Why cops become cynical

None of the liberals on here could handle being a cop in a black neighborhood for a minute
yep , Rotagilla , my point is that police are not supposed to be any more Special than any other job .

I think a cop's job is maybe more special than any other job. You deal with average citizens at their worst usually, not to mention dealing with society's worst criminals. This has to make you cynical after a few years. Also you have the power of life or death and have to use it correctly at times when you maybe don't have too much time to decide and you're life is on the line too. The criminal doesn't have to give a warning before he shoots. I'm critical of cops sometimes but I don't understand this hatred of them. They're the only ones standing in the way of anarchy.

Then they should get another job, rather than take out their anger and frustrations on citizens.
all Americans are EQUALS in my opinion Jason . Police are simply citizens paid to do a job that they fight to get and no policeman is drafted or forced to be a cop , fireman or other public servant. It is dangerous to elevate one citizen over another like is done in Europe and England .

I was talking about the job being different than other jobs.
A thread about why cops become cynical?

How about because they dreamed they'd be putting away criminals but instead they're just screwing over soccer moms
If screwing over soccer moms was the WORST thing they did it wouldn't be bad.
Google police brutality.Google police corruption...Look at youtube..they're caught in the act there.Some absolutely horrific beatings...and I'm not talking about beating up criminals. I mean innocent people...
You can't deny video as easily as you can discount "witnesses".
http://www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/Hobbs - What Causes Police Officers to Become Cynical.pdf

For anyone who wants a serious discussion about why well intentioned men and women sign up as cops, and graduate the academy smiling and eager to "protect and serve".........and within 5 years are worn down, angry, bitter, depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and sometimes highly defensive- well, that's a great article to start with.

Maybe they should consider a new line work. Just a thought...
I could make a case that teachers graduate from the academy eager to educate and in five years they are worn down, angry, bitter,depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and in some cases highly defensive. Generalities only make you look stupid.

Um...talk to most public school teachers after 5 years. Many are that. People just don't hate them for it.
I could make a case that teachers graduate from the academy eager to educate and in five years they are worn down, angry, bitter,depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and in some cases highly defensive. Generalities only make you look stupid.

Um...talk to most public school teachers after 5 years. Many are that. People just don't hate them for it.

A police officer is hired to protect people like me from danger, to protect the public. When the public sees police officers protecting each other before the protect the public, they feel violated and betrayed.

The highest duty is to the public, not to the thin blue line.When it comes time to choose sides, cops always stick together.
I think a cop's job is maybe more special than any other job.

Spoken like a worthless Mundane who's willingly submitted to the constant mindfuck of indoctrination that has devolved your brain over the years...
...dealing with society's worst criminals.
The police do not even know who "society's worst criminals" are, and they never will.
Also you have the power of life or death...
We all have the power to determine who around us lives or dies.
They're the only ones standing in the way of anarchy.
Anarchy can exist at any moment when the individual believes in it.

Only the individual stands in the way of experiencing anarchy.
Not enough pay for the toughest job, outside of military sevice, in the US; teachers are in the top five, as are firefighters.
once again , if they don't like the pay rates then they shouldn't take the jobs Peach .
I could make a case that teachers graduate from the academy eager to educate and in five years they are worn down, angry, bitter,depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and in some cases highly defensive. Generalities only make you look stupid.

Um...talk to most public school teachers after 5 years. Many are that. People just don't hate them for it.
They can't beat people up, shoot them or arrest them on contrived BS when they're in a bad mood.
I could make a case that teachers graduate from the academy eager to educate and in five years they are worn down, angry, bitter,depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and in some cases highly defensive. Generalities only make you look stupid.

Um...talk to most public school teachers after 5 years. Many are that. People just don't hate them for it.

A police officer is hired to protect people like me from danger, to protect the public. When the public sees police officers protecting each other before the protect the public, they feel violated and betrayed.

The highest duty is to the public, not to the thin blue line.When it comes time to choose sides, cops always stick together.

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

Not enough pay for the toughest job, outside of military sevice, in the US; teachers are in the top five, as are firefighters.

Military service comprises of many types of jobs. You cannot group together those of us who slaughtered human beings "for our country" with those who "served" in non-combat related fields.

You claim Police officers hold the "toughest job outside of military service". How do you figure? I would hardly call it "tough". It takes no talent, they rarely if ever see any worthwhile combat, their physical fitness standards are shit... and they don't even need a college education to become a cop.

So... they needn't be physically or mentally exceptional in order to "work", now, do they? So what makes them so tough? Why do Mundanes worship them so?

And how the hell are teachers "top five"? I get that "toughness" needn't be viewed as fitness or combat related, as it can also describe occupations that are intellectually challenging. So, is the job of a teacher more intellectually challenging than, say... a doctor? A scientist?

Or is this idea of toughness based on risk? You put military occupations at the top, as many of us have risked our lives more than most of you ever will (whether for pleasure or "for our country")... and for some reason you rank the police second... why? What the fuck are they risking? Their lives? How often do they actually get shot at? How often are they in danger of getting blown the fuck up? How often do they get to experience the pleasure of shooting at someone who is shooting back?

Oh wait that's right. They'd rather pull the trigger on unworthy opponents who are unarmed or unprepared for a fight. What honor is in that?

They are pathetic.

Your average drug dealer risks far more than your average cop. A drug dealer is usually looking at spending some hardcore prison time. That means putting not just your life on the line (because you can easily get killed in prison) but your time (lengthy prison sentences), your family (many ways you can lose them while in prison)...all of that is being risked... for your "job".

Most humans who work as criminals risk far more than humans who work as cops.

Fuck the police.

Mundanes worship the law and thus they worship the Police. They need the law to survive because without it, what would they do?

They would rather live in a zoo than in the wild. They would rather rot in a cage than roam free.

Let them, so that we can exploit that weakness. Over and over again, using them like the resources they are.

Let them go forth and worship Pigs for all I care.

http://www.internetjournalofcriminology.com/Hobbs - What Causes Police Officers to Become Cynical.pdf

For anyone who wants a serious discussion about why well intentioned men and women sign up as cops, and graduate the academy smiling and eager to "protect and serve".........and within 5 years are worn down, angry, bitter, depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and sometimes highly defensive- well, that's a great article to start with.

That article was written by a guy named Hobbs going for his BA at Nottingham Trent in the U.K.

In the U.K. they may become cynical but they don't unload 9 rounds into a suspect. They taser him.

This Is How UK Police Stop Someone With A Knife
Ben Cohen on August 21, 2014
This Is How UK Police Stop Someone With A Knife The Daily Banter
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