Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Stupid dudes don't pay attention. You can raise the MW with seemingly minimal impact as long as you keep it low enough that it doesn't really matter immediately. What stupid dudes fail to realize, however, is that jobs ARE disappearing because they cost more than they are worth. Ever wonder why Dad didn't have to pump his own gas at the pump?

I'm against the minimum wage totally. If government can force a company to pay a minimum wage, then why shouldn't government force all companies to give their employees a raise?

Government doesn't belong in the wage business. Government should govern and private industry should take care of business.
True. A government that can set a wage floor can also set a wage ceiling, and in fact, a Republican president once did that. Bad all the way around.


I would add.

Capital wants the lowest possible labor costs coupled with the lest possible competition. This is why it goes to Taiwan for sweatshop labor costs, and why it goes to congress for regulatory control over most domestic markets. Research the number of cable/internet providers and how they have (with the help of congress) divided the nation mostly into fixed no-compete zones, allowing them to raise rates/decrease services without being disciplined by market competition. Real money comes from government protected monopolies.

Capital wants and gets a ton of free technological research and advanced industrial infrastructure. The 80s consumer electronics boom was heavily dependent upon the state sector (mostly Defense and NASA). Research the history of satellite and Internet technology or containerization or Aerospace, to name only a few industries. FDR and Reagan were masters of Military Keynesianism; both grew the economy and our technological superiority with the help of The Big Government Defense Sector.

[Most Republicans don't know the kind of subsidies say Boeing received. Nor do they understand how WWII manufacturing helped to end the depression; nor do they know how the aforementioned government-lead manufacturing was converted to the commercial boom that undergird the great postwar growth from 1945-1973.]

[Seriously, ask a republican to talk about the government-lead industrial output of WWII or the Cold War (including the number of jobs and spenders it put into the economy), and then ask how said output was converted to domestic commercial uses... and you will get a blank stare followed by simplistic cliches about the evils of government. These people are know-nothings who have never studied this stuff - never fucking read an actual policy paper. They get their information from pop media bafoons like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin]

The carrying capacity of the Southwest, with all its thriving profit centers, wouldn't exist without the Hoover Dam and the multi-trillion dollar engineering of the Colorado tributary system, which no combination of corporations could have afforded in the 20s. Same goes for the nation's energy or overseas trade routes, which require a massive military (government) effort across multiple continents.

The reason why large corporations build massive offices in Washington DC is precisely because so much profit making is parasitic on the public dollar.

And when those large corporations place massive bets they can't cover, like AIG and their corrupt derivative insurance scam, who do you think bails them out so that the global market doesn't tank?

Listen, my family owned a successful small business across several generations. I support a system that provides incentives to the productive, one that doesn't reward laziness. This is second grade stuff.

I also think price controls are fucking moronic because they not only fail to create appropriate incentives for suppliers but no central planner could ever have enough information to predict consumer behavior.

Let's cut to the chase. The Republican Party takes advantage of well-meaning uneducated people who have no clue the degree to which profit makers are parasitic on the state. This means any debate regarding government involvement in the economy can't even get started.

Turn off Fox News and go to a library.

(We're begging you)

On the upside ...

Good thread, better than most here. Kudos to OP.
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The US has the 16th lowest effective corporate tax rates.

No... the US has the HIGHEST corporate tax rates of any industrialized nation. If we eliminated corporate taxation, with our consumer base, it would draw thousands of new global corporations to America along with millions of new jobs. We would experience an economic boon the likes of which we've never seen before. Each one of those millions of jobs would be a new taxpayer and our tax revenues would explode.

In actual dollars a company with revenue of $1M with reasonable deductions has a federal tax liability of $37k, or 4% of total revenue. YOU pay at least three times that. Any wonder that the IRS take for businesses, corporations, and most wealthy is only 12% of the total?

Revenue doesn't mean anything. Expenses have to come out of revenue. You act like revenue is profit and it's not. So any stats you have on tax liability versus revenues are equally pointless. What you are trying to do is convince stupid people to be jealous of their employer. You do this because you're a Marxist.

The "IRS take" should be nothing, they didn't work for anything or earn anything in the capitalist venture. They are meaningless parasites to the equation.
Stupid dudes don't pay attention. You can raise the MW with seemingly minimal impact as long as you keep it low enough that it doesn't really matter immediately. What stupid dudes fail to realize, however, is that jobs ARE disappearing because they cost more than they are worth. Ever wonder why Dad didn't have to pump his own gas at the pump?

