Why Comey was fired.

It's ultra hillarious that people should be surprised that A President elected because he's not affraid to fire failed employees, something desperately needed in Washington. Then top that with him having had a show based on that very
shtick, and even asked his teamates and peers just like the show, "should we fire
him, why should he be fired?"
Drain the swamp and git dose critters out!
View attachment 126041

There was absolutely no alterior motive to fire the man, everyone wanted him fired.
This is just another long line of tin foil hat conspiracy rants embedded in your heads by propaganda media outlets. What you did however was prove these media outlets are abusing you people mentally and ohysically cause anger and stress is bad for your health and worse for the people who get attacked when you snowflakes snap.

Everyone???Thats bullshit

Gotcha, the term "everyone" at the dept of FBI liked him and didn't want him fired was used by Liberal media.
Thanks for calling out their B.S..

Your fos You said EVERYONE wanted him fired

Mocking Liberals now claiming everyone wants him. Keep trying. Youcll always hit yourselves trying to throw stuff at your opponents because you are stuck by your own logic and standards & you are deflecting your own images and faults obto opponents as a denial and ad hominem response.

There was absolutely no alterior motive to fire the man, everyone wanted him fired.
This is just another long line of tin foil hat conspiracy rants embedded in your heads by propaganda media outlets. What you did however was prove these media outlets are abusing you people mentally and ohysically cause anger and stress is bad for your health and worse for the people who get attacked when you snowflakes snap.

Everyone???Thats bullshit

Gotcha, the term "everyone" at the dept of FBI liked him and didn't want him fired was used by Liberal media.
Thanks for calling out their B.S..

Trump,says Comey a showboat and grandstander?? What the F is he ??

Context , context, context Tv ratings Donald and campaigning Donald is not the same as President Donald. Certain jobs require protocol, Directing the FBI is one of those Jobs. My friend worked for the FBI, his demeaner was always very agent like, even outside work, however he steped outside the demeanor to entertain himself once in a while, yet that would never happen in work setting where protocol is very serious.
I'll tell you though, his professionalism and even keal made me trust him, Comey's behavior results in lack of trust and reeks of being compromised by the lefts pressure on his wife's career. That's serious stuff.

And you of course disregard the FBI guy on tv before ,,Cobb or something like that; say Comey was liked and respected at the FBI after the lying moron drumpf said differently?
There was absolutely no alterior motive to fire the man, everyone wanted him fired.
This is just another long line of tin foil hat conspiracy rants embedded in your heads by propaganda media outlets. What you did however was prove these media outlets are abusing you people mentally and ohysically cause anger and stress is bad for your health and worse for the people who get attacked when you snowflakes snap.
Everyone???Thats bullshit
Gotcha, the term "everyone" at the dept of FBI liked him and didn't want him fired was used by Liberal media.
Thanks for calling out their B.S..
Trump,says Comey a showboat and grandstander?? What the F is he ??

Context , context, context Tv ratings Donald and campaigning Donald is not the same as President Donald. Certain jobs require protocol, Directing the FBI is one of those Jobs. My friend worked for the FBI, his demeaner was always very agent like, even outside work, however he steped outside the demeanor to entertain himself once in a while, yet that would never happen in work setting where protocol is very serious.
I'll tell you though, his professionalism and even keal made me trust him, Comey's behavior results in lack of trust and reeks of being compromised by the lefts pressure on his wife's career. That's serious stuff.
And you of course disregard the FBI guy on tv before ,,Cobb or something like that; say Comey was liked and respected at the FBI after the lying moron drumpf said differently?
or not.
At this point, there are many reasons why Comey could have been fired, enough that you can pick one you like and ride that horse into the ground. If you hate Trump and anything or anyone he touches, pick from group A. If you support Trump, and want him to succeed pick from group B. If you just want all the facts come to light, pick from group C.

Insisting that the reason YOU like is better than any reason anyone ELSE likes just looks dumb.

