Why did Obama sacrifice Chris Stevens and the Benghazi Embassy?

Why did Obama sacrifice Chris Stevens and the Benghazi Embassy?

That's an excellent question and one I've pondered myself. The only thing I've come up with is that he must've crossed someone in the Obama and/or Clinton camp in the past and they needed to get rid of him.

We are going to find an answer to that question.

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — Mitt Romney on Monday will accuse the Obama administration of fundamentally misunderstanding the threat of radical Islam, using a major foreign-policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute to say President Obama is rejecting six decades of bipartisan consensus by not flexing more U.S. muscle on the world stage.

And after delaying for nearly a month, the Republican presidential nominee will sharpen his attack about the way Mr. Obama handled the assault on American diplomatic posts in Egypt and Libya

Read more: Romney 
to slam 
on warfare - Washington Times Romney
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Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
It's undeniable that this Administration made a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy despite warnings that it would be attacked.

So don't bother denying it.

The regime made more than a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy. They also made a decision to not reinforce the embassy and refused a request to get personnel out of there when evacuation was requested.

The regime made a conscious decision to let these people die. Then they tried to blame those deaths on the First Amendment.
Bush killed our ambassador by propping up the Khaddafi regime a few years ago.

Add that to the 4000+ Americans he murdered in Iraq.
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

It's undeniable that this Administration made a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy despite warnings that it would be attacked.

So don't bother denying it.
Wingnuts Falsely Claim Obama Administration Forbade Marines From Carrying Live Ammo | Mother Jones
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Bush killed our ambassador by propping up the Khaddafi regime a few years ago.

Add that to the 4000+ Americans he murdered in Iraq.

Look how many deaths are in Afghanistan right now... Since Obama took office. If his objective was to get bin ladin then it is done our fine Navy seals did that for him! Their troops are turning on our troops daily now. IT is time to bring those boys and girls home! Because most over there are barely into their 20s
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

So let me make sure I got this straight: Bush gets blamed for the 9-11 attack a few months after he was sworn in ..... over 3 years of Obama, and we still want to look at the previous administration for the current state of the economy. Hard to get all the facts of the timeline straight when you are off in some state somewhere campaigning, or putting on your "Let's Pass This Bill" tutu and pom-poms rallies, in between talk show visits.
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
It's undeniable that this Administration made a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy despite warnings that it would be attacked.

So don't bother denying it.

The regime made more than a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy. They also made a decision to not reinforce the embassy and refused a request to get personnel out of there when evacuation was requested.

The regime made a conscious decision to let these people die. Then they tried to blame those deaths on the First Amendment.

It's a shame that this President has to waste so much time looking to blaming a video, instead of looking to measures that step up efforts in defending American civilians that still hold the job work of representing the United States embassies overseas.

Unfortunately when you look at Obama's actions - if this President were to ever publish an autobiography entailing his foreign policy issues, and how his adminstration dealt with the events that shaped his administration, readers may discover a pair of "apology bookends" that would have covered both ends of his presidency.
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Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

It's undeniable that this Administration made a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy despite warnings that it would be attacked.

So don't bother denying it.
Wingnuts Falsely Claim Obama Administration Forbade Marines From Carrying Live Ammo | Mother Jones

... so you are suggesting those in the embassy were either (1) Not given the much needed information of a possible attack on the anniversary of 9-11 (2) members of the Obama administration chose to ignore the warnings (3) the Obama administration made no efforts to give the people in the US embassy adequate protection to overcome a well planned terrorist attack. Which is it?
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

It's undeniable that this Administration made a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy despite warnings that it would be attacked.

So don't bother denying it.
Wingnuts Falsely Claim Obama Administration Forbade Marines From Carrying Live Ammo | Mother Jones

You do know, don't you, that Egypt and Libya are two completely different countries?

Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection « Hot Air

This Administration made a decision to not defend the consulate with Marines.

