Why did God create evil?

The simple answer is that God didn't create evil.

Everything God created is good.

Evil is not extant. Evil doesn't exist in and of itself.

Evil is the absence of good, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.

Well. Something makes cold water hot. And this is observable. As well, something makes darkness light. This, too, is observable.

To your comparison, how, then, did you observe that something made evil turn into good? What did you observe? And how did you observe this? Show us. Thanks!

He didn't say that something made evil turn into good. He said evil is the absence of good, it doesn't exist in and of itself.
Sone have trouble reading, though they consider themselves intellectuals
No, i didnlt imply it. I said it outright.

He made a claim that evil is the absence of good. Akay, fine

But...he made that claim based on a comparision that ''just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.''

Well, we know what and why heat makes cold water huncold. We test it and we observe it and we record the data. And we know what\ makes the darkness undark. We observe what does it and how it does it. We then record the data and make our conclusion.

These latter two things which he compared are provable because they are observable and testable. He cannot make the former claim by way of comparison until he shares with us his correlative observation and his data which deems his conclusion comparable.

Do you see what I'm saying here, buttercup?

I want to make sure I have your position correct. You're claiming that morality is not something that can be scientifically tested and observed? If so, then I agree. Morality is outside the realm of science. However that doesn't mean we can't even discuss it. There are certain things that are not scientific matters, but we can still know and learn about them, in a different way.

And thats not even counting his main claim. The very first thing he said. He ran you people in a compete circle with nothing to offer in support of his claim except blind claim based on a non-negotiable comparison.

Jiminy crickets.

What main claim? That God did not create evil? I agree with that. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. You can't have evil without good. There needs to be a frame of reference, a fixed, unchanging, objective standard that everything else is measured against. That standard is God. God's nature is love, truth, goodness, justice, mercy, wisdom, etc. When someone deliberately goes against those things and does the opposite, that is evil. But again, evil cannot exist in and of itself. It is simply the opposition of good. Does that make sense?

I was just asking the questions, that the op didn't. As I said, I didn't even get to his main claim. As it it is, I'm still stuck at his lack of experimentation. How'd he prove his negative, is what I'm asking.

Ah well. Gosh. Do what tya want, guys, I don't care. lol.

Again, this is not a scientific matter. Certain things are outside the realm of science. One thing I've noticed about certain people is that they think everything has to be within the realm of science. :) No. There are different ways of knowing things. Science is just one tool, but there are other tools, other ways of knowing, or discerning truth. In fact, there are certain things that everyone knows are true, but are not explainable by the scientific method. Why, because science presupposes them. But now we're getting into another topic.
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Ding, what I'm saying to you is that you have to make good and evil quantifiable if you're gonna campare them with some other quantifiable phenomenon. That's all I'm saying. You're gonna run into people out in the world way smarter than me on debates like this, if it's something that you ever take seriously enough to promote in an activist way. I know people who do that. It's rough.

On message boards like this, you're just gonna into aholes like me, so not important be sharp in that regard. It's just friendly chatting.
I'm not an activist by any measure. I'm happy for people to believe whatever they want. It is no skin off my teeth.

I'm a big believer in successful behaviors lead to success and failed behaviors lead to failure. There is a self compensating feature at work. We are all being pruned. Our lessons will continue to be brought back to us until we learn from them. It is very Darwinian in this regard. I am more than happy for people to learn things the hard way.
wrong--- god created everything
but there is no god
define evil
....murder?/rape? genocide?---this is what humans do---god created humans
people NATURALLY get pissed off and NATURALLY commit violence/murder/hate/rape/etc
I did. Evil is the absence of good.
Men know right from wrong and when they violate it, rather than abandoning the concept, they rationalize that they didn't violate it at all. That is how much man prefers good over evil
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.

"The heart is deceitful above all things, desperately wicked. Who can know it."-- GOD
Men know right from wrong and when they violate it, rather than abandoning the concept, they rationalize that they didn't violate it at all. That is how much man prefers good over evil
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Men know right from wrong and when they violate it, rather than abandoning the concept, they rationalize that they didn't violate it at all. That is how much man prefers good over evil
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
The simple answer is that God didn't create evil.