Parenthetically, wailing for months that Comey should be fired, then pretending to be all outraged and stuff when he is also looks dumb.
Comey said the president can fire him for reason OR no reason but the lies trump told and the way he fired him was dispicable One of the top men almost quit because the pos was implicating him in the firing
Show the Russian connection, and I will show you pigs flying
come on dufus half or more of his cabinet had connections with russia or those close to them
They are rich businessmen with multiple international ties. Of course they have "connections." Doesn't mean they were in cahoots to screw up the election.
They were deliberately subverting our democratic process by fertilizing the seeds of discontent and growing the political divide with propaganda, false news and outright lies. This has been identified by many intelligence agencies here in the US as well as clearly documented by foreign agencies.

A "dufus" would be one who would believe the piles of lies AREN'T trying to cover up something.
I completely "buy" everything you said (except that I'm a dufus). The Russians did that quite well all by themselves. What I'm not at all sure of is that Trump's campaign was willingly or purposely involved in that effort. Big difference.
Please excuse me if you believe I called YOU a dufus. I did not. I suggest anyone believing all the lies coming out of the White House aren't trying to cover-up something, is a dufus. There are so many lies, it's had to keep track of them and many make absolutely no sense at all. Take for instance, Trump stating Comey told him three times that he wasn't the target of the investigation while hurriedly sending him notice. It's likely, and according to Comey a complete fabrication, so why would he do it except to reinforce the belief that the investigation might be sidelined with Comey no longer head of the FBI? Their scrambling for damage control among a completely unaware, taken-by-surprise white house staff, and amid his surprise at the substantial and immediate blowback, on top of the twisted tales to explain the timing and justification demonstrate and belie just how buffoonish was his plan.
Show the Russian connection, and I will show you pigs flying
come on dufus half or more of his cabinet had connections with russia or those close to them
They are rich businessmen with multiple international ties. Of course they have "connections." Doesn't mean they were in cahoots to screw up the election.
They were deliberately subverting our democratic process by fertilizing the seeds of discontent and growing the political divide with propaganda, false news and outright lies. This has been identified by many intelligence agencies here in the US as well as clearly documented by foreign agencies.

A "dufus" would be one who would believe the piles of lies AREN'T trying to cover up something.
I completely "buy" everything you said (except that I'm a dufus). The Russians did that quite well all by themselves. What I'm not at all sure of is that Trump's campaign was willingly or purposely involved in that effort. Big difference.
Please excuse me if you believe I called YOU a dufus. I did not. I suggest anyone believing all the lies coming out of the White House aren't trying to cover-up something, is a dufus. There are so many lies, it's had to keep track of them and many make absolutely no sense at all. Take for instance, Trump stating Comey told him three times that he wasn't the target of the investigation while hurriedly sending him notice. It's likely, and according to Comey a complete fabrication, so why would he do it except to reinforce the belief that the investigation might be sidelined with Comey no longer head of the FBI? Their scrambling for damage control among a completely unaware, taken-by-surprise white house staff, and amid his surprise at the substantial and immediate blowback, on top of the twisted tales to explain the timing and justification demonstrate and belie just how buffoonish was his plan.
The new acting FBI director keeps contradicting the White House’s spin in Senate testimony
Andrew McCabe testified that the Russia investigation was “highly significant” and that Comey was well-respected in the bureau. ,,,,,,,NEVER believe the liar trump
Since most trumpfluffers don't venture to the thread where their idiocies get chewed up and spit out, I thought I'd share this here--

From Wobbly-
Given the magnitude of trump’s current Comey ineptitude, it is easy to forget some of the specifics of his five months of neon incompetence. Fortunately, I am here to take care of that problem. The most difficult aspect of my mission has been trying to edit it down to two volumes. To that end, I went with a reminder list of trumpiness, rather than dwell on the specifics and pain of each example of things trumped up.

1.) It all began with trump having his justifiably fragile ego damaged by the losing the popular vote. His twitter tantrums that have so demeaned the office of the presidency began with a completely unsubstantiated and then thoroughly discredited insistence he would have won the popular vote were it not for bus loads of illegal Mexicans hired by sneaky Dems. Things only got worse, much worse, when trump was confronted with the reality of his Inauguration crowds. Bitch hasn’t stopped sulking yet.

2.) trump’s first governing incompetence came in the form of insulting our close allies Mexico and Australia. trump would follow this up with petulant snubbing of Angela Merkel. It’s okay, though. trump maintained close relations between his lips and Putin’s ass.

