Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Considering Moore's Law, in 10 years computers will be 100 times as smart as the are today. And the industry will adjust to what the computer can't do just as fast food restaurants have reduced the skill sets needed to churn out food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing for any of this but that's the direction that our wonderful captains of industry are leading us. I think you should recognize that they're gunning for you.

They can gun for me all they want. I'll be working until I retire or past (hopefully not) if need be.

I remember reading about the flying car in a magazine about 20 years ago or so. At the time, they said in 10 years, the first models will be coming out and the FAA is already planning air roads.

I guess Popular Electronics called that one wrong. In fact, I had a relative pass away years ago, and I got a whole pile of those older magazines. It's amazing what they predicted our world would be like in the future that never happened.

So I'm not worried about it too much. Even if they get those vehicles on the road for actual use, you have the insurance companies to deal with. Each truck on the road today has to have a minimum of one million dollars in collision alone. That's on top of the other coverages.

It's not going to happen in our lifetime depending on how old you are. First they will have to get a successful car that actually works, test it out for several years, and then put it on the market. Next will be the transportation industry. Again, make one that works, test it for several years, and then a trial distribution to several companies, and then mass produce.

Will it happen some day? Perhaps. But it's like they say about buying software for your computer. Never buy version 5.0, because version 5.0 is the one that hasn't been passed around to millions of people yet. Wait for version 5.1, because version 5.1 is the version they corrected after they found out what all the bugs were in version 5.0.
This stuff has been in beta for a couple of years already. Ignore it at your own peril.
They pay them that to lie, cheat, screw their workers and the environment. ANYTHING to make money fast for the stupid GOP stockholders. BAD POLICY. Hillary has a plan to make corps more responsible citizens

CEO's have a moral and legal obligation to make the most money for the company and stock holders. That's what they do.
No they don't. They have an obligation to make money in an ethical way. Those are two different propositions.
The higher up in a company, the less difficult it gets. It's called directing and delegating and CEO's that are good at both make huge $$$$.
The point is, CEOS make over 300x the average salary now, 23x in the 50's, and you brainwashed morons think raping the country is just great if you're rich and GOP enough lol.

Neither of you are answering my question. Why does a capitalist enterprise, who's main objective is making as much profit as possible, squander precious profits on an exorbitant CEO salary? Do CEOs deploy some sort of mind control over the board of directors? Are they blackmailing them somehow? If the CEO is not worth what they are being paid, whether it's 23x or 300x the average worker, why is the capitalist entity paying them?

I mean... IF you can't answer the question, just say so. These little tap dances you're doing are amusing but we're getting nowhere. You've both claimed CEOs aren't worthy of what they are being paid... I simply want to know how you justify the complete contradiction of basic capitalist principles and the objective of any capitalist... CEOs aren't dictators or rulers who can't be overthrown... there is no law that says a CEO can name his own salary and never be fired and the company is helpless to do anything but pay him.... so what's your explanation??? :dunno:
Many of them are expert bullshit artists who have convinced the board that only they have the unique skill set to guide the company through trying times. Generally the board members have no idea how things actually function within the company so they buy it. Look at Carly Fiorina. She flew one of the worlds most prestigious companies (HP) straight into the ground and pretty much any of the engineers who worked for the company could have told you that's what was happening in real time.
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Considering Moore's Law, in 10 years computers will be 100 times as smart as the are today. And the industry will adjust to what the computer can't do just as fast food restaurants have reduced the skill sets needed to churn out food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing for any of this but that's the direction that our wonderful captains of industry are leading us. I think you should recognize that they're gunning for you.

Yeah....those "wonderful" captains of industry are simply innovating, cutting costs, increasing efficiencies, and generating wealth. I could see how regressives - who want to remain forever stuck in the 1910's with union thugs beating people up so they can get paid to dig ditches at 3 or 4 per day - could hate the advancement of the human race and technology. :eusa_doh:
They pay them that to lie, cheat, screw their workers and the environment. ANYTHING to make money fast for the stupid GOP stockholders. BAD POLICY. Hillary has a plan to make corps more responsible citizens

CEO's have a moral and legal obligation to make the most money for the company and stock holders. That's what they do.
No they don't. They have an obligation to make money in an ethical way. Those are two different propositions.
The problem is - your idea of "moral" means communism. The CEO is supposed to work 16 hours per day with ungodly stress and then give 95% of what he earned to you.
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

Bwahahaha! Then why aren't you a CEO? If it's so easy and it pays such an enormous salary, it's only logical that you and other libtards would be doing it.

