profits out to him by the wheelbarrow load, does it? What you're saying isn't comporting with basic logic and common sense.

I'm still waiting to hear a reasonable explanation for why a capitalist enterprise, who's objective is to make as much profit as possible, is wasting their potential profits paying an undeserved salary to someone? That's just not making any sense to me and you're not explaining it.

I'm quite surprised really. By now, I thought somebody on the left would have told you they pay a CEO all that money because he plays a good game of golf.
Anything in the last 20 years, dupe? CBS has suqed for years btw. Anything for controversy and ratings. They psychic now? Know what she was thinking like you hater dupes? I don't think so.

Right, it all has to do with what she was thinking now.

Bush went into Iraq with a clear history of support from Dems in Congress, and all you can say is Bush lied although it's been proven he lied to nobody. And now that we point out Hillary's lies, it's now based on what she was thinking.

Let me tell you what she was thinking: she was thinking "I need to lie about this to make it look like I risked my life for this mission." Oh, and BTW, I posted three lies she made in the last "20 years" about her emails that the FBI clearly pointed out just yesterday. So get busy, try to think up excuses for those lies as well.
Right. You know she was lying. You are psychic. Actually, she was Sec of State and didn't know shytte about computers. Actually, you are a brainwashed twit.

You have to know you are lying to be lying, dolt. There were snipers in the area and that ceremony was hurried. You're fecking nuts, and so is the country after 30 years of bs GOP propaganda and cowardly corporate media. ANY "lies" that matter, like everything your heroes lie endlessly about? Like all the Obama policy hurting the country? Etc etc etc...
We told you, stupid. They're greedy gullible GOP idiots/a-holes like you.

Who is? The board of directors who approve his salary? Doesn't appear they are greedy at all if they are shoveling their profits out to him by the wheelbarrow load, does it? What you're saying isn't comporting with basic logic and common sense.

I'm still waiting to hear a reasonable explanation for why a capitalist enterprise, who's objective is to make as much profit as possible, is wasting their potential profits paying an undeserved salary to someone? That's just not making any sense to me and you're not explaining it.
Who says it's underserved? They wanted a greedy lying a/hole unethical GOPer, and they get him.
Who says it's underserved? They wanted a greedy lying a/hole unethical GOPer, and they get him.

Well... YOU said it was undeserved... you want I should pull your quotes? :dunno:
Yes. BS. Undeserved from an ethical Dem POV. It's another world, dupe. Hillary is going to change some GOP laws/ tax regs that make shortsightedness a good thing. Google it.
Actually, she was Sec of State and didn't know shytte about computers.

Well she should've known about the Espionage Act since she's a lawyer... but maybe you're right... maybe she is a total incompetent who doesn't deserve to hold any job in the federal government?
Nobody in gov't knew about computers. See O-Care set up lol. Why don't you do something about that instead of all this BS about a Sec of State, dupe? Same gd thing with Condi and Colin, but they didn't have a presidential server lying around. Too bad you fools are unbalanced by BS...Only took years of BENGAZEEEEE!!!!! witch hunts to find this BJ. lol
Yes. BS. Undeserved from an ethical Dem POV. It's another world, dupe. Hillary is going to change some GOP laws/ tax regs that make shortsightedness a good thing. Google it.

Stop trying to run away from the argument and face the consequences, punk. You're damn straight you fuckwits live in another world... one that doesn't exist in reality! You simply have no explanation for why a capitalist who's sole objective is profit, would pay a CEO more than he is worth. I've given you two pages now, and all you want to do is tap dance and continue to spew bile. You're clearly unhinged from reality.

You can't answer me with anything resembling logic or rational sense...so you have decided to RUN.... like the chicken shit little coward you are. But I am metaphorically grabbing you by the nape of the neck and snatching your punk ass back into the ring so you can feel the wrath. Your only hope at this point is that I will grow tired of slapping your little bitch ass around this thread.

Now.... answer the goddamn question!
Anything in the last 20 years, dupe? CBS has suqed for years btw. Anything for controversy and ratings. They psychic now? Know what she was thinking like you hater dupes? I don't think so.

Right, it all has to do with what she was thinking now.

Bush went into Iraq with a clear history of support from Dems in Congress, and all you can say is Bush lied although it's been proven he lied to nobody. And now that we point out Hillary's lies, it's now based on what she was thinking.

Let me tell you what she was thinking: she was thinking "I need to lie about this to make it look like I risked my life for this mission." Oh, and BTW, I posted three lies she made in the last "20 years" about her emails that the FBI clearly pointed out just yesterday. So get busy, try to think up excuses for those lies as well.
As Sec of State, she emailed THOUSANDS of times and DIDN"T GIVE A SHYTTE about your obsession. She was busy, and had MANY aides caring about security. Not her job, hater dupe.
Yes. BS. Undeserved from an ethical Dem POV. It's another world, dupe. Hillary is going to change some GOP laws/ tax regs that make shortsightedness a good thing. Google it.

Stop trying to run away from the argument and face the consequences, punk. You're damn straight you fuckwits live in another world... one that doesn't exist in reality! You simply have no explanation for why a capitalist who's sole objective is profit, would pay a CEO more than he is worth. I've given you two pages now, and all you want to do is tap dance and continue to spew bile. You're clearly unhinged from reality.

