Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This election was clearly joke on any who took it too seriously.
The rich have determined your so-called "leaders", accept it ya poor bastards!

The Republican Party National leaders are in cahoots with the DNC. They are both totalitarians at the top level.

He is not pro-life by any stretch. Most Americans are pro-life.
After all, who actually hates babies?, except those who make money from killing them? (Yes, it is the rich who make money killing babies)
Of course, lets face it, the rich hate it when people have babies, especially the poor.

He obviously cared more for Israel than the United States.
Seriously, what is more a moronic "foreign policy" when you clearly declare allegiance to a foreign nation?!?!?

He was chosen to lose to the chosen one, refer to reason #2

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Why did Romney lose?

-Half of this country wants free shit and votes for it
-Part of this country likes to fuck other men in ass
-Part of this country wants to do drugs
-Parts of this country want to do drugs
-Parts of this country is insane
-Parts of this country don't like Success
-Parts of this country is parasites
-Half of this country is fucking stupid

Any questions?
Mitt lost because more people disliked him than liked him. Their reasons for disliking him varied, but you've listed many of them in the survey.

I think he must have wanted to lose.

He certainly acted like he did.
Why did Romney lose?

-Half of this country wants free shit and votes for it
-Part of this country likes to fuck other men in ass
-Part of this country wants to do drugs
-Parts of this country want to do drugs
-Parts of this country is insane
-Parts of this country don't like Success
-Parts of this country is parasites
-Half of this country is fucking stupid

Any questions?

Okay, so what's the GOP going to do about it? Precisely?

Ann Coulter had an interesting take: Romney was not the problem | The Daily Caller -- From the piece:

Romney lost because he was running against an incumbent, was beaten up during a long and vicious primary fight, and ran in a year with a very different electorate from 1980. At least one of those won’t be true next time. But we’re not going to win any elections by telling ourselves fairy tales about a candidate who lost because he wasn’t conservative enough, articulate enough or mean enough.

She sees that the electorate has changed since 1980. Why doesn't the rest of her party?


"All of us know that one person in our lives -- that one knucklehead nephew that's not registered to vote. That one neighbor who's not really paying attention. That one coworker who's confused about how Barack's tax plan will benefit that individual. Those are going to be the conversations that make the difference. And in this election, we're gonna be making a choice about how we want our democracy run. You know, do we want our president selected by people rolling their sleeves up, knocking on doors, or are we gonna hand it over to a couple of people who write big checks?" -- Michelle Obama on Barack Base, the ones who actually show up to vote
Ann Coulter had an interesting take: Romney was not the problem | The Daily Caller -- From the piece:

Romney lost because he was running against an incumbent, was beaten up during a long and vicious primary fight, and ran in a year with a very different electorate from 1980. At least one of those won’t be true next time. But we’re not going to win any elections by telling ourselves fairy tales about a candidate who lost because he wasn’t conservative enough, articulate enough or mean enough.

She sees that the electorate has changed since 1980. Why doesn't the rest of her party?


It is kind of scary when Ann Coulter is the voice of reason.

"All of us know that one person in our lives -- that one knucklehead nephew that's not registered to vote. That one neighbor who's not really paying attention. That one coworker who's confused about how Barack's tax plan will benefit that individual. Those are going to be the conversations that make the difference. And in this election, we're gonna be making a choice about how we want our democracy run. You know, do we want our president selected by people rolling their sleeves up, knocking on doors, or are we gonna hand it over to a couple of people who write big checks?" -- Michelle Obama on Barack Base, the ones who actually show up to vote

Thank you, Frank :)

Those were the conversations that made a difference. Those and the ones from the right about how those on the left were moochers, layabouts, sluts, and illegitimately raped, and not just by the war on women, but those raped by our rigged economic system of musical chairs.

5 Ways Most Americans Are Blind to How Their Country Is Stacked for the Wealthy | Alternet

1. Americans believe that the poorest 40 percent own about 10% of the wealth.

2. Entitlements are the problem .

3. Welfare benefits are a drag on the economy .

Critics bemoan the amounts of aid being lavished on lower-income Americans, making dubious claims about thousands of dollars going to every poor family. But despite an ever-growing need for jobs and basic living necessities, federal spending on poverty programs is a small part of the budget, and it's been that way for almost 50 years, increasing from 0.8 percent of GDP in 1962 to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2007.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) has dropped significantly over the past 15 years, leaving benefit levels far below the poverty line for most families. Ninety percent of the available benefits go to the elderly, the disabled or working households. For each family, current federal budgets pay about $400 per month for food, housing, and traditional "welfare" programs. Food stamp recipients get $4.30 a day.

