Why did Prigozhin stop his coup?

It never stopped you from making up bullshit before. What happened now?
I try to stay with obvious facts....pulled from REPUTABLE and proven geo-located footage and pictures and well established knowledge. Not wild ideals or propaganda campaigns.
Sometimes I can even pull data from Russia itself. Every once in a while they tell the truth about something happening....kinda odd to me since so much of what they say is absolutely made up crap.

So yesterday I seen several sources state that Prigozhin (and his board of directors) were shutting down his propaganda offices. (The French phishing sites and English newsletters and discussion forums located in Russia) liquidating them entirely and giving out layoffs to everyone. I'm only hearing that the Russian offices are getting closed. Dunno about the joint venture with Iranians in Africa and in Iran. I haven't heard anything about those. (Might be still going as these might have clients still paying profitably for their services....)

We'll see if and how the propaganda from the Republicans changes here soon (they spout the most) or if the Democrats change their tune with their propaganda coming out of these troll farms.

And if you don't really recognize the propaganda campaigns....you are average. If you do then you might be Swiss. The propaganda campaigns seem to have the least effect in Switzerland than any other nation....to the point that they have mostly abandoned the project. (Juice ain't worth the squeeze)
/----/ Your college loans will be forgiven --- said no Conservative ever.
In fact they blocked ALL forgiveness for all student loans....
Like teacher student loans where if you became a school teacher or had worked in non-profit organizations(usually underpaid) and had made 10 years of payments (120 regular payments) your student loans were forgiven.

But.....nobody's was being forgiven under Republicans and the usual red tape and runaround was thrown up. You couldn't get a person to talk to ...couldn't get your work record updated, couldn't get all payments recognized...it was one thing after another. And all the time you were making payments.

When we got a new Head of Department of Education that changed immediately....in fact they contacted us. Our school loans evaporated so fast with a refund check it was incredible. (We actually got two....one for payments made during quarantines and another for overpayment past our forgiveness date)

Honestly....loan forgiveness was a fantasy under Republicans as our Contract wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

And conversely....
This student loan program is a bait and switch with the people bearing the cost. College Tuition, books, and fees have ballooned well past inflation rate....as fast and as much as electronics get cheaper as they age, post-secondary educations have gotten more expensive. So students have had to take more and more loans to pay for college....and blanket student loan forgiveness is only going to increase the cost of an education.

We need student loan programs to be overhauled and cleaned up. Provide loans for things like STEM and not liberal arts.

We will need more research scientists and educators for the future...more engineers and mathematicians as well. (And chemists, both biological and industrial)
In fact they blocked ALL forgiveness for all student loans....
Like teacher student loans where if you became a school teacher or had worked in non-profit organizations(usually underpaid) and had made 10 years of payments (120 regular payments) your student loans were forgiven.

But.....nobody's was being forgiven under Republicans and the usual red tape and runaround was thrown up. You couldn't get a person to talk to ...couldn't get your work record updated, couldn't get all payments recognized...it was one thing after another. And all the time you were making payments.

When we got a new Head of Department of Education that changed immediately....in fact they contacted us. Our school loans evaporated so fast with a refund check it was incredible. (We actually got two....one for payments made during quarantines and another for overpayment past our forgiveness date)

Honestly....loan forgiveness was a fantasy under Republicans as our Contract wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

And conversely....
This student loan program is a bait and switch with the people bearing the cost. College Tuition, books, and fees have ballooned well past inflation rate....as fast and as much as electronics get cheaper as they age, post-secondary educations have gotten more expensive. So students have had to take more and more loans to pay for college....and blanket student loan forgiveness is only going to increase the cost of an education.

We need student loan programs to be overhauled and cleaned up. Provide loans for things like STEM and not liberal arts.

We will need more research scientists and educators for the future...more engineers and mathematicians as well. (And chemists, both biological and industrial)
/-----/ Like teacher student loans where if you became a school teacher or had worked in non-profit organizations(usually underpaid) and had made 10 years of payments (120 regular payments) your student loans were forgiven.

Like they didn't know this when they signed up for the loans? I paid for my own way through college. And Dementia Joe's plan made no exceptions for useless degrees or those who dropped out before graduation.
/-----/ Like teacher student loans where if you became a school teacher or had worked in non-profit organizations(usually underpaid) and had made 10 years of payments (120 regular payments) your student loans were forgiven.

Like they didn't know this when they signed up for the loans? I paid for my own way through college. And Dementia Joe's plan made no exceptions for useless degrees or those who dropped out before graduation.
The deal was contractual....the government made the deal and then refused to honor it. We paid well over a year past our forgiveness date. Because the government refused to grant the forgiveness they promised in writing.

