Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?

BTW, your user name is very telling. At least you are honest about something.

Welcome to High School.

Are you seriously going with that? I'm presuming you're a grown adult, now I'm going to have to re-think this.

We're talking POLITICS and you're talking petty insults.

Actually it does say quite a bit about me, but it's probably WAY over your head.

I did not pick your user name-----------you did. Why would you call yourself a frigid weirdo unless you are one?
If a chain doesn't have LINKS - how can it be CONNECTED?

1. one of the rings or separate pieces of which a chain is composed.

2. connection, connective, copula.

Link Define Link at Dictionary.com

So, can you NaziCon retards stop your nonsense about the thread title? The thread title is accurate.

If Bush lied so did both clintons and the UN. They all had the same intel and came to the same conclusions.

The Clinton's and the UN did not have the same intelligence as the Bush administration. Intelligence data that put the administrations claims under question was withheld from Congress and only discovered after the invasion. The VP's top aid was convicted for part of that fiasco and successful effort to hide intelligence data. In addition Bush presented the selected and cherry picked intelligence data as "actionable intelligence" when it in fact it didn't come close to reaching that standard. Actionable intelligence is the term that must be achieved before taking action. Is the intelligence reliable enough to take action that will risk lives to accomplish a predetermined goal?

Yes, they did. congress, the UN, MI5, and the intel services of all of the nations of europe had exactly the same intelligence. Hindsight says it may have been bad, but its also possible that those weapons were shipped to Syria. Assad has used gas on some of his people----------wonder where he got it??
Nothing in my post is "unreal" or untrue.

Camp, you define "true" as that which serves the party. So to you, the idiotic, partisan bullshit you post is "true," it serves your filthy party.

But to rational people, the fact that most of what you post is factually false means that what you are posting is untrue.

here is something that always happens when there are threads about Bush and his administration lying to hustle us into the war in Iraq. The posters claiming that the lying occurred post endless reliable links and video's to prove their case and the Bush defenders make endless comments like the one you just made. Meaningless drivel is the tool of the Bush defenders. Like little children calling other little children names. They do this while ignoring and unable to answer simple questions.

While you post endless links, DailyKOS, ThinkProgress, Alternet, Stormfront, Media Matters, MoveOn, and the rest of the hate sites are far from "reliable,"

These hate sites start with a conclusion, then find or fabricate data to support the conclusion.When dealing with those like you, who suffer from severe BDS, we can be assured that the vast majority of the data is fabricated.

I assume you prefer "reliable" sources such as Fox News, Beck, and Limbaugh.

what specifically has Fox lied about. Give us specifics. What was said, who said it, and why is it a lie?

if you cannot supply those specifics---------shut the fuck up.
[Yawn, another red herring

OK, simpleton, that isn't a red herring argument. I said it's all government spending, including defense. But you are only focused on defense. That isn't a red herring argument.

You are not wrong, you are only looking at a portion of the problem. I want to slash military and social spending. The best way to limit government corruption is to limit government spending. There is just less to corrupt. How you get red herring out of that only a brain dead liberal socialist would know.

Actually, you are deflecting. You can Google what that means.
I was making the argument about Halliburton and the status of their no bid contract. That was the issue. TheOwl32 made a comment about an advertisement that stated Bush gave contracts to Halliburton instead of fighting corporate corruption. I pointed the irony that Haliburton was investigated right after on corruption charges. It didn't mean I wanted to open the floodgates on all government and corporate corruption. That is a great topic to discuss but it deflects from the subject on hand here which is Bush and the Iraq war and ties to al Qaeda.

I also believe the best way to stop government corruption is to put in laws to stop corruption. The thing about limiting government spending is no one agrees which spending should be limited. Where I'm from the provincial government spent a lot of money on the Olympics and rearranging our tax system and then told the health care workers and teachers they couldn't give them raises because they were out of money. The whole issue of people against big government is ridiculous because these same people who are against big government are also yelling for more military intervention or more border security or something that would include more government spending. We are derailing this thread and I usually stay away from gov't spending threads because yoiu get these idiotic tea party people who cannot grasp simple logic.

in government contracting, when there is only one company that supplies the goods or services then a no-bid contract is used------------------BUT, the price of that contract is negotiated between the company and a government contracting officer. If you think the govt overpaid, your issue is with government procurement personnel.
Nothing in my post is "unreal" or untrue.

