Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Nobody in gov't knew about computers. See O-Care set up lol. Why don't you do something about that instead of all this BS about a Sec of State, dupe?

Yes, point to another moron to justify the actions of the second moron.
She didn't give a shytte about her blackberry, she was SECRETARY OF STATE, and had drones for that. DUH.
She didn't give a shytte about her blackberry, she was SECRETARY OF STATE, and had drones for that. DUH.

Then why didn't the FBI investigate them instead of Hillary?

The Democrat party and followers: the party of excuses instead of honesty. Honesty to a liberal is like a cross to Dracula.
They did duh.
I so hope Obama isn't the "moron" to whom you are referring.

That's exactly who I am pointing to. Almost one trillion dollars to open up and operate a web site. No wonder our foes laugh at us.
The man graduated suma cum laud from Harvard law, and was editor of the Harvard Law Review. What have you got? You can despise the man's politics. You can disparage him in a great many ways. But to idisparage the man's intelligence just makes you sound petty, and small.
That's the job of a CEO.

No, that's not the job of a CEO.

When a company pays an employee, their rate is determined on how much money they make for their company.

Some CEO's like Mitt Romney are paid very well because of their history of turning companies around; getting out of the red and into the black. You can't do that by "steering the course." You have to make dramatic changes to the course.

Romney is one of the worst capitalist racketeers, and yes, Romney steers the course of driving American jobs over-seas to child sweat shops.
The higher up in a company, the less difficult it gets. It's called directing and delegating and CEO's that are good at both make huge $$$$.
The point is, CEOS make over 300x the average salary now, 23x in the 50's, and you brainwashed morons think raping the country is just great if you're rich and GOP enough lol.

Neither of you are answering my question. Why does a capitalist enterprise, who's main objective is making as much profit as possible, squander precious profits on an exorbitant CEO salary? Do CEOs deploy some sort of mind control over the board of directors? Are they blackmailing them somehow? If the CEO is not worth what they are being paid, whether it's 23x or 300x the average worker, why is the capitalist entity paying them?

I mean... IF you can't answer the question, just say so. These little tap dances you're doing are amusing but we're getting nowhere. You've both claimed CEOs aren't worthy of what they are being paid... I simply want to know how you justify the complete contradiction of basic capitalist principles and the objective of any capitalist... CEOs aren't dictators or rulers who can't be overthrown... there is no law that says a CEO can name his own salary and never be fired and the company is helpless to do anything but pay him.... so what's your explanation??? :dunno:

The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.
Nobody in gov't knew about computers. See O-Care set up lol. Why don't you do something about that instead of all this BS about a Sec of State, dupe? Same gd thing with Condi and Colin, but they didn't have a presidential server lying around. Too bad you fools are unbalanced by BS...Only took years of BENGAZEEEEE!!!!! witch hunts to find this BJ. lol

Oh... nobody knew about computers that have been around since the mid-80s? Hillary didn't know what an email server was or why she needed one? Again... thank you for confirming the woman is too incompetent to ever be considered for the presidency. In fact, she is too incompetent for consideration in ANY government job if she doesn't know what computers are or how they apply to the Espionage Act.

Condi and Colin did NOT have personal servers where they kept classified government documents. That's a false claim that has been circulating all over the left-wing blogs and has absolutely ZERO evidence to support. Gen. Petreus was forced to resign in disgrace and barely avoided going to prison simply for allowing his girlfriend (who had security clearance) to see confidential material. Hillary mishandles classified information on an unsecured personal server where god-knows-who gained access to it... and she's the Democrat's nominee for president.


Translation: Oh shit!
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

and A-GAIN... I will ask you.... Why would a capitalist enterprise who's only objective is maximum profits... pay someone SO much of their precious profits to simply delegate work to others? :dunno:

It makes NO SENSE!

Do you not comprehend this, clown???? :dunno:
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

You're talking like you know your shit, but you forgot we know your bullshit.

The nearest front lines from Tuzla airport was 25 kilometers away.

You see these hills and mountains? The front lines were somewhere behind it.

And this proves she's a huge LIAR!!! You jackasses have nothing else, while your heroes lie FACTUALLY nonstop about things that matter. You believe a huge pile of crap. Foster, all that Obama policy passed lol, see sig, it never ends while your heroes rob you blind and wreck the world. Hater dupes. BTW, snipers can be anywhere, and WHO CARES- she was first lady and telling an irrelevant story, like any mother. Try policy, not gossip propaganda and maybe the country wouldn't be a mess because of GOP policy and corruption.

You're getting defensive.

I asked you to pick the leftist issue and you pick Hillary. Someone said she lied about landing to Bosnia under sniper fire. You claimed "there were snipers in the hills around". Your words, not mine. US chose Tuzla for its base because its far from front lines. There were no snipers anywhere near the airport, and there was no sniper fire. I provided the picture of the airport where she landed and here is the actual video of her arrival.

Landing under sniper fire

Now you're claiming that "snipers can be anywhere". True, they can be, but Hillary said she landed under sniper fire, meaning there were bullets flying around her. Where was no fire, there were no snipers, and yes, she lied about it, and about many other things. And you're trying to defend her lies even after she admitted that she "misspoke" about the event.

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire

At the end, just as every leftie caught in a lie, reach for the last resort - insults. Oh, and one more thing, by saying "who cares, she was telling irrelevant story", you pretty much admitted she lied, you're just not aware of it yet. Now fuck off, sheep shagger.
You're getting defensive.

