Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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Barney Frank didn't run the Banking Committee.

For most of Bush's term, there was a Republican Majority that ran the Banking Committee...

Nor did Bush really think giving loans to poor people was a bad idea. Infact, he considered it one of his administrations accomplishments.

Now, maybe you need to do YOUR homework.

You are right, Frank was ranking member.

Frank WAS ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee when Bush went up there, that is the House version of the banking committee.
In 2002 Frank's boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
Frank led the charge against Bush's proposal to transfer Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac over to Treasury Department accounting.
"These 2 agencies face no accounting crisis" is what he stated.
In 2008 when the ship was sinking he stated the same thing when he WAS chairman.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were victims, not culprits - BusinessWeek


This is the usual blame game, blame the banks.
The banks held people down, forced them to take out those loans and forced them not to make the payments.
Obama and his administration use this very well in the last election.
It is not citizens fault that they are lazy, fat and uneducated for most available jobs in the market. They need free health care, free phone, free housing, free food, free utilities, free lunches for their kids and free retirement. Someone else is at fault and they should always have the producers pay for everything for them.
I am sure the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac management salaries were in line with others in that market, they are losing their ass year in and year out and they still get the same pay in a government backed "industry".
Anyone with a small understanding of how $$$ works knows that the lending practices were MANDATED by the government morons in Washington and that, and that alone, caused the massive meltdown. Where else is there another entity anywhere such as Fannie Mae and Freddie mac that risk the publics $$$ with NO accountability to board of directors or stockholders yet get to raise and share their profits to themselves, not the taxpayers? All they are/were is a combination of public and private fuckedupedness.
To those that understand the financial market Fannie and Freddie purchased LARGE amounts of very risky mortgage securities and leveraged them for large profits short term. The orgy that followed was THEIR FUCKING FAULT as the free for all was started with the help and support in 2008 when the shit hit the fan. The orgy of cash flooded DC with funny campaign $$$ and regulatory agencies were bought off hook line and sinker.
The editor of this article was bought off with that cash.
BOTH parties were at fault.
However, Fannie and Freddie did NOTHING as their leveraged securities went to worthless nothing and we had to bail them out.
News flash to the uninformed: this dumbass article was submitted BEFORE THE BIG MELTDOWN.
Banks shmanks!

Off Topic !!!

Mittens lost because a handfull of very smart people called "Anonymous" hacked the puters and gave the election to Obama.

As a side note I am changing my position on Citizen's United. As is turns out the RWers can spend/waste as much money as they want which I highly endorse and it will make no difference.

Welcome to the new age where the future is determined by the best people who understand how to manipulate the machine.

Franks boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
He is he one of your "Plutocrats"?
Or a Goofycrat like you?

Dude, I used to think you were a RWer with a brain. One who didn't listen to whatever shit he heard on talk radio...

Besides the fact Fannie Mae wasn't the problem, the private banks were, and besides thefact that Frank's relationship with Herb MOses was back in the 1990's, long before there was a probelm...

Yes, BOTH Parties had too cozy a relationship with the banks, but you miss the point I was making.

THIS is exactly what you guys want. The rich to have free reign to fuck the rest of us, because they feel like it.

It doesn't work well in practice.
Barney Frank didn't run the Banking Committee.

For most of Bush's term, there was a Republican Majority that ran the Banking Committee...

Nor did Bush really think giving loans to poor people was a bad idea. Infact, he considered it one of his administrations accomplishments.

Now, maybe you need to do YOUR homework.

You are right, Frank was ranking member.

Frank WAS ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee when Bush went up there, that is the House version of the banking committee.
In 2002 Frank's boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
Frank led the charge against Bush's proposal to transfer Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac over to Treasury Department accounting.
"These 2 agencies face no accounting crisis" is what he stated.
In 2008 when the ship was sinking he stated the same thing when he WAS chairman.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were victims, not culprits - BusinessWeek

Shhhhh... Gadawg found himself an evil gay man to blame.

He's really descending down to Warrior102 level.

You are right, Frank was ranking member.

Frank WAS ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee when Bush went up there, that is the House version of the banking committee.
In 2002 Frank's boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
Frank led the charge against Bush's proposal to transfer Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac over to Treasury Department accounting.
"These 2 agencies face no accounting crisis" is what he stated.
In 2008 when the ship was sinking he stated the same thing when he WAS chairman.

DotCom covered this better, but Fannie and Freddie weren't the problem...

It was the scumbag banks that took toxic mortgages, and sold them as good assets.

Yes, those big bad banks.
My oldest son, age 27, just received his first home loan and is moving in next weekend.
Sorry ass banks loan $$$ to a young person that is not a parasite, leech moocher.
How dare they loan $$$ to a productive American.

That's true. The poor "leech moocher" class they give credit cards to... and ARMs... and then open up PayDay loan shops.

And when Obama suggests a real consumer advocate like Liz Warren, they shit their $5000.00 suits and call their buddies on Capitol Hill to put a stop to that nonsense.

