Why Comey was fired.

"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"

Trump has been embarrassed by conversations he has in the past that he either forgot were taped or didn't know were taped. Some of those tapes appeared during the election process. He probably meant that no one is safe today from anything they say in public or private.

Trump was in show business. He walked around with a mike and a battery powered transmitted for hours at a time.
You couldn't elect Clinton because she was a "liar and a crook", so you elected a treasonous liar and crook instead.

Trump isn't a liar. He really did come up with the term "priming the pump" to describe using infrastructure spending to stimulate the economy.

BTW: Trump also invented aluminum foil, and the question mark.
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You couldn't elect Clinton because she was a "liar and a crook", so you elected a treasonous liar and crook instead.

Trump isn't a liar. He really did come up with the term "priming the pump" to describe using infrastructure spending to stimulate the economy.

BTW: Trump also invented aluminum foil, and the question mark.
He's a buffoon, an ignoramus who got where he is by threatening, bullying and cheating, and it's likely that's how he managed to get through his schooling without learning anything as well.
Also he referred to priming the pump as a justification for tax cuts for the wealthy, not necessarily infrastructure spending. That was a bone to bring some Democrats into it, ignoring the obvious contradiction the two plans represent. Just like their attempt to sell the idea that reducing Medicaid spending by $880 billion won't leave many without healthcare.

He's an Ooh Ooh Bird.
Trump’s blithe confidence that he invented one of the most common phrases in popular economic discourse is stunning on several counts. It not only suggests a self-confidence bordering on delusion, it illuminates a worrisome fact: The president both knows very little about the things he talks about, and has little interest in learning more.

Trump Knows Little and Doesn't Want to Learn More
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You couldn't elect Clinton because she was a "liar and a crook", so you elected a treasonous liar and crook instead.

Trump isn't a liar. He really did come up with the term "priming the pump" to describe using infrastructure spending to stimulate the economy.

BTW: Trump also invented aluminum foil, and the question mark.
He's a buffoon, an ignoramus who got where he is by threatening, bullying and cheating, and it's likely that's how he managed to get through his schooling without learning anything as well.
Also he referred to priming the pump as a justification for tax cuts for the wealthy, not necessarily infrastructure spending. That was a bone to bring some Democrats into it, ignoring the obvious contradiction the two plans represent. Just like their attempt to sell the idea that reducing Medicaid spending by $880 billion won't leave many without healthcare.

He's an Ooh Ooh Bird.
Trump’s blithe confidence that he invented one of the most common phrases in popular economic discourse is stunning on several counts. It not only suggests a self-confidence bordering on delusion, it illuminates a worrisome fact: The president both knows very little about the things he talks about, and has little interest in learning more.

Trump Knows Little and Doesn't Want to Learn More
Agreed, but of the two deplorable candidates Americans had to choose from on election day, the less deplorable candidate won. :)
You couldn't elect Clinton because she was a "liar and a crook", so you elected a treasonous liar and crook instead.

Trump isn't a liar. He really did come up with the term "priming the pump" to describe using infrastructure spending to stimulate the economy.

BTW: Trump also invented aluminum foil, and the question mark.
He's a buffoon, an ignoramus who got where he is by threatening, bullying and cheating, and it's likely that's how he managed to get through his schooling without learning anything as well.
Also he referred to priming the pump as a justification for tax cuts for the wealthy, not necessarily infrastructure spending. That was a bone to bring some Democrats into it, ignoring the obvious contradiction the two plans represent. Just like their attempt to sell the idea that reducing Medicaid spending by $880 billion won't leave many without healthcare.

He's an Ooh Ooh Bird.
Trump’s blithe confidence that he invented one of the most common phrases in popular economic discourse is stunning on several counts. It not only suggests a self-confidence bordering on delusion, it illuminates a worrisome fact: The president both knows very little about the things he talks about, and has little interest in learning more.

Trump Knows Little and Doesn't Want to Learn More
Agreed, but of the two deplorable candidates Americans had to choose from on election day, the less deplorable candidate won. :)
Not hardly.

