Why did Obama sacrifice Chris Stevens and the Benghazi Embassy?

It's undeniable that this Administration made a decision to not allow the Marines to defend the embassy despite warnings that it would be attacked.

So don't bother denying it.
Wingnuts Falsely Claim Obama Administration Forbade Marines From Carrying Live Ammo | Mother Jones

You do know, don't you, that Egypt and Libya are two completely different countries?

Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection « Hot Air

This Administration made a decision to not defend the consulate with Marines.

What does Mother Jones tell you to think about that?

Well you do have to read more than the headlines.....

From: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 4:55 PM
To: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Subject: Marines in Libya and Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen-

The following information is provided regarding Marine involvement in the recent actions in Egypt and Libya:


Oh wait, you're use to Hot Air's reporting......Nevermind.
Same reason President Bush sacrifice those poor folks who showed up for work on the morning of 9-11 at the WTC!

Oh wait, they weren't sacrificed either. They were murdered by terrorist seeking revenge.


Here you need this.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

So let me make sure I got this straight: Bush gets blamed for the 9-11 attack a few months after he was sworn in ..... over 3 years of Obama, and we still want to look at the previous administration for the current state of the economy. Hard to get all the facts of the timeline straight when you are off in some state somewhere campaigning, or putting on your "Let's Pass This Bill" tutu and pom-poms rallies, in between talk show visits.

No Shackie, I blamed the terrorist for both attacks.

As do I but our lack of security and response falls squarely on this administration.
I'm surprised we don't hear from the rightwinger warmongers the same sort of comments they used to have as the casualties mounted up in Iraq, such as,

hey, they volunteered! They knew what they were getting into.


what's the big deal? More Americans get shot on any given night in America's inner cities than got killed today in the Middle East.

and yes I've heard them both, for real, many a time. Where's that sentiment on the right NOW?

Soldiers are trained to fight and more importantly THEY HAVE BIG GUNS
Did this idiot just compare diplomats to Soldiers?

What a freakin' moron.
There seems to be mounting evidence that our Ambassador was gay and was sodomized by his attackers. If so, this is another example of the liberal mental disorder which denies reality in order to push a social agenda. Well done!

You do know, don't you, that Egypt and Libya are two completely different countries?

Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection « Hot Air

This Administration made a decision to not defend the consulate with Marines.

What does Mother Jones tell you to think about that?

Well you do have to read more than the headlines.....

From: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 4:55 PM
To: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Subject: Marines in Libya and Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen-

The following information is provided regarding Marine involvement in the recent actions in Egypt and Libya:


Oh wait, you're use to Hot Air's reporting......Nevermind.
Did you read this part?
-Contrary to open source reporting, there are no Marines currently stationed at the Embassy in Tripoli, or the Consulate in Benghazi.​
The Benghazi consulate was undefended.
You do know, don't you, that Egypt and Libya are two completely different countries?

Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection « Hot Air

This Administration made a decision to not defend the consulate with Marines.

What does Mother Jones tell you to think about that?

Well you do have to read more than the headlines.....

From: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 4:55 PM
To: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Subject: Marines in Libya and Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen-

The following information is provided regarding Marine involvement in the recent actions in Egypt and Libya:


Oh wait, you're use to Hot Air's reporting......Nevermind.
Did you read this part?
-Contrary to open source reporting, there are no Marines currently stationed at the Embassy in Tripoli, or the Consulate in Benghazi.​
The Benghazi consulate was undefended.

You really want to beleive dont-cha?

"...a force of locally contracted Libyan guards was stationed outside the compound, as is standard practice, and there was “a robust security presence” inside. The guards reportedly fled as the attack intensified...."

U.S. defends security at consulate, though it lacked Marine guards - Washington Times
I'm surprised we don't hear from the rightwinger warmongers the same sort of comments they used to have as the casualties mounted up in Iraq, such as,

hey, they volunteered! They knew what they were getting into.


what's the big deal? More Americans get shot on any given night in America's inner cities than got killed today in the Middle East.

and yes I've heard them both, for real, many a time. Where's that sentiment on the right NOW?

Soldiers are trained to fight and more importantly THEY HAVE BIG GUNS
Did this idiot just compare diplomats to Soldiers?

What a freakin' moron.

Why should it be a surprise when terorists are compared to criminals, and soldiers are reading miranda rights? Does that mean we are to now employ attorney's with hazard pay, for going out and meeting with a defendant who is a muslim terrorist extremist? (sorry, man made distasters as part of an overseas contingency plan) Daveman, were you honestly expecting to make any sense of the liberal mindset?
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Well you do have to read more than the headlines.....

From: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 4:55 PM
To: Cross, Alex Maj OLA, LA-41B
Subject: Marines in Libya and Egypt

Ladies and Gentlemen-

The following information is provided regarding Marine involvement in the recent actions in Egypt and Libya:


Oh wait, you're use to Hot Air's reporting......Nevermind.
Did you read this part?
-Contrary to open source reporting, there are no Marines currently stationed at the Embassy in Tripoli, or the Consulate in Benghazi.​
The Benghazi consulate was undefended.

You really want to beleive dont-cha?

"...a force of locally contracted Libyan guards was stationed outside the compound, as is standard practice, and there was “a robust security presence” inside. The guards reportedly fled as the attack intensified...."

U.S. defends security at consulate, though it lacked Marine guards - Washington Times
Yeah. How'd that work out? Degree of difficulty: You can't ask the dead Ambassador.
Soldiers are trained to fight and more importantly THEY HAVE BIG GUNS
Did this idiot just compare diplomats to Soldiers?

What a freakin' moron.

Why should it be a surprise when terorists are compared to criminals, and soldiers are reading miranda rights? Does that mean we are to now employ attorney's with hazard pay, for going out and meeting with a defendant who is a muslim terrorist extremist? (sorry, man made distasters as part of an overseas contingency plan) Daveman, were you honestly expecting to make any sense of the liberal mindset?
Oh, hell, no -- and I used to BE a liberal.

Then I started paying attention.
President Obama is Don Quixote of the twenty-first century.
Van Jones is his Sancho Panza.
Obama is a narcissist sociopath who doesn't have feelings whose only interest is to be worshipped and have power. He had months of warning that trouble was brewing and he did nothing.

""A source familiar with Stevens' thinking told CNN earlier this week that, in the months leading up to his death, the late ambassador worried about what he called the security threats in Benghazi and a rise in Islamic extremism."

"On Wednesday’s AC360, Anderson Cooper reported Stevens was worried about never-ending security threats, the rise in Islamic extremism, and being included on an Al Qaeda hit list."

"We think the public had a right to know what CNN had learned from multiple sources about the fears and warnings of a terror threat before the Benghazi attack which are now raising questions about why the State Department didn’t do more to protect Ambassador Stevens and other US personnel. Perhaps the real question here is why is the State Department now attacking the messenger.”

CNN Reports Details of Amb. Chris Stevens’ Private Diary; State Dept. Calls it ‘Indefensible’; CNN Punches Back: State Dept. ‘Attacking the Messenger’ - TVNewser
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