4. The American Dream is still alive, if you just work hard enough.

The Horatio Alger tale has been a popular one for conservatives, but the OECD, the Economic Policy Institute and the National Journal all came to the same conclusion: the future earnings of a child in the U.S. is closely correlated to the earnings of his or her parents. This lack of mobility is more prevalent in the U.S. than in almost all other OECD countries.

Only 4 percent of those raised in the bottom quintile make it to the top quintile as adults. Only about 20 percent even make it to the top half.

A big part of the problem is the severe degree of poverty for our nation's children. According to UNICEF, among industrialized countries only Romania has a higher child poverty rate than the United States. Just in the last 10 years the number of impoverished American children increased by 30 percent.

And it's much worse for minorities. While 12 percent of white children live in poverty, 35 percent of Hispanic children and 39% of black children start their lives in conditions that make simple survival more important than the American Dream. Eighty percent of black children who started in or near the top half of U.S. income levels experienced downward mobility later in life.

5. Prison puts away the bad guys .
Despite a falling violent crime rate in the U.S., there are now, as noted by Adam Gopnik, "more people under 'correctional supervision' in America -- more than six million -- than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height."
Ann Coulter had an interesting take: Romney was not the problem | The Daily Caller -- From the piece:

Romney lost because he was running against an incumbent, was beaten up during a long and vicious primary fight, and ran in a year with a very different electorate from 1980. At least one of those won’t be true next time. But we’re not going to win any elections by telling ourselves fairy tales about a candidate who lost because he wasn’t conservative enough, articulate enough or mean enough.

She sees that the electorate has changed since 1980. Why doesn't the rest of her party?


It is kind of scary when Ann Coulter is the voice of reason.


Yep, no shit.

The Bush meltdown in 2008 destroyed the housing market and the banking system. This is the equivalent of the Berlin wall falling for communism. It destroyed the economic viability of a generation of Americans, who lost their most valuable asset: the home. American families lost trillions of dollars. This means they can no longer buy as many goods on main street. The inability to buy things means that the capitalist has to lay off workers. This means that there are even less consumers to buy things. The result is a toxic spiral of job loss. Washington can't fix it. Business can't fix it. The system self-destructed. The game is over. When will Americans stop looking for magic buttons? George Bush didn't merely create a recession. His reckless mismanagement of the housing and banking sectors ended the American moment in history. Romney lost because he believes in the policies of Bush.

Bush had nothing to do with it. He went to congress 6 times in 2 years and asked Barney Frank and his banking committee to do something and fast.
And they gave him the middle finger.
Republicans share in the blame.
Read, do your homework next time and get back to us.
This election was clearly joke on any who took it too seriously.
The rich have determined your so-called "leaders", accept it ya poor bastards!

The Republican Party National leaders are in cahoots with the DNC. They are both totalitarians at the top level.

He is not pro-life by any stretch. Most Americans are pro-life.
After all, who actually hates babies?, except those who make money from killing them? (Yes, it is the rich who make money killing babies)
Of course, lets face it, the rich hate it when people have babies, especially the poor.

He obviously cared more for Israel than the United States.
Seriously, what is more a moronic "foreign policy" when you clearly declare allegiance to a foreign nation?!?!?

He was chosen to lose to the chosen one, refer to reason #2


Show me one person that is anti life.
Where is that person?

Bush had nothing to do with it. He went to congress 6 times in 2 years and asked Barney Frank and his banking committee to do something and fast.
And they gave him the middle finger.
Republicans share in the blame.
Read, do your homework next time and get back to us.

Barney Frank didn't run the Banking Committee.

For most of Bush's term, there was a Republican Majority that ran the Banking Committee...

Nor did Bush really think giving loans to poor people was a bad idea. Infact, he considered it one of his administrations accomplishments.

Now, maybe you need to do YOUR homework.
Why did Romney lose?

-Half of this country wants free shit and votes for it
-Part of this country likes to fuck other men in ass
-Part of this country wants to do drugs
-Parts of this country want to do drugs
-Parts of this country is insane
-Parts of this country don't like Success
-Parts of this country is parasites
-Half of this country is fucking stupid

Any questions?

Okay, so what's the GOP going to do about it? Precisely?