I asked you to pick the leftist issue and you pick Hillary. Someone said she lied about landing to Bosnia under sniper fire. You claimed "there were snipers in the hills around". Your words, not mine. US chose Tuzla for its base because its far from front lines. There were no snipers anywhere near the airport, and there was no sniper fire. I provided the picture of the airport where she landed and here is the actual video of her arrival.

Landing under sniper fire

Now you're claiming that "snipers can be anywhere". True, they can be, but Hillary said she landed under sniper fire, meaning there were bullets flying around her. Where was no fire, there were no snipers, and yes, she lied about it, and about many other things. And you're trying to defend her lies even after she admitted that she "misspoke" about the event.

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire

At the end, just as every leftie caught in a lie, reach for the last resort - insults. Oh, and one more thing, by saying "who cares, she was telling irrelevant story", you pretty much admitted she lied, you're just not aware of it yet. Now fuck off, sheep shagger.

You mean she lied? A woman named after Sir Edmond Hillary? Say it isn't so! :banana::banana::banana:
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The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

What do you mean doesn't actually do any of the work? You mean the CEO doesn't clean toilets? The CEO doesn't operate the lathe machine? The CEO doesn't load the trucks?

This is how it works in business: If you are hired to run a drill press for $15.00 per hour, it means that your employer can sell your work for $30.00 an hour or more. As I stated repeatedly, your work is valued by how much your employer can get anybody else to do the job.

If a CEO is making 5 million a year, it means he/she is bringing in much more for the company. That's why they hired this very valued CEO in the first place. Now if you don't want to pay that CEO 5 million a year, your competitor will, and take business away from your company; maybe even put your company under.

To be able to do that, it takes an extensive education, lots of experience, a history of success as a CEO, political ties, business ties, customer and supplier ties depending on the type of business.
The man graduated suma cum laud from Harvard law, and was editor of the Harvard Law Review. What have you got? You can despise the man's politics. You can disparage him in a great many ways. But to idisparage the man's intelligence just makes you sound petty, and small.

There's a vast difference between an education and common sense.....or logic.

Without a doubt, he has the education. We don't know how well he did in school, but we know he went there.

I know (and have known) plenty of people with a good education, but can't figure out why they can't light a match because the match is wet. Again, common sense.

Common sense is not taking all our troops out of Iraq to allow ISIS to come in and take over. Common sense is that if you don't have any military experience, take the advice from your military experts. Common sense is not trading our top five terrorists in captivity for some lowly private that deserted his country. That's not common sense. That's an educated man who's an idiot.
There WERE snipers in the hills around, the ceremony was NOT what one would expect for a US first lady. WTF is wrong with you hater dupes anyway. That has nothing to do with governance at all, yet that PROVES her to be HORRIBLE. You're all out of your tiny little brainwashed minds...

You're talking like you know your shit, but you forgot we know your bullshit.

The nearest front lines from Tuzla airport was 25 kilometers away.

You see these hills and mountains? The front lines were somewhere behind it.

And this proves she's a huge LIAR!!! You jackasses have nothing else, while your heroes lie FACTUALLY nonstop about things that matter. You believe a huge pile of crap. Foster, all that Obama policy passed lol, see sig, it never ends while your heroes rob you blind and wreck the world. Hater dupes. BTW, snipers can be anywhere, and WHO CARES- she was first lady and telling an irrelevant story, like any mother. Try policy, not gossip propaganda and maybe the country wouldn't be a mess because of GOP policy and corruption.

You're getting defensive.

I asked you to pick the leftist issue and you pick Hillary. Someone said she lied about landing to Bosnia under sniper fire. You claimed "there were snipers in the hills around". Your words, not mine. US chose Tuzla for its base because its far from front lines. There were no snipers anywhere near the airport, and there was no sniper fire. I provided the picture of the airport where she landed and here is the actual video of her arrival.

Landing under sniper fire

Now you're claiming that "snipers can be anywhere". True, they can be, but Hillary said she landed under sniper fire, meaning there were bullets flying around her. Where was no fire, there were no snipers, and yes, she lied about it, and about many other things. And you're trying to defend her lies even after she admitted that she "misspoke" about the event.

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire

At the end, just as every leftie caught in a lie, reach for the last resort - insults. Oh, and one more thing, by saying "who cares, she was telling irrelevant story", you pretty much admitted she lied, you're just not aware of it yet. Now fuck off, sheep shagger.
Anything in the last 20 years? Relevant? lol
The man graduated suma cum laud from Harvard law, and was editor of the Harvard Law Review. What have you got? You can despise the man's politics. You can disparage him in a great many ways. But to idisparage the man's intelligence just makes you sound petty, and small.

There's a vast difference between an education and common sense.....or logic.

Without a doubt, he has the education. We don't know how well he did in school, but we know he went there.

I know (and have known) plenty of people with a good education, but can't figure out why they can't light a match because the match is wet. Again, common sense.

Common sense is not taking all our troops out of Iraq to allow ISIS to come in and take over. Common sense is that if you don't have any military experience, take the advice from your military experts. Common sense is not trading our top five terrorists in captivity for some lowly private that deserted his country. That's not common sense. That's an educated man who's an idiot.
Yes we do. We know very well how well he did. Suma cume laude. Top 5% of his class. So, unless that particular class of Harvard graduates was full of gorillas, and rhesus monkeys, then we know very well how well he did.

And he also survived Chicago politics. One does not do that without a certain amount of..."street smarts". Again, you can hate his politics. You can hate his personality. You can despise his approach to global affairs. To impugn his intelligence - not his education, his intelligence - just makes you look petty and small.

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