Why Democrats insist on lying about how ‘poor’ they are

Of course, Republicans only lie about important things like WMD and torture.

Torture seems to be highly subjective to you folks

You can't put a wet towel over their face but you can blow the shit out of them with a Hellfire missile.

You rather turn them into a grease-stain but don't you dare send em to GITMO.
You really get to know who the talking point kings and queens are when the same exact thread titles show up right next to each other.

Why Democrats insist on lying about how ‘poor’ they are
mudwhistle Today 07:34 AM

Why Democrats insist on lying about how ‘poor’ they are
Theowl32 Today 07:34 AM

It was a feature on Fox and Friends this morning. They have their hot topic talking points for today :lol:

It was also featured on "Meet The Press" yesterday.


I mentioned this a few posts ago.

Yeah but both threads happened today...I'm sure thats a coinky dink
Both of you watched Fox and Friends this morning and posted their opinions verbatim like lockstepping lemmings as shown by both of you using the exact same wording.

Great independent thinking there sir, kudos
The Dem base is easily fooled. They don't ask questions, they accept anything and everything fed into the Prog Collective as Gospel
Democrats have to claim to be poor when they aren't even close to being poor for the same reason Republicans have to claim they are like Reagan when they aren't even close to being like Reagan.

They crave street cred.
Moderation Note:

Two threads -- identical titles merged..
Larger party -- less confusion..
Second thread OP is Post #12.

Merges are done by time of posts.
So the OP is the earlier thread.
Have fun..

Well according to Hilary if you have between 5 and 25 million in assets you are poor.

I wish I was that poor. Hey Hilary . How about selling your properties if you felt you were dead broke. What a joke
I think what everyone forgets is when the Clintons left the White House, they had over 10 million in legal fees fending off the various legal witch hunts led by Ken Starr and others. So technically, they were dead broke when they left the White House

I'n sure Sarah Palin's heart pumps purple piss for them.
I think what everyone forgets is when the Clintons left the White House, they had over 10 million in legal fees fending off the various legal witch hunts led by Ken Starr and others. So technically, they were dead broke when they left the White House

And the far left Obama drones swoop in and defend Clinton like the good little far left soldiers they are.

Just how much money has Bill Clinton has made off speaking fees since 2001? An astonishing $106 million…
Democrats have to claim to be poor when they aren't even close to being poor for the same reason Republicans have to claim they are like Reagan when they aren't even close to being like Reagan.

They crave street cred.

First of all, nobody is claiming to be Reagan, other than Obama. He also thinks he's Lincoln and tries to insert himself into everything good previous presidents did.

Second of all, that example doesn't excuse them lying about their so-called poverty.
Why Democrats insist on lying about how ?poor? they are | New York Post

The left wing morons who vote for these people cause they believe their robin hood fairy tale, think they are so smart.

That is funny.

Fact is, you have to be rich to be a politician. Do you want to change that? Do you want real campaign finance reform? Do you want to undo Citizens United?

Are you sure you want to open this can of worms because we all know the GOP like it this way. They are the ones who made it this way. That's why Bush put Alito and Roberts on the high court.

This is like republicans crying that the middle class isn't doing well when it was them who sent jobs overseas.

So who should we vote for, McCain? Romney? Jeb? Wake up loser. Either you are really rich and greedy or you are one of us and really dumb. I'm guessing the second thing.

But lets compare how much Obama had to how much money Bush was born into. Bush born with silver spoon in his mouth. And he was dumb. Only because he was rich did you guys vote for him.

And it doesn't matter who you guys elect. Every one of them are anti middle class. At least the Democrats are the party of the middle class and poor. Not as much as we would like but

Oh yea, PS. Yesterday I saw a show on the National Parks. If it wasn't for Roosevelt and his secretary of the interior, those National Parks would be owned by the Koch brothers right now. They were rich men but they fought against the rich and instead fought for we the people over the rich.

You republicans don't realize that politics is all about money and it's the rich vs. the middle class and poor. The rich do not care about you. They use god, gays, guns, racism and lies to con you stupid fucks into voting for them. If you are not rich then you are dumb.
Why Democrats insist on lying about how ?poor? they are | New York Post

The left wing morons who vote for these people cause they believe their robin hood fairy tale, think they are so smart.

That is funny.

Fact is, you have to be rich to be a politician. Do you want to change that? Do you want real campaign finance reform? Do you want to undo Citizens United?

Are you sure you want to open this can of worms because we all know the GOP like it this way. They are the ones who made it this way. That's why Bush put Alito and Roberts on the high court.

This is like republicans crying that the middle class isn't doing well when it was them who sent jobs overseas.