3. We also got almost immediately manifestations of trump’s greasy conflicts of interest. Do you remember when the septuagenarian brat declared war on Nordstrom’s for dissing his daughter – not Tiffany, the one he has the hots for. Weekly examples of this kind of clumsy corruption continued through to the Kushner’s using presidential connections to raise money selling visas.

4. One of trump’s first examples of openly expressed disdain for the rubes he suckered was when the trump who mocked Obama’s golf trips began raiding the US Treasury for millions to pay for the golfing extravaganzas he would try to hide. trump has averaged more than one golfing expedition per week since taking office. In his defense, trump needs to recuperate from getting damn little done. We won’t get into how much the taxpayers have had to pay to keep the soft-core porn model from having to service her lardo hubby.

5.) I’m sure we all remember the spectacular failure of trump’s bumbling attempt to “repeal and replace Obamacare.” “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” It’s alright now, though. trump managed to get a bill past the Freedumb Caucus that now has Regressive Congresscritters cowering in their bunkers to avoid their constituents. Some might argue that creating a health bill that is opposed by the largest doctor, hospital, and insurance organizations is an accomplishment of some magnitude. Okay, I’ll give trump that one.

6.) How about that Muslim ban, eh? You remember the one that Spicer insisted wasn’t a travel ban in spite of the White House web page saying it was? trump managed to get that appeal to cowardly bigots shot down unanimously in the court, before he withdrew the idiocy, after blustering he would fight forever to keep it. His next effort to ban Muslims is currently stopped by the courts. Turns out that pandering to Deplorables with promises to milk their scapegoats makes it difficult to deny your bigotry later. Who knew?

7.) OBAMA BUGGED TRUMP IN HIS TOWER declared a narcissistic psychopath to the disgust and/or amusement of all but his most devout groupies. Wacko still insists it’s true, recently running away from a reporter and pretending to read something after being asked about his idiocy.

8.) Does the name Devin Nunes ring a bell? It is a mark of the quantity and volume of trump’s artless sleaziness that it took me, and I bet others, a moment to recall what that scandal was all about. It was, of course, the Keystone Kops episode where the chairman of the House Committee investigating trump went to the White House to get information he then had to tell trump but not members of his committee about how trump’s Obama-bugged-me dumbassery had been vindicated by what White House staffers told him to tell trump that turned out to be nothing at all. And people think trump might try to influence investigations of him. Cynics.

Okay, that’s Part 1. You might have noticed I have written about 750 words, and I haven’t even said much about colluding with Russia to corrupt our presidential election. That was kind of the point of this little essay. trump has been so incredibly amateurish, so frequently and spectacularly inept and corrupt and ineptly corrupt, that even buffoonery from just a few months ago tends to fade into the distant past. THAT is trump’s greatest accomplishment. Part II tomorrow.

Read more at Ricky Tavy, Mean Liberal
come on dufus half or more of his cabinet had connections with russia or those close to them
They are rich businessmen with multiple international ties. Of course they have "connections." Doesn't mean they were in cahoots to screw up the election.
They were deliberately subverting our democratic process by fertilizing the seeds of discontent and growing the political divide with propaganda, false news and outright lies. This has been identified by many intelligence agencies here in the US as well as clearly documented by foreign agencies.

A "dufus" would be one who would believe the piles of lies AREN'T trying to cover up something.
I completely "buy" everything you said (except that I'm a dufus). The Russians did that quite well all by themselves. What I'm not at all sure of is that Trump's campaign was willingly or purposely involved in that effort. Big difference.
Please excuse me if you believe I called YOU a dufus. I did not. I suggest anyone believing all the lies coming out of the White House aren't trying to cover-up something, is a dufus. There are so many lies, it's had to keep track of them and many make absolutely no sense at all. Take for instance, Trump stating Comey told him three times that he wasn't the target of the investigation while hurriedly sending him notice. It's likely, and according to Comey a complete fabrication, so why would he do it except to reinforce the belief that the investigation might be sidelined with Comey no longer head of the FBI? Their scrambling for damage control among a completely unaware, taken-by-surprise white house staff, and amid his surprise at the substantial and immediate blowback, on top of the twisted tales to explain the timing and justification demonstrate and belie just how buffoonish was his plan.
The new acting FBI director keeps contradicting the White House’s spin in Senate testimony
Andrew McCabe testified that the Russia investigation was “highly significant” and that Comey was well-respected in the bureau. ,,,,,,,NEVER believe the liar trump
Acting FBI Head Refutes WH Claim That Comey Lost Support Within The Bureau
Remember when all the regressive Democrats were calling for comey to resign or be fired for opening the investigation against Hillary again because they found yet more emails on a accused perverts computer? Lmao now look at the hypocrisy

