Why Debbie Wasserman Is A Moron.Accuses GOP Of Hating Everyone,Yet Never Names Them? Who Debbie Who?

:argue::dunno: And we all heard her last immature and outlandish remarks that Republicans want to throw women and mexicans out of the country {well, more or less}. Well Debbie? Can you name at least one GOP Candidate running for President who has gone on the record stating his hatred of immigrants and women, almost to the extent of demanding they leave the country? :blahblah::cuckoo::eusa_snooty:
This is generally her pattern, makes stuff up yet has no evidence to prove anything she ever claims about any conservative/republican she wants to take out. Anyone still waiting to see that video of Scott Walker dragging a hot white female by her long hair, like they did when we were all cavemen a few thousand years ago?:poke:
I see why wolves eat their young... Too stupid too breath.

DNC chair ugly as hell inside and out...
and then they sit on here talking about the Speakers for the Republicans.

they have two witches who are just as nasty as the men in that Democrat party, nasty Pelosi, and the ugly Poodle Debbie does dallas
and then they sit on here talking about the Speakers for the Republicans.

they have two witches who are just as nasty as the men in that Democrat party, nasty Pelosi, and the ugly Poodle Debbie does dallas
and she thinks conservatives are clowns? uhm,,,,has she met pelosi/ried and moochelle?
:argue::dunno: And we all heard her last immature and outlandish remarks that Republicans want to throw women and mexicans out of the country {well, more or less}. Well Debbie? Can you name at least one GOP Candidate running for President who has gone on the record stating his hatred of immigrants and women, almost to the extent of demanding they leave the country? :blahblah::cuckoo::eusa_snooty:
This is generally her pattern, makes stuff up yet has no evidence to prove anything she ever claims about any conservative/republican she wants to take out. Anyone still waiting to see that video of Scott Walker dragging a hot white female by her long hair, like they did when we were all cavemen a few thousand years ago?:poke:
We all do. If they are illegal I want them to either become legal or leave. And what do I care if they make 1 million Mexicans who are already here legal. Rather than letting Muslims in let Catholic beaners come.
i still think they should use wasserman in a future Star Wars Bar Theme,,and she can just play herself,,,no mask needed.
this here is how NASTY that whole Democrat party is. you see this is why there are no more Blue dog moderates in the party. they have kicked them out with threats of charges being brought up against them, think Menendez when he went against Obama on Iran, and now this lady for criticizing them. WHY anyone would belong in such a nasty party is beyond me. a Video at the site of her talking about this

DNC Vice-Chair Says She Was Disinvited from Debate for Questioning Wasserman Schultz Decision
by Bridget Johnson
October 13, 2015 - 10:56 am

A congresswoman who has been a critic of administration policy and the DNC’s limited schedule of debates said she was disinvited from tonight’s Dem debate — even though she’s a vice-chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

“I have been pretty vocal about calling out for more debate debates. I have been calling for more debates to give the American people more opportunity to hear from these presidential candidates, to listen to what they have got to say, to hold them accountable for their views and their positions,” Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) told CNN last night. “Because that differentiated from the decision that the chairwoman made from the DNC, I was told that I was no longer welcome to come to the debate.”

“Debbie’s chief had called mine and basically spoke about an interview that I had had talking about the need and the call that the American people are having for more debates, for democracy, for increasing the engagement that we need in our society as we look to see who will lead our country into the future.”

Gabbard said “the prevailing message of that was because I continued to call for more debates, that I should not go to the debate there in Las Vegas.”

all of it here:
DNC Vice-Chair Says She Was Disinvited from Debate for Questioning Wasserman Schultz Decision
This just in from MSNBC: Debbie Wasserman Schultz has just been offered the lead role in the upcoming remake of "Creature From The Black Lagoon".

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