I'm against the minimum wage totally. If government can force a company to pay a minimum wage, then why shouldn't government force all companies to give their employees a raise?

Government doesn't belong in the wage business. Government should govern and private industry should take care of business.
Yup, greedy idiot/a-hole GOP CEOs should have no restraint in screwing over their workers and the environment. Bring back poor houses and potters fields. Death and destruction is good. Send non whites back where they came from. Trump/? 2016! Save the rich!
The US has the 16th lowest effective corporate tax rates.

No... the US has the HIGHEST corporate tax rates of any industrialized nation. If we eliminated corporate taxation, with our consumer base, it would draw thousands of new global corporations to America along with millions of new jobs. We would experience an economic boon the likes of which we've never seen before. Each one of those millions of jobs would be a new taxpayer and our tax revenues would explode.

In actual dollars a company with revenue of $1M with reasonable deductions has a federal tax liability of $37k, or 4% of total revenue. YOU pay at least three times that. Any wonder that the IRS take for businesses, corporations, and most wealthy is only 12% of the total?

Revenue doesn't mean anything. Expenses have to come out of revenue. You act like revenue is profit and it's not. So any stats you have on tax liability versus revenues are equally pointless. What you are trying to do is convince stupid people to be jealous of their employer. You do this because you're a Marxist.

The "IRS take" should be nothing, they didn't work for anything or earn anything in the capitalist venture. They are meaningless parasites to the equation.
Yup, who needs roads, sewers and power? Obviously not you morons. Real tough guys lol...
Yup, greedy idiot/a-hole GOP CEOs should have no restraint in screwing over their workers and the environment. Bring back poor houses and potters fields. Death and destruction is good. Send non whites back where they came from. Trump/? 2016! Save the rich!

Yeah, right. Like I just said that. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhh::uhh:
Maybe it's an investment that you're 'sure' will bear fruit someday. I can't see any other reason for a working class hero to bow down to the 1% so eagerly.

How is saying leave people alone bowing to anybody?

Sure I will come to attack haters who's jealousy promotes getting government to get even with others for something they didn't do themselves.

If a person becomes wealthy from hard work, then I applaud that person, not look for ways to take his or her wealth. It's not mine, why should I take it? Why do I deserve to have it?

This whole concept of attacking other Americans for what they do, want, or have is just as anti-American as I can think of. That's why I would never dream of voting or being Democrat.

The whole concept of liberalism is making other people as miserable as the liberal.

If a liberal sees a person happy with their success and wealth, the liberal looks for ways to make that person unhappy by taking their money.

If a liberal sees a person bothering nobody smoking a cigarette in a park, the first thing the liberal does is petition his representative to make smoking illegal in that park so that man loses that happiness.

If a liberal sees a man happy to take his firearms to a shooting range or competition, the liberal wants to disarm that man to see him unhappy.

I just could never be a person who wishes to punish people for having or doing something 100% legal because what they accomplished brings them happiness.

It's the same crap that went on where I live. The Mayor decided he was going to attack landlords. Why? Because he "believed" that landlords have it too good, and need to share their money with the city. So he instituted these idiotic apartment inspections before each and any tenant moves into a rental unit. The application, processing and occupancy fees are nearly $300.00, plus all the down time of the apartment waiting for inspections, updates, re-inspecitons, and getting the permit to let somebody move in. Then of course if it's not something minor, the city wants to charge permits for each thing you do.

Did it help our city any? No. Did it help our citizens any? No. Did it help anybody? No. But it gave our Mayor some peace of mind that he made other people miserable because that's what liberals do.
Yup, greedy idiot/a-hole GOP CEOs should have no restraint in screwing over their workers and the environment. Bring back poor houses and potters fields. Death and destruction is good. Send non whites back where they came from. Trump/? 2016! Save the rich!

Yeah, right. Like I just said that. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhh::uhh:
That's what you're going to get. Trusting GOP CEOs is nuts.
Yup, greedy idiot/a-hole GOP CEOs should have no restraint in screwing over their workers and the environment. Bring back poor houses and potters fields. Death and destruction is good. Send non whites back where they came from. Trump/? 2016! Save the rich!