Everything God created is good.

Evil is not extant. Evil doesn't exist in and of itself.

Evil is the absence of good, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.
He had to have some reason for republicans.
Men know right from wrong and when they violate it, rather than abandoning the concept, they rationalize that they didn't violate it at all. That is how much man prefers good over evil
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
Men know right from wrong and when they violate it, rather than abandoning the concept, they rationalize that they didn't violate it at all. That is how much man prefers good over evil
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
That isn’t what I’m literally saying. Another fallacy...
The simple answer is that God didn't create evil.

Everything God created is good.

Evil is not extant. Evil doesn't exist in and of itself.

Evil is the absence of good, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.
He had to have some reason for republicans.
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
Men know right from wrong and when they violate it, rather than abandoning the concept, they rationalize that they didn't violate it at all. That is how much man prefers good over evil
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
That isn’t what I’m literally saying. Another fallacy...
Outcomes are not perspectives. We live in a logical universe where every effect had a cause. Things happen for a reason.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
That isn’t what I’m literally saying. Another fallacy...
Outcomes are not perspectives.
Yet outcomes(or predicted, or percieved outcomes) influence behavior. What actually happens; isn’t intrinsically universal to the perception of what has happened...
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This I don't agree with at all. Man is NOT, by nature, "good." It is learned. It is REVEALED KNOWLEDGE, and the desire to choose good.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
That isn’t what I’m literally saying. Another fallacy...
Things happen for a reason.
How things happened can be reasoned out. And those who have acted can give a reason for their action. However every outcome in this life shows no sign of having been reasoned to arrive at its conclusion.
I'm happy for you to disagree, but man's beliefs about his own goodness say otherwise.

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you believe the "bad" done by man outweighs the "good" done by man?

Do you believe that man celebrates his "badness" or his "goodness?"

Does literature and cinema make heroes out of villians or good guys?

And lastly, do you believe you are good or bad?
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
That isn’t what I’m literally saying. Another fallacy...
Outcomes are not perspectives.
Yet outcomes(or predicted, or percieved outcomes) influence behavior. What actually happens; isn’t intrinsically universal to the perception of what has happened...
Yes, outcomes influence behaviors. It isn't a surprise that a girl who goes out partying all the time fails at school while a girl who stays home studying, doesn't. Outcomes do influence behaviors if people learn from their mistakes. Just as successful outcomes reinforce successful behaviors.

These are not perceptions, these are outcomes which provide feedback. It is the same for all behaviors. These aren't perceptions. These are realities.

And in every case they are logical because they are realites. Perceptions are subjective. Reality isn't.
Perspective fallacy... If one wanted to keep things on the level; they would recognize that it is through individual perspective that one judges whether it is harmful; or beneficial to ones self. That is how good, and bad is measured.
Natural selection has two components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. You are literally saying that functional advantage is a perspective instead of a reality.

It is easy to see and understand why certain behaviors lead to success and certain behaviors lead to failure.

Are you familiar with the so-called happiness advantage?
That isn’t what I’m literally saying. Another fallacy...
Outcomes are not perspectives.
Yet outcomes(or predicted, or percieved outcomes) influence behavior. What actually happens; isn’t intrinsically universal to the perception of what has happened...
Yes, outcomes influence behaviors. It isn't a surprise that a girl who goes out partying all the time fails at school and a girl who stays home studying, doesn't. That outcome will influence behaviors if the girl who goes out partying learns anything from her failure. And the behaviors of the girl who practiced successful behaviors has her behaviors reinforced.

These are not perceptions, these are outcomes which provide feedback. It is the same for all behaviors. These aren't perceptions. These are realities.
Perceptions are ones realities. The world only exists through the eyes of the observer.
The simple answer is that God didn't create evil.

Everything God created is good.

Evil is not extant. Evil doesn't exist in and of itself.

Evil is the absence of good, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.

God didn’t create anything.

Evolution did.

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