Franks boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
He is he one of your "Plutocrats"?
Or a Goofycrat like you?

Dude, I used to think you were a RWer with a brain. One who didn't listen to whatever shit he heard on talk radio...

Besides the fact Fannie Mae wasn't the problem, the private banks were, and besides thefact that Frank's relationship with Herb MOses was back in the 1990's, long before there was a probelm...

Yes, BOTH Parties had too cozy a relationship with the banks, but you miss the point I was making.

THIS is exactly what you guys want. The rich to have free reign to fuck the rest of us, because they feel like it.

It doesn't work well in practice.

Have never been "fucked" by any bank.
I have been dealing with them for 33 years in business.
Never, ever a problem.
How does a bank fuck you Joe? What did they do?
If it was true, and it is not, only a fool allows themselves to "be fucked".
Are you that fool?
You are right, Frank was ranking member.

Frank WAS ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee when Bush went up there, that is the House version of the banking committee.
In 2002 Frank's boyfriend worked for Fannie Mae and made millions.
Frank led the charge against Bush's proposal to transfer Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac over to Treasury Department accounting.
"These 2 agencies face no accounting crisis" is what he stated.
In 2008 when the ship was sinking he stated the same thing when he WAS chairman.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were victims, not culprits - BusinessWeek

Shhhhh... Gadawg found himself an evil gay man to blame.

He's really descending down to Warrior102 level.

Actually I believe Frank to be a very smart man in most areas.
He made a large mistake.
Could CARE LESS that he is gay.
But to you that IS an issue, otherwise you would not bring it up.
Sitting here watching football with a gay relative of mine.
You KNOW for a fact Joe, I stand for total equal rights for gays and lesbians.
So stick your homophobe card up your ass.
Have never been "fucked" by any bank.
I have been dealing with them for 33 years in business.
Never, ever a problem.
How does a bank fuck you Joe? What did they do?
If it was true, and it is not, only a fool allows themselves to "be fucked".
Are you that fool?

Why, whenever I give specifics about why I think what I think, you always say, "I'm sure it didn't happen that way".

The Banks are scumwads. They wrecked the economy, they got bailouts... it was the dumbest thing we ever did.

Actually I believe Frank to be a very smart man in most areas.
He made a large mistake.
Could CARE LESS that he is gay.
But to you that IS an issue, otherwise you would not bring it up.
Sitting here watching football with a gay relative of mine.
You KNOW for a fact Joe, I stand for total equal rights for gays and lesbians.
So stick your homophobe card up your ass.

You're the one who brought up the fact that he used to have a relations (decades ago) with someone who worked at Fannie...

So the "Some of my bestest friends are queers" doesn't let you off the hook, guy.
Have never been "fucked" by any bank.
I have been dealing with them for 33 years in business.
Never, ever a problem.
How does a bank fuck you Joe? What did they do?
If it was true, and it is not, only a fool allows themselves to "be fucked".
Are you that fool?

Why, whenever I give specifics about why I think what I think, you always say, "I'm sure it didn't happen that way".

The Banks are scumwads. They wrecked the economy, they got bailouts... it was the dumbest thing we ever did.

How does any union employee get their pension if the banks were not bailed out?
ALL of the pension funds are in financial institutions.
So you were for the banks failing and the union retirees getting NOTHING!

Actually I believe Frank to be a very smart man in most areas.
He made a large mistake.
Could CARE LESS that he is gay.
But to you that IS an issue, otherwise you would not bring it up.
Sitting here watching football with a gay relative of mine.
You KNOW for a fact Joe, I stand for total equal rights for gays and lesbians.
So stick your homophobe card up your ass.

You're the one who brought up the fact that he used to have a relations (decades ago) with someone who worked at Fannie...

So the "Some of my bestest friends are queers" doesn't let you off the hook, guy.

Family members here right here, right now in my home are gay and lesbian dumbass.
Frank is married to that individual who worked for Fannie Mae.
I have no problem with that.
He lost because Americans are uniformed about their government. That, and the free stuff.

Actually I believe Frank to be a very smart man in most areas.
He made a large mistake.
Could CARE LESS that he is gay.
But to you that IS an issue, otherwise you would not bring it up.
Sitting here watching football with a gay relative of mine.
You KNOW for a fact Joe, I stand for total equal rights for gays and lesbians.
So stick your homophobe card up your ass.

You're the one who brought up the fact that he used to have a relations (decades ago) with someone who worked at Fannie...

So the "Some of my bestest friends are queers" doesn't let you off the hook, guy.

To be fair, Gadawg has always been very outspoken for gender equality, and mentioning the relationship wouldn't lead to such accusations of bias (or even raise a hackle) if the relationship was hetro. Say his girlfriend was involved in the subject at hand, and that was pointed out instead - see? No issue. There shouldn't be one the other way around either, and when we've achieved true equality, there won't be.

That said, I completely agree with you about what was at fault in the mortgage collapse, and it wasn't Fanny and Freddy; those loans were paid off at a much greater percent than the sub-primes the bankers went to Vegas (figuratively speaking!) with.