So who should we vote for, McCain? Romney? Jeb? Wake up loser. Either you are really rich and greedy or you are one of us and really dumb. I'm guessing the second thing.

But lets compare how much Obama had to how much money Bush was born into. Bush born with silver spoon in his mouth. And he was dumb. Only because he was rich did you guys vote for him.

And it doesn't matter who you guys elect. Every one of them are anti middle class. At least the Democrats are the party of the middle class and poor. Not as much as we would like but

Oh yea, PS. Yesterday I saw a show on the National Parks. If it wasn't for Roosevelt and his secretary of the interior, those National Parks would be owned by the Koch brothers right now. They were rich men but they fought against the rich and instead fought for we the people over the rich.

You republicans don't realize that politics is all about money and it's the rich vs. the middle class and poor. The rich do not care about you. They use god, gays, guns, racism and lies to con you stupid fucks into voting for them. If you are not rich then you are dumb.

High taxes, workman's compensation, massive over regulation, and union demands forced those jobs overseas.

The purge has been going on since Mexico and China became fiscally sound enough alternatives if not competition for production of goods and services. Manufacturers left in droves thanks to tax and spend politicians and their union buddies.
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Why Democrats insist on lying about how ?poor? they are | New York Post

The left wing morons who vote for these people cause they believe their robin hood fairy tale, think they are so smart.

That is funny.

Fact is, you have to be rich to be a politician. Do you want to change that? Do you want real campaign finance reform? Do you want to undo Citizens United?

Are you sure you want to open this can of worms because we all know the GOP like it this way. They are the ones who made it this way. That's why Bush put Alito and Roberts on the high court.

This is like republicans crying that the middle class isn't doing well when it was them who sent jobs overseas.

So who should we vote for, McCain? Romney? Jeb? Wake up loser. Either you are really rich and greedy or you are one of us and really dumb. I'm guessing the second thing.

But lets compare how much Obama had to how much money Bush was born into. Bush born with silver spoon in his mouth. And he was dumb. Only because he was rich did you guys vote for him.

And it doesn't matter who you guys elect. Every one of them are anti middle class. At least the Democrats are the party of the middle class and poor. Not as much as we would like but

Oh yea, PS. Yesterday I saw a show on the National Parks. If it wasn't for Roosevelt and his secretary of the interior, those National Parks would be owned by the Koch brothers right now. They were rich men but they fought against the rich and instead fought for we the people over the rich.

You republicans don't realize that politics is all about money and it's the rich vs. the middle class and poor. The rich do not care about you. They use god, gays, guns, racism and lies to con you stupid fucks into voting for them. If you are not rich then you are dumb.

Oh my the programmed propaganda from the racist far left Obama drones is on over drive today.
Why Democrats insist on lying about how ?poor? they are | New York Post

The left wing morons who vote for these people cause they believe their robin hood fairy tale, think they are so smart.

That is funny.

Fact is, you have to be rich to be a politician. Do you want to change that? Do you want real campaign finance reform? Do you want to undo Citizens United?

Are you sure you want to open this can of worms because we all know the GOP like it this way. They are the ones who made it this way. That's why Bush put Alito and Roberts on the high court.

This is like republicans crying that the middle class isn't doing well when it was them who sent jobs overseas.

So who should we vote for, McCain? Romney? Jeb? Wake up loser. Either you are really rich and greedy or you are one of us and really dumb. I'm guessing the second thing.

But lets compare how much Obama had to how much money Bush was born into. Bush born with silver spoon in his mouth. And he was dumb. Only because he was rich did you guys vote for him.

And it doesn't matter who you guys elect. Every one of them are anti middle class. At least the Democrats are the party of the middle class and poor. Not as much as we would like but

Oh yea, PS. Yesterday I saw a show on the National Parks. If it wasn't for Roosevelt and his secretary of the interior, those National Parks would be owned by the Koch brothers right now. They were rich men but they fought against the rich and instead fought for we the people over the rich.

You republicans don't realize that politics is all about money and it's the rich vs. the middle class and poor. The rich do not care about you. They use god, gays, guns, racism and lies to con you stupid fucks into voting for them. If you are not rich then you are dumb.

Oh my the programmed propaganda from the racist far left Obama drones is on over drive today.

No, the fact is democrats are rich politicians who pretend to be poor. The moron of course did not get the point. It is not that they are rich, it is they pretend to be something they are not to placate their moronic base.

Teddy was a Republican and like usual everything Republicans accomplish liberals take credit. If they think Teddy was some Lilly livered peacenik liberal then they know nothing about him. If he was in charge today, not only would there be no saddam, there would be no middle east.

Liberals are the ones who rewrite history. They pretend to care about all of these little issues and they could not care less. The sad part is watching parade around like they know it all.

Fucking dipshits. All of them.
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