Why can't Public Assistance increase?

The top 1% pay about the same as the next sixty percent and the top 1% get 60-100 % of new wealth. Fair? Worst ever good for you? Dupe much?

Again you brainwashed fool, percentage of wealth has nothing to do with it. There is no pie in our country to divide. And if the top 1% had 99% of total wealth in this country, all that means is that other people are not producing enough.

You leftists have brains like play dough. It can be formed by any liberal politician. So let's try this again: your wages are not based on what other people have in this country. Your wages are based on how much your work is worth to an employer--nothing more. If your work is worth $15.00, then it's worth $15.00 an hour whether we have a million billionaires in this country or no billionaires. Your work is still only worth $15.00 an hour either way.
I'd always suspected you were a paid shill but this pretty much cinches it.
Wage disparity is caused by keeping employee pay artificially low while employer profits increase.

Here's a hard question for you; How much do you pay the people (employees) that make you all of your money?

The least you can without decreasing or losing your workforce.

And what do you mean by "artificially low?" WTF is that anyway.

Wrong, try again.

Artificially low wages by means of subjecting human beings work 'worth' to commodities such as soy beans.

Many of the jobs that earn the current minimum wage of $7.25 are being overpaid based on the skills necessary to do the job. That means the wages for those jobs are inflated not artificially low.
I believe that a business owner has a moral obligation to pay their employees (that make them all of their monies) high enough where the employee doesn't become a burden on society.

So if somebody is a burden on society, it's the employers fault and not the individual that is working for that employer?

That's like saying it's the banks fault for getting robbed because the bank had a lot of money and the robber had little.

If we make everybody's life better by forcing industry to overpay a worker, how do you expect the worker to ever want to better themselves?

My first full-time job was at a car wash. It was an idiots job. I took money from customers, put them on the line, and hit a button to send the car through the wash.

Imagine if back then, we did things the way liberals want to do it now! I may have spent my life at that car wash, or wasted a lot of my life working there until I finally decided to do something better with my time on this earth.

Minimum wage employees in our country make up about 3% of our workforce. You are not going to have wage disparity because of that 3%. And within a years time, most of those in that 3% end up making more than minimum wage. So your logic is flawed.

So you don't believe in returning to the community?

So you consider the government taking it through a mandate as a business giving back to the community? Giving back involves a willful act by the giver not a mandate from the taker.
Just more fear mongering. Y'all will say anything to justify paying Americans shite wages.

Where in my comment do you see fear mongering? What I'm telling you is the truth. I'll provide charts if you like. 93 million Americans are not working nor looking for work. We have a population in the US of about 315 million people. Remove the children and people too old to work and you have more than 1/3 of our working population not working.

As for wages, the individual decides on how much they are worth to an employer. If you don't provide worth, you don't get paid very well. If you can provide a service that others cannot, your worth to an employer is much greater and pay will reflect that.

How much you make is your decision; not societies, not employers, but yourself. If you decide you don't want to do anything that makes you worth something, that's a decision you made--nobody else.
Outside of the Greatest Generation, employers have always been greedy a-holes, dupe, and now the New BS GOP and its ignorant hater dupes have got us back to "the good old days". IDIOT.
Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty

Yeah, we have gone backwards. They've been allowed their slaves again. What a shame.
The hell I did, dingbat.

The post itself shows an edit.
WHAT POST!?! The point is the rich don't pay enough, but you obsess about the poor. Hilarious.

The point is you're wrong. Half pay zero incomes taxes and you think that's a fair share yet people who pay more than they should isn't enough to you. Dumb motherfucker.
Add them ALL up, or you're a dupe.

I used YOUR source and added them up. Not everyone was between 20 - 30% like you claimed.
Add a few fees to the poor and they are. Stupid, irrelevant quibble. The richest are getting away with murder and wrecking the middle class and the country for thirty five years now. Idiot dupes...
I used YOUR source and added them up. Not everyone was between 20 - 30% like you claimed.

You'll have to excuse Franko over here. He doesn't know the difference between "average" and "everybody." He was a school teacher you know. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Apparently, he doesn't know that 17.3% isn't between 20 and 30. Hope he didn't "teach" math.
Add fees, shyttehead, and stop parroting lies and lying yourself. The RICH are the problem duh. Idiot.
I don't need to prove you wrong, it's your job to back up your claims, moron! Where the fuck do you think we are, some libtard wet dream? No one has ever doubled payroll taxes... except for, maybe FDR!

