Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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You all seem to be missing the real reason.
The reason is because we have alot of people in this country that are foreigners voting, and also alot of people mentally incapable of seeing what obama is doing to us all and to our country. It is the voters that hold the blame and alot of them voted for reasons that are as dumb as you get. (such as getting free stuff from obama) wait til obamacare kicks in and see how happy those voters are then!!!!!!!!! Lol

Having had my life turned upside down because a medical insurance company didn't want to make good on its promises to pay my medical bills, I frankly can't see ObamaCare as anything but a positive development.

Romney lost because he put Plutocracy on the ballot, and frankly, after 30 years, people weren't about to swallow Plutocracy anymore.
you all seem to be missing the real reason.
The reason is because we have alot of people in this country that are foreigners voting, and also alot of people mentally incapable of seeing what obama is doing to us all and to our country. It is the voters that hold the blame and alot of them voted for reasons that are as dumb as you get. (such as getting free stuff from obama) wait til obamacare kicks in and see how happy those voters are then!!!!!!!!! Lol

having had my life turned upside down because a medical insurance company didn't want to make good on its promises to pay my medical bills, i frankly can't see obamacare as anything but a positive development.

Romney lost because he put plutocracy on the ballot, and frankly, after 30 years, people weren't about to swallow plutocracy anymore.

i think you better read up more on obamacare. It is not going to be a postive thing for anyone. Its not about healthcare, its about taking your freedoms, and costing you major money. Taxes will eat you up also. From the sounds of your post, you seem to think obamacare is going to be free healthcare. Think again!

i think you better read up more on obamacare. It is not going to be a postive thing for anyone. Its not about healthcare, its about taking your freedoms, and costing you major money. Taxes will eat you up also. From the sounds of your post, you seem to think obamacare is going to be free healthcare. Think again!

I find the RW carping about ObamaCare to be hilarious.

When it was under it's original title, "RomneyCare", you guys all declared it a wonderful, free market solution to the health care crisis as opposed to doing what every other civilized country has done, and institute single payer universal care (which actually WOULD cost less, because you aren't paying off investors and CEO's).

But once Obama did it, it became EEEEEEEvil Socialism. Just so we are clear on the point.

I'm a realist. eventually, we are going to have single payer. Only a matter of time. This is a stop-gap measure, because the rich won't give up their profits easily.

This just stops some of the abuses, such as declaring a pimple a pre-existing condition when a woman has breast cancer.

Have told you 1001 times I DO NOT DO DOMESTIC DIVORCE WORK dumbass.
But all you keep coming back with is this "dirty pictures" BS.
I pay very little taxes. Put my $$ in SEP IRA, regular IRA and tax free municipal bonds.
The only thing you do have correct is YOU pay too much in taxes.
Because you are too stupid to know that it is THE TAX CODE that is the the problem.
Those of us that read above a 9th grade level can figure it out.

The only problem with the tax code is that it lets too many assholes keep too much money that could be put to far better uses.

Which everyone realized Nov. 6, which is why Romney lost.

Plutocracy was on the ballot, and we voted it down, baby!

Joe, you remind me of a friend of mine. Always bitching about his wife. She cheated on him 35 years ago and he will not forget it, similar to your always complaining about your EX bosses. She does not pay enough attention to him, she does not contribute enough to the relationship, she listens to her father too much, her family does not do enough for him, blah, blah blan bitch and moan and cry like you do.
I tell him why the hell does he stay married to her then. MOVE OUT.
Move Joe, there are plenty of your socialist anti capitalist utopias you SPEAK OF AND REFERENCE regularly here to go to.
So go and get the fuck out of the US. If she is a bitch to you then just fucking go.
Delta is ready when you are.
De-industrialization? Think about those evil right-to-work states getting the new major factories


Hey, I don't want to fly in a plane that was assembled by Goober and Cleetus in a non-union plant. I'm not sure why you do.

Oh, that's right. Beause those union guys got Obama elected.

