Why Chris Christie is a bad idea for the GOP.

What has Christie lost, besides a lot of weight?

He hasn't run for POTUS yet you ignorant fuck.

Ooooh.....touchie, now aren't we?

You've listed him with two losers and I am asking what he has lost.

And your response is to say I'm ignorant.

You roll over and pee on yourself with just one of my posts.

Let me see if I can dumb this concept down enough that even someone as thick headed and stupid as you can understand.

I'm saing he is the same as McCain, and Romney and therefor he will lose. It's a prediction.

Get it moron?

Then how did a slime dog like McAuliffe win the governor's race in Cantor country?

He got more votes you twit. And he barely won.

Bahahahahaaaa.......So much for the Tea Party pull in the Old Dominion where Rebel vanity plates on pickup trucks are more common than biscuits and gravy for breakfast.

Your ignorance of politics are only surpassed by your bigotry and your ignorance of the state of Virginia.
Does anyone with a whit of political knowledge believe that the Tea Party faction can field a candidate who:

Can win a national election

Govern with the best interests of all Americans in mind

and prove sufficiently Conservative and bad ass to appeal to the Tea Party rank and file?

Without such a candidate, the Tea Party faction should sit down, shut up and let the grown ups in the GOP make the call.

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, just to name three Tea Party candidates that won a national election. Anymore stupid questions?

That was parody/irony ... right? Please tell me so.

I was waiting on a lib to take me serious. Oh well!

The fact of the matter is no Tea Party candidate has entered a nationwide election so to say that none could win a national election is rather silly.

I'm a bit aghast myself. If he's serious then Obama must have won some sort of planetary or inter-galactic election in 2012.....

You are aghast because you are an idiot, reading comprehension is beyond your ability.

What national election did any of these guys win? You attack me because you can't back up your own posts.

I call you and idiot and you back me up by proving it every time you post.
We've yet to see a Tea Party winner demonstrate the first clue as to how to govern. The congressional delegation certainly wasn't sent to Washington to govern, they were sent to sabotage and obstruct. Scott Walker in Wisconsin uses signatures on his recall petition as an enemies list. Tea Party governance? Where?

Democrat governance where? Where?

If a party has to lie to pass a law because they do not trust their legislation or their constituency, that is not governance. That is subversion of democratic principles.

When one side is not held in check by democratic principles, by morals or by the fourth estate, then sabotage and obstruction are legitimate tools.

Doing nothing is better than doing something as bad as O-care. Republicans were in the right. Democrats were in the wrong, not governing according to the best interests of all Americans, and in fact harming all Americans by the tricks they played with the legislative process. Our government has significantly less integrity now than it did when the Democrats took over. Significantly more precedent for the idea that the ends justify the means, no matter how cravenly the means are.
You support a political faction that has no democratic principles, morals or good public relations? By golly! What a sentiment to rally support!

I support both democratic principles and morals.

You support a faction which has nothing other than good public relations, well "good" in the sense of "effective at hiding their faults and magnifying the supposed faults of others".

Thank goodness their good public relations are starting to crack and reality is now peeking through.
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How quickly they forgot the shut down! If that's your idea of adult behavior, I'm surprised you didn't bother to call me a poopy head!

That was adult behavior, it's telling that you don't recognize it.

That prank cost the American economy $24 billion, was fruitless and was forewarned as something that would not accomplish what they wanted. Not to mention the political damage done to the Republican party. There was nothing responsible, wise or adult about that political tantrum. A lesson to be learned if the Tea Party faction EVER wants to win a Presidential election.

That's a lie!

But hey you're just following your dear leaders lead.
How quickly they forgot the shut down! If that's your idea of adult behavior, I'm surprised you didn't bother to call me a poopy head!

That was adult behavior, it's telling that you don't recognize it.

That prank cost the American economy $24 billion, was fruitless and was forewarned as something that would not accomplish what they wanted. Not to mention the political damage done to the Republican party. There was nothing responsible, wise or adult about that political tantrum. A lesson to be learned if the Tea Party faction EVER wants to win a Presidential election.

Its telling that you don't recognize it. Doing the right thing despite the fact that it may go against you is mature. It's what an adult would do. Standing up and fighting for what is right. Not selling out, not backing down. That is maturity.
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Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, just to name three Tea Party candidates that won a national election. Anymore stupid questions?

That was parody/irony ... right? Please tell me so.

I was waiting on a lib to take me serious. Oh well!

The fact of the matter is no Tea Party candidate has entered a nationwide election so to say that none could win a national election is rather silly.

