Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.


and thses...


It's kind of the way of things. A privilaged class gains to much power and wealth, people realize it, and you have an adjustment.

If you guys are smart and lucky, you'll look at Obama as a blessing. People are willing to try to change things at the ballot box right now...

Dumbass, those are MONARCHIES.

Dumbass, those are MONARCHIES.

No, those are classes that decided that becaue they had obscene wealth, they were indispensible, and ignored the fact the society that gave them that wealth was rotting.

And they pretty much got what they deserved.

I'd like to think that with less inbreeding, the wealthy of this country MIGHT be a little smarter...

I'm just not seeing the evidence just yet.
The Top 10 Biggest Sore Losers

(1) Fox News

(2) Sean Hannity

(3) Bill O'Reilly

(4) Rush Limbaugh

(5) Karl Rove

(6) John McCain

Dam! He beat you too!

(7) John Boehner

(8) Paul Ryan
You lost….. Say what…..

(9) Jan Brewer

(10) Harry Reid

Your typical "Plutocrat" BS because you have no economic knowledge or skills.

After watching you guys crash the economy into the wall for the fourth time in my adult life, each time requiring a government bailout, you jokers don't know much about the economy, either.

I know nothing I did fucked it up.

How did I have anything to do with it Joe? I work just like you do and do not run any bank.
What specifically did I do that fucked anything up?

We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED.
But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

No, wealth is created by labor.

The problem is, the people who do the work aren't the ones receiving the benefits... Hense, why our system is broken.

If the wealthy fairly shared the wealth created, instead of hoarding it, we wouldn't elect clowns like Obama promising to redistribute it.

Wealth first and foremost is created by innovation. Without innovation, the real per capita economy doesn't grow. It doesn't matter how many people work.

LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.

and thses...


Yes, and who killed the Romanovs?


По крайней мере Вы теперь честны!

If the wealthy fairly shared the wealth created, instead of hoarding it, we wouldn't elect clowns like Obama promising to redistribute it.

Wealth first and foremost is created by innovation. Without innovation, the real per capita economy doesn't grow. It doesn't matter how many people work.

Right. You keep telling yourself that... What an inflated ego.

LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.

and thses...


Yes, and who killed the Romanovs?


People who got sick of their shit. That's the point, dumbass.

If they were SMART, they'd have allowed more democracy, more freedom. They tried to crack down harder, and got pretty much what they deserved...

Good riddance.

The Windsors are still around because they had the good sense to allow more freedom and more equality...

So is it smarter to be a Dead Romanov or a live Windsor?
Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.

and thses...


Yes, and who killed the Romanovs?


People who got sick of their shit. That's the point, dumbass.

If they were SMART, they'd have allowed more democracy, more freedom. They tried to crack down harder, and got pretty much what they deserved...

Good riddance.

The Windsors are still around because they had the good sense to allow more freedom and more equality...

So is it smarter to be a Dead Romanov or a live Windsor?

So what you're saying is that your analogy is idiotic. Got it.

If the wealthy fairly shared the wealth created, instead of hoarding it, we wouldn't elect clowns like Obama promising to redistribute it.

Wealth first and foremost is created by innovation. Without innovation, the real per capita economy doesn't grow. It doesn't matter how many people work.

Right. You keep telling yourself that... What an inflated ego.

It has nothing to do with ego. All wealth creation comes down to creating more with less. That's true even if you believe that demand drives the economy since that argument assumes it is demand that spurs the innovation. But without innovation, we don't get wealthier. Full stop.
Yes, and who killed the Romanovs?


People who got sick of their shit. That's the point, dumbass.

If they were SMART, they'd have allowed more democracy, more freedom. They tried to crack down harder, and got pretty much what they deserved...

Good riddance.

The Windsors are still around because they had the good sense to allow more freedom and more equality...

So is it smarter to be a Dead Romanov or a live Windsor?

So what you're saying is that your analogy is idiotic. Got it.

No, but you are really intentionally obtuse.

Now, it's 1914, and if you're a Romanov or any other member of the Russian Nobility, life ROCKS!!!! you get to live in a cool palace, get the latest luxury goods from Western Europe, things are just totally awesome.

if your Sergei the Peasent in 1914, and you are barely putting food on your table, life kind of sucks.

So when WWI comes along and upsets the applecart and suddenly that Romanov finds himself on the business end of Sergei's rifle (that he foolishly gave Sergei because Nicholas was having a tiff with his cousin Wilhelm) shit was going to get really bad for you really fast.

Now, if it's 2012 and you're a Wall Street Bloodsucker, life is good. You got your West Side apartment.

If you're Jamal in the ghetto, things ain't so good. And it probably wasn't very smart to teach Jamal how to use that rifle when you offered him a college scholarship that never materialized.
People who got sick of their shit. That's the point, dumbass.

If they were SMART, they'd have allowed more democracy, more freedom. They tried to crack down harder, and got pretty much what they deserved...

Good riddance.

The Windsors are still around because they had the good sense to allow more freedom and more equality...

So is it smarter to be a Dead Romanov or a live Windsor?

So what you're saying is that your analogy is idiotic. Got it.

No, but you are really intentionally obtuse.