There are fewer airplane crashes today than there were 30 years ago when the planes were all being built in union shops. True story.

i think you better read up more on obamacare. It is not going to be a postive thing for anyone. Its not about healthcare, its about taking your freedoms, and costing you major money. Taxes will eat you up also. From the sounds of your post, you seem to think obamacare is going to be free healthcare. Think again!

I find the RW carping about ObamaCare to be hilarious.

When it was under it's original title, "RomneyCare", you guys all declared it a wonderful, free market solution to the health care crisis as opposed to doing what every other civilized country has done, and institute single payer universal care (which actually WOULD cost less, because you aren't paying off investors and CEO's).

But once Obama did it, it became EEEEEEEvil Socialism. Just so we are clear on the point.

I'm a realist. eventually, we are going to have single payer. Only a matter of time. This is a stop-gap measure, because the rich won't give up their profits easily.

This just stops some of the abuses, such as declaring a pimple a pre-existing condition when a woman has breast cancer.

Only a dumbass would call ObamaCare the same as the bill Romney whittled down from the Democrat passed version when he was Governor. He tore it to shreds and it was about 15% of what it was.
Already happening, companies downsizing to get under the cap of having to comply with Obamcare. Friend of mine sent out 37 notices to employees last week. Bye, bye, your ass is fired. I am not complying with Obamacare.
And when ordinary Obamabots will get their notice of fines to pay on their taxes because they are self employed and do not have health care, wallah! instant Republicans.
He was crazy?

He is a man of no principals. He will say anything to appear in agreement with any group of people. He was secretive about his personal finances..taxes and Bain especially. He is a bishop in a cult. He mistreats dogs. He thinks deisguising himself as a Michigan State trooper and pulling women over is a harmless prank. He is a bully that thought it was "good fun" to cut the hair off of a gay kid in school.

In other words he was barely a better candidate than the ham sandwich that was supposed to beat Obama in a landslide. It wasn't just Willard. His supporters are just as flawed.

sounds like 95% of the politicians of today.....
The traditional small government, hold the government to a standard and work culture is being replaced by the third world, entailment, leftist, third world culture.

Simply, people that think that the government has a place within your life beat out the people that didn't.

The Rs not only want a PLACE in our lives, they want to control it completely.

Its not the Ds who think they should control who we marry or when and if we reproduce.

The GObP/pubpots are crazy. They are so far right, they're about to fall of the edge of the flat earth they believe in.

your right.....they just have other things they want to control......and they use scams to get it......and Dudley.....a Far Lefty should never be criticizing someone for being Far Right.....
It's nothing Romney did. Obama played a dirty campaign by bribing people to vote for him. We'd need another Reagan to have beaten Obama, and we will brew one in 2016 to beat whatever democrat is running. The fact of the matter is people like free stuff, and that's what Obama offered.


Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.

The LAST thing we need is another Reagan.

Pay for your own health care insurance instead of depending on Libs to pay for you ER trips.

And, for Pete's sake, turn off Fox, Lush, Beck, Dredge, Britbart.

Think for yourself.

you lead by example.....so when will i see you here thinking for yourself?...
You all seem to be missing the real reason.
The reason is because we have alot of people in this country that are foreigners voting, and also alot of people mentally incapable of seeing what obama is doing to us all and to our country. It is the voters that hold the blame and alot of them voted for reasons that are as dumb as you get. (such as getting free stuff from obama) wait til obamacare kicks in and see how happy those voters are then!!!!!!!!! Lol

Having had my life turned upside down because a medical insurance company didn't want to make good on its promises to pay my medical bills, I frankly can't see ObamaCare as anything but a positive development.

Romney lost because he put Plutocracy on the ballot, and frankly, after 30 years, people weren't about to swallow Plutocracy anymore.

Obamacare=more insurance companies.

And you think that will help get claims paid!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Dem Patron Saint of Elections

Boss Tweed
In order to avoid discussing the growing racial balkanization, the Media keeps pushing this stuff:

* "The party of old people"

White 18-29: 51-44 for Romney
White 30-44: 59-38 for Romney
White 45-64: 61-38 for Romney
White 65 and older: 61-39 for Romney

Fact: Romney won among white millennials. And he won the "old white" segment and the 30-44-year-old segment by a similar margin.

