Why Is Liz Cheney Acting Like A Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead Of Moving On?

Ding, ding, ding!

Surada claims that she left the Republican party to go to the other party that got us into the war she opposed.

And she hated W who was a progressive and went to the progressive party?

She's just lying, no one is that stupid to believe that stupid shit.

W was a horrible President, that's true. But he was horrible in every way that the Democrats are horrible
That is correct.

It is obvious she has been a life long Leftist simply by how misinformed she is.

Leftist do not live in reality you know.

They live in a Alt Left Reality where they think Liz Cheney is a Conservative.

Its alright, John.
It is alright.

Normal thinking Americans know who you LYING LEFTIST are and exactly what you do..

You are a pitiful old fool who needs a group.. You haven't the brains or courage to speak for yourself.

OMG, did you just say that?

You're a far left moonbat and you spoke for all Republicans on who is a real Republican?

You certainly are as hypocritical as any Democrat

LOLOL.. I have never had a big behind. Liz Cheny is a very traditional conservative Republican unlike her father and Dubya.
Everything you post is not reality.

No one ... NO ONE ... in the Bush family are Conservatives.

They are ALL progressives.

Ding, ding, ding!

Surada claims that she left the Republican party to go to the other party that got us into the war she opposed.

And she hated W who was a progressive and went to the progressive party?

She's just lying, no one is that stupid to believe that stupid shit.

W was a horrible President, that's true. But he was horrible in every way that the Democrats are horrible

Dubya wasn't progressive.. Just dumb.. He didn't know anything about the ME or the oil business and he didn't listen to anyone who did know.. and he had some very stupid ideas about futurism and Gog and Magog.

More lunacy.

Madison Cawthorn: Vaccines Effort Could Lead to Taking Guns, Bibles (businessinsider.com)

Of course W was progressive, money went through his hands like a Democrat. He massively grew the power of the federal government adding a prescription drug givaway to social security. He created the massive TSA bureaucracy.

How can you say W wasn't a progressive with a straight face?

Remember you claim you were a Republican then. It was on Iraq that switched you. And yet you went to the progressive party.

These are the cracks that always destroy the stupid lie of you morons that pretend you were a Republican

OMG, did you just say that?

You're a far left moonbat and you spoke for all Republicans on who is a real Republican?

You certainly are as hypocritical as any Democrat
Leftist HAVE to LIE .... and project.

They understand that ALL Patriots reject their favored Communist style government.

Therefore they CANNOT be forthright with their actual opinions and agenda.

OMG, did you just say that?

You're a far left moonbat and you spoke for all Republicans on who is a real Republican?

You certainly are as hypocritical as any Democrat
Leftist HAVE to LIE .... and project.

They understand that ALL Patriots reject their favored Communist style government.

Therefore they CANNOT be forthright with their actual opinions and agenda.

Chill out. God is on the throne.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”

OMG, did you just say that?

You're a far left moonbat and you spoke for all Republicans on who is a real Republican?

You certainly are as hypocritical as any Democrat
Leftist HAVE to LIE .... and project.

They understand that ALL Patriots reject their favored Communist style government.

Therefore they CANNOT be forthright with their actual opinions and agenda.

Chill out. God is on the throne.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”

Yet again showing you were never a Republican. You're just parroting Democrat talking points again.

And again, what ISSUES did you agree with Republicans on? You claimed you were one for 35 years. Yet all you can give is a resume? Why were you a Republican for 35 years. And i mean ISSUES
She's a Daddy's girl who has fully embraced the ORANGE MAN BAD narrative.
You would think that these dumbass Leftist here commenting on a political forum about Conservatives would at least know what Conservatism is.

Leftist are really just that uninformed.

Yet again showing you were never a Republican. You're just parroting Democrat talking points again.

And again, what ISSUES did you agree with Republicans on? You claimed you were one for 35 years. Yet all you can give is a resume? Why were you a Republican for 35 years. And i mean ISSUES
She cannot answer your questions.

And, it's more than obvious why.

OMG, did you just say that?

You're a far left moonbat and you spoke for all Republicans on who is a real Republican?

You certainly are as hypocritical as any Democrat
Leftist HAVE to LIE .... and project.

They understand that ALL Patriots reject their favored Communist style government.

Therefore they CANNOT be forthright with their actual opinions and agenda.

Chill out. God is on the throne.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”

Yet again showing you were never a Republican. You're just parroting Democrat talking points again.

And again, what ISSUES did you agree with Republicans on? You claimed you were one for 35 years. Yet all you can give is a resume? Why were you a Republican for 35 years. And i mean ISSUES

Why ? Because they weren't neocons or lunatics... and the moral majority were on the fringe.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”

Why ? Because they weren't neocons or lunatics... and the moral majority were on the fringe.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”
Your disdain for Christianity is even more proof of you being a Life Long Leftist.

