Why Detroit is such a miserable failure.....


Well, it has to do with a few things
1. The culture of the people
and 2. also ties into 1 as it is a feed back cycle. Lets say 2. is shitty economy and low quality standards of living that comes from it.

The people aren't educated, they choose to be thugs and the society collapses feeding into making it worse.

Cutting education = making it worse
So republican ideas won't fix it that is for sure. lol...

We can start with teaching our sons to thirst for education and want to better themselves. After we do this we can have hope to rebuild the economy in which we can pay to lift the place out of its hole.
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It's run by blacks, the only race with an average IQ in the early 80s. That's simply not enough brainpower to manage a city. It's a world-wide absolute, without exception, that every time blacks run a society, that society degenerates into a 3rd-world crime sewer.
I am talking about the city. This person I have no idea about. I do not have sound so the video is not good for me. As for Detroit Ronnie The Ray Goon condemned it to a shit hole when he started the union busting. Until then the average income was upper middle class of the time. Kinda like Saginaw when GM closed down there it fell into low income and chaos.
All of the information is available in libraries or in history books. It is a clearly defined republican exhibition of disregard for humans.
I am talking about the city. This person I have no idea about. I do not have sound so the video is not good for me. As for Detroit Ronnie The Ray Goon condemned it to a shit hole when he started the union busting. Until then the average income was upper middle class of the time. Kinda like Saginaw when GM closed down there it fell into low income and chaos.
All of the information is available in libraries or in history books. It is a clearly defined republican exhibition of disregard for humans.

So absurd it doesn't merit a response. Cute true but you're only a pathetic troll.

So what's your hypotheses as to why she cant manage to do her job?
I'm going with she's in way over her head and she knows it.

Blacks and Democrats. 2 reasons right there. A race of people so incompetent they took 2 beautiful nations in Africa (Rhodesia and South Africa) and turned them into shit holes and democrats are so incompetent they won't consider the race of the people they are ruling over when it comes to their policies they think throwing money at ANYTHING will fix it.

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