* "The party of angry racist southern people"

Fact: Romney won the white vote in 40 states. Including California, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Delaware, Maryland... Obama won the white vote in some of the whitest states: Iowa, NH, Maine, Oregon... What does this tell you?

* "The party that hates women"

Fact: Romney won among white women 56-42. The best result since Reagan in 1984.

* "The party of the rich"

Under $30,000: 63-35 for Obama
$30,000 - $49,999: 57-42 for Obama
$50,000 - $99,999: 52-46 for Romney
$100,000 - $199,999: 54-44 for Romney
$200,000 - $249,999: 52-47 for Romney
$250,000 or more: 55-42 for Romney

Fact: Most people making $50K or more voted for Romney (including almost 40% of latinos)

* "The party of the uneducated"

College graduate: 50-48 for Obama
No college degree: 51-47 for Obama

Fact: no meaningful differences

Right, the overwhelming of the MIDDLE CLASS voted for Romney, the working man voted for Romney!
And almost all of the parasite moocher class voted for Obama.
Good point Joe.
Only a dumbass would call ObamaCare the same as the bill Romney whittled down from the Democrat passed version when he was Governor. He tore it to shreds and it was about 15% of what it was.

Did Romney sign an individual mandate to buy health insurance and an employer mandate to provide health insurance to employees?
Why did Romney Lose?

"Democrats have been blaming George W. Bush for the last four years. Now I think it’s time for Republicans to start blaming George W. for the next four years.

For days we’ve been pinning last week’s debacle on everything from Mitt Romney’s moderation to low Republican turnout.

You can make an honest argument that G.W. was as much to blame as anyone else for our being unable to defeat an incompetent incumbent of historic proportions."

Why did Romney Lose?
Simple... The handout crowd population exceeds the working class.
Poll to follow...

Edit- It's an open poll, vote for as many options as you like.

I think they all applied except Mormonism and Paul Ryan.

I don't think Ryan really helped his campaign, but he didn't really hurt it that much.

I also don't think anti-Mormonism hurt his campaign as much as it should have, because he didn't talk about it and no one else wanted to talk about it, either.

Romney lost on a two front basis.

FIRST and foremost during the primary debates--in order to win the nomination Romney was jerked so far right by the far right wing of the Tea party--he alienated himself with Hispanics--by originally insisting that illegal grandma's were to be ripped from the now legal family unit and sent back to nothing--not realizing that these grandma's have legal children and grandchildren in this country that VOTE. By the time he was able to move to center (as all politicians do for the general it was too late.) So what Reagan--and both Bush's enjoyed (the Hispanic vote) the far out right managed to chase to Obama in this election.

SECONDLY--no one can run against Santa Claus and expect to win elections--no matter what the rational is. 99 weeks of unemployment insurance spelled a two year vacation for many in lower incomes in this country. Add to that 50 million people who can swipe a debit card for groceries in the food stamp program--take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00--along with a cash for clunkers program that ended up in the purchase of more foreign made cars than American- UNION auto bailouts. These people are not going to care about JOBS--and GOVERNMENT SPENDING. IOW--it's all the free stuff that BOUGHT reelection for Barack Obama.

This is the difference between Carter and Obama. During the Carter administration no one got 99 weeks of unemployment insurance and food stamps were much harder to obtain--and that is why Reagan won in a landslide victory.

Our demographics have changed. We have millions of people in this country--that do not pay attention to what is going on--as long as they feel comfortable. They spend a lot more time watching American idol--and Dancing with the Stars--than what the Federal Government is doing.

And there is absolutely no way--you're going to convince this woman--and the millions that think like her--that JOBS and DEFICITS matter. It won't matter to her and millions of others in this country--until the checks stop coming.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

By using this woman I am NOT suggesting this problem comes only from minorities--there are now MILLIONS of Whites in this country that are also on the Federal Government taxpayer dime--that think the exact same way. Some body else owes them something. And it's those that actually work--that are going to pay the tab. The work ethic in this country is gone.
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Only a dumbass would call ObamaCare the same as the bill Romney whittled down from the Democrat passed version when he was Governor. He tore it to shreds and it was about 15% of what it was.

