Why can't these People be Married together?...

Is there an actual law against private ownership of one? considering the cost of building one was sufficnatly prohibitive kind of made private ownership to expensive too much to worry about.
Husband, wife and lover all live together - Mirror Online


They look like a Happy, Caring, Stable, Loving Family... Who are you to Judge and tell them they can't be Married?




The wife is kind of cute, theres actually quite a few open marriages and relationships like this with multiple people.
If gay marriage becomes legal, all forms of "marriage" will also become legal. Lawyers for bigamists and polygamists are waiting, the ACLU is waiting.

Gay marriage IS the beginning of the slippery slope. Anyone who denies that is either blind or stupid or both.

Lol slippery slope? Will society break down when the 14 people in the United States who actually want to practice polygamy are allowed to by law? Or when the 2 people in the US who want to f&#k goats get to marry their barnyard pet?

Problem is, after gay marriage there are no other significant "alternative marriage" groups that exist out there. Polygamists are extremely rare (due to some obvious factors like jealousy and it's simply not that practical); don't think there's anything to worry about.
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If gay marriage becomes legal, all forms of "marriage" will also become legal. Lawyers for bigamists and polygamists are waiting, the ACLU is waiting.

Gay marriage IS the beginning of the slippery slope. Anyone who denies that is either blind or stupid or both.

Lol slippery slope? Will society break down when the 14 people in the United States who actually want to practice polygamy are allowed to by law? Or when the 2 people in the US who want to f&#k goats get to marry their barnyard pet?

Problem is, after gay marriage there are no other significant "alternative marriage" groups that exist out there. Polygamists are extremely rare (due to some obvious factors like jealousy and it's simply not that practical); don't think there's anything to worry about.

maybe not, but thats not really the point.
maybe not, but thats not really the point.

Well, the point I'm making is that if there's such a small percentage of polygamists what is there to worry about with regards to a slippery slope?

I could see if there's like 100,000,000 polygamists waiting to marry, and when the law passes it will completely overhaul American culture, but not the case...
Gay marriage does absolutely nothing to open the door for polygamy. Gay marriage does not involve marrying multiple partners.

you are wrong. the argument for gay marriage is that these people are being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. The exact same argument WILL be made for bigamy and polygamy. They will have precedent on their side in court.

Gay marriage is step 1 towards the destruction of our society.

That's not the argument. The argument for same sex marriage is an equal protection argument.

The Constitution requires that laws apply equally to all situations that are the same, or sufficiently similar. Recognizing a civil marriage that 2 people can enter into but only if one is man and one is a woman violates equal protection because a marriage of two men or two women is a sufficiently similar situation and thus deserves the same civil recognition.


That's why there is no such thing as "gay marriage," since same sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts; three or more, not.
If polygamy is between consenting adults, I have no problem with it. It is not something I could handle, but if someone else can....why not?

If a man can have a wife and kids and keep a mistress on the side and break no laws, why is it a crime if he tries to assume legal responsibility for both relationships?
If polygamy is between consenting adults, I have no problem with it. It is not something I could handle, but if someone else can....why not?

If a man can have a wife and kids and keep a mistress on the side and break no laws, why is it a crime if he tries to assume legal responsibility for both relationships?

Good point.
If polygamy is between consenting adults, I have no problem with it. It is not something I could handle, but if someone else can....why not?

If a man can have a wife and kids and keep a mistress on the side and break no laws, why is it a crime if he tries to assume legal responsibility for both relationships?

We would need an entire new court system and statutes in every state to handle divorces, paternity, inheritance, property settlements, etc. And new tax codes to address every deviation and grouping of human beings into "marriages".

How much will taxes be raised to pay for that?
If polygamy is between consenting adults, I have no problem with it. It is not something I could handle, but if someone else can....why not?

If a man can have a wife and kids and keep a mistress on the side and break no laws, why is it a crime if he tries to assume legal responsibility for both relationships?

We would need an entire new court system and statutes in every state to handle divorces, paternity, inheritance, property settlements, etc. And new tax codes to address every deviation and grouping of human beings into "marriages".

How much will taxes be raised to pay for that?