Brainwashed? You're the idiot who keeps spewing propaganda you can't back up and challenging people to prove you wrong... you need to go look in the mirror bud!

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Franco made a claim about taxes stating he had a source that proved it. What was funny when it finally did was that his own source disproved his claim. He tried to add in things after that cover for his stupidity to the point of editing a previous post where he claimed he included what he now said was part of it.
Jeebus what a stupid lying a-hole lol...just like your lying, thieving hypocrite GOP heroes.
Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty

YOUR source didn't say what you claimed it said. When that was pointed to you, you added in the fee thing that you later when back and edited on the original post.
What post???? I've been talking about ALL taxes and fees for a year. Dupe and liar. Congrats.

The original post where you started ranting about how EVERYONE pays between 20 - 30% in taxes claiming you had a source. It's been edited.
What number? Jeebus fecking ch#$%^ lol...I know already I didn't change fees...a-hole RWers always calling people liars. That's your heroes, endlessly. See who you think pays taxes.
The post itself shows an edit.
WHAT POST!?! The point is the rich don't pay enough, but you obsess about the poor. Hilarious.

The point is you're wrong. Half pay zero incomes taxes and you think that's a fair share yet people who pay more than they should isn't enough to you. Dumb motherfucker.
Add them ALL up, or you're a dupe.

I used YOUR source and added them up. Not everyone was between 20 - 30% like you claimed.
Add a few fees to the poor and they are. Stupid, irrelevant quibble. The richest are getting away with murder and wrecking the middle class and the country for thirty five years now. Idiot dupes...

Your source, the one you claimed said that, didn't say what you claimed it said.

The rich and many middle class pay lots of taxes. The poor freeloaders have been paying zero income taxes for years.

Do you know that a family of four with 2 adults/2 children doesn't pay a dime in income taxes until the gross income is over $48,000 based solely on the makeup of the family? You do now.
Franco made a claim about taxes stating he had a source that proved it. What was funny when it finally did was that his own source disproved his claim. He tried to add in things after that cover for his stupidity to the point of editing a previous post where he claimed he included what he now said was part of it.
Jeebus what a stupid lying a-hole lol...just like your lying, thieving hypocrite GOP heroes.
Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty

YOUR source didn't say what you claimed it said. When that was pointed to you, you added in the fee thing that you later when back and edited on the original post.
What post???? I've been talking about ALL taxes and fees for a year. Dupe and liar. Congrats.

The original post where you started ranting about how EVERYONE pays between 20 - 30% in taxes claiming you had a source. It's been edited.
What number? Jeebus fecking ch#$%^ lol...I know already I didn't change fees...a-hole RWers always calling people liars. That's your heroes, endlessly. See who you think pays taxes.

I know you edited the post.

Your source didn't show what you said it showed. PERIOD, liar.
FEDERAL income taxes, dupe.

At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


That's really what the American tax system looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans paying between 25 percent and 30 percent of their income -- which is, by the way, a lot more the 13.9 percent Mitt Romney paid in 2011*.

When politicians try to convince you that half of Americans aren't really paying taxes, it's usually because the real data undermines their preferred policies. For instance, you wouldn't look at these numbers and think tax cuts for the rich need to be a huge priority. And that's one reason people who want more tax cuts for the rich don't like to show you these numbers.

* Romney's 13.9 percent rate only counts his federal taxes. He hasn't released his state and local returns for 2011, so we can't say how that would change his total tax rate. But given the state and local averages for someone in his income group, it's likely to remain well below the 25-30 percent that is typical.
Jeebus what a stupid lying a-hole lol...just like your lying, thieving hypocrite GOP heroes.
Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty

YOUR source didn't say what you claimed it said. When that was pointed to you, you added in the fee thing that you later when back and edited on the original post.
What post???? I've been talking about ALL taxes and fees for a year. Dupe and liar. Congrats.

The original post where you started ranting about how EVERYONE pays between 20 - 30% in taxes claiming you had a source. It's been edited.
What number? Jeebus fecking ch#$%^ lol...I know already I didn't change fees...a-hole RWers always calling people liars. That's your heroes, endlessly. See who you think pays taxes.

I know you edited the post.

Your source didn't show what you said it showed. PERIOD, liar.
You know a LOT of PURE BS, Pub dupe. WHAT POST, a-hole? WHAT NUMBER???