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
How many times has your dump changed his mind ? Did you see him shaking comeys hand hugging him praising him ?? Then like all repubs stabs him in the back A lying no class pos is in our WH
My Dump? I didn't want Trump nominated. To bad for you I didn't want Hillary Clinton in office more then I didn't want Trump in office. You idiot regressives are the entire reason Trump is president. If you idiots were not so fascist you wouldn't have pissed off the MAJORITY of the country in to electing a bloviating asshat. By the way you idiots and your alex jones like conspiracy theories are making him look even better.
You would have liked Bernie better ??
Nope not a communist. I would rather Cruz.

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
The Democrats lost the election but there are still plenty of sheep out there waiting to flock to a false narrative. Trump's victory threw up a huge obstacle to their plans of fundamentally changing America. Predictably they have gone right to the playbook of Saul Alinsky with an honorable mention to Joe McCarthy. It's the Russians!

Rules for Radicals:

1) "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have." Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. "Have-Nots" must build power from flesh and blood.

2) "Never go outside the expertise of your people." It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

3 )"Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy." Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

4) "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

5) "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

6) "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." They'll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They're doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

7) "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news
8) "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

9) "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

10) "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

11) "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive." Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

12) "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative." Never let the enemy score points because you're caught without a solution to the problem.

13)"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
They are rich businessmen with multiple international ties. Of course they have "connections." Doesn't mean they were in cahoots to screw up the election.
They were deliberately subverting our democratic process by fertilizing the seeds of discontent and growing the political divide with propaganda, false news and outright lies. This has been identified by many intelligence agencies here in the US as well as clearly documented by foreign agencies.

A "dufus" would be one who would believe the piles of lies AREN'T trying to cover up something.
I completely "buy" everything you said (except that I'm a dufus). The Russians did that quite well all by themselves. What I'm not at all sure of is that Trump's campaign was willingly or purposely involved in that effort. Big difference.
Please excuse me if you believe I called YOU a dufus. I did not. I suggest anyone believing all the lies coming out of the White House aren't trying to cover-up something, is a dufus. There are so many lies, it's had to keep track of them and many make absolutely no sense at all. Take for instance, Trump stating Comey told him three times that he wasn't the target of the investigation while hurriedly sending him notice. It's likely, and according to Comey a complete fabrication, so why would he do it except to reinforce the belief that the investigation might be sidelined with Comey no longer head of the FBI? Their scrambling for damage control among a completely unaware, taken-by-surprise white house staff, and amid his surprise at the substantial and immediate blowback, on top of the twisted tales to explain the timing and justification demonstrate and belie just how buffoonish was his plan.
The new acting FBI director keeps contradicting the White House’s spin in Senate testimony
Andrew McCabe testified that the Russia investigation was “highly significant” and that Comey was well-respected in the bureau. ,,,,,,,NEVER believe the liar trump
Acting FBI Head Refutes WH Claim That Comey Lost Support Within The Bureau
THE TELL ,,,,TRUMP,,,am I under investigation ??? Shitting in his pants to have to ask that
The Democrats lost the election but there are still plenty of sheep out there waiting to flock to a false narrative. Trump's victory threw up a huge obstacle to their plans of fundamentally changing America. Predictably they have gone right to the playbook of Saul Alinsky with an honorable mention to Joe McCarthy. It's the Russians!

Rules for Radicals:

1) "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have." Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. "Have-Nots" must build power from flesh and blood.

2) "Never go outside the expertise of your people." It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

3 )"Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy." Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

4) "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

5) "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

6) "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." They'll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They're doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

7) "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news
8) "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

9) "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself." Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

10) "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

11) "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive." Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

12) "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative." Never let the enemy score points because you're caught without a solution to the problem.

