Why did God create evil?

Either god mad everything in the universe or it didn't. Which is it?
That’s a false choice. God created existence. It’s up to you how you play the hand you were dealt.
Did god make everything in the universe, yes or no?
I answered you. God created existence. What you make of it is up to you.

Your logic is massively flawed. You are not espousing your beliefs. You don’t believe God created anything. You don’t believe God exists.

So you create a false argument over what you want me to believe and defend. That’s idiotic.

To make matters worse you conflate birth defects with evil. You might as well be blaming God for male pattern baldness.

You aren’t a very good troll.
I'm agnostic so I don't know if a god exists or not, and I'm trying to make sense of yours, and I can't because god created the universe and everything in it. Like birth defects and cancer, why are they herein this universe, for what purpose?
That's horseshit. If you were trying to make sense of my understanding of God you wouldn't keep arguing the same old tired straw man which is not my understanding of God.

Ergo your weak attempt at claiming to be agnostic is exactly that... weak.

But putting all that aside it is your firm belief that there is a universal code of common decency that you believe God has violated which is proof that God exists. Otherwise, where would you get this expectation of a universal code of common decency from?

If what God did through sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose than it wouldn’t be a sign of power. It would be a sign of weakness.
And it explains how you are wrong when you claim God is not all powerful if he did not create evil.

God can't go against his nature. He can't oppose himself. It is silly to say that something which makes God stronger is a sign of weakness.

Evil is not extant. Evil is the absence of good. Everything that was created is good. 14 billion years ago God created existence. How can that be bad?
How do you know that god can't go against his nature? How do you know that god didn't created bad things on purpose?

Men lusting after and raping little children is evil, and it exists their whole life and is a part of their personality, so extant. Now what I want to know is WHY did god put such an evil thing in this world?

See here? This is the same thinking as the other guy who simply needed to pick up the book and read like three pages and you would see. Look, God did not creat child molesters. He did not sit there and say “and on day 4 I’ll make a kid screw-in Catholic Priest, and on day 5 a hitler”, and so on. Evil was not created with people in the Bible. Evil came to be AFTER they “Adam and Eve” ate the fruit. I’m not a bible scholar, but it’s still pretty clear.
Then why did god put such a fruit in front of them if it didn't want them to eat it?

Go and read it. Google it up, but be picky. Just read it then bring a question that’s informed. As it is now you ain’t so much asking a question as you are trying to be right. So you know there were two trees. Tree of knowledge, tree of life. God did not create evil, neither did people. At any rate the Bible lays it out better then me.
"God diddnt create evil."

It's really simple. If God did not create evil, he is not all powerful.

If she is Incredible Hulk Omniscient. He would have saw evil coming at her.
If what God did through sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose than it wouldn’t be a sign of power. It would be a sign of weakness.
And it explains how you are wrong when you claim God is not all powerful if he did not create evil.

God can't go against his nature. He can't oppose himself. It is silly to say that something which makes God stronger is a sign of weakness.

Evil is not extant. Evil is the absence of good. Everything that was created is good. 14 billion years ago God created existence. How can that be bad?
How do you know that god can't go against his nature? How do you know that god didn't created bad things on purpose?

Men lusting after and raping little children is evil, and it exists their whole life and is a part of their personality, so extant. Now what I want to know is WHY did god put such an evil thing in this world?
Because the only solution the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging. It's the unchanging aspect of the solution which informs my opinion.

That and the fact that God is logical and the supreme standard against which all things are measured.

God didn't put those things into the world. Man did. And since you are a lying militant atheist, you believe damn well believe that man did it because you don't believe God exists so you must believe that man did it.

God created existence. Existence is good. It's what YOU make of it that is crap.

And putting all this aside, it is your expectation that a universal code of conduct exists and that you argue God violated that proves a universal code of conduct does exist. Why do you think that is?
"the fact that God is logical and the supreme standard against which all things are measured."

How is this a fact? Whose fact? Donald Trump's? :biggrin:
But for someone to choose evil, evil had to have already existed for it to even be a choice, so who made evil and put it there?

"God diddnt create evil."

It's really simple. If God did not create evil, he is not all powerful.

If she is Incredible Hulk Omniscient. He would have saw evil coming at her.