The rich don't pay enough, ASSHOLE, and have wrecked the country the last 35 years. Your obsession with the poor makes you a GD brainwashed functional MORON.
Jeebus what a stupid lying a-hole lol...just like your lying, thieving hypocrite GOP heroes.
Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty

YOUR source didn't say what you claimed it said. When that was pointed to you, you added in the fee thing that you later when back and edited on the original post.
What post???? I've been talking about ALL taxes and fees for a year. Dupe and liar. Congrats.

The original post where you started ranting about how EVERYONE pays between 20 - 30% in taxes claiming you had a source. It's been edited.
What number? Jeebus fecking ch#$%^ lol...I know already I didn't change fees...a-hole RWers always calling people liars. That's your heroes, endlessly. See who you think pays taxes.

I know you edited the post.

Your source didn't show what you said it showed. PERIOD, liar.
Undoubtedly a spelling/grammar mistake, STUPID.
You're a gd idiot LOL.
YOUR source didn't say what you claimed it said. When that was pointed to you, you added in the fee thing that you later when back and edited on the original post.
What post???? I've been talking about ALL taxes and fees for a year. Dupe and liar. Congrats.

The original post where you started ranting about how EVERYONE pays between 20 - 30% in taxes claiming you had a source. It's been edited.
What number? Jeebus fecking ch#$%^ lol...I know already I didn't change fees...a-hole RWers always calling people liars. That's your heroes, endlessly. See who you think pays taxes.

I know you edited the post.

Your source didn't show what you said it showed. PERIOD, liar.
You know a LOT of PURE BS, Pub dupe. WHAT POST, a-hole? WHAT NUMBER???

The rich don't pay enough, ASSHOLE, and have wrecked the country the last 35 years. Your obsession with the poor makes you a GD brainwashed functional MORON.

Your propensity to lie about what a source you claim says makes you just that, a liar.

The rich pay. The poor do not.
FEDERAL income taxes, dupe.

At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data.

This entire conversation is the result of a (largely successful) effort to redefine the debate over taxes from "how much in taxes do you pay" to "how much in federal income taxes do you pay?" This is good framing if you want to cut taxes on the rich. It's bad framing if you want to have even a basic understanding of who pays how much in taxes.

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


That's really what the American tax system looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans paying between 25 percent and 30 percent of their income -- which is, by the way, a lot more the 13.9 percent Mitt Romney paid in 2011*.

When politicians try to convince you that half of Americans aren't really paying taxes, it's usually because the real data undermines their preferred policies. For instance, you wouldn't look at these numbers and think tax cuts for the rich need to be a huge priority. And that's one reason people who want more tax cuts for the rich don't like to show you these numbers.

* Romney's 13.9 percent rate only counts his federal taxes. He hasn't released his state and local returns for 2011, so we can't say how that would change his total tax rate. But given the state and local averages for someone in his income group, it's likely to remain well below the 25-30 percent that is typical.

Stupid dudes don't pay attention. You can raise the MW with seemingly minimal impact as long as you keep it low enough that it doesn't really matter immediately. What stupid dudes fail to realize, however, is that jobs ARE disappearing because they cost more than they are worth. Ever wonder why Dad didn't have to pump his own gas at the pump?

I'm against the minimum wage totally. If government can force a company to pay a minimum wage, then why shouldn't government force all companies to give their employees a raise?

Government doesn't belong in the wage business. Government should govern and private industry should take care of business.
Stupid dudes don't pay attention. You can raise the MW with seemingly minimal impact as long as you keep it low enough that it doesn't really matter immediately. What stupid dudes fail to realize, however, is that jobs ARE disappearing because they cost more than they are worth. Ever wonder why Dad didn't have to pump his own gas at the pump?

I'm against the minimum wage totally. If government can force a company to pay a minimum wage, then why shouldn't government force all companies to give their employees a raise?

Government doesn't belong in the wage business. Government should govern and private industry should take care of business.
True. A government that can set a wage floor can also set a wage ceiling, and in fact, a Republican president once did that. Bad all the way around.
I'd always suspected you were a paid shill but this pretty much cinches it.

Well whoever is supposed to be paying me, tell them they lost may address because I haven't seen a check yet!
Maybe it's an investment that you're 'sure' will bear fruit someday. I can't see any other reason for a working class hero to bow down to the 1% so eagerly.

I choose my own investments. Someone that has only the skill set to do a minimum wage job isn't a good investment. Investments I choose have a history of performing.

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