Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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Bigots have a right to vote and I support that.

Sorry, judging a cult started by child molesting con men to be a disqualifier for office isn't bigotry.

It's just common sense.

So Romney molests children now.
Was it Bush's fault?
You people are beyond ignorant if you believe this crap.
But that is all the uninformed low information Obama voter has to go by.
Obama has offered NOTHING on anything, no policy anywhere except "THE RICH DO NOT PAY THEIR SHARE".
And all of you parasitic moochers that have YOUR own interests in mind instead of the future generations of this country fall lock step in line.
All you are interested in is the free shit.

I'm sorry, guy, what "Crap" am I believing.

The founders of Mormonism, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, routinely married girls as young as 14. Had themselves little private harems of girls.

And this is who Mitt Romney thought was really talking to God and had God's own truth. It's the kind of religion that makes you a scumbag and feel good about yourself, and it was a disqualifer as far as I was concerned.

Oh, the rich don't pay their fair share, and they have an inordinate amount of the wealth. We had an election on that, and a majority agreed.
Just not for much longer. Heh, heh, heh...

The times, they are a changin'

That's right! Instead of paying 35% marginal tax rates, the rich will be paying 37%. Man the barricades!

Yet the way you guys are carrying on, you'd think this was the Winter Palace being stormed or some shit.

"You guys."

You might do better in life if you stopped painting everyone with a broad brush.

My taxes should go up. And they will.

Of course, so should yours.
That's right! Instead of paying 35% marginal tax rates, the rich will be paying 37%. Man the barricades!

Yet the way you guys are carrying on, you'd think this was the Winter Palace being stormed or some shit.

"You guys."

You might do better in life if you stopped painting everyone with a broad brush.

My taxes should go up. And they will.

Of course, so should yours.

Mine already have... When they cut the Federal withholding for Social Security, Quinn raised the income tax by 2%. Now that's going to expire this year (the tax increase no one is talking about.) Quinn's tax cut isn't going away. Quinn might be, though. That's a Republican I WILL vote for in 2014.
Not a crybaby to point out a system that is fucked up is fucked up.

The ironic thing is, the greed of the plutocrats is so unncessary.

Romney was born rich. He really didn't need to go out and fuck with the lives of people at AmPad or GS Steel, but he did anyway.

Because he is a man of no ethics.

Again, Mr. Dodge Ball, how many checks written to Joe the Crybaby from Mr. Plutocrat have you not cashed?
YOU are the man with no ethics or principles. Lot of hot air rank rhetoric but NO action on your part.
Sit the bench.

I rightfuly cashed checks for services rendered. Those checks in no way reflected the value of the work I actually did, but for the moment, we have a system where the plutcrats can rip us off.

Just not for much longer. Heh, heh, heh...

The times, they are a changin'

Joe the victim.
Cry me a river.
Yes, times are a changing Joe. More and more assets and cash is leaving this country because of the moocher class.
And if it keeps up I am leaving also with my $$$.
Have fun when ALL of the $$$ dries up and government has NO $$$ to dole out to the moochers.
They will come GET YOUR SHIT and there will be nothing you can do.
And I will laugh because you caused it and will finally have to be responsible for your own actions.
Romney lost because in spite of being the best candidate the Republicans had, he had just a slim chance of defeating a popular incumbent

Romneys candidacy hinged on the economy making a major downturn. It never did. Unemployment dropping below 8% stole Romneys thunder.
Last Friday I dumped another 200K in TAX FREE municipal bond fund that I earned about 4.5% last year in dividends, ALL TAX FREE.
Most in liberal states also.
You liberals just do not get it. Raise taxes I put it where you can not touch it.
Yes, times are a changing Joe. More and more assets and cash is leaving this country because of the moocher class.
And if it keeps up I am leaving also with my $$$.
Have fun when ALL of the $$$ dries up and government has NO $$$ to dole out to the moochers.
They will come GET YOUR SHIT and there will be nothing you can do.
And I will laugh because you caused it and will finally have to be responsible for your own actions.

Guy, you people think you are indispensible, but honestly, the sooner you are gone, the better.

So please move to some Banana Republic... and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Obama won the white vote in 10 states: Vermont, Massachusetts, Oregon, Iowa, NH, Minnesota, etc. All northern states. Average white population in those ten states: 90% (versus 70% national).

Romney did better among NY and California whites than among Iowa whites.

Romney won the white vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan by 17, 15 and 11 point margins. Obama carried those states by 2, 5 and 9 points.

It looks like the less "diversity" the more whites feel comfortable voting Democratic.
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Obama won the white vote in 10 states: Vermont, Massachusetts, Oregon, Iowa, NH, Minnesota, etc. All northern states. Average white population in those ten states: 90% (versus 70% nationally).