How does any union employee get their pension if the banks were not bailed out?
ALL of the pension funds are in financial institutions.
So you were for the banks failing and the union retirees getting NOTHING!

I had no problem with the banks being bailed out. It had to happen.

What I had aproblem with was not prosecuting the bankers who ran the car into the ditch,and then letting them keep their bonuses.

I know this probably confuses you, as you think Bankers are like Gods and we mere mortals only exist to serve their whims.

Family members here right here, right now in my home are gay and lesbian dumbass.
Frank is married to that individual who worked for Fannie Mae.
I have no problem with that.

No, frank is not married to that individual who worked for Fannie Mae.

Frank was involved with Herb Moses back in the 1990's, but their relationship ended AND Moses left Fannie Mae long before it got involved in the problems after 2000.

According to Frank, he did not solicit Moses’ hiring, but just gave his approval when asked by a Fannie Mae executive. Frank noted too that when Moses worked at the agency (until 1998) he was not on a congressional subcommittee overseeing the mortgage leviathan specifically. The Herald also reports that Frank abstained from voting on a Republican amendment to limit executive compensation at the government-backed lenders, explicitly stating that his companion worked at Fannie as his reason for abstention.

Although Frank’s partner had long left Fannie before its risky lending kicked into gear in the early 2000s, the revelation will surely provide fodder for the right, which has labored to attach blame for the housing bubble and the economic collapse it precipitated to the Massachusetts Democrat.

Sounds to me like he was probably better than most of the Republicans who've secured nice cushy jobs at the banks for their straight spouses.

Were you this upset when Clarance Thomas' wife got 1.5 million from groups opposed to the Affordable Care Act? Somehow I doubt it.

To be fair, Gadawg has always been very outspoken for gender equality, and mentioning the relationship wouldn't lead to such accusations of bias (or even raise a hackle) if the relationship was hetro. Say his girlfriend was involved in the subject at hand, and that was pointed out instead - see? No issue. There shouldn't be one the other way around either, and when we've achieved true equality, there won't be.

That said, I completely agree with you about what was at fault in the mortgage collapse, and it wasn't Fanny and Freddy; those loans were paid off at a much greater percent than the sub-primes the bankers went to Vegas (figuratively speaking!) with.

He still felt the need to raise the issue.

To be fair, Gadawg hasn't been one of the mouth-breathers, until recently, when he saw Plutocracy kind of sinking on that same ship.

He just can't accept that Plutocracy got put on the ballot on Nov. 6 and people rejected it.
Poll to follow...

Edit- It's an open poll, vote for as many options as you like.

I think they all applied except Mormonism and Paul Ryan.

I don't think Ryan really helped his campaign, but he didn't really hurt it that much.

I also don't think anti-Mormonism hurt his campaign as much as it should have, because he didn't talk about it and no one else wanted to talk about it, either.

obama's newest voting base that he helped to create. The free loaders welfare mooching bitches

To be fair, Gadawg has always been very outspoken for gender equality, and mentioning the relationship wouldn't lead to such accusations of bias (or even raise a hackle) if the relationship was hetro. Say his girlfriend was involved in the subject at hand, and that was pointed out instead - see? No issue. There shouldn't be one the other way around either, and when we've achieved true equality, there won't be.

That said, I completely agree with you about what was at fault in the mortgage collapse, and it wasn't Fanny and Freddy; those loans were paid off at a much greater percent than the sub-primes the bankers went to Vegas (figuratively speaking!) with.

He still felt the need to raise the issue.

To be fair, Gadawg hasn't been one of the mouth-breathers, until recently, when he saw Plutocracy kind of sinking on that same ship.

He just can't accept that Plutocracy got put on the ballot on Nov. 6 and people rejected it.

Well, as long as we're throwing out, cracy...s

I'm going with this one, an Obama Ineptocracy

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

Well, as long as we're throwing out, cracy...s

I'm going with this one, an Obama Ineptocracy

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

If you really want to go there.

In 2000, we had a country that was at peace. We were posting 400 billion dollar surpluses, unemployment was at 3.9%, real wages for working people were on the rise.

Then the GOP ran a guy whose ONLY qualification was that his father was a failed president. He was born on third base, and thought he hit a triple. Most of the businesses he started failed and had to be bailed out by friends of his father.

And despite people voting for the other guy in greater numbers, we still made him president.

We got two wars that busted the budget, unemployment shot up to 10%, people lost half their wealth when the housing and stock markets crashed... A major city was wiped out because he appointed a guy who ran horse shows to run FEMA...

But the wealthy got what they wanted out of the deal, so it was all good. Oh, no, wait. They lost billions, too.

What amazes me is, under Obama, the wealthy should have LESS cause to whinge. The Dow bounced back and 93% of the money created inObama's recovery went to the 1%. But they just blew a couple billion dollars trying to put the GOP back in power. And failed.

The GOP needs to get right with working people. Otherwise, it will keep losing. The old tricks of screaming about gays and abortion aren't working anymore.

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