Yeah, right. Like I just said that. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhh::uhh:
That's what you're going to get. Trusting GOP CEOs is nuts.
Why do dupes censor their own quotes? Just like their hypocrite heroes...
Maybe it's an investment that you're 'sure' will bear fruit someday. I can't see any other reason for a working class hero to bow down to the 1% so eagerly.

How is saying leave people alone bowing to anybody?

Sure I will come to attack haters who's jealousy promotes getting government to get even with others for something they didn't do themselves.

If a person becomes wealthy from hard work, then I applaud that person, not look for ways to take his or her wealth. It's not mine, why should I take it? Why do I deserve to have it?

This whole concept of attacking other Americans for what they do, want, or have is just as anti-American as I can think of. That's why I would never dream of voting or being Democrat.

The whole concept of liberalism is making other people as miserable as the liberal.

If a liberal sees a person happy with their success and wealth, the liberal looks for ways to make that person unhappy by taking their money.

If a liberal sees a person bothering nobody smoking a cigarette in a park, the first thing the liberal does is petition his representative to make smoking illegal in that park so that man loses that happiness.

If a liberal sees a man happy to take his firearms to a shooting range or competition, the liberal wants to disarm that man to see him unhappy.

I just could never be a person who wishes to punish people for having or doing something 100% legal because what they accomplished brings them happiness.

It's the same crap that went on where I live. The Mayor decided he was going to attack landlords. Why? Because he "believed" that landlords have it too good, and need to share their money with the city. So he instituted these idiotic apartment inspections before each and any tenant moves into a rental unit. The application, processing and occupancy fees are nearly $300.00, plus all the down time of the apartment waiting for inspections, updates, re-inspecitons, and getting the permit to let somebody move in. Then of course if it's not something minor, the city wants to charge permits for each thing you do.

Did it help our city any? No. Did it help our citizens any? No. Did it help anybody? No. But it gave our Mayor some peace of mind that he made other people miserable because that's what liberals do.
Seems like all your views in the end come down to your tenants, regs on you, and your GOP dupe boss cutting your health care...300 dollar fee every time? See what I mean about ridiculous fees killing the nonrich? I think tenants and the city coffers might disagree with you...Jack up your rents- everyone's doing it. And vote Dem nationally. Enjoying GOPism?
Yup, who needs roads, sewers and power? Obviously not you morons. Real tough guys lol...

Well, everybody needs roads, sewers and power. But you actually have better roads, sewers and power when you allow private enterprise with competitive free market forces to do that instead of government, and exponentially better than impersonal federal government. Many municipalities no longer have public waste disposal, it has long since been contracted out to private companies because they can do it better and more efficiently.

The Federal government was never established to build your roads and bridges. It was always understood that you were going to take care of those things yourself through state and local government.

Why do you think defense contractors exist? Wouldn't it be better to have a Federal government agency build all the military equipment themselves? Of course not, they don't have the ability to do what private industries can do. Oh, they COULD... like the Soviets, but the results would be inferior. Your problem is, you keep thinking the government is better at handling this kind of stuff than the private sector, despite failure after failure.

Look at the US Postal service for example... It was costing a ridiculous amount of money to send a package across country and taking months to do it... they turned it over to free market private sector capitalists and almost instantly, we have a much more robust, competitive and efficient way to send packages overnight from coast to coast. We have choices and options, we have competition and this results in the best prices for consumers.
Capital wants the lowest possible labor costs coupled with the lest possible competition. This is why it goes to Taiwan for sweatshop labor costs, and why it goes to congress for regulatory control over most domestic markets. Research the number of cable/internet providers and how they have (with the help of congress) divided the nation mostly into fixed no-compete zones, allowing them to raise rates/decrease services without being disciplined by market competition. Real money comes from government protected monopolies.

Capital wants and gets a ton of free technological research and advanced industrial infrastructure. The 80s consumer electronics boom was heavily dependent upon the state sector (mostly Defense and NASA). Research the history of satellite and Internet technology or containerization or Aerospace, to name only a few industries. FDR and Reagan were masters of Military Keynesianism; both grew the economy and our technological superiority with the help of The Big Government Defense Sector.