Ann Coulter had an interesting take: Romney was not the problem | The Daily Caller -- From the piece:

Romney lost because he was running against an incumbent, was beaten up during a long and vicious primary fight, and ran in a year with a very different electorate from 1980. At least one of those won’t be true next time. But we’re not going to win any elections by telling ourselves fairy tales about a candidate who lost because he wasn’t conservative enough, articulate enough or mean enough.

She sees that the electorate has changed since 1980. Why doesn't the rest of her party?


Good post

Bush had nothing to do with it. He went to congress 6 times in 2 years and asked Barney Frank and his banking committee to do something and fast.
And they gave him the middle finger.
Republicans share in the blame.
Read, do your homework next time and get back to us.

On second thought, I fucking love this.

Plutocrats abuse the system. They take a bunch of unnecessary risks with the financial health of the country. They get away with it because Bush's appointee to the SEC, Chris Cox, was one of the good old boys and most of his regulators were apparently too busy downloading porn on government computers.

In short, you bootlicks got exactly what you wanted. The rich were allowed to keep more of their money and they were allowed to be free of real regulation, and they completely fucked it up.

And, oh, wait. It was Barney Frank's fault...somehow.

How about this. We take out the top 10,000 bankers, put them in front of a Kangaroo court of workers who lost their jobs and houses, and throw them in big boy jail for 10 years of repeated sodomy.

And when their sorry, broken asses show up at the banks after this, they'll be an object lesson t the next batch to not fuck it up.

Bush had nothing to do with it. He went to congress 6 times in 2 years and asked Barney Frank and his banking committee to do something and fast.
And they gave him the middle finger.
Republicans share in the blame.
Read, do your homework next time and get back to us.

Barney Frank didn't run the Banking Committee.

For most of Bush's term, there was a Republican Majority that ran the Banking Committee...

Nor did Bush really think giving loans to poor people was a bad idea. Infact, he considered it one of his administrations accomplishments.

Now, maybe you need to do YOUR homework.

You are right, Frank was ranking member.

Frank WAS ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee when Bush went up there, that is the House version of the banking committee.
In 2002 Frank's boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
Frank led the charge against Bush's proposal to transfer Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac over to Treasury Department accounting.
"These 2 agencies face no accounting crisis" is what he stated.
In 2008 when the ship was sinking he stated the same thing when he WAS chairman.

Bush had nothing to do with it. He went to congress 6 times in 2 years and asked Barney Frank and his banking committee to do something and fast.
And they gave him the middle finger.
Republicans share in the blame.
Read, do your homework next time and get back to us.

On second thought, I fucking love this.

Plutocrats abuse the system. They take a bunch of unnecessary risks with the financial health of the country. They get away with it because Bush's appointee to the SEC, Chris Cox, was one of the good old boys and most of his regulators were apparently too busy downloading porn on government computers.

In short, you bootlicks got exactly what you wanted. The rich were allowed to keep more of their money and they were allowed to be free of real regulation, and they completely fucked it up.

And, oh, wait. It was Barney Frank's fault...somehow.

How about this. We take out the top 10,000 bankers, put them in front of a Kangaroo court of workers who lost their jobs and houses, and throw them in big boy jail for 10 years of repeated sodomy.

And when their sorry, broken asses show up at the banks after this, they'll be an object lesson t the next batch to not fuck it up.

Franks boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
He is he one of your "Plutocrats"?
Or a Goofycrat like you?
Yes, those big bad banks.
My oldest son, age 27, just received his first home loan and is moving in next weekend.
Sorry ass banks loan $$$ to a young person that is not a parasite, leech moocher.
How dare they loan $$$ to a productive American.

Bush had nothing to do with it. He went to congress 6 times in 2 years and asked Barney Frank and his banking committee to do something and fast.
And they gave him the middle finger.
Republicans share in the blame.
Read, do your homework next time and get back to us.

Barney Frank didn't run the Banking Committee.

For most of Bush's term, there was a Republican Majority that ran the Banking Committee...

Nor did Bush really think giving loans to poor people was a bad idea. Infact, he considered it one of his administrations accomplishments.

Now, maybe you need to do YOUR homework.

You are right, Frank was ranking member.

Frank WAS ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee when Bush went up there, that is the House version of the banking committee.
In 2002 Frank's boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
Frank led the charge against Bush's proposal to transfer Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac over to Treasury Department accounting.
"These 2 agencies face no accounting crisis" is what he stated.
In 2008 when the ship was sinking he stated the same thing when he WAS chairman.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were victims, not culprits - BusinessWeek

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