Dim bulb this one is.
Bingo. How are U?

Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.
Ok, so god created evil. FINALLY!!! So my actual question is WHY did god create evil? God could have created a universe without evil, yet it didn't, WHY?
For the Love of Man, Taz Simplely put
What does that even mean? Anything?
Something that you could never understand, Taz.
Also, God INDIRECTLY created evil. As long as we're not talking about the fallen angel.
I believe that evil is the absence of good like darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat. So therefore everything God created is good. Our perception of evil is in reality our perception of the absence of good.

Confirmation can be found in the fact that we don't see people doing "evil" for the sake of "evil." People do "evil" for the sake of their own good. When people do "evil" things they usually rationalize that they aren't doing "evil" things. Man prefers good over "evil" so much that when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept, he rationalizes that he didn't violate it. You don't ever see anyone walking around celebrating their evil acts.
Be quiet, grown-ups are trying to talk.
That's rich.
If what God did through sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose than it wouldn’t be a sign of power. It would be a sign of weakness.
And it explains how you are wrong when you claim God is not all powerful if he did not create evil.

God can't go against his nature. He can't oppose himself. It is silly to say that something which makes God stronger is a sign of weakness.

Evil is not extant. Evil is the absence of good. Everything that was created is good. 14 billion years ago God created existence. How can that be bad?
How do you know that god can't go against his nature? How do you know that god didn't created bad things on purpose?

Men lusting after and raping little children is evil, and it exists their whole life and is a part of their personality, so extant. Now what I want to know is WHY did god put such an evil thing in this world?

See here? This is the same thinking as the other guy who simply needed to pick up the book and read like three pages and you would see. Look, God did not creat child molesters. He did not sit there and say “and on day 4 I’ll make a kid screw-in Catholic Priest, and on day 5 a hitler”, and so on. Evil was not created with people in the Bible. Evil came to be AFTER they “Adam and Eve” ate the fruit. I’m not a bible scholar, but it’s still pretty clear.
Then why did god put such a fruit in front of them if it didn't want them to eat it?
It's not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous, Taz.
"God diddnt create evil."

It's really simple. If God did not create evil, he is not all powerful.

If she is Incredible Hulk Omniscient. He would have saw evil coming at her.

Dim bulb this one is.
Bingo. How are U?

Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.
People all over the world were celebrating 9/11. Please try again.

"Everything God created is good" And you know this how?
"God diddnt create evil."

It's really simple. If God did not create evil, he is not all powerful.

If she is Incredible Hulk Omniscient. He would have saw evil coming at her.

Dim bulb this one is.
Bingo. How are U?

Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.

The things that are “evil” wouldn’t
Dim bulb this one is.
Bingo. How are U?

Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.
People all over the world were celebrating 9/11. Please try again.

"Everything God created is good" And you know this how?

This is bait.
That’s a false choice. God created existence. It’s up to you how you play the hand you were dealt.
Did god make everything in the universe, yes or no?
I answered you. God created existence. What you make of it is up to you.

Your logic is massively flawed. You are not espousing your beliefs. You don’t believe God created anything. You don’t believe God exists.

So you create a false argument over what you want me to believe and defend. That’s idiotic.

To make matters worse you conflate birth defects with evil. You might as well be blaming God for male pattern baldness.

You aren’t a very good troll.
I'm agnostic so I don't know if a god exists or not, and I'm trying to make sense of yours, and I can't because god created the universe and everything in it. Like birth defects and cancer, why are they herein this universe, for what purpose?
That's horseshit. If you were trying to make sense of my understanding of God you wouldn't keep arguing the same old tired straw man which is not my understanding of God.

Ergo your weak attempt at claiming to be agnostic is exactly that... weak.

But putting all that aside it is your firm belief that there is a universal code of common decency that you believe God has violated which is proof that God exists. Otherwise, where would you get this expectation of a universal code of common decency from?
I understand your view of god, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Humans have formulated a common code of decency for a peaceful society. God drowned nearly all of humanity in a flood. So god doesn't have a code of decency, that's why there is evil in this universe. Ya, that makes some sense. What do you think?
No. You don't understand my view of God.

You only understand what you believe I must believe.

