WHY companies will drop employee insurance...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The FACTS are when Obama said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."


About 7 million people, nearly double the earlier estimates, will no longer get health insurance from their employers because of changes to the tax code made by the health law, according to CBO projections. Fewer people will get health insurance from their employer over the next decade. That nugget of economic thinking pops up in the nonpartisan office’s annual update of its budget and economic forecast (Radnofsky, 2/5).
Budget Report: More Employers Than Previously Estimated Will Drop Health Coverage - Kaiser Health News

Now as for the reason these companies will move off is right now discussions as to eliminating this:
What were the largest tax expenditures in 2008 the government allow to be written off? (tax deductions allowed)

Ranked by size the type of deduction and the amounts written off against taxes in 2008

Amount of
Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes

  • [*]$131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$55.9 Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$49.1 Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$46.8 Deductibility of charitable contributions
    [*]$31.5 Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$30.0 Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$29.1 Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$28.4 Child credit
    [*]$24.2 Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$21.5 Step-up basis of capital gains at death
$653.7 billion
What are the largest tax expenditures?

The biggest is $131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care!

So Obamacare WANTS these companies to drop their plans so the above figure will drop!!!
AND HE LIED to get that done!!!
Remember HE KNEW this was the case.. YET he said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
WHY companies will drop employee insurance...
Tooooooooooooooooooo easy......


"The program would be funded by combining current sources of government health spending (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) into a single fund with modest new taxes, such as a small payroll tax or earmarked income taxes. While taxes will increase for individual citizens, the increase will be offset by reductions in premiums and out-of-pocket spending. Employees may also receive higher wages from employers, who will no longer have to pay as much for health benefits as part of employee compensation (i.e. instead of paying employees in health benefits, employers will pay higher wages)."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi1acHg3mhw]BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Single Payer Health Insurance | PBS - YouTube[/ame]​
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The FACTS are when Obama said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."


About 7 million people, nearly double the earlier estimates, will no longer get health insurance from their employers because of changes to the tax code made by the health law, according to CBO projections. Fewer people will get health insurance from their employer over the next decade. That nugget of economic thinking pops up in the nonpartisan office’s annual update of its budget and economic forecast (Radnofsky, 2/5).
Budget Report: More Employers Than Previously Estimated Will Drop Health Coverage - Kaiser Health News

Now as for the reason these companies will move off is right now discussions as to eliminating this:
What were the largest tax expenditures in 2008 the government allow to be written off? (tax deductions allowed)

Ranked by size the type of deduction and the amounts written off against taxes in 2008

Amount of
Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes

  • [*]$131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$55.9 Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$49.1 Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$46.8 Deductibility of charitable contributions
    [*]$31.5 Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$30.0 Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$29.1 Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$28.4 Child credit
    [*]$24.2 Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$21.5 Step-up basis of capital gains at death
$653.7 billion
What are the largest tax expenditures?

The biggest is $131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care!

So Obamacare WANTS these companies to drop their plans so the above figure will drop!!!
AND HE LIED to get that done!!!
Remember HE KNEW this was the case.. YET he said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."

You have a reading comprehension problem. The reason it is estimated employers will drop their employees from employer-sponsored insurance is because the penalty for doing so is less than the cost of sponsoring their employee's insurance. Something I pointed out on other forums many times during the ObamaCare debate.

Another reason given is that ObamaCare opens up other health insurance options to employees that did not exist before, such as government-run health insurance exchanges, and many employees will choose that route rather than opt for their employer's insurance.

That has nothing to do with tax expenditures.

But since you mentioned tax expenditures, I would like to once again say that all tax expenditures should be banned. They are a huge contributor to the whacked out imbalanced tax structure we have today, and are the biggest reason our tax rates are so high.

And employer-sponsored insurance is one of the things which is bending the health care cost curve up. It is an old labor union boondoggle that needs to go away once and for all. But Obamacare does its damnedest to entrench employer-sponsored health insurance by making it mandatory. And the Democrats threw a blatant sop to labor unions exempting them from the cadillac health insurance tax.

We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance.
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And along with everything else, obozocare is clearly unconstitutional. What a clown we have in the WH.

? It is a TAX, so it is not unconstitutional! He only LIED! :eusa_liar: He didn't do anything unconstitutional, with this, anyways.. :eusa_whistle:
Yes.. we should be buying health insurance like we do life, home, or auto...