What does Mother Jones tell you to think about that?
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

So let me make sure I got this straight: Bush gets blamed for the 9-11 attack a few months after he was sworn in ..... over 3 years of Obama, and we still want to look at the previous administration for the current state of the economy. Hard to get all the facts of the timeline straight when you are off in some state somewhere campaigning, or putting on your "Let's Pass This Bill" tutu and pom-poms rallies, in between talk show visits.
It's really simple to understand what leftists use instead of thinking:

"My Lord Obama can do no wrong."
Holly stupidity Batman. He was openly gay?!?

We installed an openly gay person in that situation?????

That's as dumb as having a female gurd the men in prison during shower time.
Rice had instituted a new policy for embassies and such. The new policy was called Transformational Diplomacy and it did involve getting American diplomats in places not deemed totally safe. Might check out if that was part of the problem. Transformational Diplomacy.
Rice had instituted a new policy for embassies and such. The new policy was called Transformational Diplomacy and it did involve getting American diplomats in places not deemed totally safe. Might check out if that was part of the problem. Transformational Diplomacy.
Transformational Diplomacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing in there about leaving diplomatic personnel undefended...you know, the way the Obama Administration chose to leave Benghazi undefended.
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Bush killed our ambassador by propping up the Khaddafi regime a few years ago.

This one's squarely on Obama's watch. Blaming Bush is both desperate and stupid.

You know...just like you.

Ok, so the 4 Americans needlessly killed in Libya were Obama's fault.

and the four THOUSAND Americans needlessly killed in Iraq were Bush's fault,

and the 241 American servicemen needlessly killed in Beirut in 1983 were Reagan's fault.

So let's hold Obama accountable in exactly the same proportion to the harm done as you hold the other two accountable.

In the interests of FAIRNESS, OBJECTIVITY, and absence of PARTISAN BIAS.
I'm surprised we don't hear from the rightwinger warmongers the same sort of comments they used to have as the casualties mounted up in Iraq, such as,

hey, they volunteered! They knew what they were getting into.


what's the big deal? More Americans get shot on any given night in America's inner cities than got killed today in the Middle East.

and yes I've heard them both, for real, many a time. Where's that sentiment on the right NOW?
I'm surprised we don't hear from the rightwinger warmongers the same sort of comments they used to have as the casualties mounted up in Iraq, such as,

hey, they volunteered! They knew what they were getting into.


what's the big deal? More Americans get shot on any given night in America's inner cities than got killed today in the Middle East.

and yes I've heard them both, for real, many a time. Where's that sentiment on the right NOW?

Soldiers are trained to fight and more importantly THEY HAVE BIG GUNS
Why did Obama sacrifice Chris Stevens and the Benghazi Embassy?

USMB is getting weirder and weirder by the day. :cuckoo:
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

So let me make sure I got this straight: Bush gets blamed for the 9-11 attack a few months after he was sworn in ..... over 3 years of Obama, and we still want to look at the previous administration for the current state of the economy. Hard to get all the facts of the timeline straight when you are off in some state somewhere campaigning, or putting on your "Let's Pass This Bill" tutu and pom-poms rallies, in between talk show visits.

No Shackie, I blamed the terrorist for both attacks.
Bush killed our ambassador by propping up the Khaddafi regime a few years ago.

This one's squarely on Obama's watch. Blaming Bush is both desperate and stupid.

You know...just like you.

Ok, so the 4 Americans needlessly killed in Libya were Obama's fault.

and the four THOUSAND Americans needlessly killed in Iraq were Bush's fault,

and the 241 American servicemen needlessly killed in Beirut in 1983 were Reagan's fault.

So let's hold Obama accountable in exactly the same proportion to the harm done as you hold the other two accountable.

In the interests of FAIRNESS, OBJECTIVITY, and absence of PARTISAN BIAS.
Don't forget the Americans killed in Afghanistan under Obama's command, which totals more than those lost under Bush's command.

Meanwhile, your desperation and stupidity are still quite evident.

You're just simply incapable of criticizing Obama.

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