That's a fabulous way to go through life. What could possibly go wrong with treating others that way?
And it explains how you are wrong when you claim God is not all powerful if he did not create evil.

God can't go against his nature. He can't oppose himself. It is silly to say that something which makes God stronger is a sign of weakness.

Evil is not extant. Evil is the absence of good. Everything that was created is good. 14 billion years ago God created existence. How can that be bad?
How do you know that god can't go against his nature? How do you know that god didn't created bad things on purpose?

Men lusting after and raping little children is evil, and it exists their whole life and is a part of their personality, so extant. Now what I want to know is WHY did god put such an evil thing in this world?

See here? This is the same thinking as the other guy who simply needed to pick up the book and read like three pages and you would see. Look, God did not creat child molesters. He did not sit there and say “and on day 4 I’ll make a kid screw-in Catholic Priest, and on day 5 a hitler”, and so on. Evil was not created with people in the Bible. Evil came to be AFTER they “Adam and Eve” ate the fruit. I’m not a bible scholar, but it’s still pretty clear.
Then why did god put such a fruit in front of them if it didn't want them to eat it?
It's not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous, Taz.
So god was playing a game he knew he's win and now humans for the rest of eternity are paying for it. See what I'm saying about not making any sense?
Dim bulb this one is.
Bingo. How are U?

Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.
People all over the world were celebrating 9/11. Please try again.

"Everything God created is good" And you know this how?
Because they thought it was for good. Not evil, dipshit.

They didn't say "yay, for evil."

Can someone please bring me another one? This one is too small.
And it explains how you are wrong when you claim God is not all powerful if he did not create evil.

God can't go against his nature. He can't oppose himself. It is silly to say that something which makes God stronger is a sign of weakness.

Evil is not extant. Evil is the absence of good. Everything that was created is good. 14 billion years ago God created existence. How can that be bad?
How do you know that god can't go against his nature? How do you know that god didn't created bad things on purpose?

Men lusting after and raping little children is evil, and it exists their whole life and is a part of their personality, so extant. Now what I want to know is WHY did god put such an evil thing in this world?

See here? This is the same thinking as the other guy who simply needed to pick up the book and read like three pages and you would see. Look, God did not creat child molesters. He did not sit there and say “and on day 4 I’ll make a kid screw-in Catholic Priest, and on day 5 a hitler”, and so on. Evil was not created with people in the Bible. Evil came to be AFTER they “Adam and Eve” ate the fruit. I’m not a bible scholar, but it’s still pretty clear.
Then why did god put such a fruit in front of them if it didn't want them to eat it?
It's not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous, Taz.
So god was playing a game he knew he's win and now humans for the rest of eternity are paying for it. See what I'm saying about not making any sense?
Nope. God created existence.

What happens after that is up to you.
The simple answer is that God didn't create evil.

Everything God created is good.

Evil is not extant. Evil doesn't exist in and of itself.

Evil is the absence of good, just as cold is the absence of heat, and darkness is the absence of light.
For the same reason USMB created the flame zone.
Did god make everything in the universe, yes or no?
I answered you. God created existence. What you make of it is up to you.

Your logic is massively flawed. You are not espousing your beliefs. You don’t believe God created anything. You don’t believe God exists.

So you create a false argument over what you want me to believe and defend. That’s idiotic.

To make matters worse you conflate birth defects with evil. You might as well be blaming God for male pattern baldness.

You aren’t a very good troll.
I'm agnostic so I don't know if a god exists or not, and I'm trying to make sense of yours, and I can't because god created the universe and everything in it. Like birth defects and cancer, why are they herein this universe, for what purpose?
That's horseshit. If you were trying to make sense of my understanding of God you wouldn't keep arguing the same old tired straw man which is not my understanding of God.

Ergo your weak attempt at claiming to be agnostic is exactly that... weak.

But putting all that aside it is your firm belief that there is a universal code of common decency that you believe God has violated which is proof that God exists. Otherwise, where would you get this expectation of a universal code of common decency from?
I understand your view of god, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Humans have formulated a common code of decency for a peaceful society. God drowned nearly all of humanity in a flood. So god doesn't have a code of decency, that's why there is evil in this universe. Ya, that makes some sense. What do you think?
No. You don't understand my view of God.