You can't answer me with anything resembling logic or rational sense...so you have decided to RUN.... like the chicken shit little coward you are. But I am metaphorically grabbing you by the nape of the neck and snatching your punk ass back into the ring so you can feel the wrath. Your only hope at this point is that I will grow tired of slapping your little bitch ass around this thread.

Now.... answer the goddamn question!
Answer: You're a dumbass moron. Now fuck off, asshole. Told you five times. If you're only worried about profit, you're an a-hole GOPer.
Nobody in gov't knew about computers. See O-Care set up lol. Why don't you do something about that instead of all this BS about a Sec of State, dupe? Same gd thing with Condi and Colin, but they didn't have a presidential server lying around. Too bad you fools are unbalanced by BS...Only took years of BENGAZEEEEE!!!!! witch hunts to find this BJ. lol

Oh... nobody knew about computers that have been around since the mid-80s? Hillary didn't know what an email server was or why she needed one? Again... thank you for confirming the woman is too incompetent to ever be considered for the presidency. In fact, she is too incompetent for consideration in ANY government job if she doesn't know what computers are or how they apply to the Espionage Act.

Condi and Colin did NOT have personal servers where they kept classified government documents. That's a false claim that has been circulating all over the left-wing blogs and has absolutely ZERO evidence to support. Gen. Petreus was forced to resign in disgrace and barely avoided going to prison simply for allowing his girlfriend (who had security clearance) to see confidential material. Hillary mishandles classified information on an unsecured personal server where god-knows-who gained access to it... and she's the Democrat's nominee for president.
Answer: You're a dumbass moron. Now fuck off, asshole. Told you five times. If you're only worried about profit, you're an a-hole GOPer.

But if they are only worried about profits... WHY are they paying a CEO all this money that he doesn't deserve? Why can't you answer my question??? :dunno:
As Sec of State, she emailed THOUSANDS of times and DIDN"T GIVE A SHYTTE about your obsession. She was busy, and had MANY aides caring about security. Not her job, hater dupe.

It's more than my obsession. It was an obsession of Congress. It was an obsession of the FBI. The only people not obsessed with her criminal activities are the ass kissers like you who try to make excuses for every single thing she's ever done.

If she had "so many aides" caring about her security, why did the FBI director say it was very possible that our foes intercepted her transmissions because of her busyness?

Sorry Troll. It was her job to protect classified information which she failed at like everything else in life. Now you morons who are not so obsessed with her past faults want to give her the presidency where any of our adversaries with her emails from her rookie server can use them to blackmail her and put our country in jeopardy.
Right. You know she was lying. You are psychic. Actually, she was Sec of State and didn't know shytte about computers. Actually, you are a brainwashed twit.

You have to know you are lying to be lying, dolt. There were snipers in the area and that ceremony was hurried. You're fecking nuts, and so is the country after 30 years of bs GOP propaganda and cowardly corporate media. ANY "lies" that matter, like everything your heroes lie endlessly about? Like all the Obama policy hurting the country? Etc etc etc...

Yes, she was lying. It's on video if you care to see. The only other poor excuse you can dream up is the FBI director was lying about what they found. So which is it?

It's easy to prove she was lying about sniper fire; it never happened, and if you had the guts to watch the CBS video I posted, one of the people doing the story was actually with her on Hillary's visit. Guess what she said? Not one gunshot the entire visit yet alone being under gunfire; not even a firecracker.
Nobody in gov't knew about computers. See O-Care set up lol. Why don't you do something about that instead of all this BS about a Sec of State, dupe? Same gd thing with Condi and Colin, but they didn't have a presidential server lying around. Too bad you fools are unbalanced by BS...Only took years of BENGAZEEEEE!!!!! witch hunts to find this BJ. lol

Oh... nobody knew about computers that have been around since the mid-80s? Hillary didn't know what an email server was or why she needed one? Again... thank you for confirming the woman is too incompetent to ever be considered for the presidency. In fact, she is too incompetent for consideration in ANY government job if she doesn't know what computers are or how they apply to the Espionage Act.

Condi and Colin did NOT have personal servers where they kept classified government documents. That's a false claim that has been circulating all over the left-wing blogs and has absolutely ZERO evidence to support. Gen. Petreus was forced to resign in disgrace and barely avoided going to prison simply for allowing his girlfriend (who had security clearance) to see confidential material. Hillary mishandles classified information on an unsecured personal server where god-knows-who gained access to it... and she's the Democrat's nominee for president.
Right. You know she was lying. You are psychic. Actually, she was Sec of State and didn't know shytte about computers. Actually, you are a brainwashed twit.

You have to know you are lying to be lying, dolt. There were snipers in the area and that ceremony was hurried. You're fecking nuts, and so is the country after 30 years of bs GOP propaganda and cowardly corporate media. ANY "lies" that matter, like everything your heroes lie endlessly about? Like all the Obama policy hurting the country? Etc etc etc...

Yes, she was lying. It's on video if you care to see. The only other poor excuse you can dream up is the FBI director was lying about what they found. So which is it?

It's easy to prove she was lying about sniper fire; it never happened, and if you had the guts to watch the CBS video I posted, one of the people doing the story was actually with her on Hillary's visit. Guess what she said? Not one gunshot the entire visit yet alone being under gunfire; not even a firecracker.

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