I paid my way through school and so did my wife. She's the teacher. She had the loans for being a school teacher for a while and then went to work for a university. I paid my loans off....but they were under the older plans that were more difficult to get.

I knew a kid doing electrical work who had over 75k in school loans for acting classes. He is always going to be broke. Then there's the kids studying acrobatics, comedy, and circus....no telling what they are out for in loans. "Sent the kid off to college and they came home a clown....literally "
Foolishness. And Russia is becoming a client state of China.
When a guy with a big gun is stick together with a gay with a big wallet, it's sometimes quite unclear who is the real boss there. Both of them prefer the term 'unprecedented parthnership'. Yes, China is a valuable economical partner for Russia but there are a number of alternatives in the world. From other hand, China have only one potential defender who can try military match the USA.
Foolishness. And Russia is becoming a client state of China.
And no, it's not foolishness. At least the Russians are quite certain about it.

Foolishness - is to think that the Russians are deploying their nukes in Belarus just for lulz.
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The polish army alone dwarfs the Russian military in most every fashion....in manpower, equipment and training.

Currently the ONLY thing stopping them from obliterating Russia as an ethnicity is NATO.
Ok. Let's wait for Wagner's raid in Poland or Lithuania, if you are so confident that the Polish Army can deal with them without American support.
The polish army alone dwarfs the Russian military in most every fashion....in manpower, equipment and training.

Currently the ONLY thing stopping them from obliterating Russia as an ethnicity is NATO.
Oh, boy!!! I'm used to your getting your facts out of a horse's ass but it can't be the horse this time. Litvin's the only one I can think of. He's a great expert in this bs.
Oh, boy!!! I'm used to your getting your facts out of a horse's ass but it can't be the horse this time. Litvin's the only one I can think of. He's a great expert in this bs.
How many soldiers does Russia really have left? 300k? Maybe 400,000 tops. (Not counting PMCs)

Currently Poland has 500,000 and is working diligently for 1,000,000. The Polish tooth to tail ratio is different but generally is more effective due to the extra training and specializations. Then the MIC of Poland is off the charts....where do you think a lot of those parts for the tanks and hardware comes from? Poland doesn't just make crappy light bulbs anymore....not for a long time.

Poland was once a part of the USSR....ever wonder why their naked hatred for Russia is not going away? Or why they don't even miss the "good old days" as part of the USSR? (As is the case for many former Soviet Bloc countries)
When a guy with a big gun is stick together with a gay with a big wallet, it's sometimes quite unclear who is the real boss there. Both of them prefer the term 'unprecedented parthnership'. Yes, China is a valuable economical partner for Russia but there are a number of alternatives in the world. From other hand, China have only one potential defender who can try military match the USA.
No, it does not. The USA has always reserved a first strike capability. Moscow and St. Petersburg would be gone, and Putin dead, before Russia could retaliate.

The Poles can handle Wagner. What happens in the Baltic is unknown as to outcome.
No, it does not. The USA has always reserved a first strike capability. Moscow and St. Petersburg would be gone, and Putin dead, before Russia could retaliate.

The Poles can handle Wagner. What happens in the Baltic is unknown as to outcome.
Yeah....Russian missile defense is not really all that great.
Where we have no difficulty in stopping ballistic missiles Russia does. And Russia's Kinsahl missile is just a ballistic missile.

Now if they could make a stealth cruise missile they would have a better chance. But the stealth tech coatings are beyond their capabilities. Every cruise type missile still has a tailpipe that they are struggling with as well. (Moving heat signatures might as well be a flashing siren)
JohnDB I think you and Adgar the horse face are twins. That's why you didn't like it so much when we blew that Cafe in Kramatorsk.
JohnDB I think you and Adgar the horse face are twins. That's why you didn't like it so much when we blew that Cafe in Kramatorsk.
Some people have this thing called "morality".
Just like boxers stay in the ring and only fight their opponent you leave the ring and begin fighting with the audience...
Some people have this thing called "morality".
Just like boxers stay in the ring and only fight their opponent you leave the ring and begin fighting with the audience...
Talking about morality coming from you both is like spitting in the face of your opponent.
No, it does not. The USA has always reserved a first strike capability. Moscow and St. Petersburg would be gone, and Putin dead, before Russia could retaliate.
You see, the credible first strike capability mostly depends not on our capability to kill Putin or burn down Moscow, but on our capability to eliminate their nuclear forces and survive Russian retaliation strike. A suicidal out of blue conter-city strike never was a plan even for most delusional theoretics.

The Poles can handle Wagner.
We'll see. The Poles themselves are not that optimistic - they send additional forces to the border.

What happens in the Baltic is unknown as to outcome.

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