You only understand what you believe I must believe.

That's a fabulous way to go through life. What could possibly go wrong with treating others that way?
You've made up a sort of fairy godfather who only makes good, whose every action is good, but who doesn't lift a finger to help humanity tackle evil, but that's ok, because god is good. Evil not his fault. God is good. Evil is not his fault...
And you found god in a book, which is the most absurd part about the whole discussion.
I answered you. God created existence. What you make of it is up to you.

Your logic is massively flawed. You are not espousing your beliefs. You don’t believe God created anything. You don’t believe God exists.

So you create a false argument over what you want me to believe and defend. That’s idiotic.

To make matters worse you conflate birth defects with evil. You might as well be blaming God for male pattern baldness.

You aren’t a very good troll.
I'm agnostic so I don't know if a god exists or not, and I'm trying to make sense of yours, and I can't because god created the universe and everything in it. Like birth defects and cancer, why are they herein this universe, for what purpose?
That's horseshit. If you were trying to make sense of my understanding of God you wouldn't keep arguing the same old tired straw man which is not my understanding of God.

Ergo your weak attempt at claiming to be agnostic is exactly that... weak.

But putting all that aside it is your firm belief that there is a universal code of common decency that you believe God has violated which is proof that God exists. Otherwise, where would you get this expectation of a universal code of common decency from?
I understand your view of god, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Humans have formulated a common code of decency for a peaceful society. God drowned nearly all of humanity in a flood. So god doesn't have a code of decency, that's why there is evil in this universe. Ya, that makes some sense. What do you think?
No. You don't understand my view of God.

You only understand what you believe I must believe.

That's a fabulous way to go through life. What could possibly go wrong with treating others that way?
You've made up a sort of fairy godfather who only makes good, whose every action is good, but who doesn't lift a finger to help humanity tackle evil, but that's ok, because god is good. Evil not his fault. God is good. Evil is not his fault...
And you found god in a book, which is the most absurd part about the whole discussion.
Liberals trolls always claim to know what perfect strangers know.
I answered you. God created existence. What you make of it is up to you.

Your logic is massively flawed. You are not espousing your beliefs. You don’t believe God created anything. You don’t believe God exists.

So you create a false argument over what you want me to believe and defend. That’s idiotic.

To make matters worse you conflate birth defects with evil. You might as well be blaming God for male pattern baldness.

You aren’t a very good troll.
I'm agnostic so I don't know if a god exists or not, and I'm trying to make sense of yours, and I can't because god created the universe and everything in it. Like birth defects and cancer, why are they herein this universe, for what purpose?
That's horseshit. If you were trying to make sense of my understanding of God you wouldn't keep arguing the same old tired straw man which is not my understanding of God.

Ergo your weak attempt at claiming to be agnostic is exactly that... weak.

But putting all that aside it is your firm belief that there is a universal code of common decency that you believe God has violated which is proof that God exists. Otherwise, where would you get this expectation of a universal code of common decency from?
I understand your view of god, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Humans have formulated a common code of decency for a peaceful society. God drowned nearly all of humanity in a flood. So god doesn't have a code of decency, that's why there is evil in this universe. Ya, that makes some sense. What do you think?
No. You don't understand my view of God.

You only understand what you believe I must believe.

That's a fabulous way to go through life. What could possibly go wrong with treating others that way?
You've made up a sort of fairy godfather who only makes good, whose every action is good, but who doesn't lift a finger to help humanity tackle evil, but that's ok, because god is good. Evil not his fault. God is good. Evil is not his fault...
And you found god in a book, which is the most absurd part about the whole discussion.
No. You are the one who has made up a fairy godfather. You expect God to be godlight.

I understand that we live in a logical universe where cause and effect rule outcomes and from those outcomes we receive feedback and can know right and wrong. And that through difficult challenges good does come from it.

You are dipshit like and don't have a clue about the first thing.
Bingo. How are U?

Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.
People all over the world were celebrating 9/11. Please try again.

"Everything God created is good" And you know this how?
Because they thought it was for good. Not evil, dipshit.

They didn't say "yay, for evil."

