Why Conservatives just don't get the pope

stupid lbards, they think because this pope says a few things they agree with, the catholic church is gonna change is views on abortion and gays? Idiots
The one thing you rightwing nuts should note about this Pope thing:

A new Pope shows up,

makes a big move to the left, in actions and words,

and his popularity goes through the roof.
stupid lbards, they think because this pope says a few things they agree with, the catholic church is gonna change is views on abortion and gays? Idiots

Pope Francis has already admonished Catholics to stop obsessing on those issues.

Yea you think he is going to change church doctrine on these issues, think again, he will be de-poped if he trys.
stupid lbards, they think because this pope says a few things they agree with, the catholic church is gonna change is views on abortion and gays? Idiots

Pope Francis has already admonished Catholics to stop obsessing on those issues.

Yea you think he is going to change church doctrine on these issues, think again, he will be de-poped if he trys.

Oh no! Will they bring back Pope Dracula?
You want tyranny, which is never going to happen.

She says it like anarchy is a bad thing. Meanwhile advocating tyrnany, violence and oppression via a government system. Then blames it on corporations. :lmao:

Stupid. I mean, really stupid, but predictable all the same.

You explain to us how to have a functioning government if every individual has to personally consent to anything the government does.

You can't. That's why anarchy is the only moral solution.

However, one thing you can't credibly claim is that the federal government received the consent of the governed for anything it does.
The one thing you rightwing nuts should note about this Pope thing:

A new Pope shows up,

makes a big move to the left, in actions and words,

and his popularity goes through the roof.

He's only popular with the ignorant, the stupid, and the sanctimonious.
Why conservatives just don't get Pope Francis' anti-poverty crusade - The Week

Since outlining his vision for the Catholic church in late November, Pope Francis has endured an amount of criticism from the American right wing commensurate only with the praise piled on by the remainder of global Christianity. For most, Francis' moving exhortation to spread the gospel and engage personally with Jesus was a welcome and invigorating encouragement. But for many right wing pundits in America, Francis' call to relieve global poverty through state intervention in markets was unconscionably troubling.

Since outlining his vision for the Catholic church in late November, Pope Francis has endured an amount of criticism from the American right wing commensurate only with the praise piled on by the remainder of global Christianity. For most, Francis' moving exhortation to spread the gospel and engage personally with Jesus was a welcome and invigorating encouragement. But for many right wing pundits in America, Francis' call to relieve global poverty through state intervention in markets was unconscionably troubling.

Francis' message likely raises American conservative hackles because the American right wing has invented such a convincing façade of affinity between fiscal conservatism and Christianity over the last few decades. Though free markets, profit motives, and unrestrained accumulation of wealth have no immediate relationship with Christianity, the cross and the coin are nonetheless powerful, paired symbols of the American right wing

Douthat, for example, argues that global capitalism has been responsible for an overall reduction in poverty. But Francis' exhortation never called for an elimination of capitalism, only that states, as creations of humankind, be structured so as to alleviate the poverty that arises after capitalism has done its work. For Francis, all institutions created by humanity — and yes, distributions of wealth are created, not spontaneous — must be intentionally shaped to further just goals. Since Francis' notion of justice is informed purely by the teaching of Christ, just goals include establishing an equitable distribution of wealth that alleviates poverty and contributes to peace.

A few weeks ago someone, I don't remember the name, started a thread about cognitive dissonance. That's pretty much sums up the right wing retards in this country. Seriously, go to any thread about guns or healthcare and you'll see the same people, over and over, advocating shooting people just because and saying that you should only be able to see a doctor if you can put cash on the barrelhead. These same people go out in public and pretend that they are part of our societal team. You know who I'm talking about, everyone reading this forum knows who I'm talking about and you know it's true. They are our problem.

If that's what you've gotten out of all these posts you need to quit coming here. There has not been a single post saying anything of what you've said. Maybe you read it that way because to you anything that doesnt toe the progressive/left party line sounds like return to primitive life.
Why conservatives just don't get Pope Francis' anti-poverty crusade - The Week

Since outlining his vision for the Catholic church in late November, Pope Francis has endured an amount of criticism from the American right wing commensurate only with the praise piled on by the remainder of global Christianity. For most, Francis' moving exhortation to spread the gospel and engage personally with Jesus was a welcome and invigorating encouragement. But for many right wing pundits in America, Francis' call to relieve global poverty through state intervention in markets was unconscionably troubling.

Since outlining his vision for the Catholic church in late November, Pope Francis has endured an amount of criticism from the American right wing commensurate only with the praise piled on by the remainder of global Christianity. For most, Francis' moving exhortation to spread the gospel and engage personally with Jesus was a welcome and invigorating encouragement. But for many right wing pundits in America, Francis' call to relieve global poverty through state intervention in markets was unconscionably troubling.