What could be worse than a pinhead who enabled hate-filled bigots with a bunch of nonsense and lies and headed into deconstructing all the agencies of government that provide protections for people and the environment, beneficial programs of every sort, short-sighted policies of ignorance in energy, science, healthcare and education and a simplistic tax plan of cuts for the benefit of the wealthy at the expense of everyone else? He has no idea what he's doing and we'll pay a terrible cost for his ignorance.

Hillary's temperament, intelligence, diplomacy, knowledge of history and government and her genuine interest in the welfare of all Americans is well beyond any comparison to the buffoon.
There could NOT have been a worse choice.
Before we are all exposed to the lunatic-fringe media accusation that Donald Trump slashed his way to the White House with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, those of us still in possession of our observational faculties may want to examine why FBI director, James Comey was let go- indecisively straddling the fence.

Comey’s actions regarding Hillary Clinton were like the proverbial timid manager in a large manufacturing plant that had just caught a well-liked higher-up stealing from the till red handed. He seemed unrealistically preoccupied with the ramifications of calling to account such a powerful figure. Comey embarrassed the FBI because he was intimidated by Clinton’s standing in the Democratic Party and her overwhelming support as the successor to Barack Obama.

Telling the people the emperor has no clothes takes the kind of courage we expect from the leadership of the FBI because it requires bravery, fidelity and integrity; the kind of bravery, fidelity and integrity we see in the rank and file of the bureau that charges into dark allies after bad guys under a hail of bullets. Comey’s bizarre behavior and outlandishly ambiguous statements about Clinton’s national security violations did more damage to the reputation of the bureau than anything in recent memory because he essentially downplayed willful treason.

Clinton’s self-important and insular arrogance led her to commit espionage against her country and the very people she claims to stand for. Clinton has been in high positions in government for many years and was acutely aware of security protocol-she just ignored it. Comey’s equivocating excuses and blatantly mitigating alibis for her treachery made the bureau look like a sycophantic press agent for a moneyed celebrity caught driving and drinking.

The truly wicked in our society will never face justice once they attain high rank under this kind of FBI but Comey was playing the odds because it looked like she would win. Unfortunately for Comey the game he was playing turned out to be Russian roulette because the skewed polls were wrong. Near the end Comey seemed to see it coming with Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner but his bet was already on the table and the pit boss (public) froze the chips. Comey needs to go sell shoes somewhere so the bureau can begin the process of rebuilding its brand.
If it was the investigation of Hillary's email which ended 6 months ago which concerned Trump, then why did it take Trump 4 months to act?
The chronology of events leading up to the firing of Comey seem to indicate the ongoing investigation of Russia interference in the election was on Trump's mind, not Hillary Clinton emails.
Agreed, but of the two deplorable candidates Americans had to choose from on election day, the less deplorable candidate won. :)
Not hardly.......
We'll have to agree to disagree on that point. :)
Yeah? Tearing down the functions of government agencies and working only for the benefit of the wealthy is okay with you?
What about limiting certain religions from traveling here, or hiding the White House visitor's list, restricting access for large news organizations specifically and limiting the freedom of the press in general? How about secret meetings with the Russians requested by Putin where he divulged classified information?

Good too?
Tearing down the functions of government agencies

Hiring Dem Activists to sit around and do nothing until Eric Holder calls and tells them to go to Ferguson to race bait.... that's hardly a "function" of government, and the taxpayer surely does not need to fund it.
So now we know why he fired Comey.

Only hours after National Security Adviser McMaster stands up to misinform the public and insist, "It didn't happen," the buffoon tweets an idiotic assertion he has the "absolute right" to share highly sensitive, top secret intelligence to the ambassadors of the enemy that interfered in the election, essentially making fools of the General, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.

Why did he do this? Because "as President" he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just like having a secretive, private meeting with the Russians, in the White House, and restrict the American press from seeing what he's doing. And PootyPoot asked him too. THAT's why just days before the meeting, he fired Comey, the Director of the FBI whose agency is investigating the Russian's interference with the election.
The buffoon was trying to impress Putin.
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So now we know why he fired Comey.

Only hours after National Security Adviser McMaster stands up to misinform the public and insist, "It didn't happen," the buffoon tweets an idiotic assertion he has the "absolute right" to share highly sensitive, top secret intelligence to the ambassadors of the enemy that interfered in the election, essentially making fools of the General, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.