13)"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Make everyone else the scapegoat The dump plan
Remember when all the regressive Democrats were calling for comey to resign or be fired for opening the investigation against Hillary again because they found yet more emails on a accused perverts computer? Lmao now look at the hypocrisy

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
How many times has your dump changed his mind ? Did you see him shaking comeys hand hugging him praising him ?? Then like all repubs stabs him in the back A lying no class pos is in our WH
My Dump? I didn't want Trump nominated. To bad for you I didn't want Hillary Clinton in office more then I didn't want Trump in office. You idiot regressives are the entire reason Trump is president. If you idiots were not so fascist you wouldn't have pissed off the MAJORITY of the country in to electing a bloviating asshat. By the way you idiots and your alex jones like conspiracy theories are making him look even better.
You would have liked Bernie better ??
Nope not a communist. I would rather Cruz.

Sent from my TM800A620M using Tapatalk
Go back to Greece
“When you’re attacking FBI agents because you’re under criminal investigation, you’re losing.”

— Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, retweeting a Political Wire link several days before the November presidential election.
Comey's findings on the Trump/Russian meddling investigation: "No reasonable person would find the President intentionally guilty of colluding with Putin". See? This is why this guy had to go-He can't find anyone guilty. Good riddance.
Comey's findings on the Trump/Russian meddling investigation: "No reasonable person would find the President intentionally guilty of colluding with Putin". See? This is why this guy had to go-He can't find anyone guilty. Good riddance.
There are still 3 or more investigations going on,,, Comey is respected and dump fired him like he did some of his wives
Before we are all exposed to the lunatic-fringe media accusation that Donald Trump slashed his way to the White House with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, those of us still in possession of our observational faculties may want to examine why FBI director, James Comey was let go- indecisively straddling the fence.

Comey’s actions regarding Hillary Clinton were like the proverbial timid manager in a large manufacturing plant that had just caught a well-liked higher-up stealing from the till red handed. He seemed unrealistically preoccupied with the ramifications of calling to account such a powerful figure. Comey embarrassed the FBI because he was intimidated by Clinton’s standing in the Democratic Party and her overwhelming support as the successor to Barack Obama.

Telling the people the emperor has no clothes takes the kind of courage we expect from the leadership of the FBI because it requires bravery, fidelity and integrity; the kind of bravery, fidelity and integrity we see in the rank and file of the bureau that charges into dark allies after bad guys under a hail of bullets. Comey’s bizarre behavior and outlandishly ambiguous statements about Clinton’s national security violations did more damage to the reputation of the bureau than anything in recent memory because he essentially downplayed willful treason.

Clinton’s self-important and insular arrogance led her to commit espionage against her country and the very people she claims to stand for. Clinton has been in high positions in government for many years and was acutely aware of security protocol-she just ignored it. Comey’s equivocating excuses and blatantly mitigating alibis for her treachery made the bureau look like a sycophantic press agent for a moneyed celebrity caught driving and drinking.

The truly wicked in our society will never face justice once they attain high rank under this kind of FBI but Comey was playing the odds because it looked like she would win. Unfortunately for Comey the game he was playing turned out to be Russian roulette because the skewed polls were wrong. Near the end Comey seemed to see it coming with Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner but his bet was already on the table and the pit boss (public) froze the chips. Comey needs to go sell shoes somewhere so the bureau can begin the process of rebuilding its brand.

What an unbelievably stupid theory. Not only does it not suggest a believable reason for trump to fire him, it's based on an assertion that Hillary committed treason where months of investigation and even Comey himself insisted there was no basis for an indictment, let alone more than "poor judgement" AND in a matter of little consequence.

Face it. YOU bought into the Russian propaganda aimed at destroying the Hillary Clinton campaign and ratcheting up the divisiveness in American politics, operation and effectiveness of government which left us with the most inept and incompetent POTUS possible. There's no doubt Russia was involved in influencing the election, and a number of Trump advisers were in contact with Russian intelligence people. The truth is starting to be apparent and damning for the administration and stopping that is why Comey was fired.
The Russian's forced her to download Top Secret in to her private unsecured server and then share that information with multiple people, one of which is facing serious charges related to endangering children, or are you saying the Russian's made it all up? Pretty sure neither happened. She broke the law all on her own.
feel free to provide any proof you have of your assertions.
Lol. The FBI said she did. She was so careless they ended up on a pedophile's personal computer. Or is the FBI just spreading Russian propaganda?

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