Why Democrats will keep the House

Generally or by districts? Give us a link.
You got us Jake, it's all a big lie. Democrats are ahead in all the major polls. We just used Faux News "Journo-Lists" to release the fake polls and employed dis-information bloggers to help spread the big lie and what's more, I'm one of them. You got me!

I just need to know how'd you figger it all out? I need your input for my weekly report to Teh Rove.

Post a link, son.
That's easy - conservatives and independents.

Toro, independents do not want to go back to the bad old Bush policies. That's why the GOP was thrown out. Since then, the GOP has offered nothing constructive other than "no".

The GOP will no more take either chamber than you can fly to the moon.

THIS IS A KEEPER REPLY. To be reused at certian times

I certainly have it bookmarked to use on you and others, bigreb, along with youse guys :lol: more stupid predictions. Yes, I will roll them out on you day after election.
NOPE - the "anti-incumbent" call was manufactured by the mainstream media as a means of deflecting from the anti Obama-Pelosi-Reid sentiment.

This election is not anti-incumbent and never has been - it's ANTI-DEMOCRAT-ANTI-OBAMA-ANTI-CONGRESS. Period.

Republicans who were up for re-election who were seen as aiding the Democrat agenda were put in danger. These candidates either were able to convince voters they were conservative, or face being booted out.

Democrats are now running ads against Obama-Pelosi-Reid. Democrats are joking about Pelosi dying. Obamas poll numbers are stagnant, the Congress approval numbers are at historic lows, and the GDP now enjoy historic margins on the Generic Ballot.

The Dems are panicking and for good reason - they are about to get destroyed in November. That acceptance is already being undertaken by the Democrat Machine, and now they are scrambling to make possible Obama's re-election, which at the moment, appears far more difficult than just a handful of months ago...
If you guys hadn't started all the anti-Obama propaganda, you would do a lot better. Democrats were having a problem getting their base excited, but not any more. You finally convinced the Democrats that there is a real danger that the country could fall into the hands of a bunch right wing nuts.

It's only propaganda when its a lie. Anything mentioned about obama thus far has been the truth.
Your statement clearly illustrates why there will be a bigger than expected Democrat turnout.
If you guys hadn't started all the anti-Obama propaganda, you would do a lot better. Democrats were having a problem getting their base excited, but not any more. You finally convinced the Democrats that there is a real danger that the country could fall into the hands of a bunch right wing nuts.

It's only propaganda when its a lie. Anything mentioned about obama thus far has been the truth.
Your statement clearly illustrates why there will be a bigger than expected Democrat turnout.

I'll be happy if Rand Paul wins, a couple more Republicans win in the Senate and a few more libertarian leaning House members are elected, that in and by itself could very well turn the last two years of Obama's tenure into a lame duck status.
If that happens, JohnRocks, the Senate Democrats will scuttle reconciliation and govern by simple majority. The Dems in the House will fall in line.
If that happens, JohnRocks, the Senate Democrats will scuttle reconciliation and govern by simple majority. The Dems in the House will fall in line.

Could very well happen, then we'll have to regroup and keep on fighting through 2012. It's an on going battle, has been since our founding I suppose.:tongue:
The struggle has been the same since Jefferson and Hamilton identified the major themes in our history.
It is hardly a done deal.

The GOP could take the House, though I'm not sure. I think a lot will depend on whether the GOP can hold on its incumbents that the Tea Party itself has called out as RINO's and whether the Tea Party backed candidates appeal to the Independents and Moderates that always decide the election.

The Senate is almost impossible. It would take a series of miracles like 2006 and 2008. There just isn't enough seats up for the GOP to win.
This thread sure brings out the dreamy Democrats..

Then again, is there any other kind...:lol:

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