Why did he do this? Because "as President" he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just like having a secretive, private meeting with the Russians, in the White House, and restrict the American press from seeing what he's doing. And PootyPoot asked him too. THAT's why just days before the meeting, he fired Comey, the Director of the FBI whose agency is investigating the Russian's interference with the election.
The buffoon was trying to impress Putin.
Presidents generally stick to policy in meetings like this to avoid unintended disclosures but the problem is Trump has no discernible foreign policy in regard to Russia. This is the real problem. It goes far deeper than just blurting out sensitive information.

A foreign policy is a set of generalized objectives of the president in regard to other nations. It provides a guide not just for the president but for his entire administration in regard to all aspects of dealing with a foreign power. If there is no clear consistent policy, the administration will work at cross purposes which is exactly what is happening. I believe when the Russians saw Trump as a possible candidate for the presidency, they saw in him just the kind the president they wanted in the oval office, a person with no clear worldview who would create inconsistent policies and follow a path of unpredictable behavior.
So now we know why he fired Comey.

Only hours after National Security Adviser McMaster stands up to misinform the public and insist, "It didn't happen," the buffoon tweets an idiotic assertion he has the "absolute right" to share highly sensitive, top secret intelligence to the ambassadors of the enemy that interfered in the election, essentially making fools of the General, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.

Why did he do this? Because "as President" he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just like having a secretive, private meeting with the Russians, in the White House, and restrict the American press from seeing what he's doing. And PootyPoot asked him too. THAT's why just days before the meeting, he fired Comey, the Director of the FBI whose agency is investigating the Russian's interference with the election.
The buffoon was trying to impress Putin.
Presidents generally stick to policy in meetings like this to avoid unintended disclosures but the problem is Trump has no discernible foreign policy in regard to Russia. This is the real problem. It goes far deeper than just blurting out sensitive information.

A foreign policy is a set of generalized objectives of the president in regard to other nations. It provides a guide not just for the president but for his entire administration in regard to all aspects of dealing with a foreign power. If there is no clear consistent policy, the administration will work at cross purposes which is exactly what is happening. I believe when the Russians saw Trump as a possible candidate for the presidency, they saw in him just the kind the president they wanted in the oval office, a person with no clear worldview who would create inconsistent policies and follow a path of unpredictable behavior.
Yup. At the very least.
So now we know why he fired Comey.

Only hours after National Security Adviser McMaster stands up to misinform the public and insist, "It didn't happen," the buffoon tweets an idiotic assertion he has the "absolute right" to share highly sensitive, top secret intelligence to the ambassadors of the enemy that interfered in the election, essentially making fools of the General, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.

Why did he do this? Because "as President" he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just like having a secretive, private meeting with the Russians, in the White House, and restrict the American press from seeing what he's doing. And PootyPoot asked him too. THAT's why just days before the meeting, he fired Comey, the Director of the FBI whose agency is investigating the Russian's interference with the election.
The buffoon was trying to impress Putin.
Presidents generally stick to policy in meetings like this to avoid unintended disclosures but the problem is Trump has no discernible foreign policy in regard to Russia. This is the real problem. It goes far deeper than just blurting out sensitive information.

A foreign policy is a set of generalized objectives of the president in regard to other nations. It provides a guide not just for the president but for his entire administration in regard to all aspects of dealing with a foreign power. If there is no clear consistent policy, the administration will work at cross purposes which is exactly what is happening. I believe when the Russians saw Trump as a possible candidate for the presidency, they saw in him just the kind the president they wanted in the oval office, a person with no clear worldview who would create inconsistent policies and follow a path of unpredictable behavior.
Yup. At the very least.

When you thought it couldn't get any worst for Trump New York Times confirms..

Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

If true, this is obstruction of justice. The Trump White House is going to be busy tomorrow trying to put a spin on this.
Remember when all the regressive Democrats were calling for comey to resign or be fired for opening the investigation against Hillary again because they found yet more emails on a accused perverts computer? Lmao now look at the hypocrisy

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
How many times has your dump changed his mind ? Did you see him shaking comeys hand hugging him praising him ?? Then like all repubs stabs him in the back A lying no class pos is in our WH
My Dump? I didn't want Trump nominated. To bad for you I didn't want Hillary Clinton in office more then I didn't want Trump in office. You idiot regressives are the entire reason Trump is president. If you idiots were not so fascist you wouldn't have pissed off the MAJORITY of the country in to electing a bloviating asshat. By the way you idiots and your alex jones like conspiracy theories are making him look even better.
You would have liked Bernie better ??
Nope not a communist. I would rather Cruz.

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
Go back to Greece
Never been to Greece , Try growing a brain.
So now we know why he fired Comey.

Only hours after National Security Adviser McMaster stands up to misinform the public and insist, "It didn't happen," the buffoon tweets an idiotic assertion he has the "absolute right" to share highly sensitive, top secret intelligence to the ambassadors of the enemy that interfered in the election, essentially making fools of the General, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.

Why did he do this? Because "as President" he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just like having a secretive, private meeting with the Russians, in the White House, and restrict the American press from seeing what he's doing. And PootyPoot asked him too. THAT's why just days before the meeting, he fired Comey, the Director of the FBI whose agency is investigating the Russian's interference with the election.
The buffoon was trying to impress Putin.
Presidents generally stick to policy in meetings like this to avoid unintended disclosures but the problem is Trump has no discernible foreign policy in regard to Russia. This is the real problem. It goes far deeper than just blurting out sensitive information.

A foreign policy is a set of generalized objectives of the president in regard to other nations. It provides a guide not just for the president but for his entire administration in regard to all aspects of dealing with a foreign power. If there is no clear consistent policy, the administration will work at cross purposes which is exactly what is happening. I believe when the Russians saw Trump as a possible candidate for the presidency, they saw in him just the kind the president they wanted in the oval office, a person with no clear worldview who would create inconsistent policies and follow a path of unpredictable behavior.
It's looking like the buffoon HAS an agenda, and that's to do the bidding of Putin, who likely has his nuts in a vice that obviously threatens his entire economic well-being.
Kompromat...Eto panyAtno?

His only other concerns are to appease the GOP leadership who'll tolerate his idiocies until they get him to sign their benefactors' preferred legislation and now they're attempting to act fast before he brings Pence down with him. Unfortunately for all of them, they don't have facts on their side, and dazzling with bullshit ain't working any more.
So now we know why he fired Comey.

Only hours after National Security Adviser McMaster stands up to misinform the public and insist, "It didn't happen," the buffoon tweets an idiotic assertion he has the "absolute right" to share highly sensitive, top secret intelligence to the ambassadors of the enemy that interfered in the election, essentially making fools of the General, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell.

Why did he do this? Because "as President" he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just like having a secretive, private meeting with the Russians, in the White House, and restrict the American press from seeing what he's doing. And PootyPoot asked him too. THAT's why just days before the meeting, he fired Comey, the Director of the FBI whose agency is investigating the Russian's interference with the election.
The buffoon was trying to impress Putin.
Presidents generally stick to policy in meetings like this to avoid unintended disclosures but the problem is Trump has no discernible foreign policy in regard to Russia. This is the real problem. It goes far deeper than just blurting out sensitive information.

A foreign policy is a set of generalized objectives of the president in regard to other nations. It provides a guide not just for the president but for his entire administration in regard to all aspects of dealing with a foreign power. If there is no clear consistent policy, the administration will work at cross purposes which is exactly what is happening. I believe when the Russians saw Trump as a possible candidate for the presidency, they saw in him just the kind the president they wanted in the oval office, a person with no clear worldview who would create inconsistent policies and follow a path of unpredictable behavior.
It's looking like the buffoon HAS an agenda, and that's to do the bidding of Putin, who likely has his nuts in a vice that obviously threatens his entire economic well-being.
Kompromat...Eto panyAtno?

His only other concerns are to appease the GOP leadership who'll tolerate his idiocies until they get him to sign their benefactors' preferred legislation and now they're attempting to act fast before he brings Pence down with him. Unfortunately for all of them, they don't have facts on their side, and dazzling with bullshit ain't working any more.
Trump will crash and burn with or without Putin's help. He may well survive this fiasco but he will continue to create them because he does not now and has never understood the presidency.

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