[Most Republicans don't know the kind of subsidies say Boeing received. Nor do they understand how WWII manufacturing helped to end the depression; nor do they know how the aforementioned government-lead manufacturing was converted to the commercial boom that undergird the great postwar growth from 1945-1973.]

[Seriously, ask a republican to talk about the government-lead industrial output of WWII or the Cold War (including the number of jobs and spenders it put into the economy), and then ask how said output was converted to domestic commercial uses... and you will get a blank stare followed by simplistic cliches about the evils of government. These people are know-nothings who have never studied this stuff - never fucking read an actual policy paper. They get their information from pop media bafoons like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin]

The carrying capacity of the Southwest, with all its thriving profit centers, wouldn't exist without the Hoover Dam and the multi-trillion dollar engineering of the Colorado tributary system, which no combination of corporations could have afforded in the 20s. Same goes for the nation's energy or overseas trade routes, which require a massive military (government) effort across multiple continents.

The reason why large corporations build massive offices in Washington DC is precisely because so much profit making is parasitic on the public dollar.

And when those large corporations place massive bets they can't cover, like AIG and their corrupt derivative insurance scam, who do you think bails them out so that the global market doesn't tank?

Listen, my family owned a successful small business across several generations. I support a system that provides incentives to the productive, one that doesn't reward laziness. This is second grade stuff.

I also think price controls are fucking moronic because they not only fail to create appropriate incentives for suppliers but no central planner could ever have enough information to predict consumer behavior.

Let's cut to the chase. The Republican Party takes advantage of well-meaning uneducated people who have no clue the degree to which profit makers are parasitic on the state. This means any debate regarding government involvement in the economy can't even get started.

Turn off Fox News and go to a library.

Let's get you up to speed on some things here.... Capitalism comes in all shapes and forms. The Russians, China and North Korea engage in Capitalism... it's not free market capitalism, it's Marxist-Socialist-Fascist capitalism... but it's Capitalism.

What you have an objection to is what many in the current anti-establishment GOP object to... Crony Corporatist Capitalism. That is NOT Free Market Capitalism. The Corporatist unfairly uses the powers of government to leverage an advantage over his competition... that's the antithesis of "free markets" and is actually more subversive and damaging to free market capitalism than Marxist socialism.
Well, everybody needs roads, sewers and power. But you actually have better roads, sewers and power when you allow private enterprise with competitive free market forces to do that instead of government, and exponentially better than impersonal federal government. Many municipalities no longer have public waste disposal, it has long since been contracted out to private companies because they can do it better and more efficiently.

The Federal government was never established to build your roads and bridges. It was always understood that you were going to take care of those things yourself through state and local government.

Why do you think defense contractors exist? Wouldn't it be better to have a Federal government agency build all the military equipment themselves? Of course not, they don't have the ability to do what private industries can do. Oh, they COULD... like the Soviets, but the results would be inferior. Your problem is, you keep thinking the government is better at handling this kind of stuff than the private sector, despite failure after failure.

If I could, I would like to add that Medicare (when I was working in the industry) had Prudential insurance company handle billing and payments because as you said, they did things more efficiently. They might even still do it today, I don't know because I've been out of that line of work for many years. But now that it's the other way around--government running insurance companies, it's not a wonder why more and more companies are dropping out of Commie Care or otherwise closing down. Nobody can afford to stay in business at a loss.
Seems like all your views in the end come down to your tenants, regs on you, and your GOP dupe boss cutting your health care...300 dollar fee every time? See what I mean about ridiculous fees killing the nonrich? I think tenants and the city coffers might disagree with you...Jack up your rents- everyone's doing it. And vote Dem nationally. Enjoying GOPism?

Our city is a bunch of lib Democrats. Democrats don't look into situations, they simply make assumptions ignorantly.

And yes, thanks to Commie government, I do in fact have to raise my rates. Now all my tenants who live check to check have to put more water in the soup. But I'm sure as a lib, you are quite delighted by government having their money and them trying to get by paycheck to paycheck. That's the Commie way of doing things.
Seems like all your views in the end come down to your tenants, regs on you, and your GOP dupe boss cutting your health care...300 dollar fee every time? See what I mean about ridiculous fees killing the nonrich? I think tenants and the city coffers might disagree with you...Jack up your rents- everyone's doing it. And vote Dem nationally. Enjoying GOPism?