The President of the United States job is to "steer the course". Do you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is being President of the United States? A CEO literally has to be clairvoyant. They are expected to see around the corner of tomorrow and put their company in position to capitalize on what they "see". They have to make high pressure decision after high pressure decision. They have to anticipate and then navigate both potential and actual government interference/regulation. They have to anticipate and then navigate competition. They have to deal with human error within their organization and personnel issues. They have to deal with liberals in government destroying the economy. And they have to handle 32 hours worth of work per day.
Considering Moore's Law, in 10 years computers will be 100 times as smart as the are today. And the industry will adjust to what the computer can't do just as fast food restaurants have reduced the skill sets needed to churn out food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing for any of this but that's the direction that our wonderful captains of industry are leading us. I think you should recognize that they're gunning for you.

Yeah....those "wonderful" captains of industry are simply innovating, cutting costs, increasing efficiencies, and generating wealth. I could see how regressives - who want to remain forever stuck in the 1910's with union thugs beating people up so they can get paid to dig ditches at 3 or 4 per day - could hate the advancement of the human race and technology. :eusa_doh:
Laughable. I create technology. Unfortunately, I seen what I've created shift from being produced in an American factory to China. I've also seen one of the guys I used to know change his occupation from manufacturing technician to Walmart checkout clerk. Maybe after this quisling gig of yours has run its course, you might have to get a job you're overqualified for too.
Laughable. I create technology. Unfortunately, I seen what I've created shift from being produced in an American factory to China. I've also seen one of the guys I used to know change his occupation from manufacturing technician to Walmart checkout clerk. Maybe after this quisling gig of yours has run its course, you might have to get a job you're overqualified for too.

You know what is exponentially more laughable? It is idiot liberal socialism that you support which has forced those jobs overseas. Your liberal masters in Washington are literally doubled-over laughing at your stupidity. You support the very thing you despise.

It's the highest corporate tax rates in the world, labor laws, and regulations which has made doing business in the U.S. so unimaginably costly, that jobs are going overseas where businesses can actually afford to do business. Unfortunately, liberals just aren't bright enough to comprehend that they look for the best deal when they do anything in life (purchase a home, groceries, an automobile etc.) and that corporations do the exact same thing.

When idiot liberalism rolls back taxes, labor laws, and regulations, other nations will be moving their jobs and wealth to the U.S. to manufacture. But as long as the U.S. continues with failed liberal policy, we will get failed liberal results. You and your buddy deserve to be working at walmart since you support the stupidity that causes those results.
A jacket is not a job.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

Did I say it was? It is the exact same thing though. If the wages are not acceptable, then don't take the job. If you don't think the jacket is worth what the seller is asking, then buy a jacket elsewhere.

What if all the wages are not acceptable and retailers conspired to drive up jacket prices?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone
Price fixing between businesses is illegal. Between unions, however, it's perfectly legal. The truth, though, is simple. A valuable employee will earn more.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?
Because we desperately need to increase our military budget and decrease our bloated, insane, and unconstitutional social welfare budget.

Look - here is the bottom line for all of you selfish, anti-American's. If Finland is so great - go live there. If Norway is so great - go live there. I don't understand why all of you idiots point to how wonderful other nations are but you stay here in the U.S. It screams that you realize this is the greatest nation in the world and that you're getting a fat deal mooching off of the rest of us.

But the corporation-capitalist welfare is much-much more than social welfare, how do you plan to stop that when we own your ass?
The illusion continues. You own nothing.
Actually, Public Assistance is increasing. It's been increasing during the last several Presidencies. So the premise of this thread is flawed. In fact, public assistance is at an all time high. I think we should be asking different questions. For one, why are so many Americans depending on Government for their survival?
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

Bwahahaha! Then why aren't you a CEO? If it's so easy and it pays such an enormous salary, it's only logical that you and other libtards would be doing it.

The President of the United States job is to "steer the course". Do you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is being President of the United States? A CEO literally has to be clairvoyant. They are expected to see around the corner of tomorrow and put their company in position to capitalize on what they "see". They have to make high pressure decision after high pressure decision. They have to anticipate and then navigate both potential and actual government interference/regulation. They have to anticipate and then navigate competition. They have to deal with human error within their organization and personnel issues. They have to deal with liberals in government destroying the economy. And they have to handle 32 hours worth of work per day.
It is laughable to see so many nit wits who think the CEO's job is so easy to do.

