Why Can't We See the Other 14,000 Hours of J6 Video Footage?

What could there be in the other thousands of hours that justify the behavior in the few hours we have seen?

Nobody is trying to justify the behavior. It is Pelosi and the January 6th committees actions to stop any possibility of a counter narrative to their own motives. Notice this is the narrative the dems want to run on, and not their record?

The rule is that we can't see anything that Pelosi's propaganda board of censorship doesn't want us to. And Pelosi won't let us see anything that doesn't depict Trump as the villain of Jan 6, power hungry bitch that she is.
Sure. Again, what could she possibly be keeping us from seeing that justified what we did see?
And what if it shows a different story than the ones being pushed by the January 6th Democrat Fundraiser?

No. Actually the insurrection interfered with the peaceful transfer of power. Get it?
As far as I recall, the electoral votes were tabulated later that evening.
If you make accusations you need evidence. You have none and no one is withholding it.
If no one is withholding it, why are we discussing this now.
Let's look at those disputed hours of video.
You can access them, correct?
It is a fact the treasonous Trump supporting insurrectionist did actually delay the peaceful transfer of power, something that has never been done before. Hope you are proud. And the imaginary exculpatory evidence of something something in the video, try to verbalize what that could be and have some evidence of that, or quit embarrassing yourself. It is really getting uncomfortable to watch.
It is a fact the treasonous Trump supporting insurrectionist did actually delay the peaceful transfer of power, something that has never been done before. Hope you are proud. And the imaginary exculpatory evidence of something something in the video, try to verbalize what that could be and have some evidence of that, or quit embarrassing yourself. It is really getting uncomfortable to watch.
Along with the video's being withheld by prosecution......what about Pelosi refusing to submit capitol police logs, her communications with them and Sgt's at arms?
As in DC.
Many in Seattle were released with a slap on the wrist.
As in anyone.

I‘m not sure which specific Seattle rioters you’re referring to. I see this right-wing talking point all the time but very few actually attempt to back it up.

If it’s true, I agree with you.
Along with the video's being withheld by prosecution......what about Pelosi refusing to submit capitol police logs, her communications with them and Sgt's at arms?
hell, I dont care, if she broke the law arrest her too. But this is more of that evidence of wrongdoing you right wingers know all about, but cant quite get to.
To be honest I cant believe you tried to ignore the fact that they are withholding evidence for as long as you did.
But your spin was absolutely ridiculous.
We need evidence DERP but we cant show the other vids to get that evidence DERPITY DERP DERP. :laughing0301:
More evidence just out of of the RWers reach. Is it impotence or incompetence that keeps the evidence just out of your reach?
Why Can't We See the Other 14,000 Hours of J6 Video Footage?

The feds have been very picky about which videos from the January 6 Capitol protest we can and cannot see. Why is that? If those hundreds of thousands of filthy Trumpers tried to take over the United States, as Don Lemon told us, and the feds have it on tape, show us who the seditionary monsters are so loyal townsfolk can identify them and help put them into the stockades.

We’ve only seen the same worn-out, edited clips of protestors clashing with the police. The Department of Justice (DOJ) also released a three-hour video showing people fighting with Capitol police in a tunnel. What they are refusing to release is about 14,000 hours of surveillance, police body-cam, and phone video footage that might show another side of January 6.

“They don’t want the public to see that the vast majority of what went on was very peaceful,” Jonathon Moseley, attorney for J6 defendant Kelly Meggs, told The Epoch Times. “There were the violent videos they’ve shown, are all in just one location, or in a courtyard. You know, they keep showing over and over again this battle in the archway. That’s just one entrance out of a building that’s 700 feet long. So I think it would dilute their narrative to show everything.”

Releasing that unseen footage might cause some problems that the donkey brigade can’t handle. The truth is, there was no insurrection. But much like that borderline personality ex of yours, the left needs something to lord over our heads every time they screw up and need to deflect.

OP comment: Every time we see a piece of previously unreleased footage it always proves that there was no insurrection

Nigga pleez. I still await 1000 vids of 30 seconds each of planes and shit hitting 2 towers and a pentagram in 2001
As in anyone.

I‘m not sure which specific Seattle rioters you’re referring to. I see this right-wing talking point all the time but very few actually attempt to back it up.

If it’s true, I agree with you.
Depending on the level of the charge, many got light weight 'punishment'. Ones who did higher levels of crime,like assault on police, etc, got prosecuted.
Depending on the level of the charge, many got light weight 'punishment'. Ones who did higher levels of crime,like assault on police, etc, got prosecuted.
Like I just said:

“I see this right-wing talking point all the time but very few actually attempt to back it up.

If it’s true, I agree with you.”
LOL....maybe you need to do more on the same page.

The ninth does.

I read the ninth link. It doesn’t say anything to support your claim either.

Maybe you should just post the link and quote it next time. I’m not going to keep going on this scavenger hunt for the point that you’re failing to make.

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