Why Democrats will never secure the border


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Why are Republicans even entertaining the idea of immigration reform...?
Democrats will never agree to actually closing the border as they have way too much at stake...in fact their very existence depends on it....

As immigration reform is discussed in Washington, the sticking point will be, predictably, that Democrats will insist on amnesty and not agree to any verifiable method of closing and securing the southern border.

Democrats, as I have argued here before, pursue an electoral strategy based on demographics. And since they have controlled most of the big cities of the U.S. -- Los Angeles as well as the cities of the Northwest, Midwest, and Northeast -- their primary concern is to continue their demographic strategy of electoral security.

Since the electoral college is based upon population the best way for Democrats to win elections is to maintain and increase the populations of their cities and states. Consequently they see immigration reform as a threat to their demographic strategy.

They see immigration reform from a cost-benefit perspective. Right now illegal immigration is a win-win situation for them. Their sponsorship of illegal immigration has gained them the majority of Hispanic votes, and this enabled them to win the 2008 and 2012 national elections.

To keep their votes, Democrats have confined them, through the benefit magnet, to very limited areas in various cities. They have also gerrymandered the Congressional districts to contain majority Hispanics. Luis Gutierrez represents the fourth District of Illinois and his district is 75% Hispanic.

So while Democrats have been very successful in both winning Hispanic votes and confining them to Hispanic supermajority neighborhoods, they are very aware of and sensitive to the reality that they must be ever-vigilant to make sure this strategy is maintained.

Closing the border is then the greatest potential threat to their electoral security. Democrats depend upon the current status quo of promoting a constant flow of illegal immigrants from the South. So while the plan to promote illegal immigration has worked since 1980, there are some real threats to it. The greatest threat to this plan is that Hispanics are moving out of the cities into suburbs, and much of the growth in Hispanic populations has been in the suburbs of big cities such as Chicago, not just within city limits, as the Brookings Institution has shown.

If Hispanics leave the big cities for the suburbs, then most of the benefits of illegal immigration, at least to cities, are threatened. Public sector unions, such as the teachers' unions, need a constant supply of students to keep their members employed.

Read more: Articles: Why Democrats will Never Secure the Border
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Anyone who thinks the Democrats are going to secure the border is just as clueless as Carrie Fisher thinking her married boyfriend was going to leave his wife in "When Harry Met Sally".
One word sums it up, "Political". The Democrats view this as a golden opportunity to expand their base.
Obama Administration Deported Record 1.5 Million People : It's All Politics : NPR
Although President Obama supports setting a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants, his administration deported a record 1.5 million of them in his first term.

In addition, the latest data released by the government in recent days show that an unprecedented 409,849 people were deported for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30.

The increase from the previous year occurred despite policy changes ordered by Obama to reduce the deportations of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants.

Roughly 55 percent, or more than 225,000 people, deported in the past year were convicted of crimes such as drug offenses and driving under the influence. Immigration officials note that they deported nearly twice as many convicted criminals as in the year before Obama took office. That year, in 2008, criminals made up about a third of all deportations.

The administration says the figures demonstrate that the shift in enforcement to focus on criminals is working.
Obama Administration Deported Record 1.5 Million People : It's All Politics : NPR
Although President Obama supports setting a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants, his administration deported a record 1.5 million of them in his first term.

In addition, the latest data released by the government in recent days show that an unprecedented 409,849 people were deported for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30.

The increase from the previous year occurred despite policy changes ordered by Obama to reduce the deportations of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants.

Roughly 55 percent, or more than 225,000 people, deported in the past year were convicted of crimes such as drug offenses and driving under the influence. Immigration officials note that they deported nearly twice as many convicted criminals as in the year before Obama took office. That year, in 2008, criminals made up about a third of all deportations.

The administration says the figures demonstrate that the shift in enforcement to focus on criminals is working.

many of those convictions may be due to Operation Streamline which arrests illegal immigrants and sentences them...many times en masse.....sending repeat offenders into the prison system...prisons have become big business...

however the revolving door is still operating.....and they keep sneaking back because of family connections or they are desperate to work...or both...but now they are criminals with records...
Another large problem looming along with this bill is the idea that Americans will lose jobs to "immigrants" from a loophole in this bill tht doesn't give status to illegals in order to receive "OBarryCare". Employers with more than 50 employees will not be penalized for hiring illegals and then not providing insurance.

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don't Know Answer to Key Question About It | The Weekly Standard

no wonder so many Senators couldn't answer the question.....companies could possibly get away with 13 years or more of not paying for healthcare OR the fines....

...a real incentive to hire illegals over U.S. citizens....that would go over well with their voters....:eusa_hand:

now it becomes more clear why this piece of crap is being pushed...
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Another large problem looming along with this bill is the idea that Americans will lose jobs to "immigrants" from a loophole in this bill tht doesn't give status to illegals in order to receive "OBarryCare". Employers with more than 50 employees will not be penalized for hiring illegals and then not providing insurance.

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don't Know Answer to Key Question About It | The Weekly Standard

no wonder so many Senators couldn't answer the question.....companies could possibly get away with 13 years or more of not paying for healthcare OR the fines....