Camp, you define "true" as that which serves the party. So to you, the idiotic, partisan bullshit you post is "true," it serves your filthy party.

But to rational people, the fact that most of what you post is factually false means that what you are posting is untrue.

here is something that always happens when there are threads about Bush and his administration lying to hustle us into the war in Iraq. The posters claiming that the lying occurred post endless reliable links and video's to prove their case and the Bush defenders make endless comments like the one you just made. Meaningless drivel is the tool of the Bush defenders. Like little children calling other little children names. They do this while ignoring and unable to answer simple questions.

While you post endless links, DailyKOS, ThinkProgress, Alternet, Stormfront, Media Matters, MoveOn, and the rest of the hate sites are far from "reliable,"

These hate sites start with a conclusion, then find or fabricate data to support the conclusion.When dealing with those like you, who suffer from severe BDS, we can be assured that the vast majority of the data is fabricated.

I assume you prefer "reliable" sources such as Fox News, Beck, and Limbaugh.

what specifically has Fox lied about. Give us specifics. What was said, who said it, and why is it a lie?

if you cannot supply those specifics---------shut the fuck up.

Here's a few. Let me know if you want more.

That's never gonna happen, get over it. There is no proof Bush lied. At worst, you can say he's an incompetent idiot who took us to war over WMD that weren't there.


I hear you. Who thinks that just because he repeatedly used them he had them? Just whacked. Wow.
good thing Reagan (R) supplied him w/ those WMD so that Rumsfeld could mismanage a $1.5 TRILLION + war to find said weapons :thup:

So now you admit Hussein did have them? You mean you lied?
either way, you look silly. BTW- I thought you were a libertarian. You a repub?
I look silly? First, you said Hussein didn't have them. Then you said he did, but Reagan gave them to him. You look beyond silly, you're ridiculous.
Here's a few. Let me know if you want more.

None of those addressed the lie in your thread title. You ready to man up to admitting you made it up? Or you still leaving your junk in a jar on my mantle where it's been since I took it from you and dared you to take it back.
Nothing in my post is "unreal" or untrue.

Camp, you define "true" as that which serves the party. So to you, the idiotic, partisan bullshit you post is "true," it serves your filthy party.

But to rational people, the fact that most of what you post is factually false means that what you are posting is untrue.

here is something that always happens when there are threads about Bush and his administration lying to hustle us into the war in Iraq. The posters claiming that the lying occurred post endless reliable links and video's to prove their case and the Bush defenders make endless comments like the one you just made. Meaningless drivel is the tool of the Bush defenders. Like little children calling other little children names. They do this while ignoring and unable to answer simple questions.

While you post endless links, DailyKOS, ThinkProgress, Alternet, Stormfront, Media Matters, MoveOn, and the rest of the hate sites are far from "reliable,"

These hate sites start with a conclusion, then find or fabricate data to support the conclusion.When dealing with those like you, who suffer from severe BDS, we can be assured that the vast majority of the data is fabricated.

I assume you prefer "reliable" sources such as Fox News, Beck, and Limbaugh.

what specifically has Fox lied about. Give us specifics. What was said, who said it, and why is it a lie?

if you cannot supply those specifics---------shut the fuck up.

Here's a few. Let me know if you want more.

posting lies from left wing websites does not prove anything. Got anything from a legitimate source? Didn't think so.

now take your bullshit home and eat it.

I hear you. Who thinks that just because he repeatedly used them he had them? Just whacked. Wow.
good thing Reagan (R) supplied him w/ those WMD so that Rumsfeld could mismanage a $1.5 TRILLION + war to find said weapons :thup:

So now you admit Hussein did have them? You mean you lied?
either way, you look silly. BTW- I thought you were a libertarian. You a repub?
I look silly? First, you said Hussein didn't have them. Then you said he did, but Reagan gave them to him. You look beyond silly, you're ridiculous.

the defective liberal gene is alive and active on USMB. Its been identified as DRD4. look it up libs, maybe someday medical science will find a cure, until then you will remain as a stain on humanity.
Here's a few. Let me know if you want more.

None of those addressed the lie in your thread title. You ready to man up to admitting you made it up? Or you still leaving your junk in a jar on my mantle where it's been since I took it from you and dared you to take it back.

None of those are credible. "Forward Progress" hating Fox is hardly groundbreaking.

Just more of Shitting Bulls bullshit.
Bush should be held accountable!
That's never gonna happen, get over it. There is no proof Bush lied. At worst, you can say he's an incompetent idiot who took us to war over WMD that weren't there.