Our city is a bunch of lib Democrats. Democrats don't look into situations, they simply make assumptions ignorantly.

And yes, thanks to Commie government, I do in fact have to raise my rates. Now all my tenants who live check to check have to put more water in the soup. But I'm sure as a lib, you are quite delighted by government having their money and them trying to get by paycheck to paycheck. That's the Commie way of doing things.
It's all done to protect the rich and giant corps from paying more like their fair share, dupe. And paying people a fair salary.
It's all done to protect the rich and giant corps from paying more like their fair share, dupe. And paying people a fair salary.

I have no idea WTF that comment has to do with my reply.

Do you just copy/ paste the same crap over and over again regardless of the discussion? Seems to me that's exactly what you do, especially when you have no defense of the comment made.
It's all done to protect the rich and giant corps from paying more like their fair share, dupe. And paying people a fair salary.

I have no idea WTF that comment has to do with my reply.

Do you just copy/ paste the same crap over and over again regardless of the discussion? Seems to me that's exactly what you do, especially when you have no defense of the comment made.
State and local taxes and fees go up to make up for lower fed aid. (Plays Jeopardy theme...). See how facts and intelligence works?
Capital wants the lowest possible labor costs coupled with the lest possible competition. This is why it goes to Taiwan for sweatshop labor costs, and why it goes to congress for regulatory control over most domestic markets. Research the number of cable/internet providers and how they have (with the help of congress) divided the nation mostly into fixed no-compete zones, allowing them to raise rates/decrease services without being disciplined by market competition. Real money comes from government protected monopolies.

Capital wants and gets a ton of free technological research and advanced industrial infrastructure. The 80s consumer electronics boom was heavily dependent upon the state sector (mostly Defense and NASA). Research the history of satellite and Internet technology or containerization or Aerospace, to name only a few industries. FDR and Reagan were masters of Military Keynesianism; both grew the economy and our technological superiority with the help of The Big Government Defense Sector.

[Most Republicans don't know the kind of subsidies say Boeing received. Nor do they understand how WWII manufacturing helped to end the depression; nor do they know how the aforementioned government-lead manufacturing was converted to the commercial boom that undergird the great postwar growth from 1945-1973.]

[Seriously, ask a republican to talk about the government-lead industrial output of WWII or the Cold War (including the number of jobs and spenders it put into the economy), and then ask how said output was converted to domestic commercial uses... and you will get a blank stare followed by simplistic cliches about the evils of government. These people are know-nothings who have never studied this stuff - never fucking read an actual policy paper. They get their information from pop media bafoons like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin]

The carrying capacity of the Southwest, with all its thriving profit centers, wouldn't exist without the Hoover Dam and the multi-trillion dollar engineering of the Colorado tributary system, which no combination of corporations could have afforded in the 20s. Same goes for the nation's energy or overseas trade routes, which require a massive military (government) effort across multiple continents.

The reason why large corporations build massive offices in Washington DC is precisely because so much profit making is parasitic on the public dollar.

And when those large corporations place massive bets they can't cover, like AIG and their corrupt derivative insurance scam, who do you think bails them out so that the global market doesn't tank?

Listen, my family owned a successful small business across several generations. I support a system that provides incentives to the productive, one that doesn't reward laziness. This is second grade stuff.

I also think price controls are fucking moronic because they not only fail to create appropriate incentives for suppliers but no central planner could ever have enough information to predict consumer behavior.

Let's cut to the chase. The Republican Party takes advantage of well-meaning uneducated people who have no clue the degree to which profit makers are parasitic on the state. This means any debate regarding government involvement in the economy can't even get started.

Turn off Fox News and go to a library.

Let's get you up to speed on some things here.... Capitalism comes in all shapes and forms. The Russians, China and North Korea engage in Capitalism... it's not free market capitalism, it's Marxist-Socialist-Fascist capitalism... but it's Capitalism.

What you have an objection to is what many in the current anti-establishment GOP object to... Crony Corporatist Capitalism. That is NOT Free Market Capitalism. The Corporatist unfairly uses the powers of government to leverage an advantage over his competition... that's the antithesis of "free markets" and is actually more subversive and damaging to free market capitalism than Marxist socialism.
But you dupes just get fooled AGAIN lol. Trump! lol...

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