Did Romney sign an individual mandate to buy health insurance and an employer mandate to provide health insurance to employees?

Well, yes, but no, not at all.
First off there is no such thing as "Romney" care.
Romney signed legislation that was a STATE BI-PARTISAN mandate, not a Federal one.
Romney stands for EACH INDIVIDUAL state to determine what they want, NOT a national policy.
Large and huge difference.
Only a dumbass would call ObamaCare the same as the bill Romney whittled down from the Democrat passed version when he was Governor. He tore it to shreds and it was about 15% of what it was.

Did Romney sign an individual mandate to buy health insurance and an employer mandate to provide health insurance to employees?

Well, yes, but no, not at all.
First off there is no such thing as "Romney" care.
Romney signed legislation that was a STATE BI-PARTISAN mandate, not a Federal one.
Romney stands for EACH INDIVIDUAL state to determine what they want, NOT a national policy.
Large and huge difference.

There's actually no difference. Not in this context. You can have philosophical debates about federalism and about bipartisanship and what color pen Romney used to sign his law vs the color pen Obama used but that's not what's at issue here.

What's at issue here is a policy question. Did Romney institute individual and employer mandates to expand private insurance coverage in his state? Follow-up: did those policies completely destroy the economy of his state? How many people were fired because of Romney's employer mandate?
Did Romney sign an individual mandate to buy health insurance and an employer mandate to provide health insurance to employees?

Well, yes, but no, not at all.
First off there is no such thing as "Romney" care.
Romney signed legislation that was a STATE BI-PARTISAN mandate, not a Federal one.
Romney stands for EACH INDIVIDUAL state to determine what they want, NOT a national policy.
Large and huge difference.

There's actually no difference. Not in this context. You can have philosophical debates about federalism and about bipartisanship and what color pen Romney used to sign his law vs the color pen Obama used but that's not what's at issue here.

What's at issue here is a policy question. Did Romney institute individual and employer mandates to expand private insurance coverage in his state? Follow-up: did those policies completely destroy the economy of his state? How many people were fired because of Romney's employer mandate?

We can argue back and forth all day about the mandates and how the smart know how to get around them and how the businesses that need a keen way to fire workers will do so under the bill at will and all in between.
Bottom line of the bill Romney signed:
1. The mandate, no matter how anyone can spin or define it, you or I, was a failure.
2. Cost over runs.
3. The "connector" that was supposed to work, help me here as it was similar to the age 26 deadline in Obamacare where there was a subsidized low premium low benefit policy for young folks, was a bureaucratic nightmare. Imagine that.
Surprising that Governor Arnold set up a similar plan in California.

Take a look at my posts, all of them and my consistent solution is:
1. Give consumers MORE control over their health care spending. Current group health care model is about the worst way to control spending.
2. Increase the competition in the marketplace. See above, current model has plenty of competition BUT not across state lines.
3. Keep the competition IN THE MARKETPLACE, not in mandates be they whatever.
4. End ALL subsidies in health care. Start with Medicare. Destroy it.
5. Limit regulations as now the insurance companies write the laws in most states.
The traditional small government, hold the government to a standard and work culture is being replaced by the third world, entailment, leftist, third world culture.

Simply, people that think that the government has a place within your life beat out the people that didn't.

The Rs not only want a PLACE in our lives, they want to control it completely.

Its not the Ds who think they should control who we marry or when and if we reproduce.

The GObP/pubpots are crazy. They are so far right, they're about to fall of the edge of the flat earth they believe in.

your right.....they just have other things they want to control......and they use scams to get it......and Dudley.....a Far Lefty should never be criticizing someone for being Far Right.....

Romney wanted to cut deductions on higher end incomes--resulting in more tax revenue--Obama wants to raise their tax rate--without cutting deductions. So what do upper incomes do--they get into more deductions to offset the tax hike--meaning less tax revenue--and that is how this is going to work.

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