Remember the Flintstones? They had an episode where Fred, after complaining about how easy his boss had it, got to trade places with him for a day. After that, he was ecstatic to just be a working stiff who could clock out when the whistle blew.
Actually, Public Assistance is increasing. It's been increasing during the last several Presidencies. So the premise of this thread is flawed. In fact, public assistance is at an all time high. I think we should be asking different questions. For one, why are so many Americans depending on Government for their survival?
That is the pertinent question. Somewhere along the line, the American mindset shifted from "I'll do it myself, and if I get help I'll pay it back" to "It's too hard to do it myself, I have the right to demand that society provide it for me".

When you think about "surviving" today, it's laughable to hear the whining and complaining. A handful of generations ago, you didn't have modern conveniences. If you wanted clean clothes, you got out the wash tub and spent the day washing. If you wanted to go somewhere, you saddled up the mule. If you didn't have a mule, you started walking. If you wanted to communicate with someone, you wrote a letter and it would maybe get there in a week. If you wanted to eat, you went to the root cellar for vegetables and slaughtered a chicken, then weeded the garden and fed the animals. IOW, people had to either put forth maximum effort every day or literally die. "Survival" today apparently means having modern conveniences.
Laughable. I create technology. Unfortunately, I seen what I've created shift from being produced in an American factory to China. I've also seen one of the guys I used to know change his occupation from manufacturing technician to Walmart checkout clerk. Maybe after this quisling gig of yours has run its course, you might have to get a job you're overqualified for too.

You know what is exponentially more laughable? It is idiot liberal socialism that you support which has forced those jobs overseas. Your liberal masters in Washington are literally doubled-over laughing at your stupidity. You support the very thing you despise.

It's the highest corporate tax rates in the world, labor laws, and regulations which has made doing business in the U.S. so unimaginably costly, that jobs are going overseas where businesses can actually afford to do business. Unfortunately, liberals just aren't bright enough to comprehend that they look for the best deal when they do anything in life (purchase a home, groceries, an automobile etc.) and that corporations do the exact same thing.

When idiot liberalism rolls back taxes, labor laws, and regulations, other nations will be moving their jobs and wealth to the U.S. to manufacture. But as long as the U.S. continues with failed liberal policy, we will get failed liberal results. You and your buddy deserve to be working at walmart since you support the stupidity that causes those results.
Do you actually have any business experience or does everything you 'know' come from the University of Rush Limbaugh? There are millions of businesses in the US that are doing just fine using American labor. Moving jobs overseas or moving finances to tax haven are about the laziest and most unimaginative methods of juicing the bottom line as I ever seen.
Actually, Public Assistance is increasing. It's been increasing during the last several Presidencies. So the premise of this thread is flawed. In fact, public assistance is at an all time high. I think we should be asking different questions. For one, why are so many Americans depending on Government for their survival?
That is the pertinent question. Somewhere along the line, the American mindset shifted from "I'll do it myself, and if I get help I'll pay it back" to "It's too hard to do it myself, I have the right to demand that society provide it for me".

When you think about "surviving" today, it's laughable to hear the whining and complaining. A handful of generations ago, you didn't have modern conveniences. If you wanted clean clothes, you got out the wash tub and spent the day washing. If you wanted to go somewhere, you saddled up the mule. If you didn't have a mule, you started walking. If you wanted to communicate with someone, you wrote a letter and it would maybe get there in a week. If you wanted to eat, you went to the root cellar for vegetables and slaughtered a chicken, then weeded the garden and fed the animals. IOW, people had to either put forth maximum effort every day or literally die. "Survival" today apparently means having modern conveniences.

Yeah, public assistance has been increasing for several years. It's currently at an all time high. That's why i said the premise of the thread is flawed. Many believe that public assistance has decreased during Republican President terms. But that's just inaccurate propaganda. For instance, Public Assistance increased quite a bit during Bush's term.

Assistance has been increasing for a long time. But that being said, i'm a bit more sympathetic than you are. Why are so many Americans depending on Government assistance for survival? Something's very wrong. Is the American Dream dead?
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

Bwahahaha! Then why aren't you a CEO? If it's so easy and it pays such an enormous salary, it's only logical that you and other libtards would be doing it.