The ONLY thing I would want.. is the ability to get many different group rates... get a quote on a group rate thru my HOA, the local Elks club, bowling league, or whatever other group... let any organized group negotiate a rate for members.. and let me choose which one I want to purchase
The FACTS are when Obama said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."


About 7 million people, nearly double the earlier estimates, will no longer get health insurance from their employers because of changes to the tax code made by the health law, according to CBO projections. Fewer people will get health insurance from their employer over the next decade. That nugget of economic thinking pops up in the nonpartisan office’s annual update of its budget and economic forecast (Radnofsky, 2/5).
Budget Report: More Employers Than Previously Estimated Will Drop Health Coverage - Kaiser Health News

Now as for the reason these companies will move off is right now discussions as to eliminating this:
What were the largest tax expenditures in 2008 the government allow to be written off? (tax deductions allowed)

Ranked by size the type of deduction and the amounts written off against taxes in 2008

Amount of
Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes

  • [*]$131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$55.9 Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$49.1 Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$46.8 Deductibility of charitable contributions
    [*]$31.5 Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$30.0 Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$29.1 Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$28.4 Child credit
    [*]$24.2 Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$21.5 Step-up basis of capital gains at death
$653.7 billion
What are the largest tax expenditures?

The biggest is $131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care!

So Obamacare WANTS these companies to drop their plans so the above figure will drop!!!
AND HE LIED to get that done!!!
Remember HE KNEW this was the case.. YET he said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama knew exactly what he was doing with this Obamacare. He knew all along what would happen. He wants EVERYONe dependent on Government health care .. He is a damn Socialist
The FACTS are when Obama said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."


About 7 million people, nearly double the earlier estimates, will no longer get health insurance from their employers because of changes to the tax code made by the health law, according to CBO projections. Fewer people will get health insurance from their employer over the next decade. That nugget of economic thinking pops up in the nonpartisan office’s annual update of its budget and economic forecast (Radnofsky, 2/5).
Budget Report: More Employers Than Previously Estimated Will Drop Health Coverage - Kaiser Health News

Now as for the reason these companies will move off is right now discussions as to eliminating this:
What were the largest tax expenditures in 2008 the government allow to be written off? (tax deductions allowed)

Ranked by size the type of deduction and the amounts written off against taxes in 2008

Amount of
Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes

  • [*]$131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$55.9 Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$49.1 Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$46.8 Deductibility of charitable contributions
    [*]$31.5 Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$30.0 Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$29.1 Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$28.4 Child credit
    [*]$24.2 Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$21.5 Step-up basis of capital gains at death
$653.7 billion
What are the largest tax expenditures?

The biggest is $131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care!

So Obamacare WANTS these companies to drop their plans so the above figure will drop!!!
AND HE LIED to get that done!!!
Remember HE KNEW this was the case.. YET he said..
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor. I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama knew exactly what he was doing with this Obamacare. He knew all along what would happen. He wants EVERYONe dependent on Government health care .. He is a damn Socialist


Among the key findings:

Under the MMA, Medicare has been significantly overpaying private plans under Medicare Advantage. In 2005, Medicare overpaid private plans by at least 7% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $2.7 billion. In 2006, overpayment reached 11% per beneficiary, costing taxpayers $4.6 billion.

Under the MMA, Congress set aside $10 billion for an unnecessary subsidy (or "stabilization fund") to regional PPOs. This year, however, 88% of beneficiaries have access to a regional PPO, before the so-called "stabilization fund" was even tapped--no subsidy was necessary.

Medicare Part D drug prices are substantially higher than the prices obtained by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which negotiates prices on behalf of consumers. For all of the top 20 drugs prescribed to seniors, the lowest price charged by any Part D plan was higher than the lowest price secured by the VA. Yet Congress refused to let Medicare negotiate directly with the drug companies, as the VA does.

Bottom line: this report shows that, unfortunately for consumers and taxpayers, the MMA has not even come close to meeting the high expectations set for it by Congress. Consumers are getting hurt and taxpayers fleeced, while insurance companies and drug manufacturers are raking in money faster than they can count it. Congress needs to move away from this deeply flawed privatization model, and instead focus on strengthening Medicare.


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