Why did Putin grant an interview to Tucker?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.

Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.
You've obviously never seen one of your so called "journalists" interview a Democrat.

"What's your favorite kind of ice cream?"
What a load of shit.

Plenty of controversial figures have been given interviews over the decades.

Of course lib extremists in the modern age think that conservatives and others they hate should be silenced and not heard. But that's a modern construct which is new. In the 1960's and 1970's, students flocked to see Black Panthers and American Nazis speak on college campuses, not because they agreed with them but because they are interested. Nowadays, even moderately conservative people are banned.
Putin is aware of Carlson's popularity, and he might have detected some sympathy for Russia's position in some matters in regard to Ukraine.

Note that Tucker didn't ask Putin, "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.
What's really amazing is how many approve of Tucker's puppet show.

Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.
Actually, jimboliar, he is more of a journalist than the left leaning scum on almost every station. How can allowing Americans to hear the truth be considered treason? Well, unless you are a goosestepping member of the Reich cult like you....right jimboliar?

Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.

Putin also knows that Carlson is a fellow rightwing fascist and enemy of democracy, that the interview would be a way for Putin to communicate with conservatives in the United States who support and defend Putin.
Most of them are given to journalists, though.

I don't know about that. Was the late Jerry Springer a "journalist" in your view? I remember him on TV interviewing members of the Midget Ku Klux Klan. Very interesting chat, even though I and the audience disagreed with their ideology.

But that was back in the 1990's, before B. Hussein O and MSNBC, and liberal extremism. People were allowed to listen to things they disagreed with.

Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.

Putin would have granted an interview with any American journalist.

Except for the fact that most every American journalist is either too busy trying to justify Biden's mental condition, or they're throwing rocks at Putin and calling him a "poopy-head" in their childish manner.

Good job, Tucker! You're showing the world what real journalism is.

Putin also knows that Carlson is a fellow rightwing fascist and enemy of democracy, that the interview would be a way for Putin to communicate with conservatives in the United States who support and defend Putin.


Simple, Carlson is not a journalist. He is an entertaining populist...and a treasonous opportunist. Journalist do not allow those they interview to lie and distort facts. They ask hard questions. Tucker did not. He was and is Putin's puppet.
Because Tucker is a an absolute Putin dick sucking bitch.

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