You got me. LOL.
Yes, there are many who are already trying to do those things.
how often are they successful?...standing up and talking about something is different than actually doing something about it.....im sorry i dont have faith in any politician of either party to do what is right...UNLESS....their Party says its ok....for instance a Politician feels we should be getting away from ME oil....if the party says no....we are making lots of money behind the scenes with them....then it aint going to happen....

Well there is Ted Cruz for one.

give some examples....what has he done?....
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, just to name three Tea Party candidates that won a national election. Anymore stupid questions?

That was parody/irony ... right? Please tell me so.

I was waiting on a lib to take me serious. Oh well!

The fact of the matter is no Tea Party candidate has entered a nationwide election so to say that none could win a national election is rather silly.

I would love to see a TP candidate in a national race. Maybe then all this "we need to move further to the right" stuff will go away.

Cruz and Paul in 2016. I expect Rand can find some good published material that he can rewrite for his campaign posters.....:thup:
No, PredFan, you are lying, and you know it. That's why you are getting shrill.
That was adult behavior, it's telling that you don't recognize it.

That prank cost the American economy $24 billion, was fruitless and was forewarned as something that would not accomplish what they wanted. Not to mention the political damage done to the Republican party. There was nothing responsible, wise or adult about that political tantrum. A lesson to be learned if the Tea Party faction EVER wants to win a Presidential election.

That's a lie!

But hey you're just following your dear leaders lead.
Calling it a lie does not make it so. Everything in my post is true, but it refutes your narrow, myopic outlook. I understand that you would call it a lie without proof. It's a typical trait of your modern view of how Conservatives should behave.
That was adult behavior, it's telling that you don't recognize it.

That prank cost the American economy $24 billion, was fruitless and was forewarned as something that would not accomplish what they wanted. Not to mention the political damage done to the Republican party. There was nothing responsible, wise or adult about that political tantrum. A lesson to be learned if the Tea Party faction EVER wants to win a Presidential election.

Its telling that you don't recognize it. Doing the right thing despite the fact that it may go against you is mature. It's what an adult would do. Standing up and fighting for what is right. Not selling out, not backing down. That is maturity.
It was a political tantrum of the first order. It demonstrated nothing but petulance and political immaturity. It was something that responsible adults from every part of the political spectrum but the most zealous ideological agreed was wasteful and wrong headed.
Does anyone with a whit of political knowledge believe that the Tea Party faction can field a candidate who:

Can win a national election

Govern with the best interests of all Americans in mind

and prove sufficiently Conservative and bad ass to appeal to the Tea Party rank and file?

Without such a candidate, the Tea Party faction should sit down, shut up and let the grown ups in the GOP make the call.

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, just to name three Tea Party candidates that won a national election. Anymore stupid questions?

That was parody/irony ... right? Please tell me so.

A parody is your belief that Obama governs "with the best interests of all Americans in mind."
The TPM can do no better than the Dems.

Christie and the GOP can do far better.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, just to name three Tea Party candidates that won a national election. Anymore stupid questions?
And could you assess their chances in a Presidential campaign? Between the debates, the campaign and other opportunities to generally piss off or other wise alienate fellow Americans and commit gaffs (Rick Perry's Oops! e.g.) could any of those moon bayers really pull off a national victory?

Unlike the democrats and you liberal republicans, we don't put Win at the Expence of our Principles first. We look at a candidate principles and character first not "can he win?". If we have to run democrat lite to win then what the fuck is the point?

that is a noble approach but absolutely without any perspective of ever materializing. It is not a contest between medieval knights - it's politics.
unless the main goal is first to win and then govern according the principles ( where possible) - this flying in the clouds will continue.
how often are they successful?...standing up and talking about something is different than actually doing something about it.....im sorry i dont have faith in any politician of either party to do what is right...UNLESS....their Party says its ok....for instance a Politician feels we should be getting away from ME oil....if the party says no....we are making lots of money behind the scenes with them....then it aint going to happen....

Well there is Ted Cruz for one.

give some examples....what has he done?....

Have you been asleep for the past few months?

That prank cost the American economy $24 billion, was fruitless and was forewarned as something that would not accomplish what they wanted. Not to mention the political damage done to the Republican party. There was nothing responsible, wise or adult about that political tantrum. A lesson to be learned if the Tea Party faction EVER wants to win a Presidential election.

Its telling that you don't recognize it. Doing the right thing despite the fact that it may go against you is mature. It's what an adult would do. Standing up and fighting for what is right. Not selling out, not backing down. That is maturity.
It was a political tantrum of the first order. It demonstrated nothing but petulance and political immaturity. It was something that responsible adults from every part of the political spectrum but the most zealous ideological agreed was wasteful and wrong headed.

Well, disagree then, I can't force you to be right.

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