Why did Prigozhin stop his coup?

Who is telling you this hoax? You are the second person today propagating that bullshit.
Not BS, because neither you or anybody else here has any idea what did and what did not happen . I have speculated that it might have been set up to get Priggy to Belarus and get him exactly where Moscow wants him to be when the big Russian offensive starts . If Moscow still wants their most coveted region , Odessa ,--- and they do --- they need to be prepared for Polish incursions into north west Khazaria and NATO troops being sent in from Romania . What better way than what we have seen, and via some amateur dramatics, to fool the British and US NATO clowns? But speculation .
"You know about the coup from reports. Told. Spoon fed. You have absolutely no idea if any of these reports are true."

Well, poster ECB, that's sorta kinda how it works for me.
After all, I can't be everywhere all at once, nor know many different languages. So......I read or listen to or watch "reports". Now, I readily admit that you may be different and can be everywhere all the time with access to all decision makers and be fluent in Russian, Chechen, Ukrainian, Chinese, Polish, French, Ugandan, Farsi, Arabic, etc. etc.

But I'm tryin'.

Yeah, conservatives are the ones being exposed daily for their dishonesty, lies, and misinformation!

I agree.
Well, poster ECB, that's sorta kinda how it works for me.
After all, I can't be everywhere all at once, nor know many different languages. So......I read or listen to or watch "reports". Now, I readily admit that you may be different and can be everywhere all the time with access to all decision makers and be fluent in Russian, Chechen, Ukrainian, Chinese, Polish, French, Ugandan, Farsi, Arabic, etc. etc.

But I'm tryin'.

I agree.
The media might be lying.
Where has his army gone ? And who is currently paying them ?
Given that they confiscated his cash I assume that Vlad is now paying these lads directly and has cut out the middleman.
I cant see Belarus being thrilled about 25000. rapists and murderers being billeted there. So where are they ?
I was ready to go get some popcorn, but the coup suddenly just stopped. Why?
Here's a possibility.
Putin threatened the families of the high ranking Wagner officials.

"Russian agents’ threat to family made Prigozhin call off Moscow advance"

"Russian intelligence services threatened to harm the families of Wagner leaders before Yevgeny Prigozhin called off his advance on Moscow, according to UK security sources."

Typical kind of dictator thing to do. If you want a coup, get your people out first.
Because there was no coup.
Lame Stream Media got it all wrong again.
I knew I had seen that face before.


Prigozhin, Nosferatu
I was ready to go get some popcorn, but the coup suddenly just stopped. Why?
Here's a possibility.
Putin threatened the families of the high ranking Wagner officials.

"Russian agents’ threat to family made Prigozhin call off Moscow advance"

"Russian intelligence services threatened to harm the families of Wagner leaders before Yevgeny Prigozhin called off his advance on Moscow, according to UK security sources."

Typical kind of dictator thing to do. If you want a coup, get your people out first.
Speculation without solid facts.

Nobody really knows and Russia really is not telling....nor is Lukashenko (Belarus president) and Prigozhin hasn't been heard from.
Lots of Speculation and NO HARD evidence.
Speculation without solid facts.

Nobody really knows and Russia really is not telling....nor is Lukashenko (Belarus president) and Prigozhin hasn't been heard from.
Lots of Speculation and NO HARD evidence.
... and very logically that the Putinistas would threaten the Wagner leaders' families, dah.
Prigo was expecting a lot of support from Russian regular forces that never materialized. The commanders who should have either issued orders to block Wagner, or joined him (what he was expecting), did neither. Instead they just sat it out.

There is no way to tell this story that makes Putin look strong or in control. You can't be a traitor in the morning, and then "all is forgiven" in the evening. Especially not with 6 helicopters and an airborne command post blown out of the sky.

The purge is coming, count on it. All the Regforce commanders who stood by and watched, and everyone who joined in the mutiny are finished.

Wagner troops who want to live will sign contracts with the MoD, and Prigo will get a nice cup of polonium tea.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. :popcorn:
I was ready to go get some popcorn, but the coup suddenly just stopped. Why?
Here's a possibility.
Putin threatened the families of the high ranking Wagner officials.

"Russian agents’ threat to family made Prigozhin call off Moscow advance"

"Russian intelligence services threatened to harm the families of Wagner leaders before Yevgeny Prigozhin called off his advance on Moscow, according to UK security sources."

Typical kind of dictator thing to do. If you want a coup, get your people out first.
The media called it a coup and the Russian propaganda machine called it a coup, but Prigozhin had been careful to say he was only going to fix the incompetence and corruption at the MoD, not to overthrow the government. He rebelled when Shoigu demanded he put Wagner under the direct control of the MoD; at that point if Wagner were to survive as his private military company, he had no choice but to rebel.

Whatever else Prigozhin is, he seems to be a Russian patriot who set out to make Russia stronger, not weaker, by fixing what he thought was wrong at MoD, but he realized that if he entered Moscow, win or lose, Russia would be much weaker, so he stopped and tried to make a deal.
... and very logically that the Putinistas would threaten the Wagner leaders' families, dah.
This isn't a movie....
Prigozhin is a billionaire in a pool of sharks. IOW not an idiot. Sure that concept sounds good....but is likely worthless.

Prigozhin could live out the rest of his life on a beach or mountains or the two without a care in this world while under heavy guard.

Obviously the man is driven by something. A desire to accomplish something. Is he Really a friend or foe of Putin's?

Can he raise ANOTHER army in Belarus and then do the same thing (attack Ukraine)?
He did go to Belarus with 8,000 of his top soldiers....the rest got left behind.

We don't know truly what he Wants. And those who know aren't telling.

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