Bush was not lying when he said, "we found them!" He was wrong. If you recall, some mobile labs were discovered and the initial reports were that they were being used to make biological weapons. Days later, an amended report clarified that further testing and investigation proved to be negative. It was in between those two reports that a jubilant, if not relieved Bush, prematurely spoke publicly about the initial reporting. But at the time he made the erroneous claim, it was still not proven one way or the other.
BTW, your user name is very telling. At least you are honest about something.

Welcome to High School.

Are you seriously going with that? I'm presuming you're a grown adult, now I'm going to have to re-think this.

We're talking POLITICS and you're talking petty insults.

Actually it does say quite a bit about me, but it's probably WAY over your head.

I did not pick your user name-----------you did. Why would you call yourself a frigid weirdo unless you are one?

Are you a redfish? Why would you call yourself that if you're not one?
BTW, your user name is very telling. At least you are honest about something.

Welcome to High School.

Are you seriously going with that? I'm presuming you're a grown adult, now I'm going to have to re-think this.

We're talking POLITICS and you're talking petty insults.

Actually it does say quite a bit about me, but it's probably WAY over your head.

I did not pick your user name-----------you did. Why would you call yourself a frigid weirdo unless you are one?

Are you a redfish? Why would you call yourself that if you're not one?
He is actually a red fish. And I'm actually a Tuatara.
the defective liberal gene is alive and active on USMB. Its been identified as DRD4. look it up libs, maybe someday medical science will find a cure, until then you will remain as a stain on humanity.

Don't forget, if you say something enough times, it becomes true.

They did that with things like "the earth is only 6,000 years old", and "the sun revolves around the earth", both clearly true because people have said it.
the defective liberal gene is alive and active on USMB. Its been identified as DRD4. look it up libs, maybe someday medical science will find a cure, until then you will remain as a stain on humanity.

Don't forget, if you say something enough times, it becomes true.

They did that with things like "the earth is only 6,000 years old", and "the sun revolves around the earth", both clearly true because people have said it.

Right, like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "I'll put the healthcare debate on c-span"

When people said the earth was 6000 years old and that the sun revolved around the earth it was what they believed, because they were ignorant of the facts, What is obama's excuse?

As to our user names---------------------redfish vs frigid weirdo.

as to the defective liberal gene-------------it has been proven, its DRD 4, look it up.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
He needed a pretext to invade Iraq.

Americans are zombified , so it's like stealing candy from a baby.

Right, like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "I'll put the healthcare debate on c-span"

When people said the earth was 6000 years old and that the sun revolved around the earth it was what they believed, because they were ignorant of the facts, What is obama's excuse?

As to our user names---------------------redfish vs frigid weirdo.

as to the defective liberal gene-------------it has been proven, its DRD 4, look it up.

Question is, if a politician says they're going to do something, do you A) expect them to carry on doing it regardless of whether it's actually going to work or not or B) if it's not going to work to change it so that it does work?

When people said the sun revolved around the world, it was centuries AFTER it had been proven otherwise. They just choose to have it like this because of Humans own self importance. How could the sun possibly be more important than us?

"defective liberal gene" huh? What next? Liberals are primitive beings?

If you want to prove something, prove it, if you want to try, if you want me to look it up, then it's rubbish.
Right, like "if you like your plan you can keep it" and "I'll put the healthcare debate on c-span"

When people said the earth was 6000 years old and that the sun revolved around the earth it was what they believed, because they were ignorant of the facts, What is obama's excuse?

As to our user names---------------------redfish vs frigid weirdo.

as to the defective liberal gene-------------it has been proven, its DRD 4, look it up.

Question is, if a politician says they're going to do something, do you A) expect them to carry on doing it regardless of whether it's actually going to work or not or B) if it's not going to work to change it so that it does work?

When people said the sun revolved around the world, it was centuries AFTER it had been proven otherwise. They just choose to have it like this because of Humans own self importance. How could the sun possibly be more important than us?

"defective liberal gene" huh? What next? Liberals are primitive beings?

If you want to prove something, prove it, if you want to try, if you want me to look it up, then it's rubbish.

defective liberal gene----------READ and LEARN Researchers find a liberal gene - ScienceBlog.com

Obama did not change anything when it was obvious that it was not working. He is a far left ideologue, he is uncapable of seeing reality if it violates his view of the world.

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