Not much

Polygamy would still be extremely rare. You would not have a rush of people seeking to embrace it. You are basicaly moving someone from the single column to the married column. Divorces are always messy no matter what you do

Beyond the "yuk" factor, I see polygamy as none of my business and it does no harm
If polygamy is between consenting adults, I have no problem with it. It is not something I could handle, but if someone else can....why not?

If a man can have a wife and kids and keep a mistress on the side and break no laws, why is it a crime if he tries to assume legal responsibility for both relationships?

We would need an entire new court system and statutes in every state to handle divorces, paternity, inheritance, property settlements, etc. And new tax codes to address every deviation and grouping of human beings into "marriages".

How much will taxes be raised to pay for that?

Not much

Polygamy would still be extremely rare. You would not have a rush of people seeking to embrace it. You are basicaly moving someone from the single column to the married column. Divorces are always messy no matter what you do

Beyond the "yuk" factor, I see polygamy as none of my business and it does no harm

Tom is "married" to Louise, Mary, Jenny, and Joan. together the 5 of them have 10 kids, 4 cars, and a large house.

Louise and Mary decide that they are really lesbians and decide to divorce the rest of them. 2 of the kids have tom and louise as biological parents and 1 has mary and tom as biological parents.

One of the cars was given to the family by Louise's parents.

Tom has a business that earns 200K per year.

Louise was married to tom for 10 years, Mary and Jenny for 8 and 7, and Joan for 4.

Please describe the property settlement, child care arrangements, and alimony after the divorce.
We would need an entire new court system and statutes in every state to handle divorces, paternity, inheritance, property settlements, etc. And new tax codes to address every deviation and grouping of human beings into "marriages".

How much will taxes be raised to pay for that?

Not much

Polygamy would still be extremely rare. You would not have a rush of people seeking to embrace it. You are basicaly moving someone from the single column to the married column. Divorces are always messy no matter what you do

Beyond the "yuk" factor, I see polygamy as none of my business and it does no harm

Tom is "married" to Louise, Mary, Jenny, and Joan. together the 5 of them have 10 kids, 4 cars, and a large house.

Louise and Mary decide that they are really lesbians and decide to divorce the rest of them. 2 of the kids have tom and louise as biological parents and 1 has mary and tom as biological parents.

One of the cars was given to the family by Louise's parents.

Tom has a business that earns 200K per year.

Louise was married to tom for 10 years, Mary and Jenny for 8 and 7, and Joan for 4.

Please describe the property settlement, child care arrangements, and alimony after the divorce.

Messy, just like any other divorce

Louise gets on fifth of the marital assets, Mary gets a fifth
The three kids are assigned a primary caregiver with the other parent getting visitation
Alimony will depend on who gets the kids. Louise and Mary get none themselves since they abandoned the marriage
Not much

Polygamy would still be extremely rare. You would not have a rush of people seeking to embrace it. You are basicaly moving someone from the single column to the married column. Divorces are always messy no matter what you do

Beyond the "yuk" factor, I see polygamy as none of my business and it does no harm

Tom is "married" to Louise, Mary, Jenny, and Joan. together the 5 of them have 10 kids, 4 cars, and a large house.

Louise and Mary decide that they are really lesbians and decide to divorce the rest of them. 2 of the kids have tom and louise as biological parents and 1 has mary and tom as biological parents.

One of the cars was given to the family by Louise's parents.

Tom has a business that earns 200K per year.

Louise was married to tom for 10 years, Mary and Jenny for 8 and 7, and Joan for 4.

Please describe the property settlement, child care arrangements, and alimony after the divorce.

Messy, just like any other divorce

Louise gets on fifth of the marital assets, Mary gets a fifth
The three kids are assigned a primary caregiver with the other parent getting visitation
Alimony will depend on who gets the kids. Louise and Mary get none themselves since they abandoned the marriage

very good :lol: Now, how many lawyers will be needed and how much will each of them get? How does that 1/5 ownership of the house work out? and 1/5 of 4 cars?

My point is that these kinds of "marriages" will be very messy in every sense of the word. Not to mention how screwed up the kids of such arrangements will be.