Romney did better among NY and California whites than among Iowa whites.

Romney won the white vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan by 17, 15 and 11 point margins. Obama carried those states by 2, 5 and 9 points.

It looks like the less "diversity" the more whites feel comfortable voting Democratic.

I'm not sure what your obsession with race is, guy.

the ironic thing, race is irrelevent. The only important issue is wealth.

The Republicans have gotten very good at getting dumb, poor white to vote against their own economic interests. It just doesn't get them that far down range anymore.
Yes, times are a changing Joe. More and more assets and cash is leaving this country because of the moocher class.
And if it keeps up I am leaving also with my $$$.
Have fun when ALL of the $$$ dries up and government has NO $$$ to dole out to the moochers.
They will come GET YOUR SHIT and there will be nothing you can do.
And I will laugh because you caused it and will finally have to be responsible for your own actions.

Guy, you people think you are indispensible, but honestly, the sooner you are gone, the better.

So please move to some Banana Republic... and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Who are you going to tax when all of us producers are gone Joe?
I can rent a palace in Costa Rica for $1300 a month. Pool, beach view, 6000 square feet and acres of land. I will still own land here and live here part of the year.
But you and your parasitic buddies can not touch me Joe. My $$$ is down there.
You are dumb enough to believe the new law affects me.
It does not as it only affects INCOME taxes.
I have no income when I retire. I live off of MY ASSETS.
You can not touch them Joe. The new tax law affects NO ONE with assets.
Fool. You actually bought it, the Obama con game.
And the new law making the rich "pay their fair share" will only run the government for 5 days and will be used to ADD NEW PROGRAMS, none of it is to balance the budget.
Bet you big $$$ you NEVER read the bill.
You are naive and gullible as they come.
Obama won the white vote in 10 states: Vermont, Massachusetts, Oregon, Iowa, NH, Minnesota, etc. All northern states. Average white population in those ten states: 90% (versus 70% nationally).

Romney did better among NY and California whites than among Iowa whites.

Romney won the white vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan by 17, 15 and 11 point margins. Obama carried those states by 2, 5 and 9 points.

It looks like the less "diversity" the more whites feel comfortable voting Democratic.

I'm not sure what your obsession with race is, guy.

the ironic thing, race is irrelevent. The only important issue is wealth.

The Republicans have gotten very good at getting dumb, poor white to vote against their own economic interests. It just doesn't get them that far down range anymore.

Wealth is the only important thing.
I have it and you can never get it.
NO law affects me as I have ASSETS and the cash I have is in TAX FREE municipal bonds.
You and your buddies, being the selfish and greedy fucks you are, always vote their economic interests when it involves sitting on your ass and demanding the money that I WORKED for.
I vote for the interests of THE COUNTRY, not myself.
Who are you going to tax when all of us producers are gone Joe?
I can rent a palace in Costa Rica for $1300 a month. Pool, beach view, 6000 square feet and acres of land. I will still own land here and live here part of the year.

So this is your big plan, move to a country that is even poorer than the backward ass state you're from.... and hope they won't have a revolution against you people?

Incidently, you producers don't produce squat. The people doing the physical work do. All you do is exploit the system, and frankly, we had a vote on that shit in November of last year...

You lost.
Obama won the white vote in 10 states: Vermont, Massachusetts, Oregon, Iowa, NH, Minnesota, etc. All northern states. Average white population in those ten states: 90% (versus 70% nationally).

Romney did better among NY and California whites than among Iowa whites.

Romney won the white vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan by 17, 15 and 11 point margins. Obama carried those states by 2, 5 and 9 points.

It looks like the less "diversity" the more whites feel comfortable voting Democratic.

I'm not sure what your obsession with race is, guy.

the ironic thing, race is irrelevent. The only important issue is wealth.

The Republicans have gotten very good at getting dumb, poor white to vote against their own economic interests. It just doesn't get them that far down range anymore.

They have learned that by screaming Guns, God and Abortion you can get people to vote against their interests
and please don't forget his "folder full of women." comment.

But seriously, the GOP has a Demographics problem, one which they are refusing to address.

Wealth is the only important thing.
I have it and you can never get it.
NO law affects me as I have ASSETS and the cash I have is in TAX FREE municipal bonds.
You and your buddies, being the selfish and greedy fucks you are, always vote their economic interests when it involves sitting on your ass and demanding the money that I WORKED for.
I vote for the interests of THE COUNTRY, not myself.

Guy, working folks are working just as hard as you are, if not harder..

(And please don't give me a sob story about how you had to chase an ambulance 12 blocks yesterday or some such shit, not in the least interested..)

If you really think you can keep acting like a Romanov, let's not forget how the Romanovs ended up...

It wasn't pretty.

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