Why Did Hillary Clinton Let This Happen?


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women. A new report that she refused to fire an adviser accused of sexually harassing a campaign staffer in 2008, against the recommendations of her own campaign manager, recalls her own fraught history with the women who made allegations against her husband.

And the episode is a poignant reminder that placing women in positions of leadership does not ensure they will always act to protect other women. - Source

It all started with this; "Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued." She has become the prime example of vicious duplicity in this nation. A degenerate worthy of being compared to trump.
Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women. A new report that she refused to fire an adviser accused of sexually harassing a campaign staffer in 2008, against the recommendations of her own campaign manager, recalls her own fraught history with the women who made allegations against her husband.

And the episode is a poignant reminder that placing women in positions of leadership does not ensure they will always act to protect other women. - Source

It all started with this; "Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued." She has become the prime example of vicious duplicity in this nation. A degenerate worthy of being compared to trump.
For politicians, especially national politicians, everything is a calculation, and nothing is more important than macro political advantage.

She "cares" about women when it's politically expedient to. They all "care" about their constituents when it's politically expedient to.
Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women. A new report that she refused to fire an adviser accused of sexually harassing a campaign staffer in 2008, against the recommendations of her own campaign manager, recalls her own fraught history with the women who made allegations against her husband.

And the episode is a poignant reminder that placing women in positions of leadership does not ensure they will always act to protect other women. - Source

It all started with this; "Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued." She has become the prime example of vicious duplicity in this nation. A degenerate worthy of being compared to trump.
After 20 years of the Right Wing Conspiracy that exposed both the Rapist in Chief and his enabler wife to get away with what they did, finally there is a sucking sound?

For politicians, especially national politicians, everything is a calculation, and nothing is more important than macro political advantage.She "cares" about women when it's politically expedient to. They all "care" about their constituents when it's politically expedient to..
Exactly. "Women's Rights" is just another issue she uses. I know plenty of women besides myself who see her as a contemptible user, for her own personal gain.
For politicians, especially national politicians, everything is a calculation, and nothing is more important than macro political advantage.She "cares" about women when it's politically expedient to. They all "care" about their constituents when it's politically expedient to..
Exactly. "Women's Rights" is just another issue she uses. I know plenty of women besides myself who see her as a contemptible user, for her own personal gain.
So you are going to vote for a Democrat in 2020?
Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women. A new report that she refused to fire an adviser accused of sexually harassing a campaign staffer in 2008, against the recommendations of her own campaign manager, recalls her own fraught history with the women who made allegations against her husband.

And the episode is a poignant reminder that placing women in positions of leadership does not ensure they will always act to protect other women. - Source

It all started with this; "Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued." She has become the prime example of vicious duplicity in this nation. A degenerate worthy of being compared to trump.
That is the question many women, including my wife, ask. Even assuming all of Slick's encounters were consensual, and that while Monica was an incident of harassment, she was not unwilling nor pressured - which I actually do, btw - the Clintons exist in a universe where harassment is .... ok.

In the 1980s my wife like hundreds of thousands of women were forced to put up with unwanted advances, and even worse in many instances .... but times appear to be changing.

And nothing in this post detracts from the fact Trump himself is low lying scum who should be on the ashpile of history.
Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women. A new report that she refused to fire an adviser accused of sexually harassing a campaign staffer in 2008, against the recommendations of her own campaign manager, recalls her own fraught history with the women who made allegations against her husband.

And the episode is a poignant reminder that placing women in positions of leadership does not ensure they will always act to protect other women. - Source

It all started with this; "Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued." She has become the prime example of vicious duplicity in this nation. A degenerate worthy of being compared to trump.
For politicians, especially national politicians, everything is a calculation, and nothing is more important than macro political advantage.

She "cares" about women when it's politically expedient to. They all "care" about their constituents when it's politically expedient to.
yep. judging people after the fact and only when it becomes a "hot" topic is simply self-serving. it's no surprise hillary would change her mind at the drop of a hat but then, most in politics do as public opinion does as well. only we rarely if ever come down on our selves when we change our minds.
For politicians, especially national politicians, everything is a calculation, and nothing is more important than macro political advantage.She "cares" about women when it's politically expedient to. They all "care" about their constituents when it's politically expedient to..
Exactly. "Women's Rights" is just another issue she uses. I know plenty of women besides myself who see her as a contemptible user, for her own personal gain.
ummmm not necessarily. Hillary's world of where women were in 1980 is much different from the world her mother inhabited.

I think the problem is that Hillary's world is not where women want to be. And there is an issue of social class here. Hillary's contemporaries are troubled by the fact that women in the middle class will never be forced back into a world where "choice" was not an option. However, poorer women without the means to travel to another state, or take time away from home, have been pushed back to the world before Roe. Younger women, like my daughter, never lived in a world pre-Roe.

