Why Comey was fired.

Comey was fired due to his sheer incompetence.

Good riddance.
WH Finally Admits Real Reason for Comey Firing
Caroline O.‏ @RVAwonk
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: We want this investigation to end, & by firing Comey, we've taken steps to make that happen.
Trump contradicts spokeswoman on effect of Comey firing - CNNPolitics.com

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There was absolutely no alterior motive to fire the man, everyone wanted him fired.
This is just another long line of tin foil hat conspiracy rants embedded in your heads by propaganda media outlets. What you did however was prove these media outlets are abusing you people mentally and ohysically cause anger and stress is bad for your health and worse for the people who get attacked when you snowflakes snap.
Everyone???Thats bullshit
Gotcha, the term "everyone" at the dept of FBI liked him and didn't want him fired was used by Liberal media.
Thanks for calling out their B.S..
Trump,says Comey a showboat and grandstander?? What the F is he ??

Context , context, context Tv ratings Donald and campaigning Donald is not the same as President Donald. Certain jobs require protocol, Directing the FBI is one of those Jobs. My friend worked for the FBI, his demeaner was always very agent like, even outside work, however he steped outside the demeanor to entertain himself once in a while, yet that would never happen in work setting where protocol is very serious.
I'll tell you though, his professionalism and even keal made me trust him, Comey's behavior results in lack of trust and reeks of being compromised by the lefts pressure on his wife's career. That's serious stuff.
And you of course disregard the FBI guy on tv before ,,Cobb or something like that; say Comey was liked and respected at the FBI after the lying moron drumpf said differently?
Cobb contradicts what others have said including Comey himself who said his agents were mad at him. Of course Comey said that long time ago about his not bringing charges to Clinton.
Let's face facts, he let Clinton slide, because of her husband's title as former president and her service, however this look the other way card they hold by position does not bode well for the agency with crimes that were revealed in those emails (like pay to play) and the fact favors were given to the Saudis for that money by Clintons and Obama.
For all we know this is being investigated and kept under wraps, but damn no third world country would let politicians get away with their corruption nor take this long to being charges. Especially if those crimes possibly involved favor(s) that lead to 911, Afghan war, Iraq war, and Isis.
Hint: we lnow by emails and visual evidence that they acceoted money from the Saudis so now research Clinton's admission on 9/10 day before 9/11 in a speach in Australia that he could have grabed Bin Laden in 1998, but mysteriously held off.
Maybe you'll notice what I noticed (I have a knack noticing things people miss).
As predicted, 2017 is a very entertaining year. Despite all the bullshit and unPresidential conduct, Trump remains the lesser of two evils.

I'm looking forward to Comey's tell-all book regarding what happened behind the scenes after Bill Clinton met with AG Lynch, the email investigation, why the AG office didn't prosecute Hillary, the Russia investigation and what Trump tried to get Comey to do, etc.
WH Finally Admits Real Reason for Comey Firing
Caroline O.‏ @RVAwonk
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: We want this investigation to end, & by firing Comey, we've taken steps to make that happen.
Trump contradicts spokeswoman on effect of Comey firing - CNNPolitics.com

People would have to be fucking morons to believe canning the head of the FBI would stop the Russia investigation.
Well--That's the official statement of the buffoon's administration. So by luck, at least, you're right about that.

However, should you stop believing the nonsense being fed to you by Breitbart and FOX you'd see the truth for a change.
"Comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversation before leaking to the press" -Buffoon

People would have to be fucking morons to believe canning the head of the FBI would stop the Russia investigation.

Hello look who is running the WH ...the Donald

Roses are Trump Red
Russian pee Chartreuse
Trump I have 5 fingers
the Middle one For youse
I kept telling the RWNJs that Obama isn't King, the same goes for LWs and Trump. Congress has a part in this too and, in 2018, the American voters.
....However, should you stop believing the nonsense being fed to you by Breitbart and FOX you'd see the truth for a change.
I watch neither so your juvenile insults are worthless and more of a reflection on your low IQ than my news sources. Get a new line, kid.
FBI former official "this is not going to end well for trump threatening intelligence agencies now the FBI??"
FBI former official "this is not going to end well for trump threatening intelligence agencies now the FBI??"
Link or just fake news?