In my dealings in the arab world, I talked with several muslim men about having more than one wife. Every one of them said the only advantage would be having legal sex with multiple women. But every one of them said that the other problems would greatly overcome the sex thing and they would not do it.
Tom is "married" to Louise, Mary, Jenny, and Joan. together the 5 of them have 10 kids, 4 cars, and a large house.

Louise and Mary decide that they are really lesbians and decide to divorce the rest of them. 2 of the kids have tom and louise as biological parents and 1 has mary and tom as biological parents.

One of the cars was given to the family by Louise's parents.

Tom has a business that earns 200K per year.

Louise was married to tom for 10 years, Mary and Jenny for 8 and 7, and Joan for 4.

Please describe the property settlement, child care arrangements, and alimony after the divorce.

Messy, just like any other divorce

Louise gets on fifth of the marital assets, Mary gets a fifth
The three kids are assigned a primary caregiver with the other parent getting visitation
Alimony will depend on who gets the kids. Louise and Mary get none themselves since they abandoned the marriage

very good :lol: Now, how many lawyers will be needed and how much will each of them get? How does that 1/5 ownership of the house work out? and 1/5 of 4 cars?

My point is that these kinds of "marriages" will be very messy in every sense of the word. Not to mention how screwed up the kids of such arrangements will be.

In my dealings in the arab world, I talked with several muslim men about having more than one wife. Every one of them said the only advantage would be having legal sex with multiple women. But every one of them said that the other problems would greatly overcome the sex thing and they would not do it.

Not my problem...the lawyers are paid by the litigants

Like the disposition of any property, the house and cars would be assigned a fair market value and Louise and Mary each get a fifth

Divorce is always messy and kids pay a price...this situation is no different

I agree with the muslim men. The sex part is easy, it is the emotional baggage that is hard. Wouldn't catch me in a polygamous marriage. But it doesn't harm me in the least if others do it
Messy, just like any other divorce

Louise gets on fifth of the marital assets, Mary gets a fifth
The three kids are assigned a primary caregiver with the other parent getting visitation
Alimony will depend on who gets the kids. Louise and Mary get none themselves since they abandoned the marriage

very good :lol: Now, how many lawyers will be needed and how much will each of them get? How does that 1/5 ownership of the house work out? and 1/5 of 4 cars?

My point is that these kinds of "marriages" will be very messy in every sense of the word. Not to mention how screwed up the kids of such arrangements will be.

In my dealings in the arab world, I talked with several muslim men about having more than one wife. Every one of them said the only advantage would be having legal sex with multiple women. But every one of them said that the other problems would greatly overcome the sex thing and they would not do it.

Not my problem...the lawyers are paid by the litigants

Like the disposition of any property, the house and cars would be assigned a fair market value and Louise and Mary each get a fifth

Divorce is always messy and kids pay a price...this situation is no different

I agree with the muslim men. The sex part is easy, it is the emotional baggage that is hard. Wouldn't catch me in a polygamous marriage. But it doesn't harm me in the least if others do it

It doesn't harm me either, but we need to look beyond ourselves, it would harm society.
very good :lol: Now, how many lawyers will be needed and how much will each of them get? How does that 1/5 ownership of the house work out? and 1/5 of 4 cars?

My point is that these kinds of "marriages" will be very messy in every sense of the word. Not to mention how screwed up the kids of such arrangements will be.

In my dealings in the arab world, I talked with several muslim men about having more than one wife. Every one of them said the only advantage would be having legal sex with multiple women. But every one of them said that the other problems would greatly overcome the sex thing and they would not do it.

Not my problem...the lawyers are paid by the litigants

Like the disposition of any property, the house and cars would be assigned a fair market value and Louise and Mary each get a fifth

Divorce is always messy and kids pay a price...this situation is no different

I agree with the muslim men. The sex part is easy, it is the emotional baggage that is hard. Wouldn't catch me in a polygamous marriage. But it doesn't harm me in the least if others do it

It doesn't harm me either, but we need to look beyond ourselves, it would harm society.

It doesn't harm me either, but we need to look beyond ourselves, it would harm society.

If 14 people practice polygammy will that really have a huge impact on society?

I know the actual number is higher, but in reality the % of people who actually would want to participate in that IS tiny and we have every reason to believe it will remain tiny (like less than 0.01% tiny).

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