...a real incentive to hire illegals over U.S. citizens....that would go over well with their voters....:eusa_hand:

now it becomes more clear why this piece of crap is being pushed...

Well, I can't sit here and tell you that the "intended" outcome is to make sure that employers will benefit from hiring the illegals over American citizens, nor can I make the charge tht the "intended purpose" is to secure the illegals as a potential voting block.

All I can tell you is to look to the records of the democrat Lords and Ladies who rule over us. And, I can suggest that there SEEM to be many Lords and Ladies who rule over us on the republican side who are trying to accomplish the same goal - in spite of those who "elected" them.

Then I ask you, is this really any surprise to anyone????
And republicans don't want it either it provides them with a group to exploit for corporate monetary gain.
If they truly felt it was something they wanted to secure the border,"wenty-five months into George W. Bush's presidency, control of the government is back where he wants it: in Republican hands. You think they would have done so but alas.....:clap2:
Do you see the lying and the hypocrisy coming from the right.
Another large problem looming along with this bill is the idea that Americans will lose jobs to "immigrants" from a loophole in this bill tht doesn't give status to illegals in order to receive "OBarryCare". Employers with more than 50 employees will not be penalized for hiring illegals and then not providing insurance.

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don't Know Answer to Key Question About It | The Weekly Standard

no wonder so many Senators couldn't answer the question.....companies could possibly get away with 13 years or more of not paying for healthcare OR the fines....

...a real incentive to hire illegals over U.S. citizens....that would go over well with their voters....:eusa_hand:

now it becomes more clear why this piece of crap is being pushed...

Well, I can't sit here and tell you that the "intended" outcome is to make sure that employers will benefit from hiring the illegals over American citizens, nor can I make the charge tht the "intended purpose" is to secure the illegals as a potential voting block.

All I can tell you is to look to the records of the democrat Lords and Ladies who rule over us. And, I can suggest that there SEEM to be many Lords and Ladies who rule over us on the republican side who are trying to accomplish the same goal - in spite of those who "elected" them.

Then I ask you, is this really any surprise to anyone????

no......especially with RINO leaders like McCain and Lindsey Graham....

McPain claims the bill has "iron-clad" triggers when it is actually full of waivers and exceptions...

John McCain Claims Immigration Bill Triggers are "Iron-Clad" | Western Free Press
no wonder so many Senators couldn't answer the question.....companies could possibly get away with 13 years or more of not paying for healthcare OR the fines....

...a real incentive to hire illegals over U.S. citizens....that would go over well with their voters....:eusa_hand:

now it becomes more clear why this piece of crap is being pushed...

Well, I can't sit here and tell you that the "intended" outcome is to make sure that employers will benefit from hiring the illegals over American citizens, nor can I make the charge tht the "intended purpose" is to secure the illegals as a potential voting block.

All I can tell you is to look to the records of the democrat Lords and Ladies who rule over us. And, I can suggest that there SEEM to be many Lords and Ladies who rule over us on the republican side who are trying to accomplish the same goal - in spite of those who "elected" them.

Then I ask you, is this really any surprise to anyone????

no......especially with RINO leaders like McCain and Lindsey Graham....

McPain claims the bill has "iron-clad" triggers when it is actually full of waivers and exceptions...

John McCain Claims Immigration Bill Triggers are "Iron-Clad" | Western Free Press

McCain is the perfect example of one of those "Lords" that rule us today. I despise the man. He should have retired after his first worthless term but no, he has taken up residence as a "ruler" for the majority of his life. Absolute waste.

He is as bad as any democrat in DC today.
And republicans don't want it either it provides them with a group to exploit for corporate monetary gain.
If they truly felt it was something they wanted to secure the border,"wenty-five months into George W. Bush's presidency, control of the government is back where he wants it: in Republican hands. You think they would have done so but alas.....:clap2:
Do you see the lying and the hypocrisy coming from the right.

Apparently you don't pay much attention, do you? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BOTH SIDES HERE.

The left is as bad as the right and the right is as bad as the left.
Well, I can't sit here and tell you that the "intended" outcome is to make sure that employers will benefit from hiring the illegals over American citizens, nor can I make the charge tht the "intended purpose" is to secure the illegals as a potential voting block.

All I can tell you is to look to the records of the democrat Lords and Ladies who rule over us. And, I can suggest that there SEEM to be many Lords and Ladies who rule over us on the republican side who are trying to accomplish the same goal - in spite of those who "elected" them.

Then I ask you, is this really any surprise to anyone????

no......especially with RINO leaders like McCain and Lindsey Graham....

McPain claims the bill has "iron-clad" triggers when it is actually full of waivers and exceptions...

John McCain Claims Immigration Bill Triggers are "Iron-Clad" | Western Free Press

McCain is the perfect example of one of those "Lords" that rule us today. I despise the man. He should have retired after his first worthless term but no, he has taken up residence as a "ruler" for the majority of his life. Absolute waste.

He is as bad as any democrat in DC today.

Goober isn't much better...

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