Now, it's 1914, and if you're a Romanov or any other member of the Russian Nobility, life ROCKS!!!! you get to live in a cool palace, get the latest luxury goods from Western Europe, things are just totally awesome.

if your Sergei the Peasent in 1914, and you are barely putting food on your table, life kind of sucks.

So when WWI comes along and upsets the applecart and suddenly that Romanov finds himself on the business end of Sergei's rifle (that he foolishly gave Sergei because Nicholas was having a tiff with his cousin Wilhelm) shit was going to get really bad for you really fast.

Now, if it's 2012 and you're a Wall Street Bloodsucker, life is good. You got your West Side apartment.

If you're Jamal in the ghetto, things ain't so good. And it probably wasn't very smart to teach Jamal how to use that rifle when you offered him a college scholarship that never materialized.

You are talking the monarchies again Joe.
The Founders of this great nation, which you despise, ran them off 250 years ago.
It is not my fault you support policies that allow Jamal's father not to support him.
You want the power of government to take my $$$ and give it to you and Jamal because it is "fair".
Rifle? College scholarship??

Dumbass, those are MONARCHIES.

No, those are classes that decided that becaue they had obscene wealth, they were indispensible, and ignored the fact the society that gave them that wealth was rotting.

And they pretty much got what they deserved.

I'd like to think that with less inbreeding, the wealthy of this country MIGHT be a little smarter...

I'm just not seeing the evidence just yet.

They stole the wealth dumbass.
Wealth is earned these days.
How come you do not distribute your wealth you selfish, greedy bastard.
Where is my wealth that you stole from me?
Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.

and thses...


Yes, and who killed the Romanovs?


People who got sick of their shit. That's the point, dumbass.

If they were SMART, they'd have allowed more democracy, more freedom. They tried to crack down harder, and got pretty much what they deserved...

Good riddance.

The Windsors are still around because they had the good sense to allow more freedom and more equality...

So is it smarter to be a Dead Romanov or a live Windsor?

We do not have Romanovs and Windsors here dumbass.
We have none of that.
You are a jealous and envious bitch. Complain like an old woman.
Get a life.
People who got sick of their shit. That's the point, dumbass.

If they were SMART, they'd have allowed more democracy, more freedom. They tried to crack down harder, and got pretty much what they deserved...

Good riddance.

The Windsors are still around because they had the good sense to allow more freedom and more equality...

So is it smarter to be a Dead Romanov or a live Windsor?

So what you're saying is that your analogy is idiotic. Got it.

No, but you are really intentionally obtuse.

Now, it's 1914, and if you're a Romanov or any other member of the Russian Nobility, life ROCKS!!!! you get to live in a cool palace, get the latest luxury goods from Western Europe, things are just totally awesome.

if your Sergei the Peasent in 1914, and you are barely putting food on your table, life kind of sucks.

So when WWI comes along and upsets the applecart and suddenly that Romanov finds himself on the business end of Sergei's rifle (that he foolishly gave Sergei because Nicholas was having a tiff with his cousin Wilhelm) shit was going to get really bad for you really fast.

Now, if it's 2012 and you're a Wall Street Bloodsucker, life is good. You got your West Side apartment.

If you're Jamal in the ghetto, things ain't so good. And it probably wasn't very smart to teach Jamal how to use that rifle when you offered him a college scholarship that never materialized.

Analogizing the Russian Revolution to contemporary America is shrill idiocy. Neither are even remotely alike. But if you want to make idiotic analogies, hey, maybe we equate anti-Mormon bigots to the Nazis gassing the Jews! :thup:

You are talking the monarchies again Joe.
The Founders of this great nation, which you despise, ran them off 250 years ago.
It is not my fault you support policies that allow Jamal's father not to support him.
You want the power of government to take my $$$ and give it to you and Jamal because it is "fair".
Rifle? College scholarship??

The monarch and the plutocrat operate under the same thought pattern. We deserve more than we need and more than you because we are better than you. It's horseshit.

Actually, I'd prefer to have Jamal have a job after he gets out of the Army.

This was something FDR called for his second bill of rights, a renumerative job for every American along with universal health care.

What a concept.

Analogizing the Russian Revolution to contemporary America is shrill idiocy. Neither are even remotely alike. But if you want to make idiotic analogies, hey, maybe we equate anti-Mormon bigots to the Nazis gassing the Jews! :thup:

Hey, guy, I said nominating the mormon was a horrible idea-

And guess what, it was.

He got 800,000 less votes than that schmuck McCain. At least. That's not assuming that every vote less obama got wasn't offset by a vote of an Evangelical or Free thinker not pulling the lever.

But that you can't see the analogy just shows how limited you are.

Vast gulfs in wealth cause revolutions. Every time.

You are talking the monarchies again Joe.
The Founders of this great nation, which you despise, ran them off 250 years ago.
It is not my fault you support policies that allow Jamal's father not to support him.
You want the power of government to take my $$$ and give it to you and Jamal because it is "fair".
Rifle? College scholarship??

The monarch and the plutocrat operate under the same thought pattern. We deserve more than we need and more than you because we are better than you. It's horseshit.

Actually, I'd prefer to have Jamal have a job after he gets out of the Army.

This was something FDR called for his second bill of rights, a renumerative job for every American along with universal health care.

What a concept.

Now we have Joe the Psychic telling us about folks' thought patterns.

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