As it is, this year is proving to be very entertaining. The Trump administration continues to step on it's own dick and Congress is sure to start asserting itself in preparation for the 2018 elections.
To Trump, Comey was standing in the way of ending the Trump/Russia investigation

Get rid of Comey and it will all quickly end. He couldn't be further from reality. He has only increased the visibility of the investigation and any replacement will be viewed suspiciously
Which blows that particular excuse for firing him out of the water. Trump is no dunce, and knew very well getting rid of Comey wouldn't only slow the investigation down temporarily, if that.
FBI former official "this is not going to end well for trump threatening intelligence agencies now the FBI??"
Link or just fake news?

As it is, this year is proving to be very entertaining. The Trump administration continues to step on it's own dick and Congress is sure to start asserting itself in preparation for the 2018 elections.
no link but was on CNBC ,,,,,does it sound so unbelievable ?
The big story that keeps getting missed because the most of the media is avoiding it could be the reopening and actual serious pursuit of both of the Clintons. Their corruption and their crimes keep staining the fabric of a whitewashed cover-up. The FBI found incontrovertible evidence that Clinton violated her security clearance by bypassing its zero-tolerance requirements that all information and communications related to State Department actions and business be routed through government document servers and no others. Comey inserted the word "intentional" into his "choice" not to recommend prosecution. Comey acted more like a defense lawyer than an investigator. Comey went out of his way "not" to uphold the law. This should not have to be explained-it's obvious. The people recognized this which is why Trump succeeded.

The problem for the Clintons is that the FBI now has to rescue its integrity and there is still integrity in the FBI. The hard core rank and file is likely now already at work to depoliticize its leadership and get back to the core values of the bureau which means holding bad actors accountable no matter their social standing.

What is it she does now? Look how she rubs her hands.

It is an accustom'd action with her, to seem thus
washing her hands. I have known her continue in this a quarter of
an hour.

Lady Macbeth:
Yet here's a spot.

Hark, she speaks. I will set down what comes from her, to
satisfy my remembrance the more strongly.

Lady Macbeth:
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!—One; two: why, then
'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky.—Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and
afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our
pow'r to accompt?—Yet who would have thought the old man to
have had so much blood in him?
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Was Comey fired because:

1. He restarted a bogus email investigation on Hillary right before the election
2. He was expanding the Trump/Russia investigation

Let America decide

How about refusing to investigate Obama or other targeted investigations of Trumps enemies...

Trump wants a Federal Police agency who will investigate his perceived enemies...

Putin gets his FSS and Trump wants the FBI the same way...

Hey, it's puff,puff pass pardner. Smoke less pot and listen to less Alex Jones and George Noory and you won't be so damn paranoid. Now eat a candy bar and mellow out.
The big story that keeps getting missed because the most of the media is avoiding it could be the reopening and actual serious pursuit of both of the Clintons. Their corruption and their crimes keep staining the fabric of a whitewashed cover-up. The FBI found incontrovertible evidence that Clinton violated her security clearance by bypassing its zero-tolerance requirements that all information and communications related to State Department actions and business be routed through government document servers and no others. Comey inserted the word "intentional" into his "choice" not to recommend prosecution. Comey acted more like a defense lawyer than an investigator. Comey went out of his way "not" to uphold the law. This should not have to be explained-it's obvious. The people recognized this which is why Trump succeeded.

The problem for the Clintons is that the FBI now has to rescue its integrity and there is still integrity in the FBI. The hard core rank and file is likely now already at work to depoliticize its leadership and get back to the core values of the bureau which means holding bad actors accountable no matter their social standing.
Which is why Comey's tell-all book will be fascinating.

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