Why did Mueller take the special counsel job in the first place?

Why is it you Liberals can never actually dispute my posts.....simply resort to that third grade barnyard vulgarity?

Is it lack of education, or brain damage?

It is emotional dysphoria due to an unresolved conflict between hope and reality.
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It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.
IMO, he took it because he was somehow convinced that he'd not ever have to be anything more than a political prop, in order to give the inquisition the façade of legitimacy.
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him
My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.

No dirt.

Mewler is a GOPe type. Ruling Class. One of the Royals in the House of Republican. The Loyal Opposition to dimocrap scum

The kind of Republican that opposes dimocrap scum on the surface but faithfully backs them. One that opposes Illegal Immigration in pubic but privately backs it.

One that opposes senseless Foreign Wars in public but, privately makes sure his investments are in the 'right places'

Mewler was a Swamp Rat. He is a RINO. A Ruling Class, Deep State dirtbag that bends over for dimocrap scum when told to do so.

He isn't diseased enough to be a dimocrap scumbag so he joins the other party but is still loyal to the Ruling Elites and...... They're loyal to him.

Trump is none of the above. He HATES the Ruling Class. He HATES the self-appointed Royals. He HATES The Swamp. And he HATES the Deep State. He didn't start out hating them. He just wanted to rein them in at first.

But now? He hates them. And they deserve to be hated by EVERY American.

And they hate him, and us, back.

It is the ONLY reason they hate him. Because he wants to de-platform them. He wants to take away their easy money, their ability to make MILLIONS of dollars off the backs of the Working Man and Woman while contributing NOTHING to the Country or the people breaking the backs to support it.

The Media, Hollywood, Academia, Lawyers, Unions..... The entire leftist, media, dimocrap scum complex HATE Trump because he wants to take them down. He wants people to EARN their money.

The Elites?

They just steal it from the people who work for it.
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.

It was a great gig. Get paid for staring at 4 walls in an office for half a day and being a rubber stamp.

Being a Liberal tool is a well paying job.

"Book publishing has long been another method for the ruling class to take in one another’s laundry and give each other jobs. Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.” It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”
Coulter, “Slander,” ch 6
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Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.

It was one last good paying gig before retiring.
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.
IMO, he took it because he was somehow convinced that he'd not ever have to be anything more than a political prop, in order to give the inquisition the façade of legitimacy.

One has to wonder how he was forced into the embarrassment he produced yesterday. He must have known how he'd come off.
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.

Hypothetically...let's say he has Alzheimer's. The disease can have a fast course, tragically. He may have well taken the position with few to no symptoms and they escalated, FAST. But the Deep Staters found his role as Figurehead actually--pretty freeing. Frankly this would not surprise me...just one possibility.
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.
IMO, he took it because he was somehow convinced that he'd not ever have to be anything more than a political prop, in order to give the inquisition the façade of legitimacy.

One has to wonder how he was forced into the embarrassment he produced yesterday. He must have known how he'd come off.

Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.
IMO, he took it because he was somehow convinced that he'd not ever have to be anything more than a political prop, in order to give the inquisition the façade of legitimacy.

One has to wonder how he was forced into the embarrassment he produced yesterday. He must have known how he'd come off.

You're only as good as your last day of work.
Muellers last day was a total embarrassment and history will record it as his legacy.
because he didn't get the FBI director's job. it was clear as glass from yesterday's interview.
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.
IMO, he took it because he was somehow convinced that he'd not ever have to be anything more than a political prop, in order to give the inquisition the façade of legitimacy.

One has to wonder how he was forced into the embarrassment he produced yesterday. He must have known how he'd come off.


Couldn't be a better example of what Lenin called the 'useful idiot.'
Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.” It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”
Coulter, “Slander,” ch 6

Speaking of feminists, this should drive them absolutely bonkers --

Exogenous testosterone increases sensitivity to moral norms in moral dilemma judgements
Nobody else seems to be asking this question.

It's obvious he was just a figurehead, putting his name on a report that he didn't even read just to give it credibility. Mueller had a long distinguished career behind him.

My guess is the Dems dug up some dirt on him or a member of his family and forced him to do their bidding.
IMO, he took it because he was somehow convinced that he'd not ever have to be anything more than a political prop, in order to give the inquisition the façade of legitimacy.

One has to wonder how he was forced into the embarrassment he produced yesterday. He must have known how he'd come off.

You're only as good as your last day of work.
Muellers last day was a total embarrassment and history will record it as his legacy.

Depends who writes that history.....and you know they do.

Even today, it is the rare and courageous academic who tells the truth about Franklin Roosevelt.

In an insightful analysis, John A. Garraty compared Roosevelt’s New Deal with aspects of the Third Reich: a strong leader; an ideology stressing the nation, the people and the land; state control of economic and social affairs; and the quality and quantity of government propaganda. Garraty, “The New Deal, National Socialism, and the Great Depression,” American Historical Review, vol. 78 (1973) p. 907ff.

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