Why Co2 Can Not Cause Further Warming...

Billy, you're plainly very familiar with the teachings of both Alinsky and Gruber, so please take this opportunity to teach everyone more about your denier cult's various deities.

First, which one is higher on the denier cult totem pole, Alinsky or Gruber?

Are you required to worship both of them to go to denier heaven?

What specific rituals are assigned to the worship of each one?

Which of the two do you personally love the most?
And yet still no experiment to disprove Herr Koch's 1901 proof that adding additional CO2 does nothing. Still waiting dude/dudette, It!!!! :oops-28:
It isn't here to debate. IT is here to belittle and ridicule, that's all IT does..
I will treat it like the turd IT is.. Only a disgusting left wit troll uses the term denier as it defames 6 millions Jews put to death by Hitler. It is a disgusting and hate filled term with only negative uses, to defame, belittle and discredit those with whom they disagree by stifling the truth. The only thing is, many people now see these people for what they are, liars, conmen, and thieves..

They will never produce the science because they can not. All they got is lying and deceit.
It isn't here to debate. IT is here to belittle and ridicule, that's all IT does..
I will treat it like the turd IT is.. Only a disgusting left wit troll uses the term denier as it defames 6 millions Jews put to death by Hitler. It is a disgusting and hate filled term with only negative uses, to defame, belittle and discredit those with whom they disagree by stifling the truth. The only thing is, many people now see these people for what they are, liars, conmen, and thieves..

They will never produce the science because they can not. All they got is lying and deceit.

The hairball has a chronic lack of imagination....she repeats what she has heard, or been encouraged to say and rarely ventures into original thought. She did so recently in an attempt to come up with a moniker for me....pissdrinker was the result...a word that is uncomfortable to say in that it doesn't roll off the tongue...is slightly vulgar, which gives an uncomfortable glimpse into her subconscious and has nothing whatsoever to do with me personally...it is a poor, unimaginitive, somewhat juvenile attempt at hanging a name on someone.. In short, a word that few people would enjoy saying and therefore would never stick...hairball, (her moniker) on the other hand is a very fun word to say...is not vulgar in the least, and reflects directly on her due to her choice of avatar.

I wouldn't give her credit for the level of intelligence necessary to associate the word denier with nazi's...such association would require more imagination than she has ever exhibited. She just says it because she heard someone she respects use the term...like children who use profanity not knowing the meaning because they heard a parent or close adult use the words.
Pissdrinker sure writes a lot of long weepy posts concerning how much he doesn't care about being christened Pissdrinker. Clearly, he doesn't care at all.
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Pissdrinker sure writes a lot of long weepy posts concerning how much he doesn't care about being christened Pissdrinker. Clearly, he doesn't care at all.
Did you mean to say something?
Pissdrinker sure writes a lot of long weepy posts concerning how much he doesn't care about being christened Pissdrinker. Clearly, he doesn't care at all.
Did you mean to say something?

She imagines that she is winning, something...I can hear the lonely cackling coming through her words... Pissdrinker...I would be f'ing embarrassed to think that was the best I could come up with.
Gender confused dude, I keep telling you I'm a guy. So quit hitting on me. It's creepy.
Gender confused dude, I keep telling you I'm a guy. So quit hitting on me. It's creepy.

So now you are having romantic fantasy about me? You imagine that my contempt for you is actually an advance of some sort...geez lady, you are even more pathetic than I thought.
But you are every bit as puerile as I could have ever imagined.
and look what walked right in. hilarious!!!!!!! do you walk her/him/it across the street too? It's so sweet you watch over her/ him/ it. Hilarious!!!!

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