And, CLEARLY an intentional LIAR !!!!

OMG, did you just say that?

You're a far left moonbat and you spoke for all Republicans on who is a real Republican?

You certainly are as hypocritical as any Democrat
Leftist HAVE to LIE .... and project.

They understand that ALL Patriots reject their favored Communist style government.

Therefore they CANNOT be forthright with their actual opinions and agenda.

Chill out. God is on the throne.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”

Yet again showing you were never a Republican. You're just parroting Democrat talking points again.

And again, what ISSUES did you agree with Republicans on? You claimed you were one for 35 years. Yet all you can give is a resume? Why were you a Republican for 35 years. And i mean ISSUES

Why ? Because they weren't neocons or lunatics... and the moral majority were on the fringe.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”


What about the question don't you understand? You did not say a single issue you AGREED WITH REPUBLICANS ON that you WERE ONE for 35 YEARS.

How do you possibly not understand the question at this point?

All you said so far is that Republicans were neocons, so you joined the neocon Democrat party. You disagreed with Republicans who got us into Iraq so you joined the Democrats who got us into Iraq. That isn't an answer what ISSUES you agreed with REPUBLICANS on while you were one for 35 YEARS


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

paycheck singed by xi

Cheney's father was a neocon who followed Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. Liz seems to be a real conservative.
Liz is a neoliberal RINO. The prog definition of "real consrvative" is anyone who stabs the Republican party in the back.
I see Liz Cheney's actions as her desire to be ahead of the curve in the Republican party.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

paycheck singed by xi

Cheney's father was a neocon who followed Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. Liz seems to be a real conservative.
Liz is a neoliberal RINO. The prog definition of "real consrvative" is anyone who stabs the Republican party in the back.

You're confused.. Trump is NOT a Republican.. He's an ignorant Fascist.

Why ? Because they weren't neocons or lunatics... and the moral majority were on the fringe.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”
Your disdain for Christianity is even more proof of you being a Life Long Leftist.

And, CLEARLY an intentional LIAR !!!!

I have NO distain for Christianity.. I reject the Scofield heresy.. Damn, you are incredibly ignorant. What Church do you attend?


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

paycheck singed by xi

Cheney's father was a neocon who followed Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. Liz seems to be a real conservative.
Liz is a neoliberal RINO. The prog definition of "real consrvative" is anyone who stabs the Republican party in the back.

You're confused.. Trump is NOT a Republican.. He's an ignorant Fascist.
Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!

Why ? Because they weren't neocons or lunatics... and the moral majority were on the fringe.

QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert: It’s Not A Coincidence That July 4th Was A Sunday This Year, God Is On The Throne
July 6, 2021 Republicans, Trump cultists

“There are two nations created for God’s glory – Israel and the United States of America. We stand strongly with Israel. We will not back down until we have everything God has promised us.

“We are an army for everything that Jesus has purchased for us and our children, and our children’s children.

“It’s not a coincidence that Independence Day is on a Sunday this year. God is on the throne. It doesn’t matter who is President; we serve the almighty King.

“Trump has not given up and he will not give up.” – QAnon Rep. Lauren Boebert, speaking at a July 4th event with a pistol strapped to her hip.

Boebert went on to claim that Trump has not visibly aged since leaving office, which is the result of his “anointing by God.”
Your disdain for Christianity is even more proof of you being a Life Long Leftist.

And, CLEARLY an intentional LIAR !!!!

I have NO distain for Christianity.. I reject the Scofield heresy.. Damn, you are incredibly ignorant. What Church do you attend?

How's your list of things you agreed with Republicans on since you were one for 35 years going? Have you come up with the first example yet?

You're such a terrible liar. I don't even get it. You're a rabid Marxist who agrees with Democrats on every issue. Why would anyone say, wow, surada was a Republican and switched to Democrat? Well, I wasn't going to, but maybe I will switch then, LOL. Sure, that's going to happen


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

paycheck singed by xi

Cheney's father was a neocon who followed Bibi's Clean Break Strategy. Liz seems to be a real conservative.
Liz is a neoliberal RINO. The prog definition of "real consrvative" is anyone who stabs the Republican party in the back.

You're confused.. Trump is NOT a Republican.. He's an ignorant Fascist.
Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!

Bu-bu-but she was a Republican for 35 years then she switched to the Democrat party over Iraq when the Democrat party got us into Iraq hand and hand with the Republicans.

Now she can't think of a single thing that she agreed with Republicans on while she was for 35 years.

OMG, I just realized, she made that up, didn't she? LOL. What a tool

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