Why Chris Christie is a bad idea for the GOP.

Will Christie abolish the welfare state?

Will Christie abolish the warfare state?

Will Christie abolish Obama Hellcare?

Will he continue to kowtow to the fascists and the parasitic faction?


Have any conservatieves INCLUDING reagan ever abolished it yet?

Have any conservatieves INCLUDING reagan ever abolished it yet?

If he's smart, no.

The parasit ... wtf?

My point precisely.

There is NO difference between the demopublicans.

Christie is a RINO.

Christie is a mainstream Republican, while you and the rest of the TeaPs are RINOs in bad standing.

Christie is another narcissist we certainly don't need that in the white house again. Plus he likes Obama and helped him win the election with all his sucking up. Christie is a RINO let him stay in NJ

Jroc dislikes Christie because the guv is a decent man, a principled Republican, and has no trouble telling the neo-cons to fuck off.
Simply put, it's because there us so very little difference between him and Hillary.

Will Christie defund obamacare?
Will Christie refuse to grant amnesty?
Will Christie reduce spending?
Will Christie stop the NSA and other government spying?
Will Christie secure our borders?
Will Christie reduce taxes?
Will Christie develop our oil and gas potential here in the US?
Will Christie stand up to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Will Christie stand up for our 2nd Amendment rights?
Will Christie appoint conservative judges?

If the economy and the country lasts until 2016, it will be on the very precipice of falling. If we don't try to get someone who will fight the progressive destruction of the country instead of going aong with it, it will fall. if Christie is on charge at the time, he and the GOP will get the blame for it.l

The above is meaningless nonsense, empty talking points, bumper sticker slogans – it’s simplistic dribble.

The issues and their solutions are far too complex and involved for such naïve, schoolboy ‘politics.’

For example:

“…stand up for our 2nd Amendment rights.”

What does this ignorant nonsense even mean? Although inalienable, rights are not absolute, government may limit or restrict rights when rationally based pursuant to a legitimate legislative end.

“…stop the NSA and other government spying.”

Foreign or domestic? ‘Stop’ it altogether? How does the OP propose to gather intelligence to prevent future terrorist attacks? It’s fine to be opposed to the current surveillance programs, but what will you replace them with? Or is the ‘plan’ to do nothing and leave the country defenseless?

“…reduce spending.”

‘Reduce’ what spending? What programs will be cut and what retained, and who will decide what will be cut? The fact is what conservatives consider to be ‘needless’ spending actually isn’t.

“…stand up to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

This is just too ridiculous to even comment on.

“…appoint conservative judges.”

To what end? Ignore the rule of law and Constitutional jurisprudence simply because it doesn’t conform to subjective conservative dogma? To ignore the facts and case law and rule based solely on a partisan rightist agenda?

If so conservatives clearly are in contempt of the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

What you and other blind partisan, reactionary rightists fail to understand is that the Nation rejects your platform of ignorance, hate, fear, and division.

The GOP needs to get away from the social conservative idiocy and embrace diversity and dissent, or continue to drift toward the abyss of political relevance.
Here's my thought on Christie...

He's perfectly willing to advance himself by bashing teachers and public sector workers without providing real solutions.

That pretty much disqualifies him in my book. The working man has enough problems.
I already wrote - you guys, as purists, are so naive, that it is amazing.

he is a ruling governor.

a politician. running fro reelection - which he won. in a strongly blue state :D

it is actually quite amazing, that both you, on the right, and the ones on the left actually believe what politicians are saying. and never ever take into consideration that they might be thinking and aiming at something totally different.

look at what they DO.

So you think he will back the Tea Party ideals? I have to strongly disagree with you there.

yes, I do. at least many of them and many to some extent.

taxed enough already - basically what he did in NJ. he balanced the budget. and cut spending.

p.s. it looks like the haters of TP don't know anything about it but even the ones who like it are not that informed as well :)

You are guessing, we can't take a chance on guesses. I think you are all wet. Fortunately there is time to find out. I will not be voting for Chris Christie, at least not in the primaries.
Christie is a mainstream Republican, while you and the rest of the TeaPs are RINOs in bad standing.

Christie is another narcissist we certainly don't need that in the white house again. Plus he likes Obama and helped him win the election with all his sucking up. Christie is a RINO let him stay in NJ

Jroc dislikes Christie because the guv is a decent man, a principled Republican, and has no trouble telling the neo-cons to fuck off.

Chris Christie is a NeoCon, dumbass.
Yup...Criste bad. Go with Cruz.

Thanks. We will.
Christie is anohter in a long line of "We Democrats would certainly consider voting for this Republican". Like McCain. Or Romney.

Amazing how fast the people who were tauting Romney as the best hope for mankind a year ago have all turned on him now.

You appear to have a severely limited mental capacity. Many conservatives bashed Romney in the primaries and then when comparing him to obama they touted his superiority as a candidate. Comparing him to Obama is not the same as believing he's the 2nd coming of Reagan.

Jeez how thick are you people?
He has to start somewhere, hes a governor folks. his first loyalty and interest is his state..I thought the hug was a little much but he has to make nice in turns, he needed sandy money, his state needed sandy money and he got it....thats what he is supposed to do......its a wash.

He vetoed a gay marriage bill, though it should be said, its a losing cause. He agrees civil unions should be exactly on par with 'marriage' as far as rights goes, I agree. Even if he did approve the marriage bill, I would not have held it against him......and the peeps in NJ didn't seem to hold it against him.

He has taken on entrenched interests ala public sector unions etc. and has avoided tax increases and put a ceiling on property taxes while trying to dig out from a very deep hole and working with a hostile legislature.

