Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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We do not have Romanovs and Windsors here dumbass.
We have none of that.
You are a jealous and envious bitch. Complain like an old woman.
Get a life.

Uh, actually, we do.

We have people who think they are better because they have more money.


They're really not...

Again, we have Joe The Psychic telling us how others think.
I bet there are millions that believe YOU have too much money.

Analogizing the Russian Revolution to contemporary America is shrill idiocy. Neither are even remotely alike. But if you want to make idiotic analogies, hey, maybe we equate anti-Mormon bigots to the Nazis gassing the Jews! :thup:

Hey, guy, I said nominating the mormon was a horrible idea-

And guess what, it was.

He got 800,000 less votes than that schmuck McCain. At least. That's not assuming that every vote less obama got wasn't offset by a vote of an Evangelical or Free thinker not pulling the lever.

But that you can't see the analogy just shows how limited you are.

Vast gulfs in wealth cause revolutions. Every time.

McCain a "schmuck"
Refused to come home and be a pawn of the NVA and you are about as fucking blind as a bat.

McCain a "schmuck"
Refused to come home and be a pawn of the NVA and you are about as fucking blind as a bat.

Obviously, you missed my point.

I wonder if I should explain it to you so you can miss it again?

Okay, here goes.

Voted for McCain in 2008. Probably the last Republican I'll vote for until they get their heads out of their asses.

But I wouldn't vote for Romney. Mostly because he was a Mormon, but also because he seems to think being a plutocrat was a virtue...

From "47%" to "I like to fire people", the guy was pretty blatant about what he was...

And despite the bad economy and a couple billion from the Koch brothers, he got 800K less votes than McCain did...

I respect what McCain did in Vietnam, but frankly, the guy is kind of scary sometimes. I remember his meltdown after he lost in SC in 2008, even his wife looked scared of him. And honestly, he's kind of embarassing himself over this Benghazi thing.

To be fair, Gadawg has always been very outspoken for gender equality, and mentioning the relationship wouldn't lead to such accusations of bias (or even raise a hackle) if the relationship was hetro. Say his girlfriend was involved in the subject at hand, and that was pointed out instead - see? No issue. There shouldn't be one the other way around either, and when we've achieved true equality, there won't be.

That said, I completely agree with you about what was at fault in the mortgage collapse, and it wasn't Fanny and Freddy; those loans were paid off at a much greater percent than the sub-primes the bankers went to Vegas (figuratively speaking!) with.

He still felt the need to raise the issue.

To be fair, Gadawg hasn't been one of the mouth-breathers, until recently, when he saw Plutocracy kind of sinking on that same ship.

He just can't accept that Plutocracy got put on the ballot on Nov. 6 and people rejected it.

Well, as long as we're throwing out, cracy...s

I'm going with this one, an Obama Ineptocracy

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.


Hasn't the right updated their talking points yet?

I would think that given the results of the Bush Cheney administration's kleptocracy -

— n , pl -cies
informal a government where officials are politically corrupt and financially self-interested Cleptocracy | Define Cleptocracy at Dictionary.com

followed by the republicans premeditated the obstructionism -

ob·struc·tion·ist (b-strksh-nst, b-)
One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster. obstructionism - definition of obstructionism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

your side would be a little more circumspect -

cir·cum·spect (sûrkm-spkt)
Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent. circumspect - definition of circumspect by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

especially when one takes into account the overwhelming response to your side in these last elections:

He still felt the need to raise the issue.

To be fair, Gadawg hasn't been one of the mouth-breathers, until recently, when he saw Plutocracy kind of sinking on that same ship.

He just can't accept that Plutocracy got put on the ballot on Nov. 6 and people rejected it.

Well, as long as we're throwing out, cracy...s

I'm going with this one, an Obama Ineptocracy

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.


Hasn't the right updated their talking points yet?

I would think that given the results of the Bush Cheney administration's kleptocracy -

followed by the republicans premeditated the obstructionism -

ob·struc·tion·ist (b-strksh-nst, b-)
One who systematically blocks or interrupts a process, especially one who attempts to impede passage of legislation by the use of delaying tactics, such as a filibuster. obstructionism - definition of obstructionism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

your side would be a little more circumspect -

cir·cum·spect (sûrkm-spkt)
Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent. circumspect - definition of circumspect by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

especially when one takes into account the overwhelming response to your side in these last elections:



LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.


and thses...


It's kind of the way of things. A privilaged class gains to much power and wealth, people realize it, and you have an adjustment.

If you guys are smart and lucky, you'll look at Obama as a blessing. People are willing to try to change things at the ballot box right now...

Dumbass, those are MONARCHIES.

The economic pyramids are the same, so are the attitudes that made them possible...so are the inevitable results - time after time.
Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.


and thses...