Francis' message likely raises American conservative hackles because the American right wing has invented such a convincing façade of affinity between fiscal conservatism and Christianity over the last few decades. Though free markets, profit motives, and unrestrained accumulation of wealth have no immediate relationship with Christianity, the cross and the coin are nonetheless powerful, paired symbols of the American right wing

Douthat, for example, argues that global capitalism has been responsible for an overall reduction in poverty. But Francis' exhortation never called for an elimination of capitalism, only that states, as creations of humankind, be structured so as to alleviate the poverty that arises after capitalism has done its work. For Francis, all institutions created by humanity — and yes, distributions of wealth are created, not spontaneous — must be intentionally shaped to further just goals. Since Francis' notion of justice is informed purely by the teaching of Christ, just goals include establishing an equitable distribution of wealth that alleviates poverty and contributes to peace.

Conservatives, by and large, have only one religion. They worship greed.

You see, in the movie, Wall Street, when Gordon Gecko uttered that famous line about greed being good, conservatives heard it differently. What they heard is that greed is God.

Don't presume to tell me what I worship, you arrogant horse, just because you have seen a film.
Why conservatives just don't get Pope Francis' anti-poverty crusade - The Week

Since outlining his vision for the Catholic church in late November, Pope Francis has endured an amount of criticism from the American right wing commensurate only with the praise piled on by the remainder of global Christianity. For most, Francis' moving exhortation to spread the gospel and engage personally with Jesus was a welcome and invigorating encouragement. But for many right wing pundits in America, Francis' call to relieve global poverty through state intervention in markets was unconscionably troubling.

Since outlining his vision for the Catholic church in late November, Pope Francis has endured an amount of criticism from the American right wing commensurate only with the praise piled on by the remainder of global Christianity. For most, Francis' moving exhortation to spread the gospel and engage personally with Jesus was a welcome and invigorating encouragement. But for many right wing pundits in America, Francis' call to relieve global poverty through state intervention in markets was unconscionably troubling.

Francis' message likely raises American conservative hackles because the American right wing has invented such a convincing façade of affinity between fiscal conservatism and Christianity over the last few decades. Though free markets, profit motives, and unrestrained accumulation of wealth have no immediate relationship with Christianity, the cross and the coin are nonetheless powerful, paired symbols of the American right wing

Douthat, for example, argues that global capitalism has been responsible for an overall reduction in poverty. But Francis' exhortation never called for an elimination of capitalism, only that states, as creations of humankind, be structured so as to alleviate the poverty that arises after capitalism has done its work. For Francis, all institutions created by humanity — and yes, distributions of wealth are created, not spontaneous — must be intentionally shaped to further just goals. Since Francis' notion of justice is informed purely by the teaching of Christ, just goals include establishing an equitable distribution of wealth that alleviates poverty and contributes to peace.

Conservatives, by and large, have only one religion. They worship greed.

You see, in the movie, Wall Street, when Gordon Gecko uttered that famous line about greed being good, conservatives heard it differently. What they heard is that greed is God.

Don't presume to tell me what I worship, you arrogant horse, just because you have seen a film.

Liberals' reality is shaped by movies. Really.
Conservatives, by and large, have only one religion. They worship greed.

You see, in the movie, Wall Street, when Gordon Gecko uttered that famous line about greed being good, conservatives heard it differently. What they heard is that greed is God.

Don't presume to tell me what I worship, you arrogant horse, just because you have seen a film.

Liberals' reality is shaped by movies. Really.

Yes. The liberals' guru is Oliver Stone and his films are what they imagine to be 'history'.
Don't presume to tell me what I worship, you arrogant horse, just because you have seen a film.

Liberals' reality is shaped by movies. Really.

Yes. The liberals' guru is Oliver Stone and his films are what they imagine to be 'history'.
Yes. The substitute for leftwing Zinn history books in statist universities is Oliver Stone movies.

You nailed that one.

Arthur Schlesinger's work was also shelved for JFK!

We statists cannot sneak anything by your watchful eyes.

The Pope, on this particular economic issue, is correct. Trickle down is a farce that, by definition, favors the wealthy elites.
The one thing you rightwing nuts should note about this Pope thing:

A new Pope shows up,

makes a big move to the left, in actions and words,

and his popularity goes through the roof.

He's only popular with the ignorant, the stupid, and the sanctimonious.

You tell em Fingerboy

That is why he is Time Magazines Person of the Year
The one thing you rightwing nuts should note about this Pope thing:

A new Pope shows up,

makes a big move to the left, in actions and words,

and his popularity goes through the roof.

He's only popular with the ignorant, the stupid, and the sanctimonious.

You tell em Fingerboy

That is why he is Time Magazines Person of the Year

Well Nutsucker, you nailed that one. I guess even a blind pig etc. Yes, Time caters to the booboisie, the stupid the ignorant and the sanctimonious. So of course they'll celebrate an anti-capitalist. And you'll fall for it.
The one thing you rightwing nuts should note about this Pope thing:

A new Pope shows up,

makes a big move to the left, in actions and words,

and his popularity goes through the roof.

He's only popular with the ignorant, the stupid, and the sanctimonious.

You tell em Fingerboy

That is why he is Time Magazines Person of the Year

so was Hitler....does being person of the year prove anything?...

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