Why CNN Did Not Show Giuliani Presser

Rudy should be disbarred over this silly song-and-dance. Trumpbots should be pissed at just how much campaign cash has gone to pay lawyers to fight futile legal battles.
Because it's all about a fraud.

Sad what Rudy has done to his once stellar reputation.

The dems smear everyone that stands up to them---most americans are just tuning out the dems apparently as Trump actually won the election. Attacking the messenger instead of the message isn't going to stop the message---the dems stole the election and they need to be punished.
Because it's all about a fraud.

Sad what Rudy has done to his once stellar reputation.

The dems smear everyone that stands up to them---most americans are just tuning out the dems apparently as Trump actually won the election. Attacking the messenger instead of the message isn't going to stop the message---the dems stole the election and they need to be punished.

I saw Rudy in his heyday
Fighting the mafia, cleaning up NY, saving the city on 9-11

Now he has devolved into a Trump toady. Backing Trump lies. spreading unfounded conspiracies. Sadly, this is what most Americans will remember Rudy for.
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There was a time when I looked at Rudy as Presidential material.

He has shown how wrong I was
Because it's all about a fraud.

Since when did the media decide that they could just silence the president when they don't like what he has to say instead of allowing people to hear what is said and decide for themselves.

Since 1791:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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