It's kind of the way of things. A privilaged class gains to much power and wealth, people realize it, and you have an adjustment.

If you guys are smart and lucky, you'll look at Obama as a blessing. People are willing to try to change things at the ballot box right now...

Dumbass, those are MONARCHIES.

The economic pyramids are the same, so are the attitudes that made them possible...so are the inevitable results - time after time.
I wouldn't say that.

National Debt Clock, Obama's watch, near end of first term $16,300,000,000,000.00

That's some pyramid to get all worked up pouring it on America's posterity. Obama is not doing a single thing to stop it, either, except to throw mud at Republicans for Nancy Pelosi's spending habit that was ended by the America voter in 2010.
I wouldn't say that.

National Debt Clock, Obama's watch, near end of first term $16,300,000,000,000.00

That's some pyramid to get all worked up pouring it on America's posterity. Obama is not doing a single thing to stop it, either, except to throw mud at Republicans for Nancy Pelosi's spending habit that was ended by the America voter in 2010.

Neither party cares about the National Debt that much.

In fact, borrowing is easier than taxes or cutting programs, both of which would upset people.
Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.


and thses...


It's kind of the way of things. A privilaged class gains to much power and wealth, people realize it, and you have an adjustment.

If you guys are smart and lucky, you'll look at Obama as a blessing. People are willing to try to change things at the ballot box right now...

Dumbass, those are MONARCHIES.

The economic pyramids are the same, so are the attitudes that made them possible...so are the inevitable results - time after time.

Monarchies did NO WORK to get their $$$.

America IS NOT a monarchy and wealth here IS EARNED.

Guard your wallets folks. It is not fair you earned your money and they are lining up to take it because "it is not fair" that from your hard work saving your hard earned dollars YOU HAVE MORE THAN OTHERS.

Monarchies did NO WORK to get their $$$.


Neither do most plutocrats.

In fact, they kind of work on the same system. Exploit the crap out of people who work for you, let them see as little of the fruits of their labors as you possibly think you can get away with.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW72Gmqjse4]Bastille Day - Rush - YouTube[/ame]
Romney just wasn't in touch with the average Joe. He just couldn't connect with the majority of the American public...even after spending more money than Obama on his campaign.

Frankly, I'm pleased he couldn't buy the Presidency. :)
It was almost sad watching him talking to Obama in the Oval Office yesterday. That usual uncomfortable pained look like he needs to take a dump look was especially obvious. Obama was generous to give Mittens a fleeting glimpse of the prize he will never have.

ORRRrrrrr..... was he...???

It was almost sad watching him talking to Obama in the Oval Office yesterday. That usual uncomfortable pained look like he needs to take a dump look was especially obvious. Obama was generous to give Mittens a fleeting glimpse of the prize he will never have.

ORRRrrrrr..... was he...???


Maybe Obama was throwing a bit of both? The in your face thing and graciousness at the same time rather covers both bases at once? :badgrin:
It was almost sad watching him talking to Obama in the Oval Office yesterday. That usual uncomfortable pained look like he needs to take a dump look was especially obvious. Obama was generous to give Mittens a fleeting glimpse of the prize he will never have.

ORRRrrrrr..... was he...???


Maybe Obama was throwing a bit of both? The in your face thing and graciousness at the same time rather covers both bases at once? :badgrin:

I didn't hear anything about Ann. It doesn't appear that Michelle is as generous as Barack.
It was almost sad watching him talking to Obama in the Oval Office yesterday. That usual uncomfortable pained look like he needs to take a dump look was especially obvious. Obama was generous to give Mittens a fleeting glimpse of the prize he will never have.

ORRRrrrrr..... was he...???


Maybe Obama was throwing a bit of both? The in your face thing and graciousness at the same time rather covers both bases at once? :badgrin:

I didn't hear anything about Ann. It doesn't appear that Michelle is as generous as Barack.

I hadn't heard whether Ann was invited or not.
Maybe Obama was throwing a bit of both? The in your face thing and graciousness at the same time rather covers both bases at once? :badgrin:

I didn't hear anything about Ann. It doesn't appear that Michelle is as generous as Barack.

I hadn't heard whether Ann was invited or not.

It was a pretty rough and tumble election proccess. I don't think any love was lost between the Romneys and Obamas. The difference is that the president has to talk and deal with people he personally doesn't like almost every day. Michelle isn't burdened with that obligation.
I didn't hear anything about Ann. It doesn't appear that Michelle is as generous as Barack.

I hadn't heard whether Ann was invited or not.

It was a pretty rough and tumble election proccess. I don't think any love was lost between the Romneys and Obamas. The difference is that the president has to talk and deal with people he personally doesn't like almost every day. Michelle isn't burdened with that obligation.

Honestly, I think that's actually President Obama's forte. He seems comfortable just about anywhere...and usually keep his head as well.

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