And younger women who demand equal rights to men, including choice, are not shallower or less feeling. But their world is much more influenced by harassment than being denied choice.
because of all the passes libs have extended over the yrs she knew nobody would care.....
yep. judging people after the fact and only when it becomes a "hot" topic is simply self-serving. it's no surprise hillary would change her mind at the drop of a hat but then, most in politics do as public opinion does as well. only we rarely if ever come down on our selves when we change our minds.
During the election, I remember Madeleine Albright was quoted as saying something like "there is a special place in hell for women who don't vote for Hillary." That actually pissed me off. However, that is a good example of Hillary herself, a pompous, egotistical charlatan. She should stay in hollywood with her supporters.
ummmm not necessarily. Hillary's world of where women were in 1980 is much different from the world her mother inhabited.I think the problem is that Hillary's world is not where women want to be. And there is an issue of social class here. Hillary's contemporaries are troubled by the fact that women in the middle class will never be forced back into a world where "choice" was not an option. However, poorer women without the means to travel to another state, or take time away from home, have been pushed back to the world before Roe. Younger women, like my daughter, never lived in a world pre-Roe.And younger women who demand equal rights to men, including choice, are not shallower or less feeling. But their world is much more influenced by harassment than being denied choice.
I was born in 1985. I really didn't pay much attention to politics until my senior year in high school. Suffice to say, I don't have her experience. However, I'm talking about Hillary's character. It is reprehensible to me regardless of her life experiences. To quote someone from your generation (I think) ; "You don't need to be a weatherman, to see which way the wind blows."
ummmm not necessarily. Hillary's world of where women were in 1980 is much different from the world her mother inhabited.I think the problem is that Hillary's world is not where women want to be. And there is an issue of social class here. Hillary's contemporaries are troubled by the fact that women in the middle class will never be forced back into a world where "choice" was not an option. However, poorer women without the means to travel to another state, or take time away from home, have been pushed back to the world before Roe. Younger women, like my daughter, never lived in a world pre-Roe.And younger women who demand equal rights to men, including choice, are not shallower or less feeling. But their world is much more influenced by harassment than being denied choice.
I was born in 1985. I really didn't pay much attention to politics until my senior year in high school. Suffice to say, I don't have her experience. However, I'm talking about Hillary's character. It is reprehensible to me regardless of her life experiences. To quote someone from your generation (I think) ; "You don't need to be a weatherman, to see which way the wind blows."
I don't thing character can be separated from one's experiences. And I absolutely don't want to make anything personnel towards you, whose posts I respect.

I'm not sure how to explain myself without possibly being offensive, and I don't want to do that. So, I think I'll try an example that has nothing to do with male/female power. I'm certainly not old enough to recall WWII, although my parents lived it. People younger than me made comparisons to atrocities by Germany and Japan to our dropping the atomic bombs and Japanese-American interments That comparison made no sense to me.

But I saw a distinction between German and Japanese atrocities. Western Christianity could not possibly had found in morally ok to gas 6 million Jews (and a few million more of other folks). Even if you thought there was "a Jewish problem" in society, mass murder and genocide are just not ok solutions. But we "winners' in WWII also put Japanese to death for their brutal and murderous treatment of POWS. But from a Japanese cultural perspective, POWs lost all honor and were not due respect. The Rape of Nankig? The Chinese would have done the same to the Japanese. The conflict between the West and Japan was truly a conflict of cultures. Not that executing them was wrong. But I think there were differences between the character of Nazis who embraced what their culture said was immoral to achieve a goal, and what the Japanese did, which was pretty consistent with what their culture said was ok with moral character.

So, what I'm trying to say is that Hillary may very well be a lot less troubled by Roger Aisles and his ilk (I love working that in), than by efforts to repeal Roe. They'll accept sexual harassment in the world so long as women are not forced to be Handmaidens. Maybe that's right, maybe not. I'm pretty sure my wife wants Harvey Weinstein to not have a good life. LOL

And not to go off track, what some people see as dangerous about Trump's "America First" is that it's "America Alone" and conflicts between cultures can't happen in a nuclear world.
Sexual harassment has come back once more to haunt Hillary Clinton, that fervent, flawed champion of women. A new report that she refused to fire an adviser accused of sexually harassing a campaign staffer in 2008, against the recommendations of her own campaign manager, recalls her own fraught history with the women who made allegations against her husband.

And the episode is a poignant reminder that placing women in positions of leadership does not ensure they will always act to protect other women. - Source

It all started with this; "Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued." She has become the prime example of vicious duplicity in this nation. A degenerate worthy of being compared to trump.
Like a lot of organizations, they had procedures to deal with employee issues.

There procedures called for certain actions & they were taken.

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