The President of the United States job is to "steer the course". Do you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is being President of the United States? A CEO literally has to be clairvoyant. They are expected to see around the corner of tomorrow and put their company in position to capitalize on what they "see". They have to make high pressure decision after high pressure decision. They have to anticipate and then navigate both potential and actual government interference/regulation. They have to anticipate and then navigate competition. They have to deal with human error within their organization and personnel issues. They have to deal with liberals in government destroying the economy. And they have to handle 32 hours worth of work per day.
It is laughable to see so many nit wits who think the CEO's job is so easy to do.

Remember the Flintstones? They had an episode where Fred, after complaining about how easy his boss had it, got to trade places with him for a day. After that, he was ecstatic to just be a working stiff who could clock out when the whistle blew.

The cash could be distributed a bit more fairly. Most large Corporations are too top-heavy, in terms of bloated salaries. Spread the love. Let some more of that cash trickle down to reach the struggling workers in the trenches.
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

Bwahahaha! Then why aren't you a CEO? If it's so easy and it pays such an enormous salary, it's only logical that you and other libtards would be doing it.

The President of the United States job is to "steer the course". Do you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is being President of the United States? A CEO literally has to be clairvoyant. They are expected to see around the corner of tomorrow and put their company in position to capitalize on what they "see". They have to make high pressure decision after high pressure decision. They have to anticipate and then navigate both potential and actual government interference/regulation. They have to anticipate and then navigate competition. They have to deal with human error within their organization and personnel issues. They have to deal with liberals in government destroying the economy. And they have to handle 32 hours worth of work per day.
It is laughable to see so many nit wits who think the CEO's job is so easy to do.

Remember the Flintstones? They had an episode where Fred, after complaining about how easy his boss had it, got to trade places with him for a day. After that, he was ecstatic to just be a working stiff who could clock out when the whistle blew.
Exactly. Liberals like JoeB want their cushy little no-stress jobs where they hardly do anything but they want a $400,000 per year salary to go with it. It's the type of insanity which could only come from a liberal.
The cash could be distributed a bit more fairly. Most large Corporations are too top-heavy, in terms of bloated salaries. Spread the love. Let some more of that cash trickle down to reach the struggling workers in the trenches.

There is no "distribution". That's a typical liberal false narrative. You are worth what you are worth. I knew a blue-collar guy who was as blue collar as it would get. Worked on cranes. But he was making over six-figures a year. Do you know why? He was priceless to his company. He could figure out solutions to problems that nobody else could. So his company kept paying him more and more not to leave. That's how the real world works. Nobody has ever been paid less than their value and nobody has ever been paid more than their value. If you're invaluable, you'll get paid like it. If you're replaceable, you'll get paid like it. It really is that simple.
Considering Moore's Law, in 10 years computers will be 100 times as smart as the are today. And the industry will adjust to what the computer can't do just as fast food restaurants have reduced the skill sets needed to churn out food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing for any of this but that's the direction that our wonderful captains of industry are leading us. I think you should recognize that they're gunning for you.

Yeah....those "wonderful" captains of industry are simply innovating, cutting costs, increasing efficiencies, and generating wealth. I could see how regressives - who want to remain forever stuck in the 1910's with union thugs beating people up so they can get paid to dig ditches at 3 or 4 per day - could hate the advancement of the human race and technology. :eusa_doh:
They were fighting company thugs who kept them in misery. You RW jackasses/dupes/morons are putting us back in that condition.
The cash could be distributed a bit more fairly. Most large Corporations are too top-heavy, in terms of bloated salaries. Spread the love. Let some more of that cash trickle down to reach the struggling workers in the trenches.

There is no "distribution". That's a typical liberal false narrative. You are worth what you are worth. I knew a blue-collar guy who was as blue collar as it would get. Worked on cranes. But he was making over six-figures a year. Do you know why? He was priceless to his company. He could figure out solutions to problems that nobody else could. So his company kept paying him more and more not to leave. That's how the real world works. Nobody has ever been paid less than their value and nobody has ever been paid more than their value. If you're invaluable, you'll get paid like it. If you're replaceable, you'll get paid like it. It really is that simple.

No offense, but that's outdated angry white Republican dude thinking. Most of the large corporations are too top-heavy in terms of bloated salaries. The pay could be distributed more equitably. Share more of the love with the struggling warriors in the trenches.

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