He has not done a lot job wise, NJ still has a higher than average jobless rate, but then again, hes not in a friendly biz environment, and he did inherit that. Hes got 3 years to make some moves o that front and I will for one, be watching how he works that issue as I think its fair to say hes had the time to do better........

Hes got 2 years to prep, before the whirligig gets going, he knows whats ahead of him. Reagan once said ( I am paraphrasing); ' someone who agrees with you 70% of the time is not your enemy....'

he has not reached my 70% plateau yet, but my mind is open, and there really is a lot we have to chew on yet.
Will Christie reduce taxes?

You want taxes cut MORE?

Let's go to the NJ race that just concluded, shall we?

While Christie rules out any tax increase and has been pushing the Legislature to implement an immediate tax cut to be funded out of future revenues, Buono questions whether the money will be there to pay for it. Instead, she favors reimposition of a millionaire’s tax to pay for property tax relief for lower- and middle-income taxpayers.

While Christie calls Buono a “tax-and-spend liberal” who does not regret voting for 154 tax and fee hikes, Buono has been calling for the state to spend billions more on preschool, K-12 education, property tax relief, tuition aid, transportation, and higher education. Christie criticizes Buono for not saying exactly how she would pay for the new spending, which Buono says she would phase it in using normal year-to-year revenue increases.

And here's some special pro-life sauce for you:

While Buono criticizes Christie for cutting $7.5 million a year in funding for family-planning clinics that would have drawn down $67.5 million annually in federal matching funds and for cutting the Earned Income Tax Credit for the working poor as he was paying out billions in subsidies to corporations, Christie charges that Buono would favor public employee unions over the tax-paying public.

I'm not talking about NJ nitwit, I'm talking about the presidency and the whole country.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPxDnb2-aVI]Governor Christie on Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]
Simply put, it's because there us so very little difference between him and Hillary.

Will Christie defund obamacare?
Will Christie refuse to grant amnesty?
Will Christie reduce spending?
Will Christie stop the NSA and other government spying?
Will Christie secure our borders?
Will Christie reduce taxes?
Will Christie develop our oil and gas potential here in the US?
Will Christie stand up to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Will Christie stand up for our 2nd Amendment rights?
Will Christie appoint conservative judges?

If the economy and the country lasts until 2016, it will be on the very precipice of falling. If we don't try to get someone who will fight the progressive destruction of the country instead of going aong with it, it will fall. if Christie is on charge at the time, he and the GOP will get the blame for it.l

and so you think some Republican will do all those?.....im sure he/she will tell you they will....they have nothing but excuses after they are elected dont they?....
He has to start somewhere, hes a governor folks. his first loyalty and interest is his state..I thought the hug was a little much but he has to make nice in turns, he needed sandy money, his state needed sandy money and he got it....thats what he is supposed to do......its a wash.

He vetoed a gay marriage bill, though it should be said, its a losing cause. He agrees civil unions should be exactly on par with 'marriage' as far as rights goes, I agree. Even if he did approve the marriage bill, I would not have held it against him......and the peeps in NJ didn't seem to hold it against him.

He has taken on entrenched interests ala public sector unions etc. and has avoided tax increases and put a ceiling on property taxes while trying to dig out from a very deep hole and working with a hostile legislature.

He has not done a lot job wise, NJ still has a higher than average jobless rate, but then again, hes not in a friendly biz environment, and he did inherit that. Hes got 3 years to make some moves o that front and I will for one, be watching how he works that issue as I think its fair to say hes had the time to do better........

Hes got 2 years to prep, before the whirligig gets going, he knows whats ahead of him. Reagan once said ( I am paraphrasing); ' someone who agrees with you 70% of the time is not your enemy....'

he has not reached my 70% plateau yet, but my mind is open, and there really is a lot we have to chew on yet.

That is fair. If I am proven wrong I will be the first to admit it.

It's curious that I chose principles in my OP that embody the Tea Party and Christie proponents claim he will do those things.
Christie is another narcissist we certainly don't need that in the white house again. Plus he likes Obama and helped him win the election with all his sucking up. Christie is a RINO let him stay in NJ

Jroc dislikes Christie because the guv is a decent man, a principled Republican, and has no trouble telling the neo-cons to fuck off.

Chris Christie is a NeoCon, dumbass.

So you're another one of those people that believes the terrorist are going to leave us alone? lol

They won't leave Kenya alone
They won't leave Russia alone
They won't leave india alone

This is a war between Islamic extremist and civilization. Even civilization within the muslim world.
So you think he will back the Tea Party ideals? I have to strongly disagree with you there.

yes, I do. at least many of them and many to some extent.

taxed enough already - basically what he did in NJ. he balanced the budget. and cut spending.

p.s. it looks like the haters of TP don't know anything about it but even the ones who like it are not that informed as well :)

You are guessing, we can't take a chance on guesses. I think you are all wet. Fortunately there is time to find out. I will not be voting for Chris Christie, at least not in the primaries.

I am NoT guessing. The guy has been a governor of NJ for 4 years.

Look at his deeds.

That all you need.
Really, LOL

A man that won
-21% of blacks

= bad for the GOP!

If a republican could do this nationally = nightmare for the democrats.

He did that because he's no different than a democrat who they vote for anyway. On the contrary, a Christie candidacy is a win/win situation for the DNC.
Really, LOL

A man that won
-21% of blacks

= bad for the GOP!

If a republican could do this nationally = nightmare for the democrats.

Liberals love Christie as the Republican candidate..They loved Romney as well for a time makes you wonder Hillery supporters like Christie?:smiliehug:

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