Can someone please bring me another one? This one is too small.
It's like celebrating Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we knew it was an evil thing to do to civilians, but the Japs weren't having it any other way, and we celebrated our victory. And to this day, documentaries look back on our great achievement with pride. Just like the Nazis who were happy that they were killing so many Jews.
How do you know that god can't go against his nature? How do you know that god didn't created bad things on purpose?

Men lusting after and raping little children is evil, and it exists their whole life and is a part of their personality, so extant. Now what I want to know is WHY did god put such an evil thing in this world?

See here? This is the same thinking as the other guy who simply needed to pick up the book and read like three pages and you would see. Look, God did not creat child molesters. He did not sit there and say “and on day 4 I’ll make a kid screw-in Catholic Priest, and on day 5 a hitler”, and so on. Evil was not created with people in the Bible. Evil came to be AFTER they “Adam and Eve” ate the fruit. I’m not a bible scholar, but it’s still pretty clear.
Then why did god put such a fruit in front of them if it didn't want them to eat it?
It's not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous, Taz.
So god was playing a game he knew he's win and now humans for the rest of eternity are paying for it. See what I'm saying about not making any sense?
Nope. God created existence.

What happens after that is up to you.
So there really was an Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden?
Let me ask you this... where did you get the expectation that everything has to be perfect for there to be a creator?
That's not the point, the is WHY did god put so much evil in this universe? For what purpose? Surely god must have a reason. So stop moving the goalposts.
How many times do I need to explain it to you that God didn't put evil into creation? Everything God created is good. That's why you don't see people celebrating bad things.
People all over the world were celebrating 9/11. Please try again.

"Everything God created is good" And you know this how?
Because they thought it was for good. Not evil, dipshit.

They didn't say "yay, for evil."

Can someone please bring me another one? This one is too small.
It's like celebrating Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we knew it was an evil thing to do to civilians, but the Japs weren't having it any other way, and we celebrated our victory. And to this day, documentaries look back on our great achievement with pride. Just like the Nazis who were happy that they were killing so many Jews.
You are literally proving my point. In every single case they believed they were doing the right thing. They didn't say, hey this is an evil thing. Woo hoo.
I'm agnostic so I don't know if a god exists or not, and I'm trying to make sense of yours, and I can't because god created the universe and everything in it. Like birth defects and cancer, why are they herein this universe, for what purpose?
That's horseshit. If you were trying to make sense of my understanding of God you wouldn't keep arguing the same old tired straw man which is not my understanding of God.

Ergo your weak attempt at claiming to be agnostic is exactly that... weak.

But putting all that aside it is your firm belief that there is a universal code of common decency that you believe God has violated which is proof that God exists. Otherwise, where would you get this expectation of a universal code of common decency from?
I understand your view of god, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Humans have formulated a common code of decency for a peaceful society. God drowned nearly all of humanity in a flood. So god doesn't have a code of decency, that's why there is evil in this universe. Ya, that makes some sense. What do you think?
No. You don't understand my view of God.

You only understand what you believe I must believe.

That's a fabulous way to go through life. What could possibly go wrong with treating others that way?
You've made up a sort of fairy godfather who only makes good, whose every action is good, but who doesn't lift a finger to help humanity tackle evil, but that's ok, because god is good. Evil not his fault. God is good. Evil is not his fault...
And you found god in a book, which is the most absurd part about the whole discussion.
Liberals trolls always claim to know what perfect strangers know.
Thanks for not adding anything concrete to this discussion. :blowpop:
See here? This is the same thinking as the other guy who simply needed to pick up the book and read like three pages and you would see. Look, God did not creat child molesters. He did not sit there and say “and on day 4 I’ll make a kid screw-in Catholic Priest, and on day 5 a hitler”, and so on. Evil was not created with people in the Bible. Evil came to be AFTER they “Adam and Eve” ate the fruit. I’m not a bible scholar, but it’s still pretty clear.
Then why did god put such a fruit in front of them if it didn't want them to eat it?
It's not virtuous if you are forced to be virtuous, Taz.
So god was playing a game he knew he's win and now humans for the rest of eternity are paying for it. See what I'm saying about not making any sense?
Nope. God created existence.

What happens after that is